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  1. Helly's post in How to make a Rathena server? was marked as the answer   
    Here you can find, a pre-configured server, you can download it and use it event the sql with the ra sql n_n all is ready, is in spanish but hope you found it useful.
  2. Helly's post in About Job/Class in itemdb script. was marked as the answer   
    you must edit not only that number here the db:
    // ID,AegisName,Name,Type,Buy,Sell,Weight,ATK[:MATK],DEF,Range,Slots,Job,Class,Gender,Loc,wLV,eLV[:maxLevel],Refineable,View,{ Script },{ OnEquip_Script },{ OnUnequip_Script }
    the wikiis dead so you must search by yourself the Class number but try to use the 63 that must work for all classes, buut with the limit of the job.... btw after you reloaditemdb must relog, cause the item will still said that cant be put on or something like that, so every time you edit that things you must re-enter to your server.
  3. Helly's post in jobname/npcidentity.lub was marked as the answer   
    where did you take your luas? look this is your npcidentity:
    jobtbl = { ["JT_MON_BEGIN"] = 1000, ["JT_SCORPION"] = 1001, ["JT_PORING"] = 1002, ["JT_THIEF_BUG_AGG"] = 1003, ["JT_HORNET"] = 1004, ["JT_FARMILIAR"] = 1005, ["JT_THIEF_BUG_LARVA"] = 1006, ["JT_FABRE"] = 1007, ["JT_PUPA"] = 1008, ["JT_CONDOR"] = 1009, ["JT_WILOW"] = 1010, ["JT_CHONCHON"] = 1011, ["JT_RODA_FROG"] = 1012, ["JT_WOLF"] = 1013, ["JT_SPORE"] = 1014, And this are what the most of the people use:

    Translation Project of zackdreaver
    Look like this:
    jobtbl = { JT_MON_BEGIN = 1000, JT_SCORPION = 1001, JT_PORING = 1002, JT_THIEF_BUG_AGG = 1003, JT_HORNET = 1004, JT_FARMILIAR = 1005, JT_THIEF_BUG_LARVA = 1006, JT_FABRE = 1007, JT_PUPA = 1008, JT_CONDOR = 1009, JT_WILOW = 1010, JT_CHONCHON = 1011, JT_RODA_FROG = 1012, JT_WOLF = 1013, JT_SPORE = 1014, JT_ZOMBIE = 1015, JT_ARCHER_SKELETON = 1016, JT_THIEF_BUG_FEMALE = 1017, JT_CREAMY = 1018, JT_PECOPECO = 1019, JT_MANDRAGORA = 1020, you can notice that dont have the [" "], try to update your files, maybe that is your problem
  4. Helly's post in Unkown item "apple" Description ok [ please read ] was marked as the answer   
    The iteminfo work this way:
    [501] = { <-- Id of your item in item_db.txt unidentifiedDisplayName = "Red Potion", <--- Name of your Item (This tree are for unidentified) unidentifiedResourceName = "빨간포션", <--- Icon and drop for your custom item unidentifiedDescriptionName = { }, <--- Description identifiedDisplayName = "Red Potion", <--- Name of your Item (Here start for identified) identifiedResourceName = "빨간포션", <--- Icon and drop for your custom item identifiedDescriptionName = { "A potion made from grinded Red Herbs.", <-- Description, here you can put all the lines you want "^FFFFFF_^000000", <-- This give you a space between description from other characteristics "Class:^0000FF Restorative item^000000", "Heal:^009900 45 - 65^000000 HP", "Weight:^009900 7^000000" }, slotCount = 0, <-- Amount of slots you want your item Show drom 1 to 4 ClassNum = 0 <-- Here you put the idview of your item in case is a hat }, <-- every item must end with this Good luck!
  5. Helly's post in Where to find these 2 heads? was marked as the answer   
    Here, you can have it i test both and work fine.

  6. Helly's post in No Rebirth Transcendent classes only Job Changer was marked as the answer   
    Did you try this Emistry Job Changer?
    is by sql but it seems very good.
  7. Helly's post in MVP Billboard / Ranker was marked as the answer   
    I found this(Dont Know if is working):
    //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Super Convex Mirror //===== By: ================================================== //= Brian //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= Detects if every MVP is alive or dead. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=242050 //============================================================ invek,141,144,0 script Super Convex Mirror::convex 46,{ for( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .mvp_name$ ); .@i++ ) { switch (.@i) { case 9: .@alive = mobcount( "lhz_dun03", "summon_boss_lt::OnMyMvPDead" ); break; case 26: .@alive = ( $ktullanux_summon < 4 || mobcount( "ice_dun03","ice_boss#on::OnMyMobDead" ) ); break; case 28: .@alive = mobcount( "niflheim", "NifInvasion::OnLoDDead" ); break; case 42: .@alive = ( $@thana_summon < 6 || mobcount( "thana_boss", "#Death::OnThanaDead" ) ); break; default: .@alive = mobcount( .mvp_map$[.@i], "convex::OnMyMvPDead" ); break; } if ( .display_type == 2 ) .@menu$ = .@menu$ + ( ( .@alive ) ? "^008000" : "^FF0000" ) + .mvp_name$[.@i] + "^000000 (" + .mvp_map$[.@i] + "):"; else if ( .display_type == 1 ) mes ( ( .@alive ) ? "^008000" : "^FF0000" ) + .mvp_name$[.@i] + "^000000 (" + .mvp_map$[.@i] + ")"; } if ( .display_type == 1 ) close; .@num = select( .@menu$ ) - 1; if (.warp_to_mvp == 1) warp .mvp_map$[.@num],0,0; else if(.warp_to_mvp == 2) { sleep2 1000; sc_start SC_BOSSMAPINFO,600000,0; } end; OnInit: // 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, 2 = enabled + SC_BOSSMAPINFO .warp_to_mvp = 0; setarray .mvp_map$, "moc_pryd06","ra_fild02","ra_fild03","ra_fild04","ve_fild01", "ve_fild02","lou_dun03","prt_maze03","abbey03","lhz_dun03", "gl_chyard","abyss_03","gef_dun02","gef_dun01","treasure02", "pay_fild11","gon_dun03","abbey02","xmas_fild01","ra_san05", "prt_sewb4","mosk_dun03","man_fild03","thor_v03","ama_dun03", "kh_dun02","ice_dun03","ayo_dun02","niflheim","anthell02", "mjolnir_04","pay_dun04","gef_fild02","gef_fild14","gef_fild10", "moc_pryd04","in_sphinx5","moc_fild17","ein_dun02","xmas_dun02", "beach_dun","spl_fild03","thana_boss","tur_dun04","odin_tem03", "jupe_core","lhz_dun02"; setarray .mvp_name$, "AmonRa","Atroce","Atroce","Atroce","Atroce", "Atroce","Bacsojin","Baphomet","Beelzebub","Bio3", "DarkLord","Detale","Doppelganger","Dracula","Drake", "Eddga","EvilSnakeLord","FallenBishop","Garm","GloomUnderNight", "GoldenThiefBug","Gopinich","HardrockMammoth","Ifrit","IncantationSamurai", "KielD01","Ktullanux","LadyTanee","LordofDeath","Maya", "Mistress","MoonlightFlower","OrcHero","OrcHero","OrcLord", "Osiris","Pharaoh","Phreeoni","RSX0806","StormyKnight", "TaoGunka","TendrilLion","Thanatos","TurtleGeneral","ValkyrieRandgris", "Vesper","Ygnizem"; .display_type = 1; if( .warp_to_mvp > 0 ) .display_type = 2; end; } For the ranking here is one from Euphy:

    Hope found it Usefull. Good Luck.
  8. Helly's post in How to translate this was marked as the answer   
    For the Icons Text, you must edit data/luafiles514/lua%20files/stateicon/stateiconinfo.lub same that the other file, you extract, translate and then add it again.
    For the Drop there is a conf/msg_conf/map_msg.conf but no need to translate in msg_conf  fold is translated to other langs you only mut rename or put it in the import file whitout the lang extention e.g: map_msg_chn.conf you rename it to map_msg.conf and thats all.
  9. Helly's post in Palette with no Bugs was marked as the answer   
    Well Dont know what palettes are you using and whats is the problem but you try this?
    553/251 Old Dyes
    and you must use this Corrected Classes
  10. Helly's post in Daily rewards upon log-in was marked as the answer   
    Well there is a free version for that, the Stolao´s Daily Reward or the Emistry Daily(this is for pay service), that you see is a cuttin, so you must do it by your self if you want it or pay someone to do it for you. Good luck! n,n
  11. Helly's post in Doram class palettes was marked as the answer   
    Oh sorry by that, I think not have been approved the files, but i uploaded in mediafire:
    look here is a doram:

    but how you say maybe there are some of them with the black spots.
    i have tested the old palettes pack and kamishi palettes pack ond Summoner class and work fine and look fine, can you show a screen shot of how do you look it? the mount too.
    (only the body) the head need their own palettes because the face have others details And colors.
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