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Kuroko Sempai

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Posts posted by Kuroko Sempai

  1. Según el último lub oficial del kRO que contiene todas las ID de los servidores oficiales este sprite debe de existir en el data arabic ragnarok online con el nombre (BANDIT).

    A no ser que dicho servidor al sacar sus últimos clientes completos borrara el sprite ya que se usaba en un evento.

    Gracias ziu, como dije en iro no esta y en aro (tahadi games) tampoco esta a menos que aro no sea el que baje de tahadi 

  2. Greetings to all, but will not have a patch for hercules because I really like this system and I have rathena already and would like for the 11950 version of hercules.


    PD: If there is no or no material for this emulator work well thanks for the EVS.


    PD2: Google tranlator XD

  3. Gracias Ziu por responder. Aca te dejo lo que encontre con respecto al mail system


    Lo que ocurre es que al usar un cliente Ragnarexe puedo utilizar el sytema cash shop buton pero al mail system de gravity le ocurre un bug. Pero si utilizo RagnarexeRe el mail system funciona sin ningún problema pero no tengo el cash shop butom.



    Mail System

    The Mailing System is a feature added of the Episode 10.4: Hugel update. It allows players to send mail to any player. It was deactivated on iRO for a time due to bugs, but returned to iRO when the Interface Renewal update occurred. It was deactivated again because of a duping bug and reintroduced again later during the Episode 13.2 - Encounter Against the Uknownupdate.

    You can send mail via your Friends list (as long as you have one friend), your Party list (as long as you are in a party), or through the Mailbox. Your mail is accessed via a Mailbox NPCin all major towns. There is a fee of 130 Zeny to access the mailbox. Mail will be deleted automatically once your mailbox is full, starting with the oldest messages. You can have a maximum of 30 messages at once. Any mail you have opened must be taken care of in order to see next one.

    Zeny and Items (1 item stack per message) can be sent via the Mailing System. Character and account-bound items such as Wedding Rings[1][2] cannot be sent via the Mail System. Messages which contain foul language cannot be sent. You cannot send mail to characters on the same account.

    As of the 2/26/13 maint, the mail system will be disabled till further notice

    As of the 4/10/13 maint, the mail system allows retrieval of mail until 4/16 after which ALL mail will cease to exist. Apparently, the in-game mail feature is being removed.

    Menus Accessing and Inbox

    Accessmail.jpg Mailinbox.jpg

    Writing and Reading Mail

    Writemail.jpg Samplemessage.jpg



    Por lo mismo se implemento lo siguiente.


    Se creo este nuevo sistema para mejorar el servidor, asi tendra una mejor respuesta! 

    Este consiste en una habitacion especial para enviar y recibir tus correos de manera normal.

    Como usar el servicio??

    Sencillo, solo podras acceder al servicio por medio de las KAFRA Galls que se encuentran en los mapas de woe.
    Para ir a la habitacion deberas hablar con la kafra, elegir "Send to mail annex room"


    Una vez en la habitacion, habla nuevamente con la kafra de ahí y selecciona "Access Mail" y podras crear,enviar y recibir nuevos correos.



    Para salir de la habitacion de mails deberas hablar nuevamente con la kafra y elegir "Teleport Service" y podras elegir en cual mapa de WOE ir. Todos los mapas tienen un costo de 1,200z.


    *Cabe mencionar que el npc "WPS TOKEN" se coloco aqui, en esta habitacion
    *El acceso a la habitacion no tiene costo
    *El uso de mail(crear, recibir) tiene un costo de 120z
    *No se puede utilizar teleport para salir de la habitacion
    *Puedes usar warp  (Acolyte Class & SuperNovice)

    *Puedes salir con una Butterflywing


    En resumen debes optar por lo que quieras tener cash shop o mail system .


    En lo referente al mail system actualizado ni idea como implementarlo o donde conseguir el script sobre todo por que uso ragnarexe y no ragnarexeRe.

  4. Hola a todos tengo un problema pero pero no se si es del emulador o del cliente. Cuando trato de enviar un mail a un amigo o miembro de mi party mediante el npc o el comando @mail no me es posible navegar entre las pestañas read y whrite por lo que no puedo enviar nada.

    Aca les dejo los datos de la data y el emulador.

    Emulator   =  Rathena ultima revision
    Exe           2012-07-16aragexe








    No funciona aunque tenga amigos party o guildty or members of my guild.


  5. Hello everyone I have a problem but not if it is the sourse or client itself. What happens is that I am unable to send mail with the Mail System of Ragnarok or navigate between tabs once you talk to the npc.

    Then I leave the technical data of my Test-Server and some pictures of the problem.

    Emulator   =  rathena last version (I download with TortoiseSVN)
    Exe           2012-07-16aragexe








    Don´t work with friends or party or members of my guild
    PD: Zorry my bad english ...
  6. Primero el nuevo izlude ya esta implementado y funcionando con los clientes nuevos lo otro es que faltan los datos tecnicos como la fecha del exe que estas usando la revision del emulador y eso aparte de alguna screen.


    PD:no mensione el tema de que tu data debia estar actualizada por que es como lo basico .

  7. Zorry pero no es lo que busco eso lo sabe la mayoria a lo que yo me refiero es cuando creas por primera vez tu personaje tienes la opcion de editar su peinado y yo quiero que en ese lugar puedas cambiar tu hair mas aya de los 27 oficiales. Antes de ingresar al server con un personaje reciencreado.

  8. Como puedo agregar mis customs hair styles a la ventana donde me creo un personaje nuevo ya que solo me permite cambiar los 27 oficiales no asi in game donde si puedo cambiar los 53 peinados que tengo implementados.




  9. No se mucho de esa ventana pero deveras fijarte en la posición que esta en el act del item al ser dropeado e ir regulando de apoco 

  10. De todas formas.. brAthena puede contener en sus scripts comandos no implementados en otros emuladores...tener cuidado a la hora de cogerlo de su SVN.

    No puedo confirmar si el script está transformado desde un .sc oficial o es custom... ya que los DeV de ese proyecto parasitan todo lo que encuentran de otros proyectos más lo que trabajan ellos....



    Am xd funciona bien con la versión que uso de rathena 17262 pero con una versión mas antigua no trabaja...


    Con parasitar no se si te referian en buena manera o solo por decir que modificaban a gusto  /??


    como sea pueden cerrar tema gracias a todos por responder a todo esto Ziu tu no as trabajado en algo del oboro (quest) XD

  11. Gracias man por la aclaracion.


    para que funcione con server con level mayor solo debes editar esto


    if ((BaseJob==25) && (BaseLevel == 120) && (JobLevel == 80) && (checkquest(5131) == -1)){


    if ((BaseJob==25) && (BaseLevel >= 99) && (JobLevel >= 70) && (checkquest(5131) == -1)){


    y listo trabaja del 100 XD

  12. Lo que pasa es que tengo el siguiente script 


    que_ng,28,156,1    script    Start#ko    -1,1,1,{
    if ((BaseJob==25) && (BaseLevel == 99) && (JobLevel == 70) && (checkquest(5131) == -1)){
        mes "Secret Passage to ^25C18DNinja Guild^25C18D";
        mes "You hear familiar voices talking to each other.";
        mes "[unknown Voice A]";
        mes "Long time, no see. How are you? How are the kids you've taken in?";
        mes "[unknown Voice B]";
        mes "I have to hand it to you. You've picked some competitive ones.";
        mes "[unknown Voice A]";
        mes "Sounds like music to my ears. Being sent to a foreign land with air pollution was bad enough, now haunted with memories of this place...";
        mes "[unknown Voice A]";
        mes "What do you think? Should we rotate now?";
        mes "[unknown Voice B]";
        mes "Haven't given up, have ya. Do you really think he'll approve?";
        mes "[unknown Voice A]";
        mes "No need to be bitter. Hey! Were any of the kids that come and go here the ones that found the ^BD0408place^BD0408?";
        mes "[unknown Voice B]";
        mes "Since finding the hidden place was also a part of the test.";
        mes "[unknown Voice A]";
        mes "You are as stubborn as the first time I met you. It's just a wall in some place...";
        mes "[unknown Voice B]";
        mes "Shssh! I think someone is eavesdropping. Hurry! Go back to the mission area.";
        mes "The conversation stopped abruptly. Hidden place? Wall? Part of a test? What is all this about?";
        setquest 5131;    //Strange Conversation
    que_ng,10,183,1    warp    warp#ko    1,1,que_ng,33,64    //Warp in que_ng
    que_ng,21,76,1    script    Wall with a Drawing#ko    909,{
    if (checkquest(5132) == 2){
        mes "Entrance to the ^25C18DNinja Guild^25C18D hideout.";
        if(select("Enter.:Do not enter.") == 1){
                warp "job_ko",26,111;
    else if (checkquest(5131) == 1 && Class == 25 && BaseLevel >= 99 && JobLevel >= 70){
        mes "You found a location that resembles the hidden place.";
        mes "This wall was here ever since. How come I didn't notice it before?";
        mes "Now that I know it's a secret passage, what do I do to get in?";
        switch(select("Tear the drawing down.:Touch the drawing with your hand.")){
            case 1:
                mes "I can't rip it down because I don't own it.";
            case 2:
                mes "You touch the drawing with the tip of your hand and felt a sudden sensation of being pulled.";
                warp "job_ko",26,111;
        mes "There is a wall with a great drawing on it.";
    job_ko,25,115,1    script    Old Man#ko    909,{
    if (checkquest(5131)==1){
        mes "^1A95E6An old man looking hale and hearty is sitting and gazing vacantly.^1A95E6";
        switch(select("Ignore.:Talk to him.")){
            case 1: close;
            case 2:
                mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
                mes "Excuse me...";
                mes "^1A95E6You tried to talk to the old man but there is no response. Just when you are about to turn away...^1A95E6";
                mes "[Old Man]";
                mes "At last, a customer! Hmm... and a live one, too!";
                if (select("Excuse me... where am I?")==1){
                    mes "^1A95E6He keeps talking and doesn't stop to answer your question.^1A95E6";
                    mes "[Old Man]";
                    mes "There once was a quiet family living in ancient Amatsu times that is never mentioned in history books or stories.";
                    mes "[Old Man]";
                    mes "They lived beneath shadows but always yearned for the bright sun, like a sunflower.";
                    mes "[Old Man]";
                    mes "A family that was loyal to their lord who they served as their bright sun.";
                    mes "[Old Man]";
                    mes "...a very trustworthy family...";
                    mes "[Old Man]";
                    mes "....loyal to their core...";
                    mes "[Old Man]";
                    mes "...a family of integrity...";
                    if (select("What happened to them?")==1){
                        mes "^1A95E6The old man looks at you with a melancholy face.^1A95E6";
                        mes "[Old Man]";
                        mes "Why are you interested in a family that was abandoned by their lord and disappeared from history itself?";
                        switch(select("I'm a Ninja.:I'm bored.")){
                            case 1:
                                mes "[Old Man]";
                                mes "Ninja! There was a time when the family was called ninjas, too.";
                                completequest 5131;
                                setquest 5132;
                                mes "[Old Man]";
                                mes "You'll have to lend me your ear for I have so much to tell you about the family story.";
                            case 2:
                                mes "[Old Man]";
                                mes "Was nice to meet you.";
                                sleep2 2000;
                                warp "amatsu",147,136;
    } else if (checkquest(5132) == 1){
        mes "^1A95E6The Old Man starts the story with a very soothing tone as if he is telling his grandchild a story.^1A95E6";
        mes "[Old Man]";
        mes "This goes way back to ancient times and nobody in Amatsu remembers about it.";
        mes "[Old Man]";
        mes "The family worked behind the scenes and basically lived their lives for their lord.";
        mes "[Old Man]";
        mes "They were very loyal doing whatever deed their lord asked for.";
        mes "[Old Man]";
        mes "Ninja, the family was known as the dark family but that doesn't mean they wanted to be hidden in the darkness.";
        mes "[Old Man]";
        mes "They were loyal enough to be satisfied as the lord's servants but their loyalty became the problem.";
        if (select("Problem?")==1){
            mes "[Old Man]";
            mes "They are a secret organization that even the lord didn't know much about.";
            mes "[Old Man]";
            mes "The few that knew about the family's existence, tried to investigate them but nobody was able to reveal their true identity.";
            mes "[Old Man]";
            mes "That is why this family has grown from loyal servants to a group feared for its secrets.";
            mes "[Old Man]";
            mes "The lord shunned the family and didn't call them for their service any more but they never betrayed him.";
        if (select("They were really loyal people.")==1){
            mes "[Old Man]";
            mes "Yes, they were. Very loyal.";
            completequest 5132;
            setquest 5133;
            mes "^1A95E6The old man looks even more forlorn.^1A95E6";
    } else if (checkquest(5133) == 1){
        mes "[Old Man]";
        mes "The family has been living in hiding for so long since the old days. The current lord didn't even know of their existence.";
        if (select(".........")==1){
                mes "[Old Man]";
                mes "I'm Guide Gion, the last of the dark ninja family.";
                switch(select("I think your time has ended.:I need your teaching.")){
                    case 1:
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "Are you an assassin to end this old man's life?";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "So that is why you've shown interest in my family. I won't give up easily.";
                        mes "Pow!!";
                        mes "You lose conscience with the great impact.";
                        sleep2 2000;
                        warp "amatsu",147,136;
                    case 2:
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "Teaching...";
                        mes "Been a long time since I last heard that word.";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "I guess this little visit was not by coincidence but a start of a connection.";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "Sorry I am not a teacher. But!";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "I can help you on the path you've chosen, the ^33CC71"+((Sex)?"Kagerou":"Oboro")+"^33CC71 path.";
                        mes "^1A95E6You hear Guide Gion's voice faintly as you slip away.^1A95E6";
                        completequest 5133;
                        setquest 5134;    //New path
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "If you are prepared to follow me, Guide Gion, on the Oboro path, we will meet again.";
                        warp "amatsu",147,136;
    }else if (checkquest(5134) == 1 && KORDTS == 0){
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "I thought you were afraid of the ^33CC71path of the "+((Sex)?"Kagerou":"Oboro")+"^33CC71 and wouldn't come back.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "But from the look of your eyes, I guess I misjudged you.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "You will have to train your mind and body to walk steadily in the unknown world and never fall into temptation to stay on the path.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "Our ancestors had 4 tests to train our people.";
        if (select("4 tests?")==1){    
            mes "[Guide Gion]";
            mes "Yes, there are 4 tests.";
            mes "My ancestors trained my people with 4 tests that involve ^087FF8knowledge^087FF8, ^087FF8survival^087FF8, ^087FF8weapons^087FF8, and ^087FF8battle^087FF8.";
            mes "[Guide Gion]";
            mes "I know you are curious what these tests are. Let me explain one by one.";
            while (1) {
                if (KO_Q&1 && KO_Q&2 && KO_Q&4 && KO_Q&8){
                    changequest 5134,5135;    //4 tests
                    set KORDTS,1;
                    mes "[Guide Gion]";
                    mes "Let's start right away after you are done with preparations.";
                switch(select("Test of Knowledge:Test of Survival:Test of Weaponry:Test of Battle")){
                    case 1:
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "We need to be knowledgeable in order to assist the lord. This test is for this purpose.";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "You can pass the test if you successfully solve more than 9 out of 10 questions.";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "The test will be easy to pass if you've been steady in your studies. Now what other test are you curious about?";
                        set KO_Q,KO_Q|1;
                    case 2:
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "Missions aren't always easy and safe. That is why survival instincts are vital to us.";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "My ancestors call this test the dice test. It is a test to advance forward depending on the dice results.";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "Think of it as the simple dice games people play.";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "But never let your guard down during the test because it isn't called the survival test for nothing.";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "There will be blocks that help you while there are blocks that will interrupt you.";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "If you deal with various situations wisely, you will be able to pass the test. Now what other test are you curious about?";
                        set KO_Q,KO_Q|2;
                    case 3:
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "My family was famous for using unique weapons that we created.";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "You would be considered blessed if you created your own unique weapon.";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "Creating a weapon for yourself and refining it is the purpose of this test.";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "I hope you will be blessed and find the best weapon for yourself. Now what other test are you curious about?";
                        set KO_Q,KO_Q|4;
                    case 4:
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "Missions are not always done alone. You will often work in teams of 2 or 3 for a common goal.";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "The battle test is only for those that pass that knowledge, survival and weapon tests. So! It is the very last test.";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "Unlike the other three tests that are done alone, you will have to compete with others in this final test.";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "There is only one target!!";
                        mes "And only the first to get to the target passes the test.";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "You'll be lucky if you have no competitors during your test.";
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "A challenge is better than explaining it a hundred times. It's the actual experience that makes you better.";
                        set KO_Q,KO_Q|8;
    } else if (checkquest(5135) == 1 && checkquest(5136) == 1){ //0=Test of Knowledge || 1=Test of Survival || 2=Test of Weaponry || 3=Test of Battle
        function KO_IB;
    } else if (checkquest(5135) == 1 && checkquest(5137) == 1 ){
        function KO_IB;
    } else if (checkquest(5135) == 1 && checkquest(5138) == 1){
        function KO_IB;
    } else if (checkquest(5135) == 1 && KORDTS2 == 0){
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "It's been a while.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "Since I felt happy like this. I feel young and energetic seeing young people like you challenge themselves with a new path.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "We're done with explaining about the tests, now should I tell you my family story?";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "My family started from two warriors.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "Kagerou a warrior like the dancing flames of the sun.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "Oboro a warrior like the misty moonlight.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "The Sun and the Moon.";
        mes "The sunlight that lights up the world and the moonlight that lights up the night. Both were very similar but different warriors.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "There was a time there was an enmity between both warriors.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "But it didn't take long for them to become one as a family.";
        if (select("How did it go afterwards?")==1){
            mes "[Guide Gion]";
            mes "Ha ha ha. It is never fun to listen to the whole story all at once, no? Come back after passing a test and I'll continue my story.";
            mes "[Guide Gion]";
            mes "Which test will you select as your first test?";
            switch(select("Test of Knowledge:Test of Survival:Test of Weaponry")){
                case 1:
                    set FKOQ, "Knowledge";
                    mes "[Guide Gion]";
                    mes "You are starting with the ^339CCCTest of Knowledge^339CCC? Then I will get to see a familiar face after so long.";
                    if(select("Familiar face?")==1){
                        setquest 5136;
                        mes "[Guide Gion]";
                        mes "Ha ha ha. You'll know when we get there. The Test of Knowledge is taken over here.";
                        sleep2 2000;
                        set KORDTS2,1;
                        warp "job_ko",72,128; end;
                case 2:
                    set FKOQ, "Survival";
                    mes "[Guide Gion]";
                    mes "You are starting with the ^339CCCTest of Survival^339CCC? It's a lonesome test that you have to face alone.";
                    mes "But I believe you can handle it. The Test of Survival is taken over here.";
                    setquest 5137;
                    sleep2 2000;
                    set KORDTS2,1;
                    warp "job_ko",62,16; end;
                case 3:
                    set FKOQ, "Weaponry";
                    mes "You are starting with the ^339CCCTest of Weaponry^339CCC? I have something to give you before you go.";
                    setquest 5138;    //Weapons test
                    getitem 1002,5; getitem 1010,1;
                    mes "You receive 5 Iron Ore and 1 Phracon.";
                    mes "You will find these useful. The Test of Weaponry is taken over here.";
                    sleep2 2000;
                    set KORDTS2,1;
                    warp "job_ko",121,129; end;
    }  else if (KO_QKCC == 1 && KO_QSCC == 1 || KO_QKCC == 1 && KO_QWCC == 1 || KO_QSCC == 1 && KO_QKCC == 1 || KO_QSCC == 1 && KO_QWCC == 1 || KO_QWCC == 1 && KO_QSCC == 1 || KO_QWCC == 1 && KO_QKCC == 1){ // KO_QKCC = Knowledge || KO_QSCC = Survival || KO_QWCC = Weapons
    // If > 2 Quests complete ?
    } else if (checkquest(5136)==2){
    mes "[Guide Gion]";
    mes "You've passed the Test of Knowledge.";
    mes "[Guide Gion]";
    mes "My friend doesn't approve of others that easily but I guess he liked you.";
    callfunc "KO_HS";
    function    KO_HS    {
    if (KOHS == 1){
    if (select("Please continue with the family story.")==1){
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "Looks like you are pretty eager to hear more. Where did I leave off... Ah! I remember.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "Kagerou, warrior like the dancing flames of the sun";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "Oboro, warrior like the misty moonlight";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "Both warriors weren't close at first, because personality and everything else was completely opposite of each other.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "The first place they met was the battlefield. And you know how enemies greet each other on a battlefield.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "They ended up injuring each other badly.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "But what can you do? War is a war.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "The friend you've laughed with yesterday is a foe that you have to fight with in a war today.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "So nobody can get along with anyone during a war.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "I'll continue the story after you pass another test.";
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "Which test will you choose for the second test?";
        switch(select("Test of Survival:Test of Weaponry")){
            case 1:
                mes "[Guide Gion]";
                mes "You've chosen the Test of Survival as your second test? It's a lonesome test that you have to face alone.";
                setquest 5137;
                mes "[Guide Gion]";
                mes "But I believe you can handle it. The Test of Survival is taken over here.";
                warp "job_ko",62,16; end;
            case 2:
                mes "You are starting with the ^339CCCTest of Weaponry^339CCC? I have something to give you before you go.";
                setquest 5138;    //Weapons test
                getitem 1002,5; getitem 1010,1;
                mes "You receive 5 Iron Ore and 1 Phracon.";
                mes "You will find these useful. The Test of Weaponry is taken over here.";
                sleep2 2000;
                warp "job_ko",121,129; end;
    } else if (KOHS == 2){
    mes "[Guide Gion]";
    mes "[Guide Gion]";
    mes "You are already done with two tests. Hope you've learned a lot from them.";
    mes "[Guide Gion]";
    mes "Shall we continue with the story?";
    mes "[Guide Gion]";
    mes "Kagerou, warrior like the dancing flames of the sun";
    mes "[Guide Gion]";
    mes "Oboro, warrior like the misty moonlight";
    mes "[Guide Gion]";
    mes "I think I left off when the two warriors met at the battlefield as enemies.";
    mes "[Guide Gion]";
    mes "The long war ended eventually but the wounds and pain of those that survived had just started.";
    mes "[Guide Gion]";
    mes "So these two warriors started to embrace and heal the war wounds together and became one.";
    mes "[Guide Gion]";
    mes "There is a backstory of a man appearing in front of them and winning the loyalty from both warriors.";
    switch(select("Who is this man?")){
    case 1:
    mes "[Guide Gion]";
    mes "There isn't much known about this man. Only a short mentioning of the two warriors pledging their allegiance.";
    mes "[Guide Gion]";
    mes "Maybe current generations like me are the ancestors of the current Amatsu lord? But this is only an assumption.";
    mes "[Guide Gion]";
    mes "I'm almost at the end of my family story. Come back after you've passed the third test and I will tell you the rest.";
    mes "[Guide Gion]";
    mes "Your third test is the Test of "+LASTQUEST+". I have something to give you before you go.";
    else if (KOHS == 3){
    function    KO_IB    {    //Kagerou/Oboro In-Between
        //0=Test of Knowledge:1=Test of Survival:2=Test of Weaponry:3=Test of Battle
        mes "[Guide Gion]";
        mes "I see you are in the middle of the ^339CCCTest of "+((getarg(0)==0)?"Knowledge" :((getarg(0)==1)?"Survival" :((getarg(0)==2)?"Weaponry":"Battle")))+"^339CCC. Will you go back to the test site?";
        switch(select("Go back to the test site.:Visit the village.")){
            case 1:
            mes "Test of "+((getarg(0)==0)?"Knowledge" :((getarg(0)==1)?"Survival" :((getarg(0)==2)?"Weaponry":"Battle")))+" The test site is over here.";
            sleep2 2000;
            if (getarg(0)==0){warp "job_ko",72,128;}
            if (getarg(0)==1){warp "job_ko",62,16;}
            if (getarg(0)==2){warp "job_ko",121,129;}
            if (getarg(0)==3){warp "job_ko",72,128;} // Needs Info
        case 2:
            mes "[Guide Gion]";
            mes "The village is over here.";
            warp "amatsu",147,136;

    pero es como si no lo tuviera activado ya que no da error pero no comienza la conversacional cuando ingreso al pasadizo secreto y verifica mi nivel job y nivel de job.
    PD: Lo tome de brathena (creditos)
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