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Posts posted by ParSalian

  1. For those they don't like black as Background .Here the  switch of Textcolor and Backgroundcolor 

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pvp_y_4-5 pvp_y_5-1 pvp_y_5-2 pvp_y_5-3 pvp_y_5-4 pvp_y_5-5 pvp_y_6-1 pvp_y_6-2 pvp_y_6-3 pvp_y_6-4 pvp_y_6-5 pvp_y_7-1 pvp_y_7-2 pvp_y_7-3 pvp_y_7-4 pvp_y_7-5 pvp_y_8-1 pvp_y_8-2 pvp_y_8-3 pvp_y_8-4 pvp_y_8-5 pvp_y_room sword_1-1 sword_2-1 sword_3-1 treasure01 treasure02 wizard_1-1 wizard_2-1 wizard_3-1 xmas xmas_dun01 xmas_dun02 xmas_fild01 xmas_in beach_dun beach_dun2 beach_dun3 cmd_fild01 cmd_fild02 cmd_fild03 cmd_fild04 cmd_fild05 cmd_fild06 cmd_fild07 cmd_fild08 cmd_fild09 cmd_in01 cmd_in02 comodo quiz_00 quiz_01 g_room1-1 g_room1-2 g_room1-3 g_room2 tur_dun01 tur_dun02 tur_dun03 tur_dun04 tur_dun05 tur_dun06 alde_gld aldeg_cas01 aldeg_cas02 aldeg_cas03 aldeg_cas04 aldeg_cas05 gefg_cas01 gefg_cas02 gefg_cas03 gefg_cas04 gefg_cas05 gld_dun01 gld_dun02 gld_dun03 gld_dun04 guild_room guild_vs1 guild_vs2 guild_vs3 guild_vs4 guild_vs5 guild_vs1-1 guild_vs1-2 guild_vs1-3 guild_vs1-4 guild_vs2-1 guild_vs2-2 job_hunter job_hunte job_knight job_knt job_priest job_prist job_sword1 job_wizard job_wiz pay_gld payg_cas01 payg_cas02 payg_cas03 payg_cas04 payg_cas05 prt_gld prtg_cas01 prtg_cas02 prtg_cas03 prtg_cas04 prtg_cas05 alde_alche in_rogue job_cru job_duncer job_monk job_sage mag_dun01 mag_dun02 monk_test quiz_test yuno yuno_fild01 yuno_fild02 yuno_fild03 yuno_fild04 yuno_in01 yuno_in02 yuno_in03 yuno_in04 yuno_in05 ama_dun01 ama_dun02 ama_dun03 ama_fild01 ama_in01 ama_in02 ama_test amatsu gon_dun01 gon_dun02 gon_dun03 gon_fild01 gon_in gon_test gonryun sec_in01 sec_in02 sec_pri umbala um_dun01 um_dun02 um_fild01 um_fild02 um_fild03 um_fild04 um_in niflheim nif_fild01 nif_fild02 nif_in yggdrasil01 valkyrie himinn lou_in01 lou_in02 lou_dun03 lou_dun02 lou_dun01 lou_fild01 louyang siege_test n_castle nguild_gef nguild_prt nguild_pay nguild_alde jawaii jawaii_in gefenia01 gefenia02 gefenia03 gefenia04 payon payon_in01 payon_in02 payon_in03 ayothaya ayo_in01 ayo_in02 ayo_fild01 ayo_fild02 ayo_dun01 ayo_dun02 que_god01 que_god02 yuno_fild05 yuno_fild07 yuno_fild08 yuno_fild09 yuno_fild11 yuno_fild12 alde_tt02 turbo_n_1 turbo_n_4 turbo_n_8 turbo_n_16 turbo_e_4 turbo_e_8 turbo_e_16 turbo_room airplane airport einbech einbroch ein_dun01 ein_dun02 ein_fild06 ein_fild07 ein_fild08 ein_fild09 ein_fild10 ein_in01 que_sign01 que_sign02 ein_fild03 ein_fild04 lhz_fild02 lhz_fild03 yuno_pre lhz_fild01 lighthalzen lhz_in01 lhz_in02 lhz_in03 lhz_que01 lhz_dun01 lhz_dun02 lhz_dun03 lhz_cube juperos_01 juperos_02 jupe_area1 jupe_area2 jupe_core jupe_ele jupe_ele_r jupe_gate y_airport lhz_airport airplane_01 jupe_cave quiz_02 hu_fild07 hu_fild05 hu_fild04 hu_fild01 yuno_fild06 job_soul job_star que_job01 que_job02 que_job03 abyss_01 abyss_02 abyss_03 thana_step thana_boss tha_scene01 tha_t01 tha_t02 tha_t03 tha_t04 tha_t07 tha_t05 tha_t06 tha_t08 tha_t09 tha_t10 tha_t11 tha_t12 auction_01 auction_02 alde_tt03 hugel hu_in01 que_bingo que_hugel p_track01 p_track02 odin_tem01 odin_tem02 odin_tem03 hu_fild02 hu_fild03 hu_fild06 ein_fild01 ein_fild02 ein_fild05 yuno_fild10 kh_kiehl02 kh_kiehl01 kh_dun02 kh_dun01 kh_mansion kh_rossi kh_school kh_vila poring_c01 poring_c02 que_ng rachel ra_in01 ra_fild01 ra_fild02 ra_fild03 ra_fild04 ra_fild05 ra_fild06 ra_fild07 ra_fild08 ra_fild09 ra_fild10 ra_fild11 ra_fild12 ra_fild13 ra_san01 ra_san02 ra_san03 ra_san04 ra_san05 ra_temin ra_temple ra_temsky que_rachel que_san04 ice_dun01 ice_dun02 ice_dun03 ice_dun04 que_thor thor_camp thor_v01 thor_v02 thor_v03 veins ve_in ve_in02 ve_fild01 ve_fild02 ve_fild03 ve_fild04 ve_fild05 ve_fild06 ve_fild07 nameless_i nameless_n nameless_in abbey01 abbey02 abbey03 poring_w01 poring_w02 06guild_r 06guild_01 06guild_02 06guild_03 06guild_04 06guild_05 06guild_06 06guild_07 06guild_08 z_agit que_temsky itemmall bossnia_01 bossnia_02 bossnia_03 bossnia_04 moscovia mosk_in mosk_ship mosk_fild01 mosk_fild02 mosk_dun01 mosk_dun02 mosk_dun03 mosk_que schg_cas01 schg_cas02 schg_cas03 schg_cas04 schg_cas05 sch_gld cave moc_fild20 moc_fild21 moc_fild22 que_ba que_moc_16 que_moon arug_cas01 arug_cas02 arug_cas03 arug_cas04 arug_cas05 aru_gld bat_room bat_a01 bat_a02 bat_b01 bat_b02 que_qsch01 que_qsch02 que_qsch03 que_qsch04 que_qsch05 que_qaru01 que_qaru02 que_qaru03 que_qaru04 que_qaru05 1@cata 2@cata e_tower 1@tower 2@tower 3@tower 4@tower 5@tower 6@tower mid_camp mid_campin man_fild01 man_fild03 spl_fild02 spl_fild03 moc_fild22b que_dan01 que_dan02 schg_que01 schg_dun01 arug_que01 arug_dun01 1@orcs 2@orcs bat_c01 bat_c02 bat_c03 1@nyd 2@nyd nyd_dun01 nyd_dun02 manuk man_fild02 man_in01 splendide spl_fild01  spl_in01 spl_in02 job3_arch01 job3_arch02 job3_arch03 job3_guil01 job3_guil02 job3_guil03 job3_rang01 job3_rang02 job3_rune01 job3_rune02 job3_rune03 job3_war01 job3_war02 jupe_core2 moc_para01 brasilis bra_in01 bra_fild01 bra_dun01 bra_dun02 s_atelier dicastes01 dicastes02 dic_in01 dic_fild01 dic_fild02 dic_dun01 dic_dun02 job3_gen01 job3_sha01 evt_zombie evt_coke mora bif_fild01 bif_fild02 1@mist dewata dew_in01 dew_fild01 dew_dun01 dew_dun02 que_house_s malangdo mal_in01 mal_in02 mal_dun01 1@pump 2@pump 1@cash iz_dun05 evt_mobroom dic_dun03 mjolnir_04_1 evt_swar_b evt_swar_r evt_swar_s evt_swar_t 1@lhz lhz_dun04 que_lhz gld_dun01_2 gld_dun02_2 gld_dun03_2 gld_dun04_2 gld2_ald gld2_gef gld2_pay gld2_prt malaya ma_fild01 ma_fild02 ma_scene01 ma_in01 ma_dun01 1@ma_h 1@ma_c 1@ma_b ma_zif01 ma_zif02 ma_zif03 ma_zif04 ma_zif05 ma_zif06 ma_zif07 ma_zif08 ma_zif09 job_ko eclage ecl_fild01 ecl_in01 ecl_in02 ecl_in03 ecl_in04 1@ecl ecl_tdun01 ecl_tdun02 ecl_tdun03 ecl_tdun04 ecl_hub01 que_avan01 moc_prydn1 moc_prydn2 rwc01 rwc02 rwc03 2009rwc_f01 2009rwc_01 2009rwc_02 2009rwc_03 2009rwc_04 2008rwc_04 prontera_x alberta_x aldebaran_x geffen_x izlude_x prt_church_x prontera_s pay_arche_s xmas_old fay_vilg00 fay_vilg01 gef_vilg00 gef_vilg01 moc_dugn01 moc_dugn02 moc_fild01 moc_fild02 moc_fild03 moc_fild04 moc_intr00 moc_intr01 moc_intr02 moc_intr04 moc_vilg00 moc_vilg01 moc_vilg02 probemap probemap02 prt_cstl01 prt_dugn00 prt_dugn01 prt_fild00 prt_fild01 prt_fild03 prt_fild04 prt_fild05 prt_intr01 prt_intr01_a prt_intr02 prt_vilg00 prt_vilg01 prt_vilg02 tank_test tank_test2</Keywords>
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    • Upvote 1
  2. no there is a problem with the map. Either the map files is missing or damaged in your grf file or data folder (Client Side) or the map files not loaded in your map cache (server side).

    I got the same Error during Map adding / delete and i forgot that a character is on this map. If you login with this caracter you get this Error.

  3. where can i found the syntax  explanation for this ?


    PS: Sorry i found it .but  i must try to understand  this syntax

    prt_fild00,165,18,0  warp  prtf01  9,3,prt_fild04,158,384
  4. i am waiting for future releases. i following the thread here and on Hercules Forum i can login in an the server accept the login and the stop the client with an error message . i dont know what i make wrong because other can get into the game  /sob

  5. Meine Npc sollen deutsch sprechen aber die umlaute werden nicht richtig dargestellt. Hab schon folgendes ausprobiert, aber nichts hat die Buchtaben ü + ß richtig dargestellt.

    Wer kann mir da weiterhelfen ?

    mes "Sei gegrüßt Novice,";
    mes "Sei gegr^ü^^ß^t Novice,";
    mes "Sei gegr"ü""ß"t Novice,";



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