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  1. Aw, why I didn't think about it earlier... Well, i'll make some tests with WPE, and i'll give you my results. Thank you for providing time on my problem.
  2. We don't use "2012-04-10" because i've a lot of connexions errors, but with 2012-06-18, we can connect in game and play.
  3. Yeah, i've changed the packetver to: #define PACKETVER 20120618 You mean you want just my .exe file and my 'data' folder? (I can give you directly our full client? Because we're using a .grf file, but the clientinfo.xml still remains in the data folder...)
  4. Hi, thanks for the reply, but I already have these packets in the packet_db.txt //[...] Some old packets before //2012-06-18 0x0078,55 0x007c,44 0x00aa,9 0x00f3,-1,globalmessage,2:4 0x0193,2,closekafra,0 0x01a2,37 0x01fd,15,repairitem,2 0x0202,5,changedir,2:4 0x022c,65 0x022d,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0281,-1,convertitem,2:4:8:12 0x0288,-1,npcpointshopbuy,2:4:8:10 0x0289,12 0x029b,80 0x035f,6,ticksend,2 0x0360,6,clickbuyingstorereq,2 0x0361,5,hommenu,4 0x0362,6,dropitem,2:4 0x0364,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0368,6,solvecharname,2 0x0369,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x0437,5,walktoxy,2 0x0438,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0439,8,useitem,2:4 0x07d9,268 0x07e4,6,takeitem,2 0x07ec,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x0802,26,partyinvite2,2 0x0815,-1,openbuyingstorereq,2:4:8:9:89 0x0817,2,closebuyingstorereq,0 0x083c,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0856,26,friendaddrequest,2 0x0940,-1,sellbuyingstorereq,2:4:8:12 0x096a,6,getcharnamerequest,2 //Unknown packets, added by myself 0x1335,2 0x1346,2 0x37F0,6 0x3713,6 I've added the four last packets by myself, but I don't understand why the friendship request sent these packets to the server... (I have also modified the MAX_PACKET_DB in clif.h , for avoid disconnections...)
  5. Hi! Today, i've built my server, and once in game, i've tried to add my friend in my friendlist. The first result is : Disconnection. The server told me there was an unknown packet recieved : 0x1346, on two bytes. There is others unknown packets... So, i've added these packets at the end of packets_db.txt: 0x1346,2 0x37F0,6 0x3713,6 0x5F13,7 Now, when I tried add my friend in my friendlist, the server don't disconnect me anymore, but there is a little freeze of few seconds... Did you have ever seen these packets? (Server rev: 17004) (Client ver : 20120618)
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