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  1. buraquera's post in Make this script have more winners before closing. was marked as the answer   
    sorry, there is no need for "set", use:
    .5times++; if (.5times >=5) disablenpc();
    and line 144, not 143. After "set winRPS" xD
  2. buraquera's post in Enchantment Value was marked as the answer   
    Add this  on line ~40, before // Randomize each Option Slot:
    if (!countitem(6608)){ mes "Você não possui nenhuum " + getitemname(6608) + "."; close; } delitem(6608,1);  
  3. buraquera's post in PVP Coins Limit was marked as the answer   
    There same ways of doing this. try this
    - script asdahjhla -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if (countinarray(.map$,strcharinfo(3)) && $pkscore[getcharid(0)] < 21 && rand(100) <= .chance && killedrid != getcharid(3)){ getitem 7960, 1; $pkscore[getcharid(0)]++; } end; OnInit: .chance = 100; // chance to get something setarray .map$, "pvp_y_1-2"; // map list end; OnHour00: deletearray($pkscore); end; }  
  4. buraquera's post in Reset MVP Rankings was marked as the answer   
    function script MvPResetRank { for (.@c = 0; .@c < $@top; .@c++) { setd "$topmvp" +.@c,0; setd "$topmvp" +.@c +"$", ""; } return; } Note this will reset the rank but not the global player variable. U should clean it by an player attached script `MvP = 0` or via sql (wich i recommend having a custom table for that)
  5. buraquera's post in item to zenny exchanger was marked as the answer   
    You npc wont run because uyou have problem in  your prontera cordinates, also has an extra coma after npc position 

    anyway, try this
    prontera,155,175,5 script VIP Box Agent 828,{ // Show 1st message mes .npc$,"I Can Change VIP Boxes to Zeny."; for (.@i = 0 ; .@i < getarraysize(.vipbox); .@i++) mes "1 x " + .vipbox_name$[.@i] + " = ^640000" + .reward[.@i] + "^000000."; // Choose option mes "So what do you want?"; .@s = select(implode(.vipbox_name$,":")) -1; // Confirm clear; mes .npc$,"Are you sure you want to exchange your " + .vipbox_name$[.@i] + " to Zeny?"; if (select("Nevermind...:Yes..!") < 2) close; // Choose amount clear; mes .npc$,"How many Credits do you want to exchange?"; input .@t; clear; // Check ammount if (.@t < 1){ mes .npc$,"Wrong number..."; close; } // Check inventory if(countitem(.vipbox_id[.@s]) < .@t){ mes .npc$,"You dont have it..."; close; } // Conclude mes .npc$,"Thanks. . See you again. . . !"; delitem .vipbox_id[.@s],.@t; Zeny += .reward[.@s]*.@t; close; // When npc is loaded OnInit: // Set npc variables .npc$ = "[^000088 Mr. Credit ^000000]"; setarray .vipbox_id,12985,12986,12984; setarray .reward,500000,1000000,2000000; // Get item names for (.@i = 0 ; .@i < getarraysize(.vipbox_id); .@i++) .vipbox_name$[.@i] = getitemname(.vipbox_id[.@i]); }
  6. buraquera's post in Missing left curly was marked as the answer   
    ive tested your script now

    Your problem is an unnecessary "space" here:
    - script vend_slot -1, { should be
    - script vend_slot -1,{  
  7. buraquera's post in add hatched pet after novice starts was marked as the answer   
    Via scripts you can do
    makepet <pet id>; while(!getpetinfo(PETINFO_ID)    bpet;
    But this will acctually give the char an egg and then open the hatch egg windows. If the player cancels the hatch, i will open again until player has selected to hatch it.

    I think its the best you u can do via script...
  8. buraquera's post in [SOLVED] Simple quest won't read required items was marked as the answer   
    You have to set your item id and amount here
    setarray .@Items[0],itemID,qnty; ex.
    setarray .@Items[0],909,5;  
  9. buraquera's post in Need assistance with: Healer, Buffer, Identifier was marked as the answer   
    (...) indentifyall(true); specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2; percentheal 100,100; (...) Right above  specialeffect2.
    If you want a trigger you can use.:
    (...) .@Price = 0;    // Zeny required for heal .@Buffs = 1;    // Also buff players? (1: yes / 0: no) .@Delay = 10;    // Heal delay, in seconds .@identify = 1; // Also identify? (1: yes / 0: no) (...) if (.@identify) indentifyall(true); specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2; percentheal 100,100; (...) This is extremely basic, so maybe will help if have a look on this:
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