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Posts posted by SayonaraMaxwell

  1. I had to make a number of changes to the script, otherwise it didn't work correctly. 




    @@ -2829,6 +2835,27 @@ int mob_dead(struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int type)
    		if (map_getmapflag(m, MF_MOBITEMADDER)) {
    			for (const auto& it : mapdata->mobitemadder_droplist)
    				if (it.mob_id == md->mob_id) {
    					struct s_mob_drop mobdrop;
    					drop_rate = it.item_per;
    					mobdrop.nameid = it.item_id;
    					if (rand() % 10000 > drop_rate)
    -					if (!ditem || !itemdb_exists(it.item_id))
    +					if (!itemdb_exists(it.item_id))
    					ditem = mob_setdropitem(&mobdrop, 1, it.mob_id);
    					mob_item_drop(md, dlist, ditem, 0, it.item_per, homkillonly);



    new code

        if (state) {
            // Copy the string so as not to modify the original string
            char* droplist = strdup(w4);
            if (droplist) {
                char* checkdroplist = strtok(droplist, ", ");
                if (checkdroplist) {
                    union u_mapflag_args args = {};
                    args.mobitemadder.mob_id = atoi(checkdroplist);
                    // Clearing the current item data of a mob before adding new ones
                    map_setmapflag(m, MF_MOBITEMADDER, false);
                    // Create a temporary array to store added items
                    int added_items[50]; // Assume no more than 50 items per monster
                    int num_added_items = 0; // Number of items added
                    // Process the string and add the items
                    while ((checkdroplist = strtok(NULL, ", "))) {
                        args.mobitemadder.item_id = atoi(checkdroplist);
                        if ((checkdroplist = strtok(NULL, ", "))) {
                            args.mobitemadder.item_per = atoi(checkdroplist);
                            // Check to see if the mob already has the item.
                            bool already_added = false;
                            for (int i = 0; i < num_added_items; ++i) {
                                if (added_items[i] == args.mobitemadder.item_id) {
                                    already_added = true;
                            // If the item is not already present on the mob, add it
                            if (!already_added) {
                                map_setmapflag_sub(m, MF_MOBITEMADDER, true, &args);
                                added_items[num_added_items++] = args.mobitemadder.item_id;
                free(droplist); // Freeing the allocated memory
        } else {
            map_setmapflag(m, MF_MOBITEMADDER, false);


    The only problem I have not been able to solve is the duplicate drop if @reloadscript is produced on the server
    That is, if you did reloadscript 10 times, the drop will drop in 10 instances.

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