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Posts posted by Princess_anne

  1. Do you have a plain file called item_db.txt? xxxx/db/import/item_db
    I had the same problem too, and it was fixed by using that item_db
    For example this is what i used in my item_db

    29000,Kimono_Ribbon,Kimono Ribbon,5,20,,500,,0,,4,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,1,,0,0,1004,{ bonus bAllStats,25; },{},{}

    then make sure to CLEAN and BUILD again : ) then run server
    I used higher numbers so I won't conflict with anything else. 29000
    My view ID is also high, in case RO needs to update it won't steal that spot. 1004

    Good luck!

    Thanks im gonna try this.. i hope it works.

    Thank u guys but my problem isn't resolved yet..

    @stapo, when i do @changelook 688 i had an sprite error. and yes I added a different sprite to my grf.

    ACCESSORY_costume_thunderstorm = 1811,

    20000,costume_thunderstorm,Costume Thunderstorm,5,20,,50,,1,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,1024,,1,0,1811,{},{},{}

    /sob /sob /sob

    who is stapo?

    if you got error, means you made mistake when add a sprite to your client, try to solve this
    there are 2 kind of sprite inside client

    this is for item icon sprite

    and this for item view (male & female)

    if you can't solve this step you won't able to add a custom sprite :)

    oh sorry. Kichi rather. lol :P I am referring to adding costume.. Ive been adding customs before and it works. but now when i add items to costume slots it just not working.. but i will still review maybe ive done something wrong. thank u

    if i equipped it as an upper headie, it shows on my character. But if i put it on Costumes, it doesnt appear.

    btw, im using eAthena.

  2. Thank u guys but my problem isn't resolved yet..


    @stapo, when i do @changelook 688 i had an sprite error. and yes I added a different sprite to my grf.


    ACCESSORY_costume_thunderstorm = 1811,




    20000,costume_thunderstorm,Costume Thunderstorm,5,20,,50,,1,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,1024,,1,0,1811,{},{},{}


    /sob  /sob  /sob

  3. i was trying to add a costume headie for my server but it doesn't show on my character. 


    I dunnow what went wrong. this is my 1st time to add costume.


    client: eathena







    20000,costume_thunderstorm,Costume Thunderstorm,5,20,,50,,1,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,1024,,1,0,1811,{},{},{}


    Thank u in advance!  /no1  /kis2  /thx



    <map name>,<x>,<y>,<xs>,<ys>%TAB%monster%TAB%<monster name>%TAB%<mob id>,<amount>,<delay1>,<delay2>,<event>{,<mob size>,<mob ai>}

    Map name is the name of the map the monsters will spawn on. x,y are the

    coordinates where the mob should spawn. If xs and ys are non-zero, they

    specify the 'radius' of a spawn-rectangle area centered at x,y.

    Putting zeros instead of these coordinates will spawn the monsters randomly.

    Note this is only the initial spawn zone, as mobs random-walk, they are free

    to move away from their specified spawn region.

    Monster name is the name the monsters will have on screen, and has no relation

    whatsoever to their names anywhere else. It's the mob id that counts, which

    identifies monster record in 'mob_db.txt' database of monsters. If the mob name

    is given as "--ja--", the 'japanese name' field from the monster database is

    used, (which, in rAthena, actually contains an English name) if it's "--en--",

    it's the 'english name' from the monster database (which contains an uppercase

    name used to summon the monster with a GM command).

    Amount is the amount of monsters that will be spawned when this command is

    executed, it is affected by spawn rates in 'battle_athena.conf'.

    Delay1 and delay2 control monster respawn delays - the first one is the fixed

    base respawn time, and the second is random variance on top of the base time.

    Both values are given in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second).

    Note that the server also enforces a minimum respawn delay of 5 seconds.

    You can specify a custom level to use for the mob different from the one of

    the database by adjoining the level after the name with a comma. eg:

    "Poring,50" for a name will spawn a monster with name Poring and level 50.

    Event is a script event to be executed when the mob is killed. The event must

    be in the form "NPCName::OnEventName" to execute, and the event name label

    should start with "On". As with all events, if the NPC is an on-touch NPC, the

    player who triggers the script must be within 'trigger' range for the event to


    There are two optional fields for monster size and AI.  Size can be 0 (medium),

    1 (small), or 2 (big).  AI can be 0 (default), 1 (attack/friendly), 2 (sphere),

    3 (flora), or 4 (zanzou).

    Alternately, a monster spawned using 'boss_monster' instead of 'monster' is able

    to be detected on the map with the SC_BOSSMAPINFO status (used by Convex Mirror).


    I dont get it.. sorrry im a noob. can u explain it further and simpler pls

  5. this script is working


    if(Class == Job_Novice && !BaseExp) {
    announce strcharinfo(0)+ "has joined server RO! Welcome to the server!",0;
    set BaseExp,1;
    but my prob is... i wanna put some colors on that text.. i tried, but it didnt work lol... can someone help me again? 
    BTW, thanks for responding :)  /lv  /lv  /lv
  6. im having a hard time explaining  /sob

    grrrrr i suck at this thing /pif   /sob

    Thanks for answering thou. really appreciate it. 

    my old patcher is THOR. and i hired someone to make a patcher for me. then he gave me the files and everything in my plist have been edited and changed accordingly. and now my problem is i have no idea what to do next. I got the files for my patcher, everything is already updated on the plist, but when I click my old patcher still the same patcher.  /hmm  /hmm  /hmm  /sob  /sob

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