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Posts posted by Bean

  1. Hello rAthena, I've been working on this problem for 3 days now before deciding to post here.


    My problem is that, I can't seem to connect to my private server. I will provide the details below, please help.


    My network setup is composed of:


    - a router/modem

    - a wireless router

    - my PC




    So what I did was,


    I forwarded the ports 6900, 6121, 5121 and 3306 from Aztech to D-Link's STATIC IP address. (BOTH UDP and TCP)




    and I read in some posts that I must activate UPNP, so I did.


    after that, I forwarded the ports from D-Link to My PC's STATIC IP (BOTH UDP AND TCP).

    which I also activated UPNP.




    Here's my:




    // Login Server IP
    // The character server connects to the login server using this IP address.
    // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on
    // a machine with multiple interfaces.
    // The character server listens on the interface with this IP address.
    // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces
    // while using the same ports for each server.
    // Login Server Port
    login_port: 6900
    // Character Server IP
    // The IP address which clients will use to connect.
    // Set this to what your server's public IP address is.
    char_ip: 120.*.*.138
    // Character Server Port
    char_port: 6121
    // Character Server IP
    // The map server connects to the character server using this IP address.
    // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on
    // a machine with multiple interfaces.
    // The map server listens on the interface with this IP address.
    // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces
    // while using the same ports for each server.
    // Character Server Port
    char_port: 6121
    // Map Server IP
    // The IP address which clients will use to connect.
    // Set this to what your server's public IP address is.
    map_ip: 120.*.*.138
    // Map Server Port
    map_port: 5121




    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>
          <desc>Enjoy Playing!</desc>
    //packet_db_ver: 46
    packet_db_ver: 30
    #ifndef PACKETVER
    //#define PACKETVER 20130807
    #define PACKETVER 20120410

    Screenshot of Server Console




    Only gets through Server Selection, Cannot reach Character Selection.


    I'm using 2012-04-10 provided by Judas' post on Recommended Client Setups


    Please Help rAthena


    That was fast :D thanks Phantasm.

    I'll give this a try right away!


    Sorry if I haven't really searched for old topics, I've been following a lot of other topics which led me everywhere but I came right back where I started so I became confused in which one I should follow.




    I took a look at the Tut, but I've done everything here so far :D. Now I just look forward for someone answering my questions :D

  3. Hello rAthena!


    I've got a lot of questions here and I need your help.


    I got everything on server-side going smooth, when it comes to codes and scripts I seem to be faster on that part

    but I got some questions for the Client-side.


    I got my client side going but when I walk a few steps on the map, my character freezes, I cant walk nor talk, but I can still open windows and look at a direction (when I click at an NPC on the left my character will face left.).


    I think it's really hard for me to understand the client-side. so I figured maybe I should ask for help.


    Now for the questions.


    Data Folder, I downloaded a lot of Data Folders from rAthena already but I don't really know which one I need and whats the difference between them.

    *Note: The Data Folder I need is just a basic translated Data Folder, no customs and what not. just translated textures and etc.


    1. Where do I get such basic translated Data Folder with no customs and add-ons? and is it updated?

    *Please post the source too so I can thank and give credit to him/her.


    UPDATE: So basically, I found out that this is by far the most updated and basic Data Folder available.




    Lua/Lubs, I don't really understand these things but I do get it that it needs to be in the Data Folder.

    2. What does these things do? and which one should I get Lua or Lub?

    3. Where can I get the most updated ones? and what if my client date doesn't have the corresponding Lua or Lub files?


    UPDATE: It's 3AM and I found out which Lub files to use, but still don't know the difference between Lub and Lua. I just know I need Lubs that matched my Client's Date.

    A link to where I think the most updated and translated Lua/Lubs are:




    Clients, I've always have a hard time with these, diffing is easy but there are some things I want to clarify.

    4. Where can I get the latest most up-to-date clients?

    5. What is the most stable client date to use now?

    6. How do I know which packet_ver number to use with the client?

    7. What is Skip Packet Header Obfuscation?

    8. What do I need to do in MMO.h and packet_db.txt server-side, and clientinfo.xml?

    9. Iter_getTable?

    10. When I double click my client, it doesn't do anything, but when I check my task manager, It's there.


    So my last and final question is.


    When I have my (Hexed/Diffed Client) + (Data+Lua/Lubs into a GRF) + (Data.ini),

    paste them all inside an RO folder, they should work right? or am I forgetting something?

    Please correct me.


    Thank you so much guys! Happy Holidays!


    Sorry for this Super long post!



  4. Hello, I'm a really big fan of the Anime: Full Metal Alchemist, and I would like to feature it as a job sprite for the job Alchemist, Creator and Genetic classes.

    I have gone through the Wiki to know a little bit about spriting and to no avail. I Suck. :D

    I need some help on this. Thanks in advanced! :D

    P.S.: Can you include a spriting tutorial or a more specific spriting site other than the wiki ?. I need visual aids, wiki doesn't have step-by-step pictures. =.=.

    This may help /??


  5. char_athena.conf

    // Login Server IP
    // The character server connects to the login server using this IP address.
    // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on
    // a machine with multiple interfaces.
    // The character server listens on the interface with this IP address.
    // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces
    // while using the same ports for each server.
    // Login Server Port
    login_port: 6900
    // Character Server IP
    // The IP address which clients will use to connect.
    // Set this to what your server's public IP address is.
    // Character Server Port
    char_port: 6121


    // Character Server IP
    // The map server connects to the character server using this IP address.
    // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on
    // a machine with multiple interfaces.
    // The map server listens on the interface with this IP address.
    // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces
    // while using the same ports for each server.
    // Character Server Port
    char_port: 6121
    // Map Server IP
    // The IP address which clients will use to connect.
    // Set this to what your server's public IP address is.
    // Map Server Port
    map_port: 5121


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>
      <desc>Test RO</desc>



    Using Globe Aztech DSL605E-EW (not a router, a broadband modem)

    Tried port forwarding (do i need to get a static IP to port forward ?)

    -made a static IP = didn't work.

    any help ? been working on this for 2 weeks.

    how can I get my server online ?

    Thank You !

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