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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/22 in Files

  1. Version 2.2.6


    !! UPDATE !! If there is still interst in this project, and you really would like a update with better performance. Write me a private message. I would like to renew this, but i dont have any server to test it. Also if no one want a new version, i dont see any reason to rewrite it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- This application is made for windows servers, since it doesn't make much sense to have something like this on a linux system. Login-, Char- and Map-Server gets started without a window. All Output is redirected to this application so you can see all 3 windows in 1 application. Version 2.2.6 is really old, but still have some "nice" features like coloring of [info], [status], etc. Also it counts different messages. (Error, Warning, ...) [How-To] 1. Download the newest Version. 2. Unrar it & Place it where you want. 3. Start the Application and go to "Options". 4. Configurate the Path to your executables. 5. Click on Start. Have fun. [source] I'm sorry. This project is by the time i changed this, about 4,2 years old. After cleaning my github i deleted it without thinking about it. The only thing i can say is.. it was a horrible source code... I'm sorry for all the developers who looked at it. ^^ >> Please, no mirrors without asking. <<
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