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Need help with a custom made area healer (+ payable buff)



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//===== rAthena Script =======================================
//= Mystical Fountain
//===== By: ==================================================
//= RainZ
//===== Special Thanks: ======================================
//= XTrincX (GM-Twillight from Soul RO)
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 1.2
//===== Compatible With: =====================================
//= rAthena SVN
//===== Description: =========================================
//= AoE Healing Aura
//= Updates
// -1.1
// Increase AoE to 56x56 from 30x30
// Healing effect now heals every 0.2 second instead of 0.5 second.
// Relocate healing aura npc to the centre point of prontera's fountain
// Increase timer for Special effect to play every 1 minute instead of 30 second.
// Increase agi buff (level 1) now rebuffs every 0.2 second that last for 0.3 second
// Now also removes bad status alignments upon entering effective area (might missing some)

// -1.2
// Changed the AoE effect from 56x56 to 64x56
// Removed passive lv 1 Increase AGI to avoid msg spam on "Speed has been increased/decreased"
// Changed name to Mystical Fountain
// Revert healing effect to 0.5 second because of memory leak issue.
// Increase Aura healing percentage from 1/1 to 3/3
// Added msg to Mystical Fountain for players who click on it
// All other town's fountain is disabled by default (only prontera's active by default)
// Added Settings for turning on and off for the special effect and Duration timer for the Aura buffs
// Added Delay for the recovery msg to display in order to avoid msg spams from going in and out of the area.
// Added unfinished manager and the base aura buff settings.

// -1.3
// Changed duplicates name from Mystical Fountain to Mystical Aura (Makes more sence because most other towns doesn't have fountain)
// Re-enabled (Level 3) passive Blessing and Increase AGI that last for 10 minutes(default) for new players who doesn't have enough money to get buffs.
// Manager is 90% complete with no offerings check.

// -1.4
// Completed Manager with offering and lucky draw reward system.
// ---Now players can offer zenys to gain extra benifits (buffs) for an hour.
// ---Added reward system so people do actually feel benifits to pays offering, newbie or veterans alike.
// Refine (compile) scripts into a shorter and smaller file, reduce repeating lines.
// Changed normal healing effect to 12% per second while boosted healing effect to 40% per second.
// Added imcomplete base countdown time banner (No idea how to write it, thus it was disabled for now.)

// -1.5
// Fix a bug where the the npc automatically de-select the offerings back to 0.
// Re-refined manager msg to a much fluent/shorter format.
// Re-refined certain message with colour codes.
// Now buff selection menu also displays the estimate amouont of zeny depend on selected offering.
// Now offering selection displays dynamic figure. (figure can be set on settings)
// Refined healer effect aura shorter in lines.
// Now check if the player did selected some offering before confirmation or not. (will proc a msg to confirm if the player wants to cancel the option or not.)
// Now npc name on display window are colour coded.
// Codes now use both Donpcevent & Callfunction hybrid.


// Healing Aura Angel=====================================================================================

prontera,155,203,4	script	Mystical Fountain#prt	111,{
	mes "You starring at the Mysterious Aura emitting from it, feel a strong breeze, it refreshes your mind.";
// You can also disable this if you don't want the special effect to play, it'll get annoying after awhile lol.
.@on = 1; //Set this to 0 to turn it off

OnTimer60000: //Timer for this npc to apply specialeffects, default timer is 60000 (1 minute)
	specialeffect 76;
	specialeffect 83;


//alberta,36,244,5	duplicate(Mystical Fountain#prt)	Mystical Aura#alb1	111
//aldebaran,135,125,5	duplicate(Mystical Fountain#prt)	Mystical Aura#alde1	111
//amatsu,200,80,5	duplicate(Mystical Fountain#prt)	Mystical Aura#ama1	111
//ayothaya,155,111,5	duplicate(Mystical Fountain#prt)	Mystical Aura#ayo1	111
//comodo,188,162,5	duplicate(Mystical Fountain#prt)	Mystical Aura#com1	111
//geffen,120,66,5	duplicate(Mystical Fountain#prt)	Mystical Aura#gef1	111
//gonryun,164,130,5	duplicate(Mystical Fountain#prt)	Mystical Aura#gon1	111
//izlude,125,118,5	duplicate(Mystical Fountain#prt)	Mystical Aura#izl1	111
//louyang,225,103,5	duplicate(Mystical Fountain#prt)	Mystical Aura#lou1	111
//morocc,159,96,5	duplicate(Mystical Fountain#prt)	Mystical Aura#mor1	111
//niflheim,188,180,5	duplicate(Mystical Fountain#prt)	Mystical Aura#nif1	111
//payon,180,105,5	duplicate(Mystical Fountain#prt)	Mystical Aura#pay1	111
//umbala,94,162,5	duplicate(Mystical Fountain#prt)	Mystical Aura#umb1	111
//xmas,149,136,5	duplicate(Mystical Fountain#prt)	Mystical Aura#xmas1	111
//yuno,152,186,5	duplicate(Mystical Fountain#prt)	Mystical Aura#yuno1	111
//mid_camp,210,283,5	duplicate(Mystical Fountain#prt)	Mystical Aura#mid1	111

// Healing Aura Effect =======================================================================================

prontera,155,203,4	script	HealingFountain	-1,32,28,{ //this is the radius of the npc "not diameter" so 28 means 28 steps (box) away from npc

		sc_end SC_STONE;
		sc_end SC_SLOWDOWN;
		sc_end SC_FREEZE;
		sc_end SC_SLEEP;
		sc_end SC_CURSE;
		sc_end SC_SILENCE;
		sc_end SC_CONFUSION;
		sc_end SC_BLIND;
		sc_end SC_BLEEDING;
		sc_end SC_POISON;
		sc_end SC_STRIPHELM;
		sc_end SC_ORCISH;
		sc_end SC_BERSERK;
		sc_end SC_SKE;
		sc_end SC_SWOO;
		sc_end SC_SKA;
		sc_end SC_BURNING;
		sc_end SC_FREEZING;
		sc_end SC_FEAR;
		specialeffect2 EF_RECOVERY;
		sc_start SC_BLESSING,.@duration,3;
		sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,.@duration,3;
		if (@lastTick < gettimetick(2)) {
			set @lastTick, (gettimetick(2) + .delay * 60);
		dispbottom "^99CC66The Bad status alignments and Your HP and SP is rapidly recovering due to present of fountain nearby.";
			if(.@blessing) {
			specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING;
			sc_start SC_BLESSING,.@duration,10;
			if(.@agi) {
			specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY;
			sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,.@duration,10;
			if(.@assumptio) {
			specialeffect2 EF_ASSUMPTIO;
			sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,.@duration,5;
			if(.@angelus) {
			specialeffect2 EF_ANGELUS;
			sc_start SC_ANGELUS,.@duration,10;
			if(.@Magnificat) {
			specialeffect2 EF_MAGNIFICAT;
			sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,.@duration,5;
		callfunc "Disablesetting001";	
		set .@boost, 1;
		set .@healboost, 1;

		set .@blessing, 1;

		set .@agi, 1;
		set .@assumptio, 1;
		set .@magnificat, 1;
		set .@angelus, 1;

		set .@timeset, 10;	//Set this for how long does the buff last on the user (In Minutes)
		set .delay, 5; // delay in minutes
		set .@buffer, 1;//
		set .@duration, 60000*.@timeset; //Do not touch this
		set .timer_refresh_rate, 500;	//how many ms per timer refresh...keep less than 1000 (in milliseconds)
		set .change_state_sleep, 3000;
		set .banner_refresh_rate, 10;	//how many seconds per banner refresh...keep 1 or above (in seconds)

OnTimer500: //Timer to re-run this script 500 = 0.5 second.(Do not set lower than 500 as it may cause memory leak / lag to clients due to the mass area healing code)
	if(.@boost) && (.@healboost) {
		areapercentheal .@m$,.@x-32,.@y-28,.@x+32,.@y+28,20,20; //you can customize how large the AoE of the zone and the healing amount (minimum 1% last time)
	else {	
		areapercentheal .@m$,.@x-32,.@y-28,.@x+32,.@y+28,6,6; //The passive non boosted AoE healing amount. (cannot go below 1%)		

//alberta,36,244,5	duplicate(HealingFountain)	Mystical Fountain#alb	-1,32,28
//aldebaran,135,125,5	duplicate(HealingFountain)	Mystical Fountain#alde	-1,32,28
//amatsu,200,80,5	duplicate(HealingFountain)	Mystical Fountain#ama	-1,32,28
//ayothaya,155,111,5	duplicate(HealingFountain)	Mystical Fountain#ayo	-1,32,28
//comodo,188,162,5	duplicate(HealingFountain)	Mystical Fountain#com	-1,32,28
//geffen,120,66,5	duplicate(HealingFountain)	Mystical Fountain#gef	-1,32,28
//gonryun,164,130,5	duplicate(HealingFountain)	Mystical Fountain#gon	-1,32,28
//izlude,125,118,5	duplicate(HealingFountain)	Mystical Fountain#izl	-1,32,28
//louyang,225,103,5	duplicate(HealingFountain)	Mystical Fountain#lou	-1,32,28
//morocc,159,96,5	duplicate(HealingFountain)	Mystical Fountain#mor	-1,32,28
//niflheim,188,180,5	duplicate(HealingFountain)	Mystical Fountain#nif	-1,32,28
//payon,180,105,5	duplicate(HealingFountain)	Mystical Fountain#pay	-1,32,28
//umbala,94,162,5	duplicate(HealingFountain)	Mystical Fountain#umb	-1,32,28
//xmas,149,136,5	duplicate(HealingFountain)	Mystical Fountain#xmas	-1,32,28
//yuno,152,186,5	duplicate(HealingFountain)	Mystical Fountain#yuno	-1,32,28
//mid_camp,210,283,5	duplicate(HealingFountain)	Mystical Fountain#mid	-1,32,28

// Healing Aura Manager ========================================================================================

prontera,152,196,4	script	Fountain Priest	101,{

	if(.@boost == 1){
		mes "^FF00CC[Fountain Priest]^000000";
		mes "The following Auras is in effect.^0099CC";
		if(.@healboost == 1) mes "Healing Boost.";
		if(.@blessing == 1) mes "Blessing.";
		if(.@agi == 1) mes "Increase Agi.";
		if(.@assumptio == 1) mes "Assumptio.";
		if(.@magnificat == 1) mes "Magnificat.";
		if(.@Angelus == 1) mes "Angelus.";
	mes "^FF00CC[Fountain Priest]^000000";
	mes "I am here to manage the donation for the fountain.";
	mes "What can I do for you today";
	switch(select("I would like to give offering to the fountain:What is this?:What does offerings do?:Cancel")) {
		case 1:
			callfunc	"Disablesetting001";	//These are here incase people cancel the menu selection pre-maturelly.
			goto OnNewBuff;
		case 2:
			mes "^FF00CC[Fountain Priest]^000000";
			mes "This is the fountain of the gods, that has appeared for us adventurers to heal our body and minds.";
			mes "^FF00CC[Fountain Priest]^000000";
			mes "If you wish, you could also gives offering to the fountain for gods to grants us even powerful aura.";
			goto OnMenu;
		case 3:
			mes "[Fountains Priest]";
			mes "Offerings given to the fountain will grant us a powerful blessings from god.";
			mes "^FF00CC[Fountain Priest]^000000";
			mes "In addition, players who gave offerings will receive a mysterious reward(s) depending on number of offerings.";
			mes "And have their name announce to the world for doing so.";
			goto OnMenu;
		case 4:

/*		while (1) {
			set .remainTime, gettimetick(1);
			set .bannerTimer, .remainTime - (.remainTime % .banner_refresh_rate) + .banner_refresh_rate;
			set .min, .bannerTimer / 60;
			set .sec, .bannerTimer - .min * 60;
			set .hr, .min / 60;
			set .min, .min - .hr * 60;
			set .roomMsg$, .waitMsg$[.state] + .hr + ":" + ((.min < 10 )?"0":"") + .min + ":" + ((.sec < 10 )?"0":"") + .sec;
			sleep .timer_refresh_rate;
		while (2) {
			//only updates if msg is different
			set .banner$, getwaitingroomstate(4, strnpcinfo(3));
			if(getvariableofnpc(.roomMsg$, "Fountain Keeper") != .banner$) {
				waitingroom getvariableofnpc(.roomMsg$, "Fountain Keeper"), 0;
			sleep 500;
OnTimer3600000: //Here to set the duration of the aura effect on fountain.
	set .@boost, 0; //Do not touch these, these are switch to turn off everyone when the server booted itself and when the time is up
		callfunc "Disablesetting001";
		donpcevent	"HealingFountain::OnAuraOff";
	announce "The fountain's blessing from god has been depleted.",bc_blue;
// Offering Cost=====================================================================
		set .healcost, 50000; // offering costs (in zeny)
        set .blesscost, 30000;
        set .agicost, 30000;
        set .assumcost, 20000;
        set .magnicost, 10000;
        set .angeluscost, 10000;
	mes "^FF00CC[Fountain Priest]^000000";
	mes "You can select multiple offering before the final confirmation.";
	mes "The following buff selected listed below:-^0099CC";
		set .amount, 0;
		if(.@healboost == 1) mes "Healing Boost.";
		if(.@blessing == 1) mes "Blessing.";
		if(.@agi == 1) mes "Increase Agi.";
		if(.@assumptio == 1) mes "Assumptio.";
		if(.@magnificat == 1) mes "Magnificat.";
		if(.@Angelus == 1) mes "Angelus.";
			if(.@healboost == 1) set .healcost2, .healcost;
			if(.@blessing == 1) set .blesscost2, .blesscost;
			if(.@agi == 1) set .agicost2, .agicost;
			if(.@assumptio == 1) set .assumcost2, .assumcost;
			if(.@magnificat == 1) set .magnicost2, .magnicost;
			if(.@Angelus == 1) set .angeluscost2, .angeluscost;
			set .amount, .healcost2 + .blesscost2 + .agicost2 + .assumcost2 + .magnicost2 + .angeluscost2;
		if(.amount > 0) mes "^000000The total amount would be ^0033FF"+.amount+" ^CC3300zeny. ^000000";
	switch(select("Healing Boost^00FFFF["+.healcost+" zeny]^000000:Blessing^00FFFF["+.blesscost+" zeny]^000000:Increase Agility^00FFFF["+.agicost+" zeny]^000000:Assumptio^00FFFF["+.assumcost+" zeny]^000000:Magnificat^00FFFF["+.magnicost+" zeny]^000000:Angelus^00FFFF["+.angeluscost+" zeny]^000000:Confirmation:Cancel")){
		case 1:
			if(.@healboost == 1){
				set .@healboost, 0;
				else {
				set .@healboost, 1;
			goto OnNewBuff;
		case 2:
			if(.@blessing == 1){
				set .@blessing, 0;
				else {
				set .@blessing, 1;
			goto OnNewBuff;
		case 3:
			if(.@agi == 1){
				set .@agi, 0;
				else {
				set .@agi, 1;
			goto OnNewBuff;
		case 4:
			if(.@assumptio == 1){
				set .@assumptio, 0;
				else {
				set .@assumptio, 1;
			goto OnNewBuff;
		case 5:
			if(.@magnificat == 1){
				set .@magnificat, 0;
				else {
				set .@magnificat, 1;
			goto OnNewBuff;
		case 6:
			if(.@Angelus == 1){
				set .@Angelus, 0;
				else {
				set .@Angelus, 1;
			goto OnNewBuff;
		case 7:
			if (.amount == 0) {
				mes "^FF00CC[Fountain Priest]^000000";
				mes "You did not select any buffs, are you sure about canceling the services?";
				switch(select("No:Yes")) {
				case 1:
					goto OnNewBuff;
				case 2:
					mes "^FF00CC[Fountain Priest]^000000";
					mes "Please do come back if you changed your mind.";
						callfunc "Disablesetting001";	
			else {
				mes "^FF00CC[Fountain Priest]^000000";
				mes ".............";
				mes "^FF00CC[Fountain Priest]^000000";
				mes "The total amount would be ^0033FF"+.amount+" ^CC3300zeny. ^000000";
				mes "Would you like to proceed?";
				switch(select("Yes please.:No thank you.")){
					case 1:
						if(.amount > Zeny){
							mes "^FF00CC[Fountain Priest]^000000";
							mes "It seems you do not have enough Zeny for the offering.";
							mes "^FF00CC[Fountain Priest]^000000";
							mes "Please do come back when you have enough.";
								callfunc "Disablesetting001";	
						else {
							Zeny -= .amount;
							set .@boost, 1;
							dispbottom "^99CC66You have thrown ^0033FF"+.amount+" zeny ^99CC66into the fountain, the fountain now emitting an invisible aura.";
								if(.@boost == 1)	donpcevent	"HealingFountain::OnBoostOn";
								if(.@healboost == 1)	donpcevent	"HealingFountain::OnHealOn";
								if(.@blessing == 1)	donpcevent	"HealingFountain::OnBlessOn";
								if(.@agi == 1)	donpcevent	"HealingFountain::OnAgiOn";
								if(.@assumptio == 1)	donpcevent	"HealingFountain::OnAssumOn";
								if(.@magnificat == 1)	donpcevent	"HealingFountain::OnMagniOn";
								if(.@Angelus == 1)	donpcevent	"HealingFountain::OnAngelusOn";
							announce "^The kind hearted ^66FF66["+ strcharinfo(0) +"] ^0000FFhave paid his offering to the fountain.",bc_blue;
							announce "The fountain have received the blessing from god for a limited time.",bc_blue;
							mes "^FF00CC[Fountain Priest]^000000";
							mes "The Fountain has received it's offering.";
							mes "Thank you for your kindness, everyone shall know your kind deeds in this world.";
							dispbottom "^99CC66Something just appeared into your pocket, you went and check it out.";
								if(.@healboost) callfunc "FountainLuckyDraw001";
								if(.@blessing) callfunc "FountainLuckyDraw001";	
								if(.@agi) callfunc "FountainLuckyDraw001";	
								if(.@assumptio) callfunc "FountainLuckyDraw001";	
								if(.@magnificat) callfunc "FountainLuckyDraw001";	
								if(.@Angelus) callfunc "FountainLuckyDraw001";	
								if(.@drawcount = 0) dispbottom "^99CC66You checked ur pocket and did not find anything in it, guess it's just your imagination.";
					case 2:
						mes "^FF00CC[Fountain Priest]^000000";
						mes "Please do come back if you changed your mind.";
							callfunc "Disablesetting001";	
		case 8:
			mes "^FF00CC[Fountain Priest]^000000";
			mes "As you wish.";
				callfunc "Disablesetting001";	

// Reward lucky draw system, you can change this into anything you want.
function	script	FountainLuckyDraw001	{
set .@luckydraw1,rand(100);
		if(.@luckydraw1 <= 10) {getitem 6480,1; set .@drawcouont,1;} //Event coin ( 10% chance )
		if(.@luckydraw1 >= 70) {getitem 12405,1; set .@drawcouont,1;} //unripped yggseed (recovers 30% hp & sp, and cast lvl 3 blessing on the user (30% chance)
	return;	// Return to script

function	script	Disablesetting001	{ //This is for disabling settings (change them back to 0) to avoid having script messed up.
			set .@boost, 0;
			set .@healboost, 0;
			set .@blessing, 0;
			set .@agi, 0;
			set .@assumptio, 0;
			set .@magnificat, 0;
			set .@Angelus, 0;
			set .healcost2, 0;
			set .blesscost2, 0;
			set .agicost2, 0;
			set .assumcost2, 0;
			set .magnicost2, 0;
			set .angeluscost2, 0;

I wrote a custom area heal script some time ago, and decided to make it into a payable (offering type) buffs / boosted heal effect with time duration.

Everything seems good looking at it, and the manager works fine. 

but i don't know why the trigger just doesn't makes the buff effect goes in. i did event check on the doeventnpc and it's working.

It seems the other script does not register the set event run by other npc script. And i don't know how to link it to the main healer/buffer npc from the manager to trigger the buffs after changing the setting at the manager.

How do you do them? I searched for solution for days and I can't really figure it out.


Anyone please be so kind and see what I did wrong on the script?


Edited by rainz89
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