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Posts posted by SorryV2

  1. 1 hour ago, SorryV2 said:

    So I have this item with details
    40000,VIP_1_Day,VIP 1 Day,0,,,1,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ vip_time(60*24*1); },{},{}
    and when the user/player uses the item it disconnects the player and when they try to relog or even make a new character on the same account, they cant log in back.

    i enabled the VIP system in src/config/core.hpp

    /// Uncomment to enable VIP system.
    #define VIP_ENABLE


    Can anyone help me with this matter? im running my server on a linux vps.

    Thanks so much!


    Oh btw, my group_id keeps on getting 6 instead of the default 5.
    Where should I fix that?
    I already edited my login_athena.conf and groups.conf

  2. Hello,
    So I have this item with details
    40000,VIP_1_Day,VIP 1 Day,0,,,1,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ vip_time(60*24*1); },{},{}
    and when the user/player uses the item it disconnects the player and when they try to relog or even make a new character on the same account, they cant log in back.

    i enabled the VIP system in src/config/core.hpp

    /// Uncomment to enable VIP system.
    #define VIP_ENABLE


    Can anyone help me with this matter? im running my server on a linux vps.

    Thanks so much!


  3. 10 hours ago, Patskie said:

    Then you have to check first if the person who will wear the item is a VIP or not before adjusting their group


    *vip_status(<type>,{"<character name>"})
    Returns various information about a player's VIP status.
    Valid types:
     VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE - VIP status: true if the player is a VIP or false if not
     VIP_STATUS_EXPIRE - VIP expire timestamp if the player is VIP or 0 if not
     VIP_STATUS_REMAINING - VIP time remaining in seconds
    NOTE: This command is only available if the VIP System is enabled.


    wow thank you so much ?


  4. 6 hours ago, LearningRO said:

    I guess you already have it on data.grf try to extract it with GRF editor

    Can't find it tho, asI already copied the sprite name of the item from iteminfo and searched it on the data folder of the grf, it doesn't exist.

  5. Can someone help me with an item script that changes the group id then turns back to previous id when expired?

    So I have this certain item for example a certificate that can use @autoloot (modified groupid) when used then goes back to (groupid 0)

    when it expired.

    This is my item script. LoL IDK if I'm doing it right.
    "{if (groupid==0) changegroupid (groupid==7);rentitem 32004,2592000},{},{}"


    A help will be so much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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