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Posts posted by GaryMcNabb

  1. They're decimal values for the hexidecimal code for a monsters type, element and property.

    I'm too tired to do it for you atm (it's 5:30am), but have a look at RMS and compare codes between similar mobs.

    ghoul = 3211521 (H: 31 01 01)

    First value is Property.

    31 = Undead 2.


    Second value is Size.

    00 = Small, 01 = Medium, 02 = Large.


    Third value is Race.


    0 = Formless
    1 = Undead
    2 = Brute
    3 = Plant
    4 = Insect
    5 = Fish
    6 = Demon
    7 = Demi-Human
    8 = Angel
    9 = Dragon

    Edit: On a side note, the third argument is only 300 for regular mobs. MVP's are labeled 301

  2. I'm out of practise but seriously ollydbg should tell you all you need.

    The client can be as encrypted as it likes but it needs to be decrypted to run, follow me?

    The means to decrypt the exe are in the exe itself and will need to be one of the first things run.


    Another option would be ram dumping if you can find the point that the program is decrypted.

    I have no idea what they've done to encrypt their exe but the computer needs to be able to read the code, it's not impossible to crack if you have determination.

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