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Posts posted by Sidy

  1. Don't exists this. I checked. Have nothing to remove. This source tried insert table, get some error and now can't insert more? What to do ?


    On 11/28/2022 at 7:10 PM, Julia Strax said:

    I think you are trying to put duplicates values again. First you need to fetch all the data and check that values is exits or not.

    Now storage don't save more no item, like you put at storage, relogin e and no more last item...

    I think my server don't saving more sql... no more correctly...


  2. 13 hours ago, Slammer said:

    the rate server after login not for card, for check more detail use @monsterinfo for rate up. ^_^

    What you means?

    I'm telling that my Announce Drop Rate is 0.15

    Card Rate 0.10

    Card Min 1

    Max 10000

    What I'm trying explain is:

    When Use Bubble Gum of 200% increase rate drop, when drops card, do not announcement of drop.

    When use bubble gum of 100% increase rate drop, still announce the drop. (0.15 or less)

    The ask is: Do it is correct? If 0.10 + bubble gum(100) would not 0.20%?? And the bubble gum(200) would not be 0.30% drop rate when used?


  3. isso.thumb.jpg.e1ed3239650cdb287d78e5d4382e914e.jpgHello dears =D

    Do someone knows tell me what do these flashs on screen game?
    For example, if I use Heal skill, sometimes screen green flash. Or, one girl appears, and her purple hair flashs purple in all screen. Or an attack, flashs red all place!

    Honestly, I don't know what is it. Neither where need repair. I am using bRO orinal data.grf, and never saw thing like this flash screen....

    Yellow flash example:


  4. Salve galera do rAthena! ;D Td bom c/ vocês?

    O client está piscando em alguns momentos do game. Como piscando? Sobrepõe um sprite inteiro em cima do mapa que eu, o jogador está.

    Exemplo, uma player com cabelo roxo logou no mesmo mapa que eu estou e apareceu um telão de Sprite Roxo cobrindo o mapa inteiro. Só relogando pra sair.

    Outro momento, estou atacando, a tela pisca, quando não ataco, a tela não pisca.


    Alguém me da uma luz? Please ???

  5. Hi,

    I had a problem with the link/IP of the 'config.ini' of Thor Patcher.

    I generated Thor.exe with my 'website link' + 'folder' where uploaded Web Thor folder

    but when I try download 'example_of_up.thor' att at my link, that download. To access folder, not...

    It don't connect... Ok, I ask Frost, he told is about 'https' I use in my website. Need to be 'http', Because I use CloudFlare DNS.

    So, what I need to do?

    *I never used/installed Thor Patcher before this time. First time, and need help please.

    Someone have idea please.



    Someone can explain me please, how I create subdomain, and remove the SSL(https) only for this subdomain? At cloudflare? Without removing the SSL for the domain because I use for web?

    I think it's the point...


    Hello, I already did. Some contacts of rAthena helped me at Discord.

    So thanks to community! ?

  6. Boa pessoal

    Comprei um website prontinho com imagens do dono de um antigo server que hj já n existe mais.

    Então comprei umas imagens e ai precisei substituir, porém não estou conseguindo...

    Já inspecionei, já mudei, já fiz de tudo, pelo menos que do que eu sei.

    Será que alguém pode me dar um suporte pelo discord? Herbert#1398

  7. Hi dears, sorry because I did put CAPS LOCK ON at tittle, I'am so sorry, it's not my intention. I edited now. ?


    I completed what I wanted: I did:

    I installed the web/fluxcp(installation) first, with localhost(IP conf. of where web is hosted) editions on server.php edition.

    After, with host ON at mine PC(where I host my rag), I edited server.php and I put the other (not localhost of website/fluxcp) IP ragnarok host.

    All right now.

    Very thanks to all! ?/thx/kis

  8. Hello rAthena, how are you? Can you help me please?

    I found a trouble when connecting mySQL's

    I have to use my FIX IP and Dynamic IP of my home(for initial) to host the server (login, char and map).

    I tried install fluxcp mysql at host web(that I bought only for web, not for server), and when ragnarok mysql is on other host(home host) never can finish the installation of mine fluxwebcp.

    I tried put all together mysql's, and did finish the installation. Right

    Now the trouble is connect MYSQL ALONE host of my ragnarok to HOST FLUXCP. I BOUGHT FOR WEB/FLUX, WHILE THE HOST RAGNAROK IS HOSTED BY MY PC.

    2 options :

    1 connect the ragnarok_db I already have at my PC to fluxcp_db.

    2 : Maintain host at my PC, only change the read of mysql to the ip/host same fluxcp_db

    It can be?

  9. Hello rAthena Users ?

    I thank the community,

    but I already found an alternative to what I wanted. 

    I found the useful method of Script of Telma, that alreadies have here(forum download) but not updated to nowadays use. So I mentioned to a friend about the NPC Telma, and he gave to me a updated Telma system. Thank you!

    Alternative to use items(diferent item at BG/WOE) : TELMA SCRIPT SYSTEM (updated of course) ?


    How asks, can go to Rome! 


  10. Hello dears,

    I have add consume BG and WoE items, like yggs and mastela, and other consumables items, ok. Thats nice! I did. With like:

    40000,Yggdrasilberry_c,Yggdrasil Berry,0,5000,,300,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if(strcharinfo(3) == "bg_kvm" || strcharinfo(3) == "bg_tdm" || strcharinfo(3) == "bg_rush01" || strcharinfo(3) == "bg_rush02" || strcharinfo(3) == "bg_rush03" || strcharinfo(3) == "bg_rush04"){ percentheal 100,100; }},{},{}

    Ohhh yeah!

    Soo.... I ask for some friends that like servers to how add gemstones, AD's, bottles, and others (ETC) items, but not consumables now.

    How I can do that? To use one item first that other when in a specify map like the example up?

    I don't use yml server. I tried change the skill_db_requirement, and nothing.

    Thank you for lights, if have sirs!


    I saw others servers and I saw that they didn't use duplicate items and didn't add what I put up here like example.

    If someone knows how put Consume Mapflag Items, so for Items and Etc, I shall be thank!

  11. Olá pessoal tudo bom?

    Estou procurando um script NPC que seria custom do BG, é encontrando em alguns servidores BR, eles contém Inferno/ Team Death Match/ Conquest entro outros, mas esses são um dos mais famosos entre os players e gostaria de disponibilizar no meu servidor também.

    Porém não encontro essa versão mano, ja rodei até no Hercoles, mas o máximo de informação que encontro são BG's implantadas manualmente(não sei se é) e coisas com eamod. Então para tirar a sombra da dúvida e saber se estou no caminho certo, estou perguntando aqui. Obrigado pessoal.

  12. Hi guys, I searched someone script of NPC and I found two or tree, but I had problems.
    I need one PvP Master NPC that have Rank SQL, Wav sounds, skull drop, and Rotative MAP. I already saw one like that when I plays in servers, but I can't find here.

    While I don't find, if you can help me with this I will be happy! Thank you!

  13. On 12/6/2021 at 5:19 AM, LearningRO said:

    or do some trick 
    if(status_vip(VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE)(getitem 608,1;)

    How I can set value to group level = 1, 5, or 99(adm example)? or mean the vip status is already some representative value?

    Do the script db must be like below?

      - Id: 607
        AegisName: Yggdrasilberry
        Name: Yggdrasil Berry
        Type: Healing
        Buy: 5000
        Weight: 300
          BuyingStore: true
          Duration: 5000
          Status: Reuse_Limit_F
        Script: |
        if(status_vip(VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE)(getitem 607,1;);
          percentheal 100,100;



    I got error:


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