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Files posted by eKoh

  1. Free

    Utility: Full configurable Resetter

    Full Configurable Resetter
    I've made this script because I wanted to make my players use a "Reset Ticket" after they've used a couple times the resetter.
    It is working pretty good, and also, it's very easy to set:
    set .@zenyabove,500000; //The cost of a reset after reaching the .@blvl settedset .@zenybelow,0; //The cost of a reset before reaching the .@blvl settedset .@blvl,80; //The max base lvl to have a low cost resetset .@resets,1; //Amount of resets available after reaching .@blvlset .@itemid,26002; //The item id you want to make users use when they run out of resets, mine is 26002, if you set this to 0, they will not be able to reset again
    I am also adding my Reset Ticket sprite/textures, so you can use them in your server.
    P.S. I made this because I want to add this Reset Ticket to the donation shop, so I will not have custom items, but my players will need to donate to have a reset, if you want to use my idea, go ahead =).



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