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Everything posted by Finale

  1. Hey thanks!, this fixed my issue. I used zackdreaver's pre-re iteminfo.lua file.
  2. I already patched my kRO to the fullest but still getting the item error. Does patching the client have something to do with it?
  3. Hi Guys! is there any fix to this? When summoning an item or buying items from NPC, all items are in X or unknown items (apple). Is there something wrong with my client files? I'm using 2015-11-04aRagexe client.
  4. Hi Team, Is there a fix on how to remove invisible wall in Izlude PVP Room? I'm using Pre-renewal server. Thanks!
  5. Hi Team, Is there a fix for client crash every time I click Recommended tab in quest window? I'm using 2018-06-20eRagexeRE_patched.exe as my main client. thanks!
  6. All good now thank you @Winterfox
  7. Ohh... I see sorry I didn't understand at first. Its working! Is it possible to only restrict this command to GMs? or group id 99?
  8. The error is gone but I got this new message
  9. I got this error while running the command. Is it also possible that this command will only be available to group ID 99? and will only work in a specific map?
  10. Hi Thank you! I will test this script.
  11. Hi Guys, Requesting for a Freeze Status command wherein if I type @freeze all players inside a specific map will be frozen state and will be unfrozen once I type @unfrozen. Thanks in advance!
  12. Hi Team, Is there any script that would prevent players from disbanding guild if they still have existing items inside guild storage? Thanks in advance!
  13. No errors, but I still cannot receive the consolation prize from my end.
  14. Hi Guys, Just want to ask a question if there are other enchanter npc in pre-re aside from apprentice craftsman? I noticed that some of my players are having +10 stats enchant on almost all of their equipment's. Others are having 2 enchants on the item too. I need to know this because its too OP and some players do not know this. Thanks!
  15. Hi, I tried this one but they still can't receive any consolation prizes.
  16. Hi Team, I am using @AnnieRuru's KOE script for my server. Just want to ask if how can I make loosing guilds receive consolation prize after KOE? Here is the script: https://pastebin.com/M9QED5Gg Thanks!
  17. Hi Guys, For those who are familiar with Lotti Girl NPC. Is there a way for the NPC to draw like 5x or 10x so that players will not click the NPC one at a time?. It would be cool if players can enter the number of times they can pull on the Lotti NPC. This is the script that I'm using on my server: https://pastebin.com/y0hjpBjX Thanks!
  18. Hi Guys, Some of my players that are using Windows 11 as their OS are having a flickering issue on their display, some don't. I tried checking their setup, changing default graphics, resolution, changing compatibility but flickering still shows after a few minutes. Do we have a workaround for this? Thank you!
  19. Hey Man thanks for the response! I tried this script and its working. But I get 0 points every time I trade normal cards.
  20. Hi Guys! Does anyone have a card recyler npc wherein players trade their trash cards into npc then get a new one? I have tried the Card Trader NPC but players need to type the cards name one by one.. It would be great if the players just drag their trash cards in exchange of a new one. Thanks in advance!
  21. make sure your data.ini config have the correct .grf order.
  22. Hi Guys!, I just want to ask if its possible to have a join guild delay after you leave a guild? like you have to wait for 24 hours before you can join another guild. Thanks in advance!
  23. Hi Team, Seeking for your kind assistance to create a zeny converter via command. Here are the mechanics: 1. Convert all of your Zeny into an item id 22787. 2. You must type @convert to execute the command / script. 3. The conversion will be 100m = 1 22787. 4. The script also able to check weight though the item 22787 has only 1 weight. Thanks in advance!
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