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  1. Sanasol's post in Remove effect when leaving the map was marked as the answer   
    - script redfog -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: getmapxy(@map$, @xb, @yb); if(@map$ == "abbey03") { addtimer 1000, strnpcinfo(3) + "::On1sec"; specialeffect2 592;// effect centered on the invoking character's sprite } end; On1sec: getmapxy(@map$, @xb, @yb); if(@map$ != "abbey03") { dispbottom "abbey left refreshing"; atcommand "@refresh"; deltimer strnpcinfo(3) + "::On1sec"; } else { addtimer 5000, strnpcinfo(3) + "::On1sec"; } end; } abbey03 mapflag loadevent  
  2. Sanasol's post in RO forum icons :O was marked as the answer   
    cut each icon and then save separately

    i found few icons http://yadi.sk/d/gfNjrKmEHADvN
    also you can google it
    and save from some forum http://www.xenaro.com/forum/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4980
  3. Sanasol's post in Ico Favicon on SGCP was marked as the answer   
    <link rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/png\" href=\"myicon.png\">
  4. Sanasol's post in 1 Login port, 2 map server 2 char server was marked as the answer   
    The first server is set up as usual 1. ip address 2 . mysql database 3 . ports The second server 1. That the same IP address at all . 2 . Other base Sql. ( to the login server is not required) 3 . Here the most interesting. Ports map and char server set different than the first server. A Login server port in all config files both on the first server. ie 6900 .   Starting: 1. Run entirely the first server . 2 .A second server that's run only Map and Char server. As a result, we succeeded (at least for me ) 2 servers ( server selection appears after entering a username and password in the game  
  5. Sanasol's post in One item random quantity was marked as the answer   
    getitem 969,rand(1,10);
  6. Sanasol's post in HELP HARMONY PROTECTED OR NOT was marked as the answer   
    not protected
  7. Sanasol's post in Start rAthena server console without closing it. (PuTTY) was marked as the answer   
    use force!
  8. Sanasol's post in buy Poring Coin was marked as the answer   
    prontera,160,180,5 script TCG Trader 757,{ set .max_zeny,1000000000; set .@price,500000000; mes "[^0000FFTrader^000000]"; mes "I can change ur TCG <> Zeny"; //mes "or Zeny to TCG"; mes "1 TCG = 500kk Zeny"; //mes "I see u have: ^00FF00 "+countitem(7227)+"^000000 TCG"; //mes "and Zeny: ^FF0000"+Zeny+"^000000"; mes "So what do u want?"; switch( select("^00FF00TCG^000000 > ^FF0000Zeny^000000","^FF0000Zeny^000000 > ^00FF00TCG^000000","Quit")) { case 1: set .@maximum,(( .max_zeny - Zeny ) / .@price ); mes "You can change maximum "+.@maximum+" x ^00FF00TCG^000000"; next; mes "[^0000FFTrader^000000]"; mes "What count of ^00FF00TCG^000000 u wanna change?(It cant be more than 2 at a time)"; input @count,0,.@maximum; if(@count > .@maximum || @count <= 0) { mes "Sorry I cant do that, u've too many Zeny or dont have TCG"; close; } else { if(countitem(7227) < @count) { mes "You scammer, wanted to deceive me? GTFO"; close; } else { delitem 7227,@count; set Zeny,Zeny+(.@price*@count); mes "Ok, get ur ^FF0000Zeny^000000. Bye!"; close; } } close; break; case 2: set .@maximum,(Zeny / .@price ); mes "You can get maximum "+.@maximum+" x ^00FF00TCG^000000"; next; mes "[^0000FFTrader^000000]"; mes "What count of ^00FF00TCG^000000 u wanna get?"; input @count,0,.@maximum; if(@count > .@maximum || @count <= 0) { mes "Sorry I cant do that, U dont have enough ^FF0000Zeny^000000"; close; } else { if(Zeny < @count*.@price) { mes "You scammer, wanted to deceive me? GTFO"; close; } else { getitem 7227,@count; set Zeny,Zeny-(.@price*@count); mes "Ok, get ur ^00FF00TCG^000000. Bye!"; close; } } close; break; case 3: mes "[^0000FFTrader^000000]"; mes "Good bye!"; close; break; } }  
    lil bit of edit and it will like you want
  9. Sanasol's post in Requesting NPC Birthday was marked as the answer   
    - script birthday -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if(#last_bdyear != gettime(7)) { set @nb, query_sql("select birthdate from `login` where `account_id`='"+getcharid(3)+"'", @bdate$); explode(.@bdate$, @bdate$, "-"); set .@curdate$, gettimestr("%m%d",21); if(.@curdate$ == (.@bdate$[1]+""+.@bdate$[2])) { getitem 7227,1; set #last_bdyear,gettimestr("%Y",21); set @byear, .@bdate$[0]; set .@sexword$, (sex) ? "his":"her"; announce "Hey everyone, "+strcharinfo(0)+" celebrates "+.@sexword$+" "+(#last_bdyear-@byear)+" birthday!",bc_blue|bc_all; } } end; }
  10. Sanasol's post in how to fix this? was marked as the answer   
    you can unpack it from data.grf
  11. Sanasol's post in Picklog was marked as the answer   
    SELECT *
    FROM `picklog`
    WHERE `char_id` = 123465
    AND `type` = 'N'

  12. Sanasol's post in How to add items? was marked as the answer   
  13. Sanasol's post in ###### King Poring Sprite was marked as the answer   
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