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Posts posted by Thanna

  1. can someone help me out, I used sir Feefty's Support ticket, its working fine but when I login with invalid credentials this error promp out, I hope someone can help me out, thanks in advance

    Fatal error: Call to a member function getStatement() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\flux3\addons\support\modules\support\function.php on line 305
  2. Hello sir, I tried to use your addon installed it correctly its working fine but when you try to login with invalid credentials this error prompt out

    Fatal error: Call to a member function getStatement() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\flux3\addons\support\modules\support\function.php on line 305


    and another problem, when using integrated theme, viewing of departments and tickets dont work, I correctly renamed the addon to my theme name for it to work but the error occur

    • Upvote 1
  3. I tried to install Fluxbb on my FluxCP I follow sir jupeto's instruction carefully and I installed on my fluxcp using the fluxbb installation wizard but when I click on Fluxbb on the menu it shows this error, can someone help me on my problem thanks in advance



    this is the error that shows up when I go on my fluxBB



    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\flux3\themes\default\header.php:7) in C:\xampp\htdocs\flux3\addons\fluxbb\themes\default\fluxbb\index.php on line 7
    Notice: Undefined variable: pun_user in C:\xampp\htdocs\flux3\addons\fluxbb\themes\default\fluxbb\index.php on line 10
    Notice: Undefined variable: pun_user in C:\xampp\htdocs\flux3\addons\fluxbb\themes\default\fluxbb\index.php on line 15
    Warning: require(fluxbb/lang//index.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\flux3\addons\fluxbb\themes\default\fluxbb\index.php on line 15
    Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'fluxbb/lang//index.php' (include_path='lib;.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\flux3\addons\fluxbb\themes\default\fluxbb\index.php on line 15
  4. Note: oops sorry, I thought I was in the script support section, please move this to script support section thanks


    when I add a town a error prompts on the warpra I add, I read the instruction thoroughly on adding town but it still shows me the overflow detected error, maybe someone can help me


    //===== Hercules Script ======================================
    //= Quest Warper Script
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= DZeroX, Darkchild, Neouni
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 2.3
    //===== Compatible With: =====================================
    //= Hercules
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= Warper that works only after locations are unlocked.
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= 1.0 - NPCs created
    //= 1.1 - Add Dungeons by sturm
    //= 1.2 - Add All char in account unlocked by ace_killer
    //= 1.3 - Add new 7 towns and 7 dungeons by escoteiro
    // - Correct bug jawaii town by escoteiro
    // - Remove some excessive warpras by escoteiro
    //= 1.4 - Rewrite of the Warpa system [Neouni]
    // - Corrected some bugs caused by autoconverting the old script
    //= 1.4a - Rewrite of menu to be custom for each player [Neouni]
    // - Dungeon listing rewrite
    // - Town listing rewrite
    // - GameMaster can Customise Main menu
    //= 1.4b - Pricing round [Neouni]
    // - GM menu added for pricing
    // - Town Warp pricing tags added
    // - Dungeon Warp pricing tags added
    //= 1.5 - storage functions pricing [Neouni]
    // - storage pricing added
    // - kafra points setting added
    // - kafra storage code security added
    // - Healing scripts pricing added
    // - Heal Part script added
    //= 1.6 - Dungeon warp [Neouni] (beta only)
    // - added option to add a extra fee for going down deeper into dungeon
    // partly by rebuilding the dungeon warping into variable menu's
    //= 1.6a - alot of fixes for beta release [Neouni] (public release)
    // - fixed syntax problems
    // - fixed missing pyramid gats in @DGat$ array
    // - removed the culver level 5 that didn't exist
    //= 1.7 - Readability of Dungeon menu building increased [Neouni]
    // - Thanatos Tower & Louyang Dungeon added
    //= 1.8 - changed around unlock variables [Neouni]
    // - Moved warp variables to mark what you have unlocked to an binary array in login based permanent variable
    // (warp variables are saved in login database, so all charservers have these unlocked)
    // - Town Warp unlock array max 21/(unknown max) items used instead of max account #variables 32 !
    // - Dungeon Warp unlock array 28/(unknown max) items used instead of max account #variables 32 !
    // - (max login ##variables = 16, i used 3)
    // - old variables are cleared on next save
    // - Extra Variable clear added for every character, just in case (request by Terces)
    //= 1.8a - Show amount of users on map [Neouni]
    //= 1.8b - Small typo fixed in stampcard script [Neouni]
    //= 1.9 - Making it more edit friendly [Neouni]
    // - Made Dungeon warp arrays more readable & editable (QWS_Darray)
    // - Made town warp arrays more readable & editable (QWS_Tarray)
    //= 2.0 - Special Warp menu added [Neouni]
    // - when all towns and dungeons are collected a new option on the main menu will show
    // - it will only show when you setup the mapname of the warp !
    //= 2.0a - Dungeon Level Limit & Split dungeon fees
    // - Limits dungeon based on Depth, access special setup menu thru GM-Menu
    // - Dungeon fees split up based on  Basic , Advanced & Overseas
    // - Old Dungeon fee system removed, all dungeon fees now set to 0
    //= 2.0b - Special warpname menu option name bug fixed
    //= 2.1 - Updated names to fall within retrictions. [L0ne_W0lf]
    //= 2.2 - #kafra_code is now stored as is. [brianluau]
    //= 2.3 - Added new town maps, cleanup, and removed pre-1.8 backwards fix. [Euphy]
    //========================Function & Script========================
    function	script	Q_Warpra	{
    	mes "[Warpra]";
    	mes "Hello,";
    	mes "I can warp you to any town or dungeon, but you need to unlock them first by visiting us.";
    	mes "What do you need?";
    	if(getarg(0) == 0) callfunc "QWS_MMarray",0;
    	if(getarg(0) == 1) callfunc "QWS_MMarray",1;
    	set @MMenu,select(@Mmenulist$[0],@Mmenulist$[1],@Mmenulist$[2],@Mmenulist$[3],@Mmenulist$[4],@Mmenulist$[5],@Mmenulist$[6],@Mmenulist$[7],@Mmenulist$[8],@Mmenulist$[9],@Mmenulist$[10],@Mmenulist$[11]);
    	case 1: goto GM_Menu;
    	case 2:
    		warp $QW_SP_WarpMap$, $QW_SP_WarpX, $QW_SP_WarpY;
    		debugmes "Please check your special warp menu settings on the Warpra.";
    	case 3: goto L_town;
    	case 4: goto L_dungeon;
    	case 5: goto L_FewWarps;
    	case 6: goto L_NoUnlock;
    	case 7: goto L_heal_Full;
    	case 8: goto L_heal_Part;
    	case 9: goto L_Storage;
    	case 10: goto L_GStorage;
    	case 11:
    		goto L_end;
    	mes "Town warping = "+(($QW_TW_OFF)?"^FF0000 Off":"^00FF00 On")+"^000000";
    	mes "Dungeon warping = "+(($QW_DW_OFF)?"^FF0000 Off":"^00FF00 On")+"^000000";
    	mes "Dungeon Depth limit is "+(($QW_DL)?"^00FF00 On":"^FF0000 Off")+"^000000";
    	mes "If on Dungeon Depth limit is set to ^0000FF"+$QW_DDL+"^000000";
    	mes "Show Map Users = "+(($QW_MapUserShow)?"^00FF00 On":"^FF0000 Off")+"^000000";
    	if ($QW_HF) mes "Healing full = ^00FF00 On ^000000";
    	if ($QW_HP) mes "Healing partly = ^00FF00 On ^000000";
    	if (!$QW_HF && !$QW_HP) mes "Healing = ^FF0000 Off ^000000";
    	mes "Storage = "+(($QW_Stor)?"^00FF00 On":"^FF0000 Off")+"^000000";
    	mes "Guild Storage = "+(($QW_GStor)?"^00FF00 On":"^FF0000 Off")+"^000000";
    	mes "Kafra points collect = "+(($QW_KPoint)?"^00FF00 On":"^FF0000 Off")+"^000000";
    	switch(select("Town Warping","Dungeon Warping","Dungeon Level Limit","Show Map Users","Healing full","Healing partly","Storage","Guild Storage","Kafra points collect","Set Prices","Special Warp","Exit")) {
    	case 1: set $QW_TW_OFF,($QW_TW_OFF)?0:1; goto GM_Menu;
    	case 2: set $QW_DW_OFF,($QW_DW_OFF)?0:1; goto GM_Menu;
    	case 3: goto DungeonLevelLimit;
    	case 4: set $QW_MapUserShow,($QW_MapUserShow)?0:1; goto GM_Menu;
    	case 5:
    		if ($QW_HF == 0) {
    			set $QW_HF,1;
    			set $QW_HP,0;
    		else set $QW_HF,0;
    		goto GM_Menu;
    	case 6:
    		if ($QW_HP == 0) {
    			set $QW_HP,1;
    			set $QW_HF,0;
    		else set $QW_HP,0;
    		goto GM_Menu;
    	case 7: set $QW_Stor,($QW_Stor)?0:1; goto GM_Menu;
    	case 8: set $QW_GStor,($QW_GStor)?0:1; goto GM_Menu;
    	case 9: set $QW_KPoint,($QW_KPoint)?0:1; goto GM_Menu;
    	case 10: goto Setprice;
    	case 11: goto SpecialWarpMenu;
    	if ($QW_DW_FEE != 0) set $QW_DW_FEE,0;
    	mes "Scroll through the list to see all the options.";
    	mes "Basic - Warps are = "+(($QW_BW_PRICE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_BW_PRICE:"^FF0000Free")+"^000000";
    	mes "Advanced - Warps are = "+(($QW_AW_PRICE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_AW_PRICE:"^FF0000Free")+"^000000";
    	mes "Overseas - Warps are = "+(($QW_OW_PRICE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_OW_PRICE:"^FF0000Free")+"^000000";
    	mes "Basic Dungeon level warp fee = "+(($QW_BW_FEE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_BW_FEE:"^FF0000NO")+"^000000 zeny per level";
    	mes "Advanced Dungeon level warp fee = "+(($QW_AW_FEE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_AW_FEE:"^FF0000NO")+"^000000 zeny per level";
    	mes "Overseas Dungeon level warp fee = "+(($QW_OW_FEE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_OW_FEE:"^FF0000NO")+"^000000 zeny per level";
    	mes "Full Healing = "+(($QW_HF_PRICE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_HF_PRICE:"^FF0000Free")+"^000000";
    	mes "^FF0000HP ^000000Part Healing = "+(($QW_HP_H_PRICE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_HP_H_PRICE+"^000000 a point":"^FF0000Free^000000");
    	mes "^FF0000SP ^000000Part Healing = "+(($QW_HP_S_PRICE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_HP_S_PRICE+"^000000 a point":"^FF0000Free^000000");
    	if ($QW_S_PRICE && $QW_S_PRICE != 60) mes "Storage = ^00FF00 "+$QW_S_PRICE+" ^000000";
    	if (!$QW_S_PRICE) mes "Storage = ^FF0000 Free ^000000";
    	if ($QW_S_PRICE == 60) mes "Storage = ^0000FF Kafra Mode ^000000";
    	mes "Guild Storage = "+(($QW_GS_PRICE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_GS_PRICE:"^FF0000Free")+"^000000";
    	switch(select("Basic - Warps","Advanced - Warps","Overseas - Warps","Basic Dungeon warp fee","Advanced Dungeon warp fee","Overseas Dungeon warp fee","Full Healing","Part Healing","Storage","Guild Storage","Back","Exit")) {
    	case 1:
    		mes "Basic - Warps are = "+(($QW_BW_PRICE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_BW_PRICE:"^FF0000Free")+"^000000";
    		mes "Basic - Warps are starter towns and related dungeons.";
    		input $QW_BW_PRICE;
    		goto Setprice;
    	case 2:
    		mes "Advanced - Warps are = "+(($QW_AW_PRICE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_AW_PRICE:"^FF0000Free")+"^000000";
    		mes "Advanced - Warps are towns and dungeons on the same island but not close to any starter town.";
    		input $QW_AW_PRICE;
    		goto Setprice;
    	case 3:
    		mes "Overseas - Warps are = "+(($QW_OW_PRICE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_OW_PRICE:"^FF0000Free")+"^000000";
    		mes "Overseas - Warps are towns and dungeons overseas reachable by boat from Alberta.";
    		input $QW_OW_PRICE;
    		goto Setprice;
    	case 4:
    		mes "Basic Dungeon level warp fee = "+(($QW_BW_FEE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_BW_FEE:"^FF0000NO")+"^000000 zeny per level";
    		mes "Basic - Warps are starter town related dungeons.";
    		mes "Dungeon warp fees are calculated by maps away from entrance of the dungeon times Dungeon warp fee.";
    		mes "These costs are on top of the regular Warp costs.";
    		input $QW_BW_FEE;
    		goto Setprice;
    	case 5:
    		mes "Advanced Dungeon level warp fee = "+(($QW_AW_FEE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_AW_FEE:"^FF0000NO")+"^000000 zeny per level";
    		mes "Advanced - Warps are dungeons not close to any starter town.";
    		mes "Dungeon warp fees are calculated by maps away from entrance of the dungeon times Dungeon warp fee.";
    		mes "These costs are on top of the regular Warp costs.";
    		input $QW_AW_FEE;
    		goto Setprice;
    	case 6:
    		mes "Overseas Dungeon level warp fee = "+(($QW_OW_FEE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_OW_FEE:"^FF0000NO")+"^000000 zeny per level";
    		mes "Overseas - Warps are dungeons related to towns overseas reachable by boat from Alberta.";
    		mes "Dungeon warp fees are calculated by maps away from entrance of the dungeon times Dungeon warp fee.";
    		mes "These costs are on top of the regular Warp costs.";
    		input $QW_OW_FEE;
    		goto Setprice;
    	case 7:
    		mes "Full Healing = "+(($QW_HF_PRICE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_HF_PRICE:"^FF0000Free")+"^000000";
    		mes "Instant full healing 1 price.";
    		input $QW_HF_PRICE;
    		goto Setprice;
    	case 8:
    		mes "^FF0000HP ^000000Part Healing = "+(($QW_HP_H_PRICE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_HP_H_PRICE+"^000000 a point":"^FF0000Free^000000");
    		mes "^FF0000SP ^000000Part Healing = "+(($QW_HP_S_PRICE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_HP_S_PRICE+"^000000 a point":"^FF0000Free^000000");
    		mes "Healing price per 1 HP.";
    		mes "Healing price per 1 SP.";
    		mes "2 inputs, first HP then SP.";
    		input $QW_HP_H_PRICE;
    		input $QW_HP_S_PRICE;
    		goto Setprice;
    	case 9:
    		if ($QW_S_PRICE && $QW_S_PRICE != 60) mes "Storage = ^00FF00 "+$QW_S_PRICE+" ^000000";
    		if (!$QW_S_PRICE) mes "Storage = ^FF0000 Free ^000000";
    		if ($QW_S_PRICE == 60) mes "Storage = ^0000FF Kafra Mode ^000000";
    		mes "Storage cost, if set to 60 Kafra pricing will be handled.";
    		input $QW_S_PRICE;
    		goto Setprice;
    	case 10:
    		mes "Guild Storage = "+(($QW_GS_PRICE)?"^00FF00"+$QW_GS_PRICE:"^FF0000Free")+"^000000";
    		mes "Guild Storage, free on Guild Kafras.";
    		input $QW_GS_PRICE;
    		goto Setprice;
    	case 11:
    		goto GM_Menu;
    	if ($QW_SP_Warpname$ == "") set $QW_SP_Warpname$,"Special Warp";
    	mes "Scroll down to see all the information";
    	mes "The Special warp menu option will show in the main menu when all towns & dungeons are unlocked";
    	mes "And when the map for special warping has been set";
    	mes "menu option name set to ^0000FF"+$QW_SP_Warpname$+"^000000";
    	if ($QW_SP_WarpMap$ == "") mes "map is currently ^FF0000not^000000 set, and Special warp menu is off";
    	if ($QW_SP_WarpMap$ != "") mes "map is currently set to ^0000FF"+$QW_SP_WarpMap$+"^000000 and Special Warp menu is on";
    	mes "coords are set to ^0000FF"+$QW_SP_WarpX+","+$QW_SP_WarpY+"^000000";
    	switch(select("Set Special Warp name to show in menu", "Set WarpMap","Set Coords","Go Back to GM_Menu","Exit")){
    	case 1:
    		mes "Set the name to show in the menu as option.";
    		input $QW_SP_Warpname$;
    		goto SpecialWarpMenu;
    	case 2:
    		mes "Set the map in the ^0000FFmapname^000000 format.";
    		mes "When this warpmap is set the option for players will show once they meet the requirments.";
    		mes "To disable Special Warp Menu option, clear this!";
    		input $QW_SP_WarpMap$;
    		goto SpecialWarpMenu;
    	case 3:
    		mes "First input = Xcoord";
    		mes "Second input = Ycoord";
    		input $QW_SP_WarpX;
    		input $QW_SP_WarpY;
    		goto SpecialWarpMenu;
    	case 4:
    		goto GM_Menu;
    	mes "Dungeon Depth limit is "+(($QW_DL)?"^00FF00On":"^FF0000Off")+"^000000";
    	mes "If^00FF00 On ^000000Dungeon Depth limit is set to ^0000FF"+$QW_DDL+"^000000";
    	switch(select("Toggle Dungeon Depth Limit","Set Dungeon Depth Limit","Go Back to GM_Menu","Exit")){
    	case 1: set $QW_DL,($QW_DL)?0:1; goto DungeonLevelLimit;
    	case 2:
    		mes "Set limit of Dungeon Depth 0 = entrance";
    		mes "Depth 1 is a map connected to 0 and so on";
    		mes "Shortest Route to map counts as depth";
    		input $QW_DDL;
    		goto DungeonLevelLimit;
    	case 3: goto GM_Menu;
    	callfunc "QWS_Tarray";
    	set .@menu$,"";
    	for(set .@i,0; .@i<35; set .@i,.@i+1)	// Expected maximum is 35
    		set .@menu$,.@menu$+@Tmenulist$[.@i]+":";
    	set @TWMenu,select(.@menu$);
    	if (@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1] == 57005) goto L_end; // 57005='dead' in hex
    	if(Zeny<@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,0;
    	set Zeny, Zeny-@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]];
    	if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]/16);
    	warp @pTmap$[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]],@pTXcoords[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]],@pTYcoords[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]];
    	set Zeny, Zeny+@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]];
    	callfunc "QWS_Darray";
    	set .@menu$,"";
    	for(set .@i,0; .@i<35; set .@i,.@i+1)	// Expected maximum is 35
    		set .@menu$,.@menu$+@Dmenulist$[.@i]+":";
    	set @DWMenu,select(.@menu$);
    	if (@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1] == 57005) goto L_end; // 57005='dead' in hex
    	set @DwarpMenu, (@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1]);
    	callfunc "QWS_DLarray";
    	mes "[Warpra]";
    	mes "Please select where you want to go:";
    	set .@menu$,"";
    	for(set .@i,0; .@i<18; set .@i,.@i+1)	// Expected maximum is 18
    		set .@menu$,.@menu$+@DWLmenulist$[.@i]+":";
    	set @DWLMenu,select(.@menu$);
    	if (@DWLmenuref[@DWLMenu-1] == 57005) goto L_end; // 57005='dead' in hex
    	set @Darrayref, @DWLmenuref[@DWLMenu-1];
    	set @warpprice, @pDprice[@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1]]+(getd(@pDfee$[@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1]])*(@DDepth[@Darrayref]));
    	if(Zeny<@warpprice) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,1;
    	set Zeny, Zeny-(@warpprice);
    	if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (@warpprice/16);
    	warp @DGat$[@Darrayref],@DXcoords[@Darrayref],@DYcoords[@Darrayref];
    	set Zeny, Zeny+@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@DWMenu-1]];
    	set @healfee, $QW_HF_PRICE;
    	if(Zeny<@healfee) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,4;
    	set Zeny, Zeny-@healfee;
    	if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (@healfee/500);
    	mes "[Warpra]";
    	mes "Close this window and I will heal you.";
    	percentheal 100,100;
    	set @healchoice,select("Full heal","Health Points only","Skill Points only","Exit");
    	if (@healchoice == 1) callsub PHeal,1,1;
    	if (@healchoice == 2) callsub PHeal,1,0;
    	if (@healchoice == 3) callsub PHeal,0,1;
    	goto L_end;
    	set @Hp, MaxHp-Hp;
    	set @Sp, MaxSp-Sp;
    	set @HpPrice, @hp*$QW_HP_H_PRICE;
    	set @SpPrice, @sp*$QW_HP_S_PRICE;
    	mes "[Warpra]";
    	if(getarg(0) == 1) mes ""+@HpPrice+" Zeny for "+@Hp+" health points";
    	if(getarg(1) == 1) mes ""+@SpPrice+" Zeny for "+@Sp+" skill points";
    	set @total, @HpPrice+@SpPrice;
    	mes "for a total of "+@total+" zeny";
        	if (select("Heal me","Let me see the choices again")==2) goto L_heal_Part;
        	if(getarg(0) == 1)set @HpPrice, (MaxHp-Hp)*$QW_HP_H_PRICE;
    	if(getarg(1) == 1)set @SpPrice, (MaxSp-Sp)*$QW_HP_S_PRICE;
    	set @healfee, @HpPrice+@SpPrice;
    	if (getarg(0) == 1)&&(getarg(1) == 1)&&(Zeny<@healfee) goto Zeny_Short_Both;
    	if (getarg(0) == 1)&&(Zeny<@healfee) goto Zeny_short_HP;
    	if (getarg(1) == 1)&&(Zeny<@healfee) goto Zeny_short_SP;
    	set Zeny, Zeny-@healfee;
    	if (getarg(0) == 1)&&(getarg(1) == 1) percentheal 100,100;
    	if (getarg(0) == 1) percentheal 100,0;
    	if (getarg(1) == 1) percentheal 0,100;
    	mes "[Warpra]";
    	mes "Choose another option, you can afford both.";
    	mes "I can heal as much as you can afford, too.";
    	if (select("OK","Exit") == 2) goto L_end;
    	goto PHeal;
    	mes "[Warpra]";
    	mes "Do you want me to partly heal your HP?";
    	if (select("Yes","No") == 2) goto L_end;
    	set @Hp, Zeny/$QW_HP_H_PRICE;
        	set @HpPrice, @Hp*$QW_HP_H_PRICE;
        	if (@Hp == 1) mes "You're not worth the effort.";
        	if (@Hp == 1) goto L_end;
        	set Zeny, Zeny-@HpPrice;
    	heal @Hp,0;
    	mes "[Warpra]";
    	mes "Do you want me to partly heal your SP?";
    	if (select("Yes","No") == 2) goto L_end;
    	set @Sp, Zeny/$QW_HP_S_PRICE;
        	set @SpPrice, @Sp*$QW_HP_S_PRICE;
        	if (@Sp == 1) mes "You're not worth the effort.";
        	if (@Sp == 1) goto L_end;
        	set Zeny, Zeny-@SpPrice;
    	heal 0,@Sp;
    	if(basicskillcheck() > 0 && getskilllv("NV_BASIC") < 6) goto L_StorageJBlow;
    	set @fee, $QW_S_PRICE;
    	if ($QW_S_PRICE == 60)&&(BaseJob == Job_Novice) set @fee, 30;
    	if ($QW_S_PRICE == 60)&&(BaseJob != Job_Novice) set @fee, 60;
    	if(Zeny<@fee) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,2;
    	set Zeny, Zeny-@fee;
    	if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (@fee/5);
    	mes "[Warpra]";
    	if(#kafra_code) {
    		mes "Enter your storage password:";
    		set @code_,0;
    		input @code_;
    		if(@code_ != #kafra_code) {
    			dispbottom "Wrong storage password.";
    		set @kafcode_try,0;
    		set @code_,0;
    	mes "Close this window and I will open your storage.";
    	mes "[Warpra]";
    	mes "I am sorry but you have to be at least Novice level 6 if you want to use the storage.";
    	if (!@GID) {
    		mes "[Warpra]";
    		mes "You are not a part of a guild I can't help you.";
    	if (Zeny<$QW_GS_PRICE) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,3;
    	set Zeny, Zeny-$QW_GS_PRICE;
    	if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + ($QW_GS_PRICE/5);
    	mes "[Warpra]";
    	mes "Close this window and I will open the ^5533FF" + GetGuildName(@GID) + "^000000 storage.";
    	mes "[Warpra]";
    	mes "You need to unlock locations before they come available to you.";
    	mes "To unlock a location talk to my colleagues all over the world.";
    	mes "Each account has its own stamp card.";
    	mes "Want me to check what stamps you have collected so far?";
    	if (select("Yes","No")==1) callsub stampcard;
    	mes "[Warpra]";
    	mes "I don't unlock this location, my assistant deeper in the dungeon will unlock this place.";
    	switch(getarg(0)) {
    	case 0: mes "You don't seem to have "+@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]+" zeny to pay for the warp to "+@pTmenuitems$[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]+"."; break;
    	case 1: mes "You don't seem to have "+@warpprice+" zeny to pay for the warp to "+@DLevelName$[@DWLmenuref[@DWLMenu-1]]+" at "+@pDmenuitems$[@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1]]+"."; break;
    	case 2: mes "You don't seem to have "+@fee+" zeny to pay the storage fee."; break;
    	case 3: mes "You don't seem to have "+$QW_GS_PRICE+" zeny to pay the guild storage fee."; break;
    	case 4: mes "You don't seem to have "+@healfee+" zeny to pay for your healing."; break;
    // Counting of the ammount of places you have unlocked
    	mes "Let me check what Towns you have.";
    	callfunc "QWS_TownStamps";
    	mes "You collected^00FF00 "+@Tstamp+" of "+@MaxTstamp+" ^000000Towns.";
    	if (@Tstamp == 15) mes "They say there is an island you can only get to when married...";
    	if (@Tstamp == 15) emotion 18;
    	mes "Let me check what dungeons you have.";
    	callfunc "QWS_DungeonStamps";
    	mes "You collected^00FF00 "+@Dstamp+" of "+@MaxDstamp+" ^000000Dungeons.";
    	mes "To unlock a dungeon, search for my colleagues.";
    	mes "You can usually find them near the middle or end of the dungeon.";
    function	script	QWS_TownStamps	{
    	set @Tstamp,0;
    	set @MaxTstamp,30; //maximum number of towns
    	set @binvalue,1;
    	set @Tstamploop,0;
    	do {
    		if ((@binvalue & ##QWS_T_Unlock) == @binvalue) set @Tstamp,@Tstamp+1;
    		set @binvalue, @binvalue *2;
    		set @Tstamploop, @Tstamploop + 1;
    	} while (@Tstamploop < @MaxTstamp);
    function	script	QWS_DungeonStamps	{
    	set @Dstamp,0;
    	set @MaxDstamp,29; //maximum number of dungeons
    	set @binvalue,1;
    	set @Dstamploop,0;
    	do {
    		if ((@binvalue & ##QWS_D_Unlock) == @binvalue) set @Dstamp,@Dstamp+1;
    		set @binvalue, @binvalue *2;
    		set @Dstamploop, @Dstamploop + 1;
    	} while (@Dstamploop < @MaxDstamp);
    function	script	QWS_MMarray	{
    	// Currently 9 items
    	setarray @pMmenuitems$[0], "GameMaster Menu", $QW_SP_Warpname$, "Warp to Towns", "Warp to Dungeons", "Why so few warps?", "Why don't you unlock this location?", "Heal", "Heal", "Storage", "Guild Storage", "Cancel";
    	set @Mi,0; // loop counter
    	set @Mj,0; // menu line counter
    	if (getgmlevel()>= 80) {
    		set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi];
    		set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi;
    		set @Mj,@Mj+1;
    	set @Mi,@Mi+1;
    	callfunc "QWS_TownStamps";
    	callfunc "QWS_DungeonStamps";
    	if (@Tstamp == @MaxTstamp)&&(@Dstamp == @MaxDstamp)&&($QW_SP_WarpMap$ != "") {
    		set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi];
    		set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi;
    		set @Mj,@Mj+1;
    	set @Mi,@Mi+1;
    	if ($QW_TW_OFF == 0) {
    		set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi];
    		set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi;
    		set @Mj,@Mj+1;
    	set @Mi,@Mi+1;
    	if ($QW_DW_OFF == 0) {
    		set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi];
    		set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi;
    		set @Mj,@Mj+1;
    	set @Mi,@Mi+1;
    	set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi];
    	set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi;
    	set @Mj,@Mj+1;
    	set @Mi,@Mi+1;
    	if (getarg(0) == 1) {
    		set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi];
    		set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi;
    		set @Mj,@Mj+1;
    	set @Mi,@Mi+1;
    	if ($QW_HF == 1) {
    		set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi];
    		set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi;
    		set @Mj,@Mj+1;
    	set @Mi,@Mi+1;
    	if ($QW_HP == 1) {
    		set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi];
    		set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi;
    		set @Mj,@Mj+1;
    	set @Mi,@Mi+1;
    	if ($QW_Stor == 1) {
    		set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi];
    		set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi;
    		set @Mj,@Mj+1;
    	set @Mi,@Mi+1;
    	if ($QW_GStor == 1) {
    		set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi];
    		set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi;
    		set @Mj,@Mj+1;
    	set @Mi,@Mi+1;
    	set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi];
    	set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi;
    // Adding a town:
    //	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Prontera";// Name of Town shown in Town select Menu
    //	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE;	// Warp prices: Basic ($QW_BW_PRICE), Advanced ($QW_AW_PRICE), Overseas ($QW_OW_PRICE)
    //	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "prontera";	// Map name
    //	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 156;		// X warp coords
    //	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 187;		// Y warp coords
    //	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 0;	// Use a free number (last used is 30, Eclage)
    // Adding a warpra:
    //	map,x,y,facing	script	Warpra#example	113,{
    //		callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",<town number>,"Your Town";
    //		close;
    //	}
    //	Town number is the same as "QWS_Make_Town_Menu".
    function	script	QWS_Tarray	{
    	function QWS_Make_Town_Menu;
    	set @Ti,0; // loop counter
    	set @Tj,0; // menu lines counter
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Prontera";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "prontera";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 156;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 187;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 0;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Alberta";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "alberta";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 27;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 236;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 1;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Aldebaran";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "aldebaran";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 145;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 120;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 2;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Amatsu";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "amatsu";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 197;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 86;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 3;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Ayothaya";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "ayothaya";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 150;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 57;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 4;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Brasilis";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "brasilis";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 195;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 220;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 21;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Comodo";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "comodo";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 188;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 161;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 5;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Dewata";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "dewata";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 199;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 179;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 29;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Eclage";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "eclage";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 111;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 39;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 30;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Einbech";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "einbech";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 172;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 126;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 6;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Einbroch";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "einbroch";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 230;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 191;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 7;
    //----------------El Dicastes:
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "El Dicastes";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "dicastes01";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 197;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 187;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 22;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Geffen";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "geffen";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 119;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 66;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 8;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Gonryun";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "gonryun";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 150;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 130;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 9;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Hugel";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "hugel";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 95;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 121;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 10;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Izlude";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "izlude";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 128;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 111;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 11;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Jawaii";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "jawaii";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 243;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 115;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 12;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Lighthalzen";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "lighthalzen";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 158;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 110;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 13;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Louyang";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "louyang";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 210;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 108;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 14;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Lutie";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "xmas";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 148;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 131;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 15;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Manuk";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "manuk";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 260;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 175;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 23;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Mora";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "mora";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 111;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 97;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 24;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Morroc";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "morocc";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 159;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 93;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 16;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Moscovia";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "moscovia";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 219;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 193;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 25;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Niflheim";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "niflheim";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 195;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 186;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 17;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Payon";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "payon";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 152;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 75;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 18;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Rachel";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "rachel";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 130;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 111;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 26;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Splendide";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "splendide";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 200;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 153;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 27;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Umbala";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "umbala";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 130;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 130;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 19;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Veins";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "veins";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 216;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 123;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 28;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Yuno";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "yuno";
    	setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 160;
    	setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 168;
    	QWS_Make_Town_Menu 20;
    	setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Cancel";
    	setarray @pTprice[@Ti], 0;
    	set @Tmenulist$[@Tj],@pTmenuitems$[@Ti];
    	set @Tmenuref[@Tj],57005; // 57005='dead' in hex
    //----------------Make Town Menu Function
    function	QWS_Make_Town_Menu	{
    	set @temptownmenubin,1;
    	if (getarg(0) == 0) goto menu_item;
    	set @templooptownmenu,0;
    	do {
    		set @temptownmenubin, @temptownmenubin * 2;
    		set @templooptownmenu, @templooptownmenu + 1;
    		}while (getarg(0) > @templooptownmenu);
    // check marker and make menu item
    	if ((@temptownmenubin & ##QWS_T_Unlock) != @temptownmenubin) {
    		set @Ti,@Ti+1;
    	if (@pTprice[@Ti] != 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 0) set @Tmenulist$[@Tj], @pTmenuitems$[@Ti]+" -> "+@pTprice[@Ti];
    	if (@pTprice[@Ti] == 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 0) set @Tmenulist$[@Tj], @pTmenuitems$[@Ti];
    	if (@pTprice[@Ti] != 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 1) set @Tmenulist$[@Tj], @pTmenuitems$[@Ti]+" ["+getmapusers(@pTmap$[@Ti])+"]"+" -> "+@pTprice[@Ti];
    	if (@pTprice[@Ti] == 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 1) set @Tmenulist$[@Tj], @pTmenuitems$[@Ti]+" ["+getmapusers(@pTmap$[@Ti])+"]";
    	set @Tmenuref[@Tj],@Ti;
    	set @Tj,@Tj+1;
    	set @Ti,@Ti+1;
    // Adding a dungeon:
    //	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Abyss Lake";	// Name of Dungeon shown in Dungeon select Menu
    //	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE;		// Warp prices: Basic ($QW_BW_PRICE), Advanced ($QW_AW_PRICE), Overseas ($QW_OW_PRICE)
    //	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE";		// Identifier for fee caluclation: Basic ("$QW_BW_FEE"), Advanced ("$QW_AW_FEE"), Overseas ("$QW_OW_FEE")
    //	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3;			// Number of levels in dungeon
    //	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "abyss_01", "abyss_02", "abyss_03";	// Map names of dungeon levels
    //	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3";	// Name of dungeon levels shown in Menu
    //	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 265, 275, 116;			// X warp coords
    //	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 273, 270, 27;			// Y warp coords
    //	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2;				// Relative depth to entrance, to calculate extra warp fee
    //	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 0;	// Use a free number (last used is 28, Kiel Dungeon)
    // Adding a warpra:
    //	map,x,y,facing	script	Warpra Helper#example	112,{
    //		callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",<dungeon number>,"Your Dungeon";
    //		close;
    //	}
    //	Dungeon number is the same as "QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu".
    function	script	QWS_Darray	{
    	function QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu;
    	set @Di,0;
    	set @Dj,0;
    	set @Dref,0;
    //----------------ABYSS LAKE
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Abyss Lake";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "abyss_01", "abyss_02", "abyss_03";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 265, 275, 116;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 273, 270, 27;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 0;
    //----------------AMATSU DUNGEON
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Amatsu Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "ama_dun01", "ama_dun02", "ama_dun03";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 227, 32, 119;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 10, 43, 15;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 1;
    //----------------ANT HELL
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Ant Hell Dungeon"; 
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[2], 2;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "anthell01", "anthell02";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 32, 34;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 262, 263;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 2;
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Ayotaya Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[3], 2;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "ayo_dun01", "ayo_dun02";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 275, 150;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 17, 13;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 3;
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Byalan Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[4], 5;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "iz_dun00", "iz_dun01", "iz_dun02", "iz_dun03", "iz_dun04";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 168, 41, 236, 32, 26;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 168, 37, 204, 63, 27;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 4;
    //----------------CLOCK TOWER
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Clock Tower Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[5], 8;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "c_tower1", "c_tower2", "c_tower3", "c_tower4", "alde_dun01", "alde_dun02", "alde_dun03", "alde_dun04";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Clock Tower Level 1", "Clock Tower Level 2", "Clock Tower Level 3", "Clock Tower Level 4", "Basement 1F", "Basement 2F", "Basement 3F", "Basement 4F";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 200, 268, 64, 32, 197, 262, 276, 122;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 163, 26, 148, 63, 25, 41, 53, 125;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 5;
    //----------------COAL MINE
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Coal Mine Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[6], 3;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "mjo_dun01", "mjo_dun02", "mjo_dun03";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 52, 381, 302;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 17, 343, 261;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 6;
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Culvert Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[7], 4;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "prt_sewb1", "prt_sewb2", "prt_sewb3", "prt_sewb4";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 132, 19, 180, 100;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 248, 19, 169, 92;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 7;
    //----------------EINBECH DUNGEON
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Einbech Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[8], 2;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "ein_dun01", "ein_dun02";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 22, 292;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 14, 290;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 8;
    //----------------GEFENIA DUNGEON
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Gefenia Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[9], 4;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "gefenia01", "gefenia02", "gefenia03", "gefenia04";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 59, 201, 264, 33;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 167, 35, 236, 270;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 9;
    //----------------GEFFEN DUNGEON
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Geffen Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 4;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "gef_dun00", "gef_dun01", "gef_dun02", "gef_dun03";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 104, 115, 106, 203;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 100, 236, 132, 200;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 10;
    //----------------GLAST HEIM
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Glast Heim Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 17;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "glast_01", "gl_church", "gl_chyard", "gl_in01", "gl_cas01", "gl_cas02", "gl_knt01", "gl_knt02", "gl_prison", "gl_prison1", "gl_step", "gl_sew01", "gl_sew02", "gl_sew03", "gl_sew04", "gl_dun01", "gl_dun02";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Glast Heim Entrance", "St. Abbey", "Churchyard", "Inside Glast Heim", "Castle 1", "Castle 2", "Chivalry 1", "Chivalry 2", "Prison 1", "Prison 2", "Steps", "Sewers 1", "Sewers 2", "Sewers 3", "Sewers 4", "Lowest Cave 1", "Lowest Cave 2";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 370, 156, 147, 121, 199, 104, 150, 157, 14, 150, 117, 258, 108, 171, 68, 133, 224;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 300, 8, 15, 59, 29, 25, 10, 287, 70, 14, 124, 255, 291, 273, 277, 271, 274;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 11;
    //----------------GONRYUN DUNGEON
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Gonryun Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "gon_dun01", "gon_dun02", "gon_dun03";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 143, 17, 68;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 59, 114, 9;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 12;
    //----------------HIDDEN DUNGEON
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Hidden Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "prt_maze01", "prt_maze02", "prt_maze03";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 176, 94, 23;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 6, 19, 8;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 13;
    //----------------JUPEROS CAVE
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Juperos Cave";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "juperos_01", "juperos_02";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 53, 36;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 247, 60;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 14;
    //----------------KIEL DUNGEON
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Kiel Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "kh_dun01", "kh_dun02";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "1st Floor", "2nd Floor";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 63, 42;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 10, 197;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 28;
    //----------------LIGHTHALZEN BIO LAB
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Lighthalzen Bio Lab";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "lhz_dun01", "lhz_dun02", "lhz_dun03";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 150, 150, 140;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 287, 18, 137;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 15;
    //----------------LOUYANG DUNGEON
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Louyang Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "lou_dun02", "lou_dun03";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Royal Tomb Level 1", "Royal Tomb Level 2";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 282, 165;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 20, 38;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 16;
    //----------------MAGMA DUNGEON
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Magma Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "mag_dun01", "mag_dun02";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 126, 47;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 69, 32;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 17;
    //----------------ODIN TEMPLE
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Odin Temple";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 1;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "odin_tem01";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 96;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 145;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 18;
    //----------------ORC DUNGEON
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Orc Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "orcsdun01", "orcsdun02";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 32, 21;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 169, 185;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 19;
    //----------------PAYON DUNGEON
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Payon Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 5;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "pay_dun00", "pay_dun01", "pay_dun02", "pay_dun03", "pay_dun04";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 22, 19, 19, 155, 201;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 180, 33, 63, 159, 204;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 20;
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Pyramids Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 6;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "moc_pryd01", "moc_pryd02", "moc_pryd03", "moc_pryd04", "moc_pryd05", "moc_pryd06";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Basement 1", "Basement 2";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 192, 10, 100, 181, 94, 192;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 9, 192, 92, 11, 96, 8;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 21;
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Sphinx Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 5;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "in_sphinx1", "in_sphinx2", "in_sphinx3", "in_sphinx4", "in_sphinx5";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 192, 149, 210, 10, 100;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 9, 81, 54, 222, 99;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 22;
    //----------------SUNKEN SHIP
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Sunken Ship Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "treasure01", "treasure02";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 69, 102;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 24, 27;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 23;
    //----------------THANATOS TOWER
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Thanatos Tower";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 13;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "tha_t01", "tha_t02", "tha_t03", "tha_t04", "tha_t05", "tha_t06", "tha_t07", "tha_t08", "tha_t09", "tha_t10", "tha_t11", "tha_t12", "thana_boss";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5", "Level 6", "Level 7", "Level 8", "Level 9", "Level 10", "Level 11", "Level 12", "Thanatos Boss";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 150, 150, 220, 59, 62, 206, 35, 105, 88, 168, 90, 129, 85;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 35, 136, 158, 143, 11, 8, 166, 44, 145, 138, 36, 83, 76;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 24;
    //----------------TOY FACTORY
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Toy Factory Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "xmas_dun01", "xmas_dun02";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Factory Warehouse", "Classifying Room";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 205, 129;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 16, 133;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 25;
    //----------------TURTLE ISTLAND
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Turtle Island Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 4;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "tur_dun01", "tur_dun02", "tur_dun03", "tur_dun04";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Outside", "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 161, 148, 132, 100;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 34, 256, 190, 192;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 0, 1, 2;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 26;
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Umbala Dungeon";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE;
    	setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE";
    	setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3;
    	setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "um_dun01", "um_dun02", "yggdrasil01";
    	setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Carpenter's Shop in The Tree", "Passage to a Foreign World", "Hvergelmir's Fountain";
    	setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 205, 48, 40;
    	setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 26, 30, 63;
    	setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2;
    	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 27;
    	setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Cancel";
    	setarray @pDprice[@Di], 0;
    	set @Dmenulist$[@Dj],@pDmenuitems$[@Di];
    	set @Dmenuref[@Dj],57005; // 57005='dead' in hex
    //----------------Make Dungeon Menu Function
    function	QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu	{
    	set @tempdungeonmenubin,1;
    	if (getarg(0) == 0) goto menu_item;
    	set @temploopdungeonmenu,0;
    	do {
    		set @tempdungeonmenubin, @tempdungeonmenubin * 2;
    		set @temploopdungeonmenu, @temploopdungeonmenu + 1;
    		}while (getarg(0) > @temploopdungeonmenu);
    // check marker and make menu item
    	if ((@tempdungeonmenubin & ##QWS_D_Unlock) != @tempdungeonmenubin) {
    		setarray @DLocRef[@Di], @Dref;
    		set @Dref, @Dref+@DLevels[@Di];
    		set @Di,@Di+1;
    	if ($QW_MapUserShow == 1) {
    		set @tempmapusers,0;
    		set @mapusersloop,0;
    		do {
    			set @tempmapusers,(getmapusers(@DGat$[@Dref+@mapusersloop]) + @tempmapusers);
    			set @mapusersloop, (@mapusersloop + 1);
    		} while (@DLevels[@Di] > @mapusersloop);
    		if (@pDprice[@Di] != 0) set @Dmenulist$[@Dj], @pDmenuitems$[@Di]+" ["+@tempmapusers+"] -> "+@pDprice[@Di];
    		if (@pDprice[@Di] == 0) set @Dmenulist$[@Dj], @pDmenuitems$[@Di]+" ["+@tempmapusers+"]";
    		set @Dmenuref[@Dj],@Di;
    		set @Dj,@Dj+1;
    		setarray @DLocRef[@Di], @Dref;
    		set @Dref, @Dref+@DLevels[@Di];
    		set @Di,@Di+1;
    	if (@pDprice[@Di] != 0) set @Dmenulist$[@Dj], @pDmenuitems$[@Di]+" -> "+@pDprice[@Di];
    	if (@pDprice[@Di] == 0) set @Dmenulist$[@Dj], @pDmenuitems$[@Di];
    	set @Dmenuref[@Dj],@Di;
    	set @Dj,@Dj+1;
    	setarray @DLocRef[@Di], @Dref;
    	set @Dref, @Dref+@DLevels[@Di];
    	set @Di,@Di+1;
    function	script	QWS_DLarray	{
    //----------------Start building Menu
    	set @DWref,@DLocRef[@DwarpMenu]; // reference to the arrays with leveldata
    	set @DWi,0;  // loop counter
    	set @DWj,0; // menu lines counter
    	cleararray @DWLmenulist$[0],"",20; // Clearing the array to get rid off ghost items in menu
    	do {
    		if ($QW_DL == 0)||($QW_DDL >= @DDepth[@DWref]) {
    			set @warpprice, (@pDprice[@DwarpMenu]+ (getd(@pDfee$[@DwarpMenu])*@DDepth[@DWref]));
    			if (@warpprice != 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 0) set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], @DLevelName$[@DWref]+" -> "+@warpprice;
    			if (@warpprice == 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 0) set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], @DLevelName$[@DWref];
    			if (@warpprice != 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 1) set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], @DLevelName$[@DWref]+" ["+getmapusers(@DGat$[@DWref])+"] -> "+@warpprice;
    			if (@warpprice == 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 1) set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], @DLevelName$[@DWref]+" ["+getmapusers(@DGat$[@DWref])+"]";
    			set @DWLmenuref[@DWj],@DWref;
    			set @DWj,@DWj+1;
    		set @DWref, @DWref+1;
    		set @DWi,@DWi+1;
    	} while (@DWi < @DLevels[@DwarpMenu]);
    	set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], "Exit";
    	set @DWLmenuref[@DWj],57005; // 57005='dead' in hex
    function	script	QWS_Dungeon_Warpra	{
    	function QWS_D_getbin;
    	function QWS_D_setbin;
    	if ((QWS_D_getbin(getarg(0)) == 0) && (getarg(1) != "")) {
    		mes "[Warpra]";
    		mes getarg(1)+" unlocked!";
    	} else if (QWS_D_getbin(getarg(0)) == 1) {
    		mes "[Warpra]";
    		mes "Sorry, I can only unlock this location.";
    	} else
    		debugmes "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra error, improper syntax?";
    function	QWS_D_setbin	{
    	set @tempsetbindata,1;
    	if (getarg(0) == 0) goto binset;
    	set @temploopsetbin,0;
    	do {
    		set @tempsetbindata, @tempsetbindata * 2;
    		set @temploopsetbin, @temploopsetbin + 1;
    	} while (getarg(0) > @temploopsetbin);
    	set ##QWS_D_Unlock,(##QWS_D_Unlock | @tempsetbindata);
    function	QWS_D_getbin	{
    	set @tempgetbindata,1;
    	if (getarg(0) == 0) goto binget;
    	set @temploopgetbin,0;
    	do {
    		set @tempgetbindata, @tempgetbindata * 2;
    		set @temploopgetbin, @temploopgetbin + 1;
    	} while (getarg(0) > @temploopgetbin);
    	if ((@tempgetbindata & ##QWS_D_Unlock) == @tempgetbindata) return 1;
    	return 0;
    function	script	QWS_Town_Warpra	{
    	function QWS_T_getbin;
    	function QWS_T_setbin;
    	if ((QWS_T_getbin(getarg(0)) == 0) && (getarg(1) != "")) {
    		mes "[Warpra]";
    		mes getarg(1)+" unlocked!";
    	} else if (QWS_T_getbin(getarg(0)) == 1) {
    		callfunc "Q_Warpra",0;
    	} else
    		debugmes "QWS_Town_Warpra error, improper syntax ?";
    function	QWS_T_setbin	{
    	set @tempsetbindata,1;
    	if (getarg(0) == 0) goto binset;
    	set @temploopsetbin,0;
    	do {
    		set @tempsetbindata, @tempsetbindata * 2;
    		set @temploopsetbin, @temploopsetbin + 1;
    	} while (getarg(0) > @temploopsetbin);
    	set ##QWS_T_Unlock,(##QWS_T_Unlock | @tempsetbindata);
    function	QWS_T_getbin	{
    	set @tempgetbindata,1;
    	if (getarg(0) == 0) goto binget;
    	set @temploopgetbin,0;
    	do {
    		set @tempgetbindata, @tempgetbindata * 2;
    		set @temploopgetbin, @temploopgetbin + 1;
    	} while (getarg(0) > @temploopgetbin);
    	if ((@tempgetbindata & ##QWS_T_Unlock) == @tempgetbindata) return 1;
    	return 0;
    -	script	Warpra#0	-1,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; }
    alb2trea,73,101,4	duplicate(Warpra#0)	Warpra#1	113
    ama_fild01,178,325,1	duplicate(Warpra#0)	Warpra#2	113
    gef_fild10,71,339,4	duplicate(Warpra#0)	Warpra#3	113
    izlu2dun,104,82,4	duplicate(Warpra#0)	Warpra#4	113
    mjolnir_02,85,363,4	duplicate(Warpra#0)	Warpra#5	113
    moc_fild04,207,331,4	duplicate(Warpra#0)	Warpra#6	113
    moc_fild19,106,97,4	duplicate(Warpra#0)	Warpra#7	113
    moc_ruins,64,166,4	duplicate(Warpra#0)	Warpra#8	113
    niflheim,197,192,3	duplicate(Warpra#0)	Warpra#9	113
    pay_arche,39,135,4	duplicate(Warpra#0)	Warpra#10	113
    prt_fild05,273,215,4	duplicate(Warpra#0)	Warpra#11	113
    tur_dun01,148,239,4	duplicate(Warpra#0)	Warpra#12	113
    valkyrie,48,35,8	duplicate(Warpra#0)	Warpra#13	113
    yuno_fild03,37,135,4	duplicate(Warpra#0)	Warpra#14	113
    alberta,32,240,4	script	Warpra#15	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",1,"Alberta Town"; close; }
    aldebaran,146,118,4	script	Warpra#16	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",2,"Aldebaran Town"; close; }
    ayothaya,216,171,5	script	Warpra#17	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",4,"Ayotaya Town"; close; }
    amatsu,193,81,1	script	Warpra#18	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",3,"Amatsu Town"; close; }
    comodo,195,158,4	script	Warpra#19	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",5,"Comodo Town"; close; }
    einbroch,229,196,5	script	Warpra#20	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",7,"Einbroch Town"; close; }
    einbech,173,131,5	script	Warpra#21	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",6,"Einbech Town"; close; }
    geffen,116,66,4	script	Warpra#22	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",8,"Geffen Town"; close; }
    gonryun,152,130,4	script	Warpra#23	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",9,"Gonryun Town"; close; }
    hugel,90,127,5	script	Warpra#24	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",10,"Hugel Town"; close; }
    jawaii,107,182,5	script	Warpra#25	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",12,"Jawaii Town"; close; }
    izlude,132,116,4	script	Warpra#26	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",11,"Izlude Town"; close; }
    lighthalzen,153,100,5	script	Warpra#27	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",13,"Lighthalzen Town"; close; }
    louyang,211,106,4	script	Warpra#28	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",14,"Louyang Town"; close; }
    morocc,157,95,4	script	Warpra#29	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",16,"Morroc Town"; close; }
    nif_fild01,319,77,1	script	Warpra#30	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",17,"Niflheim Town"; close; }
    payon,183,110,4	script	Warpra#31	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",18,"Payon Town"; close; }
    prontera,147,172,5	script	Warpra#32	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",0,"Prontera Town"; close; }
    umbala,133,130,4	script	Warpra#33	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",19,"Umbala Town"; close; }
    xmas,151,136,4	script	Warpra#34	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",15,"Lutie Town"; close; }
    yuno,138,162,4	script	Warpra#35	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",20,"Yuno Town"; close; }
    brasilis,201,222,4	script	Warpra#36	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",21,"Brasilis Town"; close; }
    dicastes01,194,194,6	script	Warpra#37	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",22,"El Dicastes Town"; close; }
    manuk,262,177,4	script	Warpra#38	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",23,"Manuk Town"; close; }
    mora,110,100,4	script	Warpra#39	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",24,"Mora Town"; close; }
    moscovia,216,196,6	script	Warpra#40	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",25,"Moscovia Town"; close; }
    rachel,135,116,4	script	Warpra#41	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",26,"Rachel Town"; close; }
    splendide,205,153,4	script	Warpra#42	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",27,"Splendide Town"; close; }
    veins,214,123,4	script	Warpra#43	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",28,"Veins Town"; close; }
    dewata,194,178,6	script	Warpra#44	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",29,"Dewata Town"; close; }
    eclage,107,37,4	script	Warpra#45	113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",30,"Eclage Town"; close; }
    abyss_02,274,266,1	script	Warpra Helper#0	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",0,"Abyss Lake"; close; }
    ama_dun02,192,118,5	script	Warpra Helper#1	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",1,"Amatsu Dungeon"; close; }
    anthell02,170,165,3	script	Warpra Helper#2	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",2,"Ant Hell Dungeon"; close; }
    ayo_dun02,258,193,5	script	Warpra Helper#3	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",3,"Ayotaya Dungeon"; close; }
    ein_dun02,292,282,1	script	Warpra Helper#4	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",8,"Einbech Dungeon"; close; }
    iz_dun03,202,47,2	script	Warpra Helper#5	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",4,"Byalan Dungeon"; close; }
    c_tower3,129,106,4	script	Warpra Helper#6	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",5,"Clock Tower Dungeon"; close; }
    mjo_dun02,39,25,4	script	Warpra Helper#7	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",6,"Coal Mine Dungeon"; close; }
    prt_sewb2,176,30,3	script	Warpra Helper#8	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",7,"Culvert Dungeon"; close; }
    gefenia03,137,34,0	script	Warpra Helper#9	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",9,"Gefenia Dungeon"; close; }
    gef_dun02,218,61,2	script	Warpra Helper#10	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",10,"Gefen Dungeon"; close; }
    glast_01,371,308,3	script	Warpra Helper#11	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",11,"Glast Heim Dungeon"; close; }
    gon_dun01,167,273,4	script	Warpra Helper#12	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",12,"Gonryun Dungeon"; close; }
    juperos_02,127,154,5	script	Warpra Helper#13	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",14,"Juperos Cave"; close; }
    kh_dun01,14,224,3	script	Warpra Helper#14	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",28,"Kiel Dungeon"; close; }
    lhz_dun02,156,151,5	script	Warpra Helper#15	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",15,"Lighthalzen Bio Lab"; close; }
    lou_dun02,168,264,4	script	Warpra Helper#16	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",16,"Louyang Dungeon"; close; }
    mag_dun02,46,41,3	script	Warpra Helper#17	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",17,"Magma Dungeon"; close; }
    odin_tem01,115,148,3	script	Warpra Helper#18	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",18,"Odin Temple"; close; }
    orcsdun01,185,11,3	script	Warpra Helper#19	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",19,"Orc Dungeon"; close; }
    pay_dun03,162,143,3	script	Warpra Helper#20	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",20,"Payon Dungeon"; close; }
    moc_pryd02,101,95,3	script	Warpra Helper#21	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",21,"Pyramides Dungeon"; close; }
    in_sphinx2,274,268,1	script	Warpra Helper#22	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",22,"Sphinx Dungeon"; close; }
    tha_t07,111,162,3	script	Warpra Helper#23	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",24,"Thanatos Tower"; close; }
    treasure02,104,40,3	script	Warpra Helper#24	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",23,"Sunken Ship Dungeon"; close; }
    xmas_dun02,124,131,3	script	Warpra Helper#25	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",25,"Toy Factory Dungeon"; close; }
    um_dun02,44,28,3	script	Warpra Helper#26	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",27,"Umbala Dungeon"; close; }
    tur_dun02,162,23,3	script	Warpra Helper#27	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",26,"Turtle Island Dungeon"; close; }
    prt_maze02,102,69,4	script	Warpra Helper#28	112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",13,"Hidden Dungeon"; close; }


  5. I think you can use bindatcmd for this, it would be easier


    please share a full script.


    Here try it


    -	script	at_buff	-1,{
    if (zeny >= 1000)
    set zeny,zeny-1000;
    skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,600000,10;
    skilleffect 29,0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,600000,10;
    dispbottom "[Buffer] Your are Buffed!!!";
    dispbottome "[Buffer] Sorry you dont have enough Zeny!";
  6. Hello rA community, Im planning to make a costume item system with bleach naruto one piece sprite's, somehow when I make it as a item and put it on, the sprite doesnt look good because of the job sprite that is under it, so Im planning if I can do it just like Summer Suit, item ID #2776, can anyone teach me to make this and I want it to be allowed to attack, I hope someone can help me, thanks in advance

  7. try this



    - script Sample -1,{
    set .Delay,180;
    setarray $PVPMAPS1$[0],"cell_game"; //you can add more maps here
    if (getcharid(0))	
    	for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($PVPMAPS1$); set .@i,.@i+1) {
    		if(strcharinfo(3) == $PVPMAPS1$[.@i]) {
    if( @Delay < gettimetick(2) ){
    set .@Amount,rand(1,4);
    set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS + .@Amount;
    dispbottom "Gained "+.@Amount+" Cash Point. Total = "+#CASHPOINTS+" Cash Points.";
    if( .Delay ) set @Delay,gettimetick(2) + .Delay;
  8. Hello rA community, I would like to request if someone can make this BG script made by Ms. AnnieRuru to random shuffle team function she made on the BG_emp, I hope someone can help me TIA

    this is the script that I want to be converted on a 1 waitingroom random shuffle team


    -	script	custom_bg#control	-1,{
    	set .minplayer2start, 2; // minimum player to start ... please do not set to 1
    	setarray .rewarditem,
    		501, 10, // reward to the winning team
    		501, 3; // reward to the losing team
    	set .startingscore, 15; // score at start
    	set .eventlasting, 20*60; // event last 20 minutes or the system abort itself
    	set .red_cloth, 1; // color value from red clothing
    	set .blue_cloth, 2; // color value from blue clothing
    	set .grey_cloth, 3; // color value from grey clothing
    	if ( getwaitingroomstate( 0, .rednpcname$ ) < .minplayer2start || getwaitingroomstate( 0, .bluenpcname$ ) < .minplayer2start ) end;
    	.red = waitingroom2bg( "guild_vs3", 13,50, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnredQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnredDead", .rednpcname$ );
    	copyarray .team1aid, $@arenamembers, $@arenamembersnum;
    	.team1count = .minplayer2start;
    	.blue = waitingroom2bg( "guild_vs3", 86,50, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnblueQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnblueDead", .bluenpcname$ );
    	copyarray .team2aid, $@arenamembers, $@arenamembersnum;
    	.team2count = .minplayer2start;
    	delwaitingroom .rednpcname$;
    	delwaitingroom .bluenpcname$;
    	bg_warp .red, "guild_vs3", 13,50;
    	bg_warp .blue, "guild_vs3", 86,50;
    	.score[1] = .score[2] =.startingscore;
    	bg_updatescore "guild_vs3", .score[1], .score[2];
    	callsub L_setleader, 1;
    	callsub L_setleader, 2;
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .minplayer2start; .@i++ ) {
    		attachrid .team1aid[.@i];
    		@clotes_color = getlook( look_clothes_color );
    		setlook look_clothes_color, ( .leader_aid[1] == getcharid(3) )? .grey_cloth : .red_cloth;
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .minplayer2start; .@i++ ) {
    		attachrid .team2aid[.@i];
    		@clotes_color = getlook( look_clothes_color );
    		setlook look_clothes_color, ( .leader_aid[2] == getcharid(3) )? .grey_cloth : .blue_cloth;
    	sleep .eventlasting * 1000;
    	if ( .score[1] > .score[2] ) {
    		mapannounce "guild_vs3", "red side wins !", 0;
    		callsub L_reward, 1, 0;
    		callsub L_reward, 2, 2;
    	else if ( .score[1] < .score[2] ) {
    		mapannounce "guild_vs3", "blue side wins !", 0;
    		callsub L_reward, 2, 0;
    		callsub L_reward, 1, 2;
    	else {
    		mapannounce "guild_vs3", "Draw !", 0;
    		callsub L_reward, 1, 2;
    		callsub L_reward, 2, 2;
    	bg_warp .red, "prontera",152,178;
    	bg_warp .blue, "prontera",154,178;
    	bg_destroy .red;
    	bg_destroy .blue;
    	donpcevent .rednpcname$ +"::OnStart";
    	donpcevent .bluenpcname$ +"::OnStart";
    	.leader_aid[1] = .leader_aid[2] = 0;
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .team1count; .@i++ ) {
    		attachrid .team1aid[.@i];
    		setlook look_clothes_color, @clotes_color;
    		@clotes_color = 0;
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .team2count; .@i++ ) {
    		attachrid .team2aid[.@i];
    		setlook look_clothes_color, @clotes_color;
    		@clotes_color = 0;
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"count"); .@i++ )
    		getitem .rewarditem[ getarg(1) ], .rewarditem[ getarg(1) +1 ], getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ .@i +"]" );
    OnredDead: callsub L_dead, 1;
    OnblueDead: callsub L_dead, 2;
    	if ( .leader_aid[ getarg(0) ] != getcharid(3) )
    		.score[ getarg(0) ]--;
    	else {
    		callsub L_setleader, getarg(0);
    		.score[ getarg(0) ] -= 2;
    	bg_updatescore "guild_vs3", .score[1], .score[2];
    	if ( .score[ getarg(0) ] <= 0 )
    		awake strnpcinfo(0);
    	sleep2 1250;
    	percentheal 100,100;
    OnredQuit: callsub L_quit, 1, .red;
    OnblueQuit: callsub L_quit, 2, .blue;
    	percentheal 100, 100;
    	while ( getd( ".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ .@i +"]" ) != getcharid(3) && .@i < getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"count") ) .@i++;
    	deletearray getd( ".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ .@i +"]" ), 1;
    	setd ".team"+ getarg(0) +"count", getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"count") -1;
    	if ( .leader_aid[ getarg(0) ] == getcharid(3) )
    		callsub L_setleader, getarg(0);
    	setlook look_clothes_color, @clotes_color;
    	@clotes_color = 0;
    	if ( bg_get_data( getarg(1), 0 ) > 1 ) end;
    	.score[ getarg(0) ] = 0;
    	awake strnpcinfo(0);
    	while ( ( .@tmp = getd( ".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ rand( getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"count") ) +"]" ) ) == playerattached() );
    	.leader_aid[ getarg(0) ] = .@tmp;
    	.@origin = playerattached();
    	attachrid .leader_aid[ getarg(0) ];
    	addtimer 1, strnpcinfo(0) +"::Onteam"+ getarg(0) +"leader";
    	attachrid .@origin;
    Onteam1leader: callsub L_lead, 1, 548;
    Onteam2leader: callsub L_lead, 2, 549;
    	while ( .leader_aid[ getarg(0) ] == getcharid(3) ) {
    		specialeffect2 getarg(1);
    		sleep2 1000;
    prontera,152,178,5	script	red side	733,{
    	set getvariableofnpc( .rednpcname$, "custom_bg#control" ), strnpcinfo(0);
    	waitingroom "Red Team", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "custom_bg#control" ) +1, "custom_bg#control::OnStart", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "custom_bg#control" );
    prontera,154,178,5	script	blue side	734,{
    	set getvariableofnpc( .bluenpcname$, "custom_bg#control" ), strnpcinfo(0);
    	waitingroom "Blue Team", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "custom_bg#control" ) +1, "custom_bg#control::OnStart", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "custom_bg#control" );
    guild_vs3	mapflag	battleground	2
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nowarp
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nowarpto
    guild_vs3	mapflag	noteleport
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nomemo
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nopenalty
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nobranch
    guild_vs3	mapflag	noicewall



    and this is the script Ms. AnnieRUru made with the 1 waitingroom and random shuffle team function


    new_4-2,100,108,4	script	Battlegrounds Trans	418,{
    	getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 1;
    	warpwaitingpc .@map$, .@x, .@y;
    	callfunc "rand__", .minplayer2start *2, $@rand;
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@warpwaitingpcnum; .@i++ )
    		setbgid ( .@i % 2 )? .red : .blue, $@warpwaitingpc[ $@rand[.@i] ];
    	delwaitingroom strnpcinfo(0);
    	bg_warp .red, "bat_c01", 50,124;
    	bg_warp .blue, "bat_c01", 149,59;
    	setwall "bat_c01",54,122,6,7,0,"batc01wall_a";
    	setwall "bat_c01",55,122,5,7,0,"batc01wall_b";
    	setwall "bat_c01",140,56,6,7,0,"batc01wall_c";
    	setwall "bat_c01",140,57,5,7,0,"batc01wall_d";
    	bg_updatescore "bat_c01", 0, 0;
    	sleep 6000;
    	areapercentheal "bat_c01",50,123,58,131,100,100;
    	areapercentheal "bat_c01",141,52,149,60,100,100;
    	mapannounce "bat_c01", "Rules are simple. The first one to break the opponent's emperium will get a score.", 0;
    	sleep 3000;
    	mapannounce "bat_c01", "Score "+ .winningscore +" rounds to win ! ... GET READY", 0;
    	while (1) {
    		for ( .@i = 5; .@i > 0; .@i-- ) {
    			mapannounce "bat_c01","[ "+ .@i +" ]", 0;
    			sleep 1000;
    		if ( .score[1] == .winningscore -1 && .score[2] == .winningscore -1 )
    			mapannounce "bat_c01", "Final Round start!", 0;
    			mapannounce "bat_c01", "Round "+ .round++ +" Start!", 0;
    		bg_monster .red,"bat_c01",50,131, "--ja--",1915, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRedDown";
    		bg_monster .blue,"bat_c01",149,52, "--ja--",1914, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBlueDown";
    		donpcevent "::OnKvM01LightA";
    		donpcevent "::OnKvM01LightB";
    		donpcevent "::OnKvM01LightC";
    		delwall "batc01wall_a";
    		delwall "batc01wall_b";
    		delwall "batc01wall_c";
    		delwall "batc01wall_d";
    		if ( .score[1] != .winningscore || .score[2] != .winningscore )
    			sleep .eventlasting * 1000;
    		.score[ .winside ]++;
    		bg_updatescore "bat_c01", .score[1], .score[2];
    		killmonster "bat_c01", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRedDown";
    		killmonster "bat_c01", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBlueDown";
    		if ( .winside && .empkiller$ != "" )
    			mapannounce "bat_c01","[ "+ .empkiller$ +" ] has Destroy "+( ( .winside == 1 )?"Blue":"Red" )+" Team's Emperium. "+( ( .winside == 1 )?"Red":"Blue" )+" Team score a point !", 0;
    		if ( .score[1] == .winningscore || .score[2] == .winningscore || !.winside ) break;
    		sleep 5000;
    		bg_warp .red, "bat_c01", 50,124;
    		bg_warp .blue, "bat_c01", 149,59;
    		setwall "bat_c01",54,122,6,7,0,"batc01wall_a";
    		setwall "bat_c01",55,122,5,7,0,"batc01wall_b";
    		setwall "bat_c01",140,56,6,7,0,"batc01wall_c";
    		setwall "bat_c01",140,57,5,7,0,"batc01wall_d";
    		.winside = 0;
    		.empkiller$ = "";
    		sleep 1000;
    	if ( .winside ) {
    		mapannounce "bat_c01", "[ "+( ( .winside == 1 )?"Red":"Blue" )+" Team] won !", 0;
    		getbgusers ( .winside == 1 )? .red : .blue;
    		for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@arenamembersnum; .@i++ )
    			getitem .rewarditem[0], .rewarditem[1], $@arenamembers[.@i]; // item reward
    	} else
    		mapannounce "bat_c01", "Time Out. Aborting the match.", 0;
    	sleep 5000;
    	bg_warp .red, "new_4-2", 100,102;
    	bg_warp .blue, "new_4-2", 100,102;
    	bg_kickall .red;
    	bg_kickall .blue;
    	delwall "batc01wall_a";
    	delwall "batc01wall_b";
    	delwall "batc01wall_c";
    	delwall "batc01wall_d";
    	.round = .winside = .score[0] = .score[1] = .score[2] = 0;
    	.empkiller$ = "";
    	waitingroom "BG Emperium", .minplayer2start*2 +1, strnpcinfo(0) +"::OnStart", .minplayer2start*2;
    OnRedDown: callsub L_EmpDown, 2;
    OnBlueDown: callsub L_EmpDown, 1;
    	.empkiller$ = strcharinfo(0);
    	.winside = getarg(0);
    	awake strnpcinfo(0);
    OnRedQuit: callsub L_quit, .red, "Red", 2;
    OnBlueQuit: callsub L_quit, .blue, "Blue", 1;
    	if ( bg_get_data( getarg(0), 0 ) ) end;
    	mapannounce "bat_c01", "All "+ getarg(1) +" team members has Quit !", 0;
    	.score[ getarg(2) ] = .winningscore -1;
    	.winside = getarg(2);
    	awake strnpcinfo(0);
    	sleep2 10000;
    	.red = 3; // red team bg ID
    	.blue = 4; // blue team bg ID
    	set .minplayer2start, 5; // minimum player to start
    	setarray .rewarditem, 12334, 1; // reward to the winning team
    	set .winningscore, 2; // final score to win
    	set .eventlasting, 1200; // abort the system if there's no progress, 1200 seconds = 20 mins
    	createbgid .red, "bat_c01", 50,124, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRedQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRedDead";
    	createbgid .blue, "bat_c01", 149,59, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBlueQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBlueDead";
    	waitingroom "Battle Grounds", .minplayer2start*2 +1, strnpcinfo(0) +"::OnStart", .minplayer2start*2;
    function	script	rand__	{
    	.@range = getarg(0);
    	.@count = getarg(2, 0);
    	.@count = ( .@count == 0 || .@count > .@range )? .@range : ( .@count > 128 )? 128 : .@count;
    	while ( .@i < .@count ) {
    		.@r = .@save = rand( .@i, .@range -1 ) ;
    		if ( getd(".@tmp1_"+ .@i ) == 0 ) {
    			.@r = ( getd(".@tmp1_"+ .@r ) )? getd( ".@tmp2_"+ .@r ) : .@r;
    			setd ".@tmp2_"+ .@i, .@r;
    			setd ".@tmp2_"+ .@save , .@i;
    			setd ".@tmp1_"+ .@save , 1;
    			set getelementofarray( getarg(1), .@i ), .@r;
    			if ( .@save < .@count )
    				set getelementofarray( getarg(1), .@save ), .@i;
    	return .@count;
    // HEALER
    // *****************************************************************
    -	script	bghealbuffs	-1,{
    if(strcharinfo(3) == "bat_c01") {
    while (getbrokenid(1)) {
            set .@a, .@a +1;
    for (set .@j, 0; .@j < @inventorylist_count; set .@j, .@j + 1) {
        if (!@inventorylist_identify[.@j]) {
            delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@j],1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;
            getitem @inventorylist_id[.@j],1;
    percentheal 100,100;
    skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,1800000,10;
    skilleffect 29,0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,1800000,10;
    // Light Effects
    // *********************************************************************
    bat_c01,54,123,0	script	#bat_c01a	111,{
    OnKvM01LightA: misceffect 54; end;
    OnKvM01LightB: misceffect 55; end;
    OnKvM01LightC: misceffect 56; end;
    bat_c01,56,125,0	duplicate(#bat_c01a)	#bat_c01b	111
    bat_c01,58,127,0	duplicate(#bat_c01a)	#bat_c01c	111
    bat_c01,141,56,0	duplicate(#bat_c01a)	#bat_c01d	111
    bat_c01,143,58,0	duplicate(#bat_c01a)	#bat_c01e	111
    bat_c01,145,60,0	duplicate(#bat_c01a)	#bat_c01f	111
    bat_c01	mapflag	loadevent
    bat_c01	mapflag	battleground	2
    bat_c01	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bat_c01	mapflag	nowarp
    bat_c01	mapflag	nowarpto
    bat_c01	mapflag	noteleport
    bat_c01	mapflag	nomemo
    bat_c01	mapflag	nopenalty
    bat_a01	mapflag	nobranch
    bat_a01	mapflag	noicewall



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