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  1. Dear community, please tell me how you can implement a simple task? If the monster MvP - he can not miss. Regardless Flee character. I have edited the original formula of HIT, adding a check for a monster and adding to it 500 base hits. But I do not get the desired effect. How i can set a rule: if monster MvP flag - he can not to miss on a character never, only hits. Please tell me where in the search for.. P.S: sorry if wrong section. But I think that this is realized with the help of the source code
  2. You need to create a mercenary skill for them that's a clone of the skill your trying to give them. I've added a new skill for instructions Wiki . I created a copy of Fire Bolt but with the name MER_FIREBOLT, but the server still gives exactly the same error. [Error]: read_mercenary_skilldb: Invalid Mercenary skill '8300'. [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 235 of "db/mercenary_skill_db.txt". How to add a new skill to a class of mercenaries? Update!: I changed the id skill on the 8250 and the error has disappeared But do not show it in the mercenary's skill window
  3. How i can allow the mercenaries use all the skills? not just those intended for them? For example, I want to add mercenary skill "Heal 10lvl"..But in the console I get an error when the server is load, and all lost the skills mercenary.. Where i can allow them to use the characters skill?
  4. Hmmm...but i made a script. Solved, thx all.
  5. Hi, community! I need help with random spawn duplicate npc.. I found this script: movenpc strnpcinfo(0),.@rand_x,.@rand_y; but this working only for main npc.But I do not need it. Main should just as well stay at a static site . How to do that would duplicate a spawn in random coordinates? For expample: event OnInit:/OnClock: 50 identical npc a spawn in random coordirates on map? Please help, who knows.
  6. Sorry for my English.. Standart NPC weapon enchan "Devil Master Enchantment". npc/re/merchants/enchan_upg.txt I understand how it works and remade for themselves. Before that, i am trying to rewrite the ordinary.(Standart Enchant Armor)
  7. Thank you very much for the tip ! I made the example script Devil Master Enchantment getitem2 .@equip_id,1,1,.@equip_refine,0,.@equip_card[0],.@equip_card[1],.@equip_card[2],.@enchant;
  8. Hi, thx. But not working... [spoiler=Fist] getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart, 0; [spoiler=Second]getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, .@addpart; or getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart; The same effect...empty slot or apple How to keep a 3- slot , when added to the 4 slot? 3 slot just reset, when i added to the 4 slot.
  9. Hi! I have standart script Enchan Armor. I need to insert the "enchanitem" into the slot 3 , but save the "enchanitem" in 4 Slot. [spoiler=Standart code give item]getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart; [spoiler=My Code give item]getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart, 0; or getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart, 1; But the "enchanitem" in slot 4 is not saved... Please help, who knows. Sorry for my english.
  10. http://rathena.org/board/topic/86605-hi-guys/
  11. This is Colored Valkyrie Helm. Search only in Sprite Packs, but i have this. Link: http://rghost.ru/48306844 P.S: Sorry for my English
  12. 1.Укажи группе 0 хотя бы какие-то команды. 2.Потому,что на еА не было ограничения на команды @stats.Т.е.: если у тебя на сервере макс статы 99,то командой ты мог сделать 1к стр,а в rА так нельзя.
  13. в clientinfo.xml версия пакетов 26 стоит?
  14. When Homuncul receives the highest level (any), the server hangs, throws out all the players of the game and blocked. And all of the server online(char,map,login).In the console, no errors. When you try to enter the game constantly says Reject from the server. P.S: When the toss over the level of command all is fine.If you kill a mob and get the highest level there is a problem ... Sorry for my English. UPD: The problem solved only by: Change Max lvl higher than prescribed in exp_homun.
  15. Такая же проблема как и была уже тут у Игрока,только решение никто не сказал. Когда игрок 1 лвл подходит к игроку с фракцией,сервер сразу Крашит.
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