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Everything posted by Rhymaestro

  1. Hi, I just got back to continue on this passion endeavor. Gonna heed your advice and guides
  2. Yes all of us here so enjoy modding(idk if that's the right term to use) Ragnarok Online, But is there other software you are indulging in while in game making also? I used to dabble abit with RPG Maker, I'm thinking of giving it a go again, you know, to wet my feet in architectural game design..but I think Godot, Coco and Unity deserve a go too. Unreal's way too demanding in size..
  3. For me, for now by far it would be Final Fantasy Tactics. The sheer amount of combat and magic amongst its character jobs really make good use of roleplay and plotplay. You can become a monk who summons a dragon. Or a ninja who uses a gun. Or a magic swordsman who can teleports. It was just an amazing game! I remember pouring myself hours upon hour upon it, to the point that I manage to equip all of my squad with the legendary sword Ragnarok. I would wish I wanna make a game like that too.
  4. Alright, makes sense a lil more now, thank you, m'lady
  5. Hi friends! I've been wondering. To steer the ship, one needs to know and master and muster the navigation and resources and tools to go to desired lands across the seas. I am trying to learn how to make my own private server. But I'm thinking about posting a game development thread on this forums, to share ideas from my GDD(game design development), and hence got feedback and help from friends around this forum. So that I have directions, and so that when I'm feeling like quitting I would look at my thread and say to myself, "No! Don't you freaking dare to quit!" Is it alright for me to do so? Or only the technical stuffs are allowed in here, and no worldbuilding at all? Cheers, Rhymaestro
  6. Thank you for providing so many links to much-needed resources and tools! I'm overwhelmed by your warmth and kindness ^^ I am reading your reply top to bottom over and over again I don't have programming skills, but I'm going to pour my joy into this endeavours. How do I learn programming, where to start, and is C++ the only language I need to learn? Which clients at 4144 should I download
  7. I'm a guy on mission to make Ragnarok Online great again! Hi, friends! Like a man on a mission, I'm interested in revamping the most, if not all, of the Ragnarok Online game. Almost two decades ago, I used to write down and draw on my sketch books on how I would like Ragnarok Online, or MMORPG based on my taste, to fare as. In my early draft GDD(Game Design Document), I've designed and listed down more than 200 jobs. I'm eager to have my own version of this world of Ragnarok built and presented to everyone. There's so much to do, so many passion to savour! My artskills back in the year 2007-2008 were impeccable and beautiful, but I've grown rusty for not practising it almost a decade. So I need to improve my arts again, while also building my own MMORPG/Ragnarok Online version. I'm currently building upon the world and lores. and I'm going to lurk around, and interact, as to inquire and contribute, on how to modify Ragnarok Online. I hereby request, please, guide me Cheers!
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