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prontera,146,237,4	script	Chii	716,{

	if (Chii == 0) {
		mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
		mes "Silver bells,";
		mes "silver bells ...";
		mes "it's christmas time in the city";
		emotion e_ho;
		mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
		mes "Oh~ Hi there!";
		mes "can you feel the essence";
		mes "of christmas here?";
		mes "everything is totally amazing!";
		mes "and i reeeally luv it!!!";
		mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
		mes "Although things are great";
		mes "seeing other people's smile";
		mes "but, facing also the";
		mes "fact that i can't be with ";
		mes "my partner right now";
		mes "is the saddest part";
		mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
		mes "i wish that she's with me";
		mes "and hoping that Santa would hear";
		mes "all my wishes";
		emotion e_omg;
		mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
		mes "Ooops! speaking about santa,";
		mes "have you noticed";
		mes "why people talking 'bout him?";
		menu "I dunno, why?",TEST1,"lol, don't care",TEST2;
				mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
				mes "Well, i won't be telling secrets";
				mes "to anyone i don't even know";
				mes "especially to you";
				mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
				mes "BUUUUUUUT!";
				mes "if you really want to know";
				mes "there are conditions";
				mes "before i will tell you this";
				mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
				mes "The next time you'll talk to me";
				mes "just bring";
				mes "5 Lunatic cards";
				mes "5 Poring cards";
				mes "5 Fabre cards";
				set Chii,4;
				mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
				mes "Okay! Get lost!";
				mes "i don't need you!";
				warp "xmas_fild01",0,0;
	if (Chii == 4) {
		mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
		mes "Hello! You're back!~";
		mes "so are you ready to know";
		mes "what is going on right now?";
		switch(select("Please tell me:I better go")) {
			case 1:
			if ((countitem(4006) > 4) && (countitem(4001) > 4) && (countitem(4002) > 4)) {
				mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
				mes "That's great! You did it";
				mes "so, here it is,";
				mes "but please don't tell anyone about this okay?";
				delitem 4006,5;
				delitem 4001,5;
				delitem 4002,5;
				mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
				mes "People are talking about Santa";
				mes "because rumors says";
				mes "that he's coming to town";
				mes "and he'll be giving gifts";
				mes "to those who have his hat";
				mes "[^ff8f1a" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000]";
				mes "What kind of hat is that?";
				mes "and where can i find that one";
				mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
				mes "Rumors says that";
				mes "there's an old man";
				mes "living on payon who makes";
				mes "that hat";
				mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
				mes "But all i know is, he only accepts";
				mes "requests as soon as you bring";
				mes "with you his precious stone";
				mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
				mes "And people says that";
				mes "his precious stone";
				mes "can only be found at";
				mes "the seven desert of morocc";
				mes "and its veeeery rare";
				mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
				emotion e_heh;
				mes "And guess what?";
				mes "i think i found iiiiit!";
				mes "nyaaaaaaaahaha!";
				mes "do you want this too?";
				mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
				mes "Nah! You can have this";
				mes "but its not for free";
				mes "maybe if you can bring me";
				mes "the items i need too";
				mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
				mes "Here's all i need";
				mes "200 red gemstone";
				mes "200 yellow gemstone";
				mes "200 blue gemstone";
				mes "and 150 battle badges";
				mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
				mes "Just come back";
				mes "here if you have it all";
				mes "Byeeeee!";
				set Chii,2;
		mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
		mes "Oh! i thought";
		mes "5 Lunatic cards,";
		mes "5 Poring cards,";
		mes "and 5 Fabre cards are already with you";
		emotion e_swt;
			case 2:
			mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
			mes "Naah! if you change";
			mes "your mind,";
			mes "you can just find me here";
			mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
			mes "laa la laaa";
			mes "lalalal laaaaa";
			mes "...";
			emotion e_ho;
	if (Chii == 2) {
		mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
		mes "Are you ready to have";
		mes "this precious stone";
		mes "and make that rare hat?";
		if ((countitem(7773) > 99) && (countitem(716) > 199) && (countitem(715) > 199) && (countitem(717) > 199)){
			mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
			mes "Here you go...";
			mes "please don't lost it okay?";
			delitem 7773,100;
			delitem 716,200;
			delitem 715,200;
			delitem 717,200;
			getitem 6084,1;
			specialeffect2 852;
			mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
			mes "Before you go,";
			mes "let me remind you";
			mes "always bring that stone";
			mes "coz he won't make hats";
			mes "if you don't have his stone";
			set Chii,3;
			emotion e_no1;
	mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
	mes "Ooops!~";
	mes "i thought you bring";
	mes "your items with you";
	mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
	mes "nah~";
	mes "next time, always check your items";
	mes "before talking to me";
	mes "coz i find hard";
	mes "counting all your stuff";
	if (Chii == 3){
		mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
		mes "You can find that old man";
		mes "at payon and his name is";
		mes "Carlo and he was known";
		mes "to be the greatest blacksmith";
		mes "at his time";
		mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]";
		mes "Well,";
		mes "good luck to your journey";
		mes "til we meet our destiny again~";
payon,138,146,6	script	Carlo	765,{
	if (Carlo == 0) {
	if (countitem(6084) > 0){
		mes "[Carlo]";
		mes "That's what im looking for!";
		mes "finally!";
		mes "talk to me later kid,";
		delitem 6084,1;
		set Carlo,1;
	emotion e_swt;
	mes "[Carlo]";
	mes "...";
	mes "[Carlo]";
	mes ".......";
	mes "[Carlo]";
	mes ".....";
	emotion e_wah;
	mes "[Carlo]";
	mes "I lost";
	mes "my very precious stone";
	if (Carlo == 1){
		mes "[Carlo]";
		mes "So you're the one who";
		mes "founded my lost";
		mes "precious stone";
		mes "so, what is your name?";
		input $name$;
		mes "[Carlo]";
		mes "Ah,";
		mes "so you are ^FF0000"+$name$+"^000000";
		mes "nice to meet you";
		mes "[Carlo]";
		mes "I am known to be";
		mes "the greatest blacksmith";
		mes "i can forge weapons";
		mes "and armor up to +20";
		mes "before at my times";
		mes "[Carlo]";
		mes "But sad to say";
		mes "i can no longer carry my tools";
		mes "anymore so i can't do";
		mes "what i usually do before";
		mes "[Carlo]";
		mes "That's why,";
		mes "at this time";
		mes "i only make";
		mes "rare headgears";
		mes "by the way, why are you here?";
		switch(select("I'm looking for a hat:Shut up!")) {
			case 1:
				mes "[Carlo]";
				mes "Ooh!";
				mes "what hat are you";
				mes "looking for?";
				mes "[^FF0000" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000]";
				mes "A hat that looks";
				mes "like a Santa Hat";
				mes "but it has two heads";
				mes "at the bottom of it";
				mes "[Carlo]";
				mes "Aha! You're looking for";
				mes "a Twin pompom hat?";
				mes "i have lots of collection";
				mes "of that hat here";
				mes "[Carlo]";
				mes "I can give you 2";
				mes "of it but, if only";
				mes "you can pass my challenge";
				mes "to you";
				mes "[Carlo]";
				mes "I will give you time";
				mes "to decide";
				mes "so come back to me";
				mes "when you are ready";
			case 2:
				mes "[Carlo]";
				mes "How dare you";
				mes "to talk to me";
				mes "that way!!!";
				mes "taste my fist!!!";
				specialeffect 650;
				sleep2 500;
				specialeffect 651;
				sleep2 500;
				specialeffect 260;
				sleep2 1000;
				specialeffect 408;
				sleep2 100;
				specialeffect 510;
				sleep2 100;
				atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);
				emotion e_gg;

Can anyone continue this? its for a Christmas chain quest npc , I need around 5 more NPC's and the last one should be santa he'll give out a prize item ID: 21108 and 5381 Hope you could continue this. Thanks

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Was hoping for a good reply lol

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