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Posts posted by Simply_Stefan

  1. interesting idea, but sadly all these script are very easy to write


    prontera,152,187,5	script	kjdhfkdsjfhks	100,{
    if ( countitem(582) >= 2 ) {
    	delitem 582, 2; // Orange
    	getitem 668, 1; // Red packet
    mes "Gong Xi Fa Cai";
    if ( rand(1000) < 25 ) // 2.5% drop
    	getitem 582, 1; // getting an orange
    // 1.5% chance getting gold coin , else get random money of 100,1000,10000,100000,1000000
    setitemscript 668, "{ if ( rand(1000) < 15 ) getitem 671, 1; else zeny = zeny + callfunc( \"F_RandMes\", 5, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000 ); }";

    1-3) Golden Coin gain from Ang Pow can be exchange for some custom item which is related to the event itself
    you didn't say what are the custom item


    search for hourly point script ...


    -	script	ksfjhsdkfhs	-1,{
    monster "prontera", 0,0, "--ja--", 1514, 100, strnpcinfo(0) +"::Onaaa", 2;
    monster "prontera", 0,0, "--ja--", 1514, 1, strnpcinfo(0) +"::Onaaa", 2;
    if ( killedrid == 1418 )
    	getitem 501, 1; // get extra red pot ?

    PS: just do something to kill time...

    but yeah, I also started RO since BETA in my country, even before the xmas map release

    I still remember I joined small guild that couldn't able to conquer any castle when gravity release woe

    that was so long ago

    So meaning you're my sempai? O_O cause i remember before WOE was the Christmas edition if i'm not mistaken! Hahaha that bring back fond memories man!

    Yeah, as far as i know it's easy to write with limit scripting knowledge and all, sadly I'm not running a server, due to school and national service next year, just wanna provide some idea to a culture event that's all.

    Anw thanks for making that script, I'm pretty sure it will help the community here as they can use the script to make some other event they wanted by using this as a template! /ok/no1

  2. Hi guys!

    Just wanna share with you all a little bit of myself first, my RO adventurer started back when I'm 11 years old, that time it was still under the series " War Of Emperium", been In and out of many wonderful server which most of them have closed down, but through this 10 years [ Yes, I'm 21 now sadly ]. RO have been one of the faithful game, which provide me many fond memories which keeps making me come back to the game itself, I started doing scripting when I'm 16, help out in being a GM in one of my friend small community server and due to studies and all i got to leave the game to pursue my studies... and here i am, back again, this time in rATHENA instead of eATHENA! /oops HAHAHAHA

    Alright as the tittle goes, this coming Sunday, it's actually the first day of Chinese New Year, the day where Chinese gather together with their relatives,family and love ones to celebrate this special occasion.

    Alright there's a few suggestion here

    1) Trading mandarin orange for Red Packets ( ANG POW )

    During Chinese New Year, the younger one will exchange a pair of mandarin orange with their elders for Ang Pow ( $$$ inside ) blessing them with many prosperity words like "GONG XI FA CAI" and all.

    In RO, maybe we can set up an NPC which trade 2 mandarin orange for a Red Packet with each turn in.

    1-1) Mandarin orange can be a wide server drop ( All mobs drop at a certain percentage 2-3% with a level range will be good)

    1-2) Ang pow is set to reward players with Zeny or maybe a 1-2% chance of dropping a Golden Coin ( consider to be lucky sign )

    1-3) Golden Coin gain from Ang Pow can be exchange for some custom item which is related to the event itself

    2) Reward players with a minimal time duration login

    2-1) Let say player have to login for at least 2 hours daily to gain a Golden Coin which can be accumulate to exchange for custom item and etc

    3) Monster Event!

    3-1) This year is the year of the snake, under the Chinese zodiac, so maybe you can set up your server so that when people hunt Dark Snake Lord, they gain extra stuff from it!

    3-2) Also if you did some research on the background of how Chinese New Year came about, it got to do with this monster call " Nian" ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nian ) and yes it does resemble one of RO monster doesn't it? xD Maybe you can set up an event whereby a "GIANT NIAN" monster comes out to terrorize the people in your server in some map ( maybe town too xD ) by using the '@monsterbig 1514' command, of course it gotta be a custom mob unless you want it to be easy kill!

    Important : Main purpose of having this few event in server

    Well, from my experience in RO, it taught me many many new things, like how people around the world celebrate their special celebration and occasion all around the world, and i guess it doesn't hurt letting your server people learn about the Chinese culture as to let them gain an insight of how Chinese New Year is like for the Chinese people after all it may be a fun thing to let introduce some event to your server now and then so that the people can enjoy it together!

    Well, i really do hope that scripters can share this script to everyone in rATHENA, 1 and 3 seems pretty easy to script out with the help of some tools in rATHENA download! Last but not least, if you have any question, you can always ask "GOOGLE"! I believe they do have abundant information about Chinese New Year!

    edit : Actually I'm not requesting for the script, LOL, because i don't have a server, but well some suggestion to introduce the culture to your fellow server mates

    ps: so sorry for this fast type out request with all the broken English and all here and there!

    and lastly


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