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Posts posted by fernandobonela

  1. [Erro]: script_add_str: detectado possível uso de caso de errado em um script. Encontrado 'Zeny', provavelmente pretende ser 'Zeny' (in 'npc / Personalizados / bk / BotKiller6.txt').

    [Erro]: script_add_str: detectado possível uso de caso de errado em um script. Encontrado 'HP', provavelmente significava ser "Hp '(in' npc / Personalizados / bk / BotKiller6.txt ').

    [Erro]: script_add_str: detectado possível uso de caso de errado em um script. Encontrado 'SP', provavelmente significava ser "Sp '(in' npc / Personalizados / bk / BotKiller6.txt ').

    [Erro]: script_add_str: detectado possível uso de caso de errado em um script. Encontrado 'maxHP', provavelmente significava ser "maxHP '(in' npc / Personalizados / bk / mods / BK6_Lie2Me. Txt ').

    [Erro]: script_add_str: detectado possível uso de caso de errado em um script. Encontrado 'Maxsp', provavelmente significava ser "Maxsp '(in' npc / Personalizados / bk / mods / BK6_Lie2Me. Txt ').


    Corrigir Obrigado falta de atenção minha :)

  2. Meu servidor estar pedindo isso como faço para atualizar?


    Versao Cronus 8.1.64


    [status]: Finished Reading GeoIP Database.

    : - detected 6 new SQL updates
    [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-02-14--16-15.sql'

    [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-02-15--18-06.sql'

    [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-03-05--01-05.sql'

    [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-03-06--00-00.sql'

    [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-03-09--01-56.sql'

    [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-04-16--01-24.sql'

    [sql]: To manually skip, type: 'sql update skip <file name>'

    [Error]: (null):0 - file I/O error

    [status]: The login-server is ready (Server is listening on the port 6900).



    ele tambem estar com esse erro acredito que seja por causa desse novo update... Sei aonde estão os arquivos mais como atualizar? Ja tentei importa mais da erro fala que ja existe ou nao é impossivel importa como proceder?



    Thank you replace all "-" with "_" and now this was functional debug option that appears blue is to check the SQL error is not correct?

    Now only one thing setting for images?

    What you mean?, please try to be more specific.


    I want the images to appear now instead of drawn numbers in the text box as well as your video shows!

    You can find the instructions to install the numbers in the client inside the RAR, look the firts post, also, use the search button because are other posts asking the same.


    Ok else could explain better?

  4. Thank you replace all "-" with "_" and now this was functional debug option that appears blue is to check the SQL error is not correct?

    Now only one thing setting for images?

    What you mean?, please try to be more specific.


    I want the images to appear now instead of drawn numbers in the text box as well as your video shows!

  5. aqui estou com vario erros

    ta here with these errors


    Sir i got this error

    [Error]: Loading NPC file: npc/custom/bk/BotKiller6.txt

    script error on npc/custom/bk/BotKiller6.txt line 552

    parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared func tion

    547 : setoption 0x800,1; // Orc Head

    548 : sc_start SC_FREEZE,1000000,10;

    549 : sc_start SC_STUN,1000000,10;

    550 : sc_start SC_SLEEP,1000000,10;

    551 : sc_start SC_SILENCE,1000000,10;

    * 552 : 'p'cblockmove getcharid(3),1;

    553 : specialeffect2 135;

    554 : getmapxy @BKMap$,@BKX,@BKY,0;

    555 : } else {

    556 : setoption 0x40,0;

    557 : setoption 0x2000,0; // Ruwach

    I don't know what's wrong with your server, pcblockmove is a valid command in rAthena and eAthena, you can see the definition here:


    me ajuda a manow com meu erro

  6. Hello good afternoon to all of the forum would like to thank the incredible anti-bot more I tested in emulator and Cronus did not work, I would ask for a Translation PT / BR would greatly appreciate it, I registered on the forum today if I can do this please help disseminating I appreciate your work for your attention

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