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Everything posted by darboy

  1. Greetings! I didn't think I'd be here but really in all honesty I love all things about Ragnarok, and I'm very keen in connecting with talented RO devs here on rAthena. I'm primarily interested in creating a highly customized pre-renewal server with plugins and builds that do not necessarily exist yet. I have the capital, and I'm willing to dedicate at least 1,000 bucks a month in development and really cultivating a solid game and a community. (not sure if this is enough... willing to add more if need be.) I'm looking for developers and potential insights on how to really set everything up, and I'm in it for the long term. I run a gaming company myself so I would consider this a small side project that may be beneficial to all who decide to be involved. If anything think of it as a fun business that may do well. Nonetheless, I welcome all insights, and to those that want to help me out and be a part of this please do let me know, and to those that want to point me in the right direction to actually recruit developers where I can negotiate and talk to them face to face, please do tell me. I really need every insight I can get. I have great plans drafted out, and I have already allocated a solid budget. I have a legal team and necessary personnel to ensure things run smoothly. I'm not just here to create a profitable private server, but a long lasting server where benefits are provided to both players and developers. If you want to add me on discord, please do so at karm_live#3156 Again, thanks for reading this thread, I don't know if anyone's going to read it, but if you do read it and are interested in joining, please do reach out to me. Thank you kindly!
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