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  1. Dolphin86's post in Disable Weapon Forging was marked as the answer   
    db/pre/produce_db.txt db/re/produce_db.txt delete the whole weapon part
  2. Dolphin86's post in Countitem not detecting items.. was marked as the answer   
    if(countitem(40024) < 1 && countitem(40031) < 1 && countitem(40027) < 1){  
  3. Dolphin86's post in Request > Sample of use progress bar was marked as the answer   
    new_1-3,114,64,6    script    Stone Pile    11003,{     mes "Hello!";     next;     addtimer 10,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnTest";     progressbar "0x00ff00",5;     mes "OK";     close; OnTest:     end; }  
  4. Dolphin86's post in [Error]: buildin_setr: fatal error ! player not attached! was marked as the answer   
    Double Set name at different lines was the problem..
  5. Dolphin86's post in Healer Delay was marked as the answer   
    Problem solved , this npc is set up by 5 sec delay from each clicks and vip detect are via items, just incase anyone needs it, here ya go credits goes to the owner of the script
  6. Dolphin86's post in SQL - Access Denied was marked as the answer   
    turns out the password for non root user was incorrect in mysql (phpmyadmin), problem solved.
  7. Dolphin86's post in -bash: ./athena-start: Permission denied was marked as the answer   
    chmod a+x worked ! problem solved !
  8. Dolphin86's post in Custom Weapon Error was marked as the answer   
    After some deep thinking i found out that acolyte had never have use a dagger, which trigger this problem at 1st place, removing acolyte to use this dagger and just make a copy of the item and make it a mace.
    LOL !!!
  9. Dolphin86's post in Warp NPC With Item Requirement was marked as the answer   
    function Go { if(countitem(40004) < 1) { mes "To use my service you need " +getitemname(40004); close; } delitem 40004,1; set lastwarp$, getarg(0); set lastwarpx, getarg(1,0); set lastwarpy, getarg(2,0); warp getarg(0),getarg(1,0),getarg(2,0); end; }
  10. Dolphin86's post in Cash Shop was marked as the answer   
    well for some readon the cash shop does not read same item in the cash shop, which result to this error, i have removed 1 of the same item, and it works fine even i add more items, just need to make sure it is not the same item id that all
  11. Dolphin86's post in Thor Patcher Not Downloading New Patch ( Solved ) was marked as the answer   
    i am soo dumb, the patch list was in correct number, skipped 2 and rename to 22
    //1 samplepatch.thor 20 binkw32.dll-fix.thor 21 new-opensetup.thor 22 new-opensetup2.thor 23 open-setup3.thor 24 mall-fix.thor  
  12. Dolphin86's post in Thor Patcher Not Downloading New Patch ( Solved ) was marked as the answer   
    i am soo dumb, the patch list was in correct number, skipped 2 and rename to 22
    //1 samplepatch.thor 20 binkw32.dll-fix.thor 21 new-opensetup.thor 22 new-opensetup2.thor 23 open-setup3.thor 24 mall-fix.thor  
  13. Dolphin86's post in Thor Patcher Not Downloading New Patch ( Solved ) was marked as the answer   
    i am soo dumb, the patch list was in correct number, skipped 2 and rename to 22
    //1 samplepatch.thor 20 binkw32.dll-fix.thor 21 new-opensetup.thor 22 new-opensetup2.thor 23 open-setup3.thor 24 mall-fix.thor  
  14. Dolphin86's post in Client Error (Solved) was marked as the answer   
    thanks to @Singe Horizontal
  15. Dolphin86's post in FluxCP : Vote4Points not working? was marked as the answer   
    1. download vote for points here : Vote4Points
    2. extract the file to your pc
    3. open your mysql ragnarok database (not log)
    4. run both sql from FluxCP_Addons-VoteForPoints-master/schemas/logindb  to your ragnarok database
    5. open your file transfer software mine is WinSCP
    6. create new folder named voteforpoints in your fluxcp/addons
    7. upload all the file in FluxCP_Addons-VoteForPoints-master into fluxcp/addons/voteforpoints
    8. reload your fluxcp ( www.your-ro.com/cp )
    9. put in the secrect password then enter
    10.  put in mysql username and password then enter
    11.  reload your fluxcp ( www.your-ro.com/cp ) amd your done
    side note : i don't know why but upload the file to server wont work, u have to upload the sql 1st then the files, it works for me that way... lol ? 
  16. Dolphin86's post in Disable Doram Class was marked as the answer   
    *Take note i am using translated to english data folders*
    Open GRF Editor, then open your server grf, and edit these 2 files
    data/luafiles514/lua files/service_usa/ExternalSettings_usa.lub data/luafiles514/lua files/service_usa/ExternalSettings_usa_sak.lub look for this :
    MakeableRace = { Doram = true } change to :
    MakeableRace = { Doram = false } done !
  17. Dolphin86's post in Flux CP Installation Error was marked as the answer   
    problem solve thanks to @Royr
    just need to add this commands to ssh via root,
    chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/cp/data/logs chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/cp/data/logs and change the end of each commands to itemshop and tmp
  18. Dolphin86's post in How To Remove Unwanted Achievements was marked as the answer   
    nvm i found it, just follow the ID number from 
  19. Dolphin86's post in Item View Crash The Game was marked as the answer   
  20. Dolphin86's post in ilyo_kwan.bmp error was marked as the answer   
    Nevermind i got the patch link from client was wrong lol, fixed
  21. Dolphin86's post in Req> Simple Trigger NPC was marked as the answer   
    - script autojoin -,{ OnPCLoginEvent: atcommand "@join #main"; atcommand "@join #support"; atcommand "@join #trade"; end; } - script atlantispvp -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if(strcharinfo(3) == "atlantis") getitem 7812,1; end; } well there are another configure there to force player to join main channel but as you can see i did change it
    that is basically suppose to be my server custom configure
    i did try but i got these error:
    [Warning]: script: buildin_getmapxy: Invalid type 0. [Debug]: Source (NPC): Arena#PCKill (invisible/not on a map) [Warning]: script: buildin_getmapxy: Invalid type 0. [Debug]: Source (NPC): Arena#PCDie (invisible/not on a map)  
    current script:
    //////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Script by: GM Chatterboy // // Version: 1.0 // // Emulator: Rathena // // // //////////////////////////////////////////// prontera,178,215,4 script Jin Doggo 569,{ emotion e_lv; set .@nome$,"[ ^FF0000Jin Donggo^000000 ]"; mes .@nome$; mes "Hello! ^FFA500 "+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000 what can i do for you today?"; next; switch(select("[^0101DFEnter Atlantis^000000]","[^0101DFTOP 5 PvP^000000]")){ case 1: set $pvp$[0],"atlantis"; mes .@nome$; mes "***********************"; mes "~[^FF0000"+getmapusers($pvp$[$pvp])+"^000000] Player(s) in map..."; mes "***********************"; if(select("Go...:Leave...")==1){ if(BaseLevel<10){ mes "^FF0000Your level is not suite here go kill some poring!^000000"; emotion e_pif; close; }else{ warp $pvp$,0,0; end; } }close; case 2: query_sql "SELECT name, kills, deaths FROM pvp ORDER BY kills DESC LIMIT 10",.@name$,.@kills,.@deaths; if (!getarraysize(.@name$)){ mes .@nome$; mes "The rankings are empty."; close; } mes .@nome$; mes "[TOP 5 PvP]"; mes "-----------------------------------"; mes "^0000FF Position ^000000 Name ^FF0000 Win ^000000 ^800080 Knock-Out ^000000"; mes "-----------------------------------"; for(set .@i,0;.@i<=4;set .@i,.@i+1) { mes "^0000FF["+(.@i+1)+"] ^000000 "+.@name$[.@i]+" .....^FF0000"+.@kills[.@i]+" ^000000 ^800080"+.@deaths[.@i]+" ^000000"; } close; } } //============================================================================================================================================= - script Arena#PCKill -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if(BaseLevel>=400) end; getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0; if (@map$ == "atlantis"){ set @CID,getcharid(0); set @name$,""; set @points,0; query_sql "SELECT `kills` FROM `pvp` WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+"",@points; query_sql "SELECT `name` FROM `pvp` WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+"",@name$; if ( @name$ == "" ) { query_sql "INSERT INTO `pvp` (`char_id`,`name`,`kills`) VALUES ("+@CID+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',1)",@esc$; dispbottom "Kills + 1 "; end; } query_sql "UPDATE `pvp` SET `kills` = `kills` +1 WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+"",@esc$; set @points,@points+1; dispbottom "Kills: "+@points; getitem 604,1; } end; } //======================================================================================================================================================== - script Arena#PCDie -1,{ OnPCDieEvent: if(BaseLevel>=400) end; getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0; if (@map$ == "atlantis"){ set @CID,getcharid(0); set @name$,""; set @points,0; query_sql "SELECT `deaths` FROM `pvp` WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+"",@points; query_sql "SELECT `name` FROM `pvp` WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+"",@name$; if ( @name$ == "" ) { query_sql "INSERT INTO `pvp` (`char_id`,`name`,`deaths`) VALUES ("+@CID+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',1)",@esc$; dispbottom "Kills : 1"; end; } query_sql "UPDATE `pvp` SET `deaths` = `deaths` + 1 WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+"",@esc$; } end; } //============== Map ================== //PvP atlantis,129,227,0 warp chry_fld 1,1,chry_fld,128,92 //atlantis,50,87,0 warp gvs02 1,1,prontera,155,191 //atlantis,87,49,0 warp gvs03 1,1,prontera,155,191 //atlantis,50,12,0 warp gvs04 1,1,prontera,155,191 //============== MAP FLAG =============== // Player atlantis mapflag nosave atlantis mapflag noteleport atlantis mapflag nowarpto atlantis mapflag nowarp atlantis mapflag nomemo atlantis mapflag gvg off atlantis mapflag pvp on atlantis mapflag nopenalty atlantis mapflag nobranch atlantis mapflag pvp_noguild atlantis mapflag noloot atlantis mapflag noexp //========================== DUPLICATE NPC ==============================// /* CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pvp` ( `char_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '0', `kills` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `deaths` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', KEY `char_id` (`char_id`), KEY `kills` (`kills`), KEY `deaths` (`deaths`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=151750 ; */  
    found solution and it works :
    - script item_get -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if(getmapflag(strcharinfo(3),mf_pvp)) getitem 501, 10; }  
  22. Dolphin86's post in FLuxCP Message: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1130] Host 'xxxxxxxxxxx' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server was marked as the answer   
    solution is to add new user on phpmyadmin with adding my webhosting IP on host box, after that edit my server.php on flux config files
    all done problem solve thanks to @Sans
  23. Dolphin86's post in compile problem was marked as the answer   
    found the problem turns out i did not install mariadb... 
  24. Dolphin86's post in Error creating database was marked as the answer   
    nevermind i simply did not remove databse,
  25. Dolphin86's post in inteminfo.lua problem was marked as the answer   
    still not working, same error ( " ) missing on other line, i have used note++ still same result, brackets same result,
    after searching for answer, i found this topic https://rathena.org/board/topic/113177-issue-adding-slots-to-iteminfolua/#comment-335580
    it resolve the issue regarding iteminfo.lua but new problem appear, i will make a new question, since this question have been answer
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