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April Summers

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Posts posted by April Summers

  1. Thank you ! I think I put the wrong ip at the time and not knowing it was the "link" part, didn't thought to go mess with it. Seems like it's trying to catch the server now, but I have this error as soon as I launch the client :

    Sin título.png

    I saw somewhere that I should have service folders in my grf lua files, but I do have those already... I have service_usa among plenty others.

    Thanks again for taking the time ?

  2. Hello, so I ended up managing to run rAthena (I think ? I have 3 terminals running things then stopping on not error looking messages ?)

    On the other side I downloaded files and tried to setup a client, downloading kro files and ended up with a "2020-04-01bRagexe_patched.exe" at the root of my game files.

    Now I'm starting the client, it does go to a login menu, but how is it supposed to find my server ? I tried to enter my username and pwd and it told me after a bit something like "unable to find the server". I probably missed some middle step here...

    Any advice on where to start looking ? Thanks !

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