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Posts posted by mikemike

  1. Help me > All my official Cards is not working to my rathena

    i already fix and compiled my src renewal like this, but like evil druid the card cant be frozen but when i using it im still have frozen... how does it works ???? please help


    /// game renewal server mode
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// leave this line to enable renewal specific support such as renewal formulas
    //#define RENEWAL
    /// renewal cast time
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// leave this line to enable renewal casting time algorithms
    /// cast time is decreased by DEX * 2 + INT while 20% of the cast time is not reduced by stats.
    /// example:
    ///  on a skill whos cast time is 10s, only 8s may be reduced. the other 2s are part of a
    ///  "fixed cast time" which can only be reduced by specialist items and skills
    //#define RENEWAL_CAST
    /// renewal drop rate algorithms
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// leave this line to enable renewal item drop rate algorithms
    /// while enabled a special modified based on the difference between the player and monster level is applied
    //#define RENEWAL_DROP
    /// renewal exp rate algorithms
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// leave this line to enable renewal item exp rate algorithms
    /// while enabled a special modified based on the difference between the player and monster level is applied
    //#define RENEWAL_EXP
    /// renewal level modifier on damage
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    // leave this line to enable renewal base level modifier on skill damage (selected skills only)
    //#define RENEWAL_LVDMG
    /// renewal ASPD [malufett]
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// leave this line to enable renewal ASPD
    /// - shield penalty is applied
    /// - AGI has a greater factor in ASPD increase
    /// - there is a change in how skills/items give ASPD
    /// - some skill/item ASPD bonuses won't stack
    //#define RENEWAL_ASPD
  2. i will test this

    Revised script :

    //===== eAthena Script =======================================
    //= Armor Enchanter
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= L0ne_W0lf
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 1.1
    //===== Compatible With: =====================================
    //= eAhena SVN
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= [Aegis Conversion]
    //= Add a +1, 2, or 3, of a random stat to specified armor.
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= 1.0 First version.
    //= 1.1 Corrected typo (Sit -> Suit) (bugreport:4586)
    poring_c02,176,72,4    script    Apprentice Craftsman    73,{
        if (Zeny > 399999) {
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "I've been studying ways to enhance an armor to maximize it's capability.";
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "Enchanting is an awesome skill that infuses a mysterious status power into the armor's hidden socket.";
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "However, you have to keep in mind that if there are two armors of the same kind in your possession, the Enchantment will be applied in the order they are placed in your inventory.";
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "In that case, the Enchantment may be applied to an item which you didn't mean to Enchant. So just bring ^5555ffONE Armor^000000 you want enchanted to be safe..";
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "I'm not responsible for what would happen if you have more than one of the same kind in your inventory.";
            switch(select("Non Slotted Armor.:Slotted Armor.:High Grade Armor.:Maybe next time.")) {
            case 1:
                switch(select("Mantle:Coat:Chain Mail:Full Plate:Silk Robe:Saint's Robe:Holy Robe:Wooden Mail:Tights:Silver Robe:Mage Coat:Thief Clothes:Legion Plate Armor:Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano:Saphien's Armor of Ocean:Aebeccee's Raging Typhoon Armor:Claytos Cracking Earth Armor:Ninja Suit:Chameleon Armor:Glorious Suit:Glorious Popularized Suit:Glorious Mass-Production Suit")) {
                case 1:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2307,50;
                case 2:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2309,50;
                case 3:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2314,50;
                case 4:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2316,50;
                case 5:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2321,50;
                case 6:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2325,50;
                case 7:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2327,50;
                case 8:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2328,50;
                case 9:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2330,50;
                case 10:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2332,50;
                case 11:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2334,50;
                case 12:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2335,50;
                case 13:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2341,50;
                case 14:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2344,50;
                case 15:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2346,50;
                case 16:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2348,50;
                case 17:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2350,50;
                case 18:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2337,50;
                case 19:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2386,50;
                case 20:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2394,50;
                case 21:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2395,50;
                case 22:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2396,50;
            case 2:
                switch(select("Mink Coat:Lord's Clothes:Glittering Jacket:Formal Suit:Mantle(1):Coat(1):Chain Mail(1):Full Plate(1):Silk Robe(1):Scapulare(1):Saint's Robe(1):Tights(1):Silver Robe(1):Thief Clothes(1):Legion Plate Armor(1):Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano(1):Saphien's Armor of Ocean(1):Aebeccee's Raging Typhoon Armor(1):Claytos Cracking Earth Armor(1)")) {
                case 1:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2311,55;
                case 2:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2318,55;
                case 3:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2319,55;
                case 4:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2320,55;
                case 5:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2308,55;
                case 6:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2310,55;
                case 7:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2315,55;
                case 8:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2317,55;
                case 9:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2322,55;
                case 10:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2324,55;
                case 11:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2326,55;
                case 12:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2331,55;
                case 13:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2333,55;
                case 14:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2336,55;
                case 15:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2342,55;
                case 16:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2345,55;
                case 17:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2347,55;
                case 18:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2349,55;
                case 19:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2351,55;
            case 3:
                switch(select("Meteo Plate Armor:Orlean's Gown:Life Link:Diablos Robe:Diablos Armor:Assaulter Plate:Elite Engineer Armor:Assassin Robe:Warlock's Battle Robe:Medic's Robe:Elite Archer Suit:Elite Shooter Suit:Sprint Mail:Kandura:Armor of Naga:Improved Tights")) {
                case 1:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2364,60;
                case 2:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2365,60;
                case 3:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2391,60;
                case 4:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2374,60;
                case 5:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2375,60;
                case 6:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2376,60;
                case 7:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2377,60;
                case 8:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2378,60;
                case 9:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2379,60;
                case 10:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2380,60;
                case 11:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2381,60;
                case 12:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2382,60;
                case 13:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2387,60;
                case 14:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2388,60;
                case 15:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2389,60;
                case 16:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2390,60;
            case 4:
                mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
                mes "Please come back when you have any interest in enchanting your armor.";
        else {
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "I am in charge of Enchanting Armors. Simply put, I've been studying ways to power-up armor.";
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "If by any chance, you would want to enchant your armor, bring me 400,000 zeny and the armor you want to enchant and you are all set to go.";
        set .@itemid,getarg(0);
        if (countitem(7227) < 10) {
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "I need 10 TCG's";
        if ((countitem(.@itemid) > 0) && (countitem(.@itemid) < 2)) {
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "Socket enchant wil cost you 400,000 zeny. And there will be a random option enchanted. Of course, there is a chance of breaking your armor.";
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "First and most importantly.";
            mes "^ff5555Existing Refine Level of the Armor";
            mes "and Cards will be GONE.^000000";
            mes "Do you still want to try an Enchant?";
            switch(select("Hmm... Let me think it over.:Go ahead.")) {
            case 1:
                mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
                mes "Well, I can't blame you. Safety first, Ey?";
                mes "Now you have a nice day.";
            case 2:
                mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
                mes "Quite of an adventurer huh? Well, shall we?";
                specialeffect2 EF_MAPPILLAR;
                if (Zeny < 400000) {
                    mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
                    mes "Sorry, but you don't have enough zeny.";
                set .@enc_ran,1;
                set zeny,zeny-400000;
                delitem .@itemid,1;
                delitem 7227, 10;
                switch(select("Str +3:Int +3:Dex +3:Agi +3:Vit +3:Luk +3:Nevermind"))
                case 1:
                    set .@addpart,4702;
                    getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart;
                case 2:
                    set .@addpart,4712;
                    getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart;
                case 3:
                    set .@addpart,4722;
                    getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart;
                case 4:
                    set .@addpart,4732;
                    getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart;
                case 5:
                    set .@addpart,4742;
                    getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart;
                case 6:
                    set .@addpart,4752;
                    getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart;

    Added : 

    if (countitem(7227) < 10) {
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "I need 10 TCG's";

    and : 

    delitem 7227, 10;

    Change 10 to any number. It is the amount required by the npc

    its not working still getting my zeny only not the item currency

  3. anyone can help me to revised my enchant armor ? i have script automatic +3 stats but i want to have payment for a TCG or BADGE.. how to revised it to payment for an item..



    //===== eAthena Script =======================================
    //= Armor Enchanter
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= L0ne_W0lf
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 1.1
    //===== Compatible With: =====================================
    //= eAhena SVN
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= [Aegis Conversion]
    //= Add a +1, 2, or 3, of a random stat to specified armor.
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= 1.0 First version.
    //= 1.1 Corrected typo (Sit -> Suit) (bugreport:4586)
    poring_c02,176,72,4	script	Apprentice Craftsman	73,{
        if (Zeny > 399999) {
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "I've been studying ways to enhance an armor to maximize it's capability.";
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "Enchanting is an awesome skill that infuses a mysterious status power into the armor's hidden socket.";
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "However, you have to keep in mind that if there are two armors of the same kind in your possession, the Enchantment will be applied in the order they are placed in your inventory.";
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "In that case, the Enchantment may be applied to an item which you didn't mean to Enchant. So just bring ^5555ffONE Armor^000000 you want enchanted to be safe..";
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "I'm not responsible for what would happen if you have more than one of the same kind in your inventory.";
            switch(select("Non Slotted Armor.:Slotted Armor.:High Grade Armor.:Maybe next time.")) {
            case 1:
                switch(select("Mantle:Coat:Chain Mail:Full Plate:Silk Robe:Saint's Robe:Holy Robe:Wooden Mail:Tights:Silver Robe:Mage Coat:Thief Clothes:Legion Plate Armor:Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano:Saphien's Armor of Ocean:Aebeccee's Raging Typhoon Armor:Claytos Cracking Earth Armor:Ninja Suit:Chameleon Armor:Glorious Suit:Glorious Popularized Suit:Glorious Mass-Production Suit")) {
                case 1:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2307,50;
                case 2:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2309,50;
                case 3:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2314,50;
                case 4:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2316,50;
                case 5:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2321,50;
                case 6:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2325,50;
                case 7:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2327,50;
                case 8:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2328,50;
                case 9:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2330,50;
                case 10:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2332,50;
                case 11:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2334,50;
                case 12:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2335,50;
                case 13:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2341,50;
                case 14:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2344,50;
                case 15:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2346,50;
                case 16:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2348,50;
                case 17:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2350,50;
                case 18:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2337,50;
                case 19:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2386,50;
                case 20:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2394,50;
                case 21:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2395,50;
                case 22:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2396,50;
            case 2:
                switch(select("Mink Coat:Lord's Clothes:Glittering Jacket:Formal Suit:Mantle(1):Coat(1):Chain Mail(1):Full Plate(1):Silk Robe(1):Scapulare(1):Saint's Robe(1):Tights(1):Silver Robe(1):Thief Clothes(1):Legion Plate Armor(1):Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano(1):Saphien's Armor of Ocean(1):Aebeccee's Raging Typhoon Armor(1):Claytos Cracking Earth Armor(1)")) {
                case 1:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2311,55;
                case 2:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2318,55;
                case 3:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2319,55;
                case 4:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2320,55;
                case 5:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2308,55;
                case 6:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2310,55;
                case 7:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2315,55;
                case 8:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2317,55;
                case 9:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2322,55;
                case 10:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2324,55;
                case 11:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2326,55;
                case 12:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2331,55;
                case 13:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2333,55;
                case 14:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2336,55;
                case 15:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2342,55;
                case 16:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2345,55;
                case 17:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2347,55;
                case 18:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2349,55;
                case 19:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2351,55;
            case 3:
                switch(select("Meteo Plate Armor:Orlean's Gown:Life Link:Diablos Robe:Diablos Armor:Assaulter Plate:Elite Engineer Armor:Assassin Robe:Warlock's Battle Robe:Medic's Robe:Elite Archer Suit:Elite Shooter Suit:Sprint Mail:Kandura:Armor of Naga:Improved Tights")) {
                case 1:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2364,60;
                case 2:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2365,60;
                case 3:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2391,60;
                case 4:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2374,60;
                case 5:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2375,60;
                case 6:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2376,60;
                case 7:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2377,60;
                case 8:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2378,60;
                case 9:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2379,60;
                case 10:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2380,60;
                case 11:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2381,60;
                case 12:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2382,60;
                case 13:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2387,60;
                case 14:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2388,60;
                case 15:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2389,60;
                case 16:
                    callsub S_EnchantArmor,2390,60;
            case 4:
                mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
                mes "Please come back when you have any interest in enchanting your armor.";
        else {
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "I am in charge of Enchanting Armors. Simply put, I've been studying ways to power-up armor.";
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "If by any chance, you would want to enchant your armor, bring me 400,000 zeny and the armor you want to enchant and you are all set to go.";
        set .@itemid,getarg(0);
        if ((countitem(.@itemid) > 0) && (countitem(.@itemid) < 2)) {
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "Socket enchant wil cost you 400,000 zeny. And there will be a random option enchanted. Of course, there is a chance of breaking your armor.";
            mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
            mes "First and most importantly.";
            mes "^ff5555Existing Refine Level of the Armor";
            mes "and Cards will be GONE.^000000";
            mes "Do you still want to try an Enchant?";
            switch(select("Hmm... Let me think it over.:Go ahead.")) {
            case 1:
                mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
                mes "Well, I can't blame you. Safety first, Ey?";
                mes "Now you have a nice day.";
            case 2:
                mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
                mes "Quite of an adventurer huh? Well, shall we?";
                specialeffect2 EF_MAPPILLAR;
                if (Zeny < 400000) {
                    mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
                    mes "Sorry, but you don't have enough zeny.";
                set .@enc_ran,1;
                set zeny,zeny-400000;
                delitem .@itemid,1;
                switch(select("Str +3:Int +3:Dex +3:Agi +3:Vit +3:Luk +3:Nevermind"))
                case 1:
                    set .@addpart,4702;
                    getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart;
                case 2:
                    set .@addpart,4712;
                    getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart;
                case 3:
                    set .@addpart,4722;
                    getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart;
                case 4:
                    set .@addpart,4732;
                    getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart;
                case 5:
                    set .@addpart,4742;
                    getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart;
                case 6:
                    set .@addpart,4752;
                    getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart;



  4. anyone can help me to fix my LMS script ? bcoz when we're going to the LMS map. all players can get the Winning prizes they're only click the mr.banker.. how does it happens? how to fix it ? before they click it need to be finish first the fight?



    //*--kaiGAMING LMS TriggerScript--*//
    -	script	LMS#disable	-1,{
    disablenpc "Mr. Banker";
    disablenpc "All Job Manager";
    sec_pri,27,38,4	script	LMS Trigger	106,{
    if (getgmlevel() >= 99) goto LMS_Admin;
    	mes "[Minion]";
    	mes "Hello " + strcharinfo(0) + ", my master is busy.";
    	mes "*sigh*";
    	mes "[LMS Trigger]";
    	mes "Hello " + strcharinfo(0) + ", would you like me to call my Boss?";
    	mes "He is the only one who can start it!";
    	menu "Start Event",startlmsevent2,"No Thanks",leave;
    		mes "[LMS Trigger]";
    		mes "Ok, I'll call him this instant.";
    		goto startlmsevent;
    		mes "[LMS Trigger]";
    		mes "Ok " + strcharinfo(0) +", nice seeing you.";
    OnClock2300:// Edit this to what ever you want. note : OnClock0000 is 12 midnight and OnClock1200 is 12 Noon
    goto startlmsevent;
    announce "Mr. Manager: The Last Man Standing event will be starting shortly.",0;
    sleep2 10000;
    pvpoff "poring_c01";
    announce "Mr. Manager: Those who want to play, please proceed to the middle of maintown and Register.",0;
    sleep2 10000;
    announce "Mr. Manager: After 1 Minute the Registration will close.",0;
    sleep2 10000;
    announce "Mr. Manager: Please go to Middle in maintown and Register now if you want to join.",0;
    enablenpc "All Job Manager";
    announce "Mr. Manager: Last 30 seconds.",0;
    sleep2 5000;
    announce "Mr. Manager: If you want to join please Register Middle in maintown.",0;
    announce "Mr. Manager: Last 10 seconds.",0;
    announce "Mr. Manager: 5.",0;
    announce "Mr. Manager: 4.",0;
    announce "Mr. Manager: 3.",0;
    announce "Mr. Manager: 2.",0;
    announce "Mr. Manager: 1.",0;
    announce "Mr. Manager: Time's up.",0;
    disablenpc "All Job Manager";
    donpcevent "Mr. Banker::OnEnable";
    //---------All Job Registration---------------
    caspen,140,217,5	script	All Job Manager	106,{
    if(BaseLevel < 99) goto leave;
    mes "[Mr. Manager]";
    mes "Hello What can I do for you?";
    if(BaseLevel >= 99)
    mes "Thankyou for registering Mr. " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Have fun!";
    warp "poring_c01",103,98;
    mes "You have to be level 99.!";
    mes "[Mr. Manager]";
    mes "LMS is also known as Last Man Standing Event";
    mes "[Mr. Manager]";
    mes "LMS is also like a PvP.";
    mes "The only difference is at LMS you will get 20 Badges if you are the Last Man Standing at the arena.";
    mes "[Mr. Manager]";
    mes "That's all";
    mes "[Mr. Manager]";
    mes "I hope you will register next time";
    poring_c01,104,109,4	script	Mr. Banker	56,{
    mes "[Banker]";
    mes "Congrats. You've won.";
    announce "Mr. Manager: We have a winner! well done "+strcharinfo(0)+".",0;
    getitem 7828,20;  // Change This item id to what ever you want . item id,amount
    dispbottom "You won 20 Badges";
    mes "You will return now";
    warp "prontera",156,181;
    disablenpc "Mr. Banker";
    pvpoff "poring_c01";
    mapannounce "poring_c01","Mr. Manager:The Last Man Standing Event will start shortly",0;
    sleep2 10000;
    mapannounce "poring_c01","Mr. Manager:But before we start this is just a few reminders..",0;
    sleep2 10000;
    mapannounce "poring_c01","Mr. Manager:Using Cloaking , Hiding is strictly not allowed..",0;
    sleep2 10000;
    mapannounce "poring_c01","Mr. Manager: Only the Last Man Standing will win this event!!",0;
    sleep2 10000;
    mapannounce "poring_c01","Mr. Manager: What are we waiting for?..Let's Get Ready to Rumble!!...",0;
    sleep2 10000;
    goto L_Start;
    if(getmapusers("poring_c01") == 1) goto L_Champ;
    if(getmapusers("poring_c01") == 0) goto L_None;
    if(getmapusers("poring_c01") > 1) {
    mapannounce "poring_c01","Mr. Manager: Get ready at the count of 5 we will start!....",0;
    sleep2 10000;
    mapannounce "poring_c01","Mr. Manager: 5",0;
    sleep2 5000;
    mapannounce "poring_c01","Mr. Manager: 4",0;
    sleep2 4000;
    mapannounce "poring_c01","Mr. Manager: 3",0;
    sleep2 3000;
    mapannounce "poring_c01","Mr. Manager: 2",0;
    sleep2 2000;
    mapannounce "poring_c01","Mr. Manager: 1",0;
    sleep2 1000;
    pvpon "poring_c01";
    goto timer;
    if(getmapusers("poring_c01") == 1) goto L_Champ;
    if(getmapusers("poring_c01") > 2) goto timer;
    if(getmapusers("poring_c01") == 2) goto champ;
    announce "Mr. Manager: Last 2 Brave warriors are still alive!",0;
    sleep2 10000;
    if(getmapusers("poring_c01") == 1) goto L_Champ;
    if(getmapusers("poring_c01") > 1) goto timer;
    mapannounce "poring_c01","Mr. Banker: Please talk to me to get your prize..",2500000;
    pvpoff "poring_c01";
    enablenpc "Mr. Banker";
    disablenpc "Banker";
    pvpoff "poring_c01";
    //----- Die = warp prt -----
    -	script	Killa_warp	-1,{
    		set #kill_point, 0;
    		announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" died, and out of the game!.",bc_all;
    		warp "prontera",156,181;
    		sleep2 1000;
    		atcommand "@alive";
    	set #kill_point,#kill_point+1;
    	if ( #kill_point % 4 == 0) {
    	getitem 7828, 5;
    // == Mapflags
    poring_c01	mapflag	nowarp
    poring_c01	mapflag	nowarpto
    poring_c01	mapflag	noteleport
    poring_c01	mapflag	nosave
    poring_c01	mapflag	nomemo
    poring_c01	mapflag	nobranch
    poring_c01	mapflag	pvp_noparty
    poring_c01	mapflag	restricted	1
    poring_c01	mapflag	pvp_noguild 



  5. i tried but still error :(

    this is the script


    //Title: Ghost's PvP System (Multi-announcer + Ladder)
    //Version: 1.3
    //Author: Ghost
    //Created: 12/27/2011
    //Released: 01/31/2012
    //Compatibility: rAthena | eAthena
    //Support: TXT & SQL
    //rAthena Topic: http://rathena.org/board/topic/58222-ghosts-scripts/
    //Required File: 
    //	SQL Table: http://pastebin.com/dEqrkczy
    //	Wav Files: http://www.mediafire.com/?i3uutvdp00jw4r8
    //	http://www.wowwiki.com/Defense_of_the_Ancients:_Allstars
    //	http://honwiki.net/wiki/Kill_Streak
    //	http://honwiki.net/wiki/Multi_Kill
    //	http://honwiki.net/wiki/Patch_2.0.0#Nemesis_and_Payback
    //	http://igamepros.com/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=4342
    //Additional Note: 
    //	Multiple kill timer is set to Heroes of Newerth's 18 seconds.
    //	KDR Algorithm is originally written by me, Ghost.
    //	If you like this PvP System, say thanks at my rAthena topic.
    //	KDR: Kill Death Ratio
    //	SK: Streak Kill
    //	MK: Multi Kill
    //	Thank you to the Athena community.
    //	v1.3 = Fixed .PvPMap$[0] settings [Ghost]
    //	     = Added .GMLevel at configuration [Ghost]
    //	     = Change SK Hex Color to ^00FF00 for visibility [Ghost]
    //	     = Fixed Streak Kill ended broadcast [Ghost]
    //	     = Typographical error (Ms. Pudding to Flamboyant) on Announcer Setting corrected [Ghost]
    //           = Changed Top 10 Players ranking from KDR to Kills [Ghost]
    //	v1.2 = Fixed obfuscation at PvP Statistics [Ghost]
    //	v1.1 = KDR Algorithm update for undefined calculation check [Lighta]
    //	     = Fixed obfuscation at Nemesis Kill [Lighta]
    //	v1.0 = Initial release
    //©2011-2012 Ghost
    -	script	Versus	-1,{
    set .System, 1; //Toggle PvP System (0:Disable|1:Enable)
    set .ServerType, 0; //Are you using TXT or SQL? (0:TXT|1:SQL)
    set .GMLevel, 90; //GM levels above or equal this level will be ignored by the system
    setarray .PvPMap$[0], "caspen"; //List all pvp maps here (Index 0:"All" to enable all maps)
    //PvP Ladder
    set .Top, 10; //What is the length of the list?
    set .Reset, 2; //Allow players to reset their PvP statistics? (0:Disable|1:Zeny|2:Cashpoint|3:Skull)
    set .ZenyFee, 0; //How much zeny you want to charge to reset their pvp stat?
    set .CashFee, 1000; //How much cashpoint you want to charge to reset their pvp stat?
    set .SkullFee, 1000; //How much skull you want to charge to reset their pvp stat?
    set .AnnouncerFee, 20000000; //How much cashpoint per announcer? (DotA announcer is set as default)
    //Reward Setting (Every Kill)
    set .MaxZeny, 2000000000; //What is the max zeny of the server?
    set .Zeny, 0; //Earn zeny each kill? (0:Disable)
    set .Cash, 0; //How much #CASHPOINT every kill? (0:Disable)
    set .Skull, 1; //Collect player's skull each kill? (0:Disable|1:Enable)
    setarray .ItemID[0], 0; //Get items each kill? (0:Disable)
    setarray .Amount[0], 0; //How many items per kill?
    //Penalty Setting
    set .Feed, 10; //How many kills before feeding is called? (10:Recommended)
    set .Penalty, 1; //What is the penalty for the feedee? (0:Disable|1:Kill Rollback|2:Server Kick|3:Server Block)
    set .Kick, 0; //Who to kick? (0:Feedee|1:Feeder|2:Both)
    set .Rollback, 10; //How many times should the kill count rollback when feeding is called? (10:Recommended)
    //Announcer Setting
    set .Broadcast, 0; //Where do you want to broadcast? (0:bc_all|1:bc_map)
    set .Streak, 1; //Show number of killing streak in broadcast? e.g. Ghost is Beyond Godlike(8)
    set .Multiple, 1; //Show number of multiple kill in broadcast? e.g. Makizushi just got an Ownage(5)
    set .Nemesis, 1; //Show number of nemesis in broadcast? e.g. Epoque is owning Jguy(9)
    set .Feeder, 1; //Show number of feed in broadcast? e.g. Cookies is feeding `KeiKun(10)
    set .RandomKillWord, 1; //Randomize the kill words? e.g. Arcenciel "Kill Word" jTynne (0:Disable|Default:"pwned")
    setarray .KillWord$[0], "pwned", "killed", "disintegrated", "neutralized"; //Enable above setting for this to work
    //Broadcast Color | See HexTable: http://johncfish.com/bggallery/otherchart/hextable.gif
    set .KColor$, "0xFFFF00"; //Kill Broadcast Color | e.g. Jguy pwned Mercurial 
    set .KSColor$, "0xFFFF00"; //Killing Streak Broadcast Color | e.g. jTynne is on a Killing Spree
    set .MKColor$, "0x33FF00"; //Multiple Kill Broadcast Color | e.g. Mercurial just got a Double Kill
    set .ESColor$, "0xFF0000"; //End Streak Broadcast Color | e.g. BrianL just ended Jguy's Killing Spree
    set .NMColor$, "0x0099FF"; //Nemesis Broadcast Color | e.g. Xazax is owning Cookies
    set .PBColor$, "0xFF0000"; //Payback Broadcast Color | e.g. Makizushi just have a payback againts lilcooldude69
    set .FDColor$, "0xFF00CC"; //Feeder Broadcast Color | e.g. Cookies is feeding Z3R0
    //--Warning: Critical Setting | Killing Streaks and Multiple Kills Announcer
    setarray .KSDotA$[0], "is on a Killing Spree", "is Dominating", "has a Mega-Kill", "is Unstoppable", "is Wicked Sick", "has a M-m-m-m....Monster Kill", "is Godlike", "is Beyond Godlike";
    setarray .KSHoN$[0], "is a Serial Killer", "is an Ultimate Warrior", "is Legendary", "is on an Onslaught!", "is Savage Sick", "is Dominating", "has a Bloodbath", "is Immortal"; //Took out #9. Champion of Newearth
    setarray .MKDotA$[0], "just got a Double Kill", "just got a Triple Kill", "just got an Ultra Kill", "is on a Rampage", "is Owning his enemies";
    setarray .MKHoN$[0], "just got a Double Tap", "just got a Hat Trick", "just got an Quad Kill", "annihilated his enemies", "just got a Genocide";
    setarray .ESDotA$[0], "Killing Spree", "Dominating", "Mega-Kill", "Unstoppable", "Wicked Sick", "Monster Kill", "Godlike", "Beyond Godlike";
    setarray .ESHoN$[0], "Serial Killer", "Ultimate Warrior", "Legendary", "Onslaught", "Savage Sick", "Dominating", "Bloodbath", "Immortal"; //Took out #9. Champion of Newearth
    setarray .EMDotA$[0], "Double Kill", "Triple Kill", "Ultra Kill", "Rampage", "Ownage";
    setarray .EMHoN$[0], "Double Tap", "Hat Trick", "Quad Kill", "Annihilation", "Genocide";
    //--Warning: Fail Safe | Do Not Touch
    if(.System > 1){ set .System, 1; }
    if(.System < 0){ set .System, 0; }
    if(.ServerType > 1){ set .ServerType, 1; }
    if(.ServerType < 0){ set .ServerType, 0; }
    if(.GMLevel > 99){ set .GMLevel, 99; }
    if(.GMLevel < 0){ set .GMLevel, 0; }
    if((.PvPMap$[0] == "ALL")||(.PvPMap$[0] == "ALl")||(.PvPMap$[0] == "AlL")||(.PvPMap$[0] == "aLL")||(.PvPMap$[0] == "aLl") || (.PvPMap$[0] == "alL")){ setarray .PvPMap$[0], "All"; }
    if(.Ladder > 1){ set .Ladder, 1; }
    if(.Ladder < 0){ set .Ladder, 0; }
    if(.Top < 0){ set .Top, 0; }
    if(.Reset > 3){ set .Reset, 0; }
    if(.Reset < 0){ set .Reset, 0; }
    if((.Reset == 1)&&(.ZenyFee <= 0)){ set .Reset, 0; }
    if((.Reset == 1)&&(.ZenyFee >= .MaxZeny)){ set .Reset, 0; }
    if((.Reset == 2)&&(.CashFee <= 0)){ set .Reset, 0; }
    if((.Reset == 3)&&(.SkullFee <= 0)){ set .Reset, 0; }
    if(.Zeny > .MaxZeny){ set .Zeny, 0; }
    if(.Zeny < 0){ set .Zeny, 0; }
    if(.Cash < 0){ set .Cash, 0; }
    if(.Broadcast > 1){ set .Broadcast, 1; }
    if(.Broadcast < 0){ set .Broadcast, 0; }
    if(.Feed < 1){ set .Feed, 0; }
    if(.Penalty > 3){ set .Penalty, 3; }
    if(.Penalty < 1){ set .Penalty, 0; }
    if(.Rollback < 1){ set .Rollback, 0; }
    if(.Streak > 1){ set .Streak, 1; }
    if(.Streak < 1){ set .Streak, 0; }
    if(.Multiple > 1){ set .Multiple, 1; }
    if(.Multiple < 1){ set .Multiple, 0; }
    if(.Nemesis > 1){ set .Nemesis, 1; }
    if(.Nemesis < 0){ set .Nemesis, 0; }
    if(.Feeder > 1){ set .Feeder, 1; }
    if(.Feeder < 1){ set .Feeder, 0; }
    if(.RandomKillWord > 1){ set .RandomKillWord, 1; }
    if(.RandomKillWord < 0){ set .RandomKillWord, 0; }
    if(getgmlevel() >= .GMLevel){ end; }
    if(.PvPMap$[0] != "All"){
    	for(set .@i, 0; .@i < (getarraysize(.PvPMap$) - 1); set .@i, .@i + 1){
    		if(strcharinfo(3) != .PvPMap$[.@i]){ end; }
    if((@nm == .Feed) && (.Penalty)){
    callsub OnClearData;
    	case 0: break;
    	case 1: callsub OnRollback; break;
    	case 2: callsub OnRollback;
    		if(.Kick == 0){ atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); }
    		if(.Kick == 1){ atcommand "@kick "+rid2name(killedrid); }
    		if(.Kick == 2){ atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); atcommand "@kick "+rid2name(killedrid); }
    	case 3: callsub OnRollback;
    		if(.Kick == 0){ atcommand "@block "+strcharinfo(0); }
    		if(.Kick == 1){ atcommand "@block "+rid2name(killedrid); }
    		if(.Kick == 2){ atcommand "@block "+strcharinfo(0);	atcommand "@block "+rid2name(killedrid); }
    	default: break;
    if(@nm < .Feed){
    	if(.Zeny && ((Zeny + .Zeny) < .MaxZeny)){ set Zeny, Zeny + .Zeny; }
    	if(.Cash){ dispbottom "[Point System] +1 Kill Point"; set #CASHPOINT, #CASHPOINT + .Cash; }
    	if(.Skull){ getnameditem 7420, rid2name(killedrid); }
    	for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.ItemID); set .@i, .@i + 1){ if(.ItemID){ getitem .ItemID[.@i], .Amount[.@i]; }}
    if(.RandomKillTerm){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" "+.KillWord$[rand(0, getarraysize(.KillWord$) - 1)]+" "+rid2name(killedrid)+"'s head", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KColor$; } 
    else { announce strcharinfo(0)+" pwned "+rid2name(killedrid)+"'s head", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KColor$; }
    set Kill, Kill + 1; 
    if(@ks < 10){ set @ks, @ks + 1; }
    if(@mk < 6){ set @mk, @mk + 1; } 
    if(!NemesisKilled){ set NemesisKilled, killedrid; }
    if(NemesisKilled == killedrid){ set @nm, @nm + 1; }
    deltimer "Versus::OnMKReset"; 
    addtimer 18000, "Versus::OnMKReset"; 
    callsub OnRecordStreak; 
    callsub OnAnnounce; 
    callsub OnDeath;
    } end;
    if(getgmlevel() >= .GMLevel){ end; }
    if(.PvPMap$[0] != "All"){ 
    	for(set .@i, 0; .@i < (getarraysize(.PvPMap$) - 1); set .@i, .@i + 1){
    		if(strcharinfo(3) != .PvPMap$[.@i]){ end; }
    		set Death, Death + 1;
    } end;
    if(getgmlevel() >= .GMLevel){ end; }
    if((.ServerType) && (Kill)){ query_sql("REPLACE INTO `pvp_rank` (`char_id`, `account_id`, `char`, `kill`, `death`, `kdr`, `killingstreak`, `multikill`,  `nemesiskill`, `feedcount`,`killingspree`, `dominating`, `megakill`, `unstoppable`, `wickedsick`, `monsterkill`, `godlike`, `beyondgodlike`, `doublekill`, `triplekill`, `ultrakill`, `rampage`, `ownage`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+","+getcharid(3)+", '"+rid2name(getcharid(3))+"', "+Kill+", "+Death+", '"+callfunc("KDR_Calc", Kill, Death)+"', "+KillingStreak+", "+MultiKill+",  "+NemesisKill+", "+FeedCount+", "+KillingSpree+", "+Dominating+", "+MegaKill+", "+Unstoppable+", "+WickedSick+", "+MonsterKill+", "+Godlike+", "+BeyondGodlike+", "+DoubleKill+", "+TripleKill+", "+UltraKill+", "+Rampage+", "+Ownage+")"); }
    if(.PvPMap$[0] != "All"){
    	for(set .@i, 0; .@i < (getarraysize(.PvPMap$) - 1); set .@i, .@i + 1){
    		if(strcharinfo(3) != .PvPMap$[.@i]){ end; }
    callsub OnClearData; 
    deltimer "Versus::OnMKReset";
    } end;
    if(@ks > 2){
    	set KillingStreak, KillingStreak + 1;
    	case 0:	case 1:	case 2: break; 
    	case 3: set KillingSpree, KillingSpree + 1; break; 
    	case 4: set Dominating, Dominating + 1; break;
    	case 5: set MegaKill, MegaKill + 1; break; 
    	case 6: set Unstoppable, Unstoppable + 1; break; 
    	case 7: set WickedSick, WickedSick + 1; break;
    	case 8: set MonsterKill, MonsterKill + 1; break; 
    	case 9: set Godlike, Godlike + 1; break; 
    	case 10: set BeyondGodlike, BeyondGodlike + 1; break;
    	default: break;
    if(@mk > 1){
    	set MultiKill, MultiKill + 1;
    	case 0:	case 1: break; 
    	case 2: set DoubleKill, DoubleKill + 1; break; 
    	case 3: set TripleKill, TripleKill + 1; break;
    	case 4: set UltraKill, UltraKill + 1; break;
    	case 5: set Rampage, Rampage + 1; break; 
    	case 6: set Ownage, Ownage + 1; break;
    	default: break;
    if((@nm > 3) && (@nm < .Feed)){ set NemesisKill, NemesisKill + 1; }
    if(@nm >= .Feed){
    	set FeedCount, FeedCount + 1;
    if((@ks == 1) && (#FirstBlood == 1)){
    	if(#Announcer == 0){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" drew first blood", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KSColor$; }
    	if(#Announcer > 1){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" got bloodlust", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KSColor$; }
    	set #FirstBlood, 0;
    	soundeffectall ""+#Announcer+"_KS"+1+".wav", 0, strcharinfo(3);
    if(@ks > 2){
    	if(#Announcer == 0){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" "+.KSDotA$[@ks - 3]+" "+((.Streak)?"("+@ks+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KSColor$; }
    	if(#Announcer > 1){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" "+.KSHoN$[@ks - 3]+" "+((.Streak)?"("+@ks+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KSColor$; }
    	soundeffectall ""+#Announcer+"_KS"+@ks+".wav", 0, strcharinfo(3);
    if(@mk > 1){
    	if(#Announcer == 0){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" "+.MKDotA$[@mk - 2]+" "+((.Multiple)?"("+@mk+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .MKColor$; }
    	if(#Announcer > 1){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" "+.MKHoN$[@mk - 2]+" "+((.Multiple)?"("+@mk+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .MKColor$; }
    	sleep2 1500;
    	soundeffectall ""+#Announcer+"_MK"+@mk+".wav", 0, strcharinfo(3);
    if((@nm > 3) && (@nm < .Feed)){
    	announce strcharinfo(0)+" is owning "+rid2name(NemesisKilled)+" "+((.Nemesis)?"("+@nm+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .NMColor$;
    	sleep2 2000;
    	if(#Announcer > 0){ soundeffectall #Announcer+"_Nemesis.wav", 0, strcharinfo(3); } else { soundeffectall "1_Nemesis.wav", 0;}
    if(@nm >= .Feed){
    	announce rid2name(NemesisKilled)+" is feeding "+strcharinfo(0)+" "+((.Feeder)?"("+@nm+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .FDColor$;
    	sleep2 1500;
    	soundeffectall "Feeder.wav", 0, strcharinfo(3);
    } return;
    if(@ks > 2){
    	if(#Announcer == 0){ announce rid2name(killedrid)+" just ended "+strcharinfo(0)+"'s "+.ESDotA$[@ks - 3]+" "+((.Streak)?"("+@ks+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .ESColor$; }
    	if(#Announcer > 1){ announce rid2name(killedrid)+" just ended "+strcharinfo(0)+"'s "+.ESHoN$[@ks - 3]+" "+((.Streak)?"("+@ks+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .ESColor$; }
    if(@nm > 3){
    	soundeffectall #Announcer+"_Payback.wav", 0, rid2name(killedrid);
    	announce rid2name(killedrid)+" just have a payback againts "+strcharinfo(0)+" "+((.Nemesis)?"("+@nm+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .PBColor$;
    	callsub OnClearData;
    OnMKReset: set @mk, 0; end;
    OnClearData: sleep2 3000; set NemesisKilled, 0; set @ks, 0; set @mk, 0; set @nm, 0; return;
    if(.Zeny){ set Zeny, Zeny - (.Zeny * .Rollback); }
    if(.Cash){ dispbottom "[Point System] -"+(.Cash * .Rollback)+" Kill Point"; set #CASHPOINT, #CASHPOINT - (.Cash * .Rollback); }
    if(.Skull){ delitem 7420, .Rollback; }
    for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.ItemID); set .@i, .@i + 1){ if(.ItemID){ delitem .ItemID[.@i], .Amount[.@i] * .Rollback; }}
    if((Kill - .Rollback) > 0){ set Kill, Kill - .Rollback; } else { set Kill, 0; }
    if((KillingSpree - 1) > 0){ set KillingSpree, KillingSpree - 1; } else { set KillingSpree, 0; }
    if((Dominating - 1) > 0){ set Dominating, Dominating - 1; } else { set Dominating, 0; }
    if((MegaKill - 1) > 0){ set MegaKill, MegaKill - 1; } else { set MegaKill, 0; }
    if((Unstoppable - 1) > 0){ set Unstoppable, Unstoppable - 1; } else { set Unstoppable, 0; }
    if((WickedSick - 1) > 0){ set WickedSick, WickedSick - 1; } else { set WickedSick, 0; }
    if((MonsterKill - 1) > 0){ set MonsterKill, MonsterKill - 1; } else { set MonsterKill, 0; }
    if((Godlike - 1) > 0){ set Godlike, Godlike - 1; } else { set Godlike, 0; }
    if((BeyondGodlike - 1) > 0){ set BeyondGodlike, BeyondGodlike - 1; } else { set BeyondGodlike, 0; }
    if((DoubleKill - 1) > 0){ set DoubleKill, DoubleKill - 1; } else { set DoubleKill, 0; }
    if((TripleKill - 1) > 0){ set TripleKill, TripleKill - 1; } else { set TripleKill, 0; }
    if((UltraKill - 1) > 0){ set UltraKill, UltraKill - 1; } else { set UltraKill, 0; }
    if((Rampage - 1) > 0){ set Rampage, Rampage - 1; } else { set Rampage, 0; }
    if((Ownage - 1) > 0){ set Ownage, Ownage - 1; } else { set Ownage, 0; }
    if((NemesisKill - (.Rollback - 3)) > 0){ set NemesisKill, NemesisKill - (.Rollback - 3); } else { set NemesisKill, 0; }
    announce "[Anti-Feed] Your kill count has been rollbacked "+.Rollback+" times.",bc_self,0xFF0000;
    prontera,150,150,4	script	Loki	467,{
    mes "[Loki]"; mes "What can I do for you today?";
    switch(select("Player Ranking:PvP Statistic:Announcer Setting")){
    case 1: //Player Ranking
    	if(getvariableofnpc(.ServerType, "Versus")){
    		mes "[Top "+getvariableofnpc(.Top, "Versus")+" PvP Players]";
    		mes "^0000FFKill^000000 | ^FF0000Death^000000 | ^FF22FFKDR^000000 | ^00FF00SK^000000 | ^666666MK^000000";
    		query_sql "SELECT `char`, `kill`, `death`, `kdr`, `killingstreak`, `multikill` FROM `pvp_rank` ORDER BY `pvp_rank`.`kill` DESC LIMIT "+getvariableofnpc(.Top, "Versus")+"", .@char$, .@kill, .@death, .@kdr$, .@sk, .@mk;
    		for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@char$); set .@i, .@i + 1){
    			mes .@i+1+". "+.@char$[.@i]+" ^0000FF"+.@kill[.@i]+"^000000 ^FF0000"+.@death[.@i]+"^000000 ^FF22FF"+.@kdr$[.@i]+"^000000 ^00FF00"+.@sk[.@i]+"^000000 ^666666"+.@mk[.@i]+"^000000 ";
    	} else { 
    		mes "Top "+getvariableofnpc(.Top, "Versus")+" ranking is not yet implemented for this server type."; 
    case 2: //PvP Statistic
    	mes strcharinfo(0)+"'s PvP Statistic"; mes "^666666Kill:^000000 "+Kill+" ^666666Death:^000000 "+Death+" ^666666KDR:^000000 "+callfunc("KDR_Calc", Kill, Death)+"^000000";
    	mes "^666666Killing Streak:^000000 "+KillingStreak+" ^666666Multi-Kills:^000000 "+MultiKill+"";
    	switch(select("Killing Streak:Multi-Kill Streak:Nemesis Streak:"+(getvariableofnpc(.Reset, "Versus")?"Reset":"")+"")){
    	case 1: //Killing Streak
    		setarray .LSDotA$[0], ""+KillingSpree+"", ""+Dominating+"", ""+MegaKill+"", ""+Unstoppable+"", ""+WickedSick+"", ""+MonsterKill+"", ""+Godlike+"", ""+BeyondGodlike+"";
    		mes "Killing Streak Stats";
    		case 0:
    			for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.LSDotA$); set .@i, .@i + 1){
    				mes "^666666"+getvariableofnpc(.ESDotA$[.@i], "Versus")+"^000000: "+ .LSDotA$[.@i];
    			for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.LSDotA$); set .@i, .@i + 1){
    				mes "^666666"+getvariableofnpc(.ESHoN$[.@i], "Versus")+"^000000: "+ .LSDotA$[.@i];
    	case 2: //Multi-Kill
    		setarray .LMDotA$[0], ""+DoubleKill+"", ""+TripleKill+"", ""+UltraKill+"", ""+Rampage+"", ""+Ownage+"";
    		mes "Multi-Kill Stats";
    		case 0:
    			for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.LMDotA$); set .@i, .@i + 1){
    				mes "^666666"+getvariableofnpc(.EMDotA$[.@i], "Versus")+"^000000: "+ .LMDotA$[.@i];
    			for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.LMDotA$); set .@i, .@i + 1){
    				mes "^666666"+getvariableofnpc(.EMHoN$[.@i], "Versus")+"^000000: "+ .LMDotA$[.@i];
    	case 3:	//Nemesis
    		mes "Nemesis Stat";
    		mes "^666666Nemesis Kill^000000: "+NemesisKill;
    		mes "^666666Feed Count^000000: "+FeedCount;
    	case 4: //Reset Stat
    		set .Reset, getvariableofnpc(.Reset, "Versus");
    		set .ZenyFee, getvariableofnpc(.ZenyFee, "Versus");
    		set .CashFee, getvariableofnpc(.CashFee, "Versus");
    		set .SkullFee, getvariableofnpc(.SkullFee, "Versus");
    		mes "[Loki]"; mes "Are you sure you want to reset your PvP Statistics?";
    		if(.Reset == 1){ mes "^FF0000Reset Fee:^000000 "+.ZenyFee+" Zeny"; }
    		if(.Reset == 2){ mes "^FF0000Reset Fee:^000000 "+.CashFee+" Kill Point"; }
    		if(.Reset == 3){ mes "^FF0000Reset Fee:^000000 "+.SkullFee+" Skull"; }
    			case 1: close;
    			case 2:
    				case 0: break;
    				case 1:
    					if(Zeny < .ZenyFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Zeny."; close; }
    					set Zeny, Zeny - .ZenyFee; break;
    				case 2:
    					if(#CASHPOINTS < .CashFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Kill Point."; close; }
    					set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .CashFee; break;
    				case 3:
    					if(countitem(7420) < .SkullFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Skull."; close; }
    					delitem 7420, .SkullFee; break;
    				default: break;
    		if(getvariableofnpc(.ServerType, "Versus")){ query_sql "DELETE FROM `pvp_rank` WHERE `pvp_rank`.`char_id` = "+getcharid(0)+""; }
    		callsub OnPvPReset; announce "[Loki] Your PvP Statistic has been reset.",bc_self,0xFF0000; close;
    case 3: //Announcer Setting
    	next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "What kind of announcer you want to use?";
    	if(getvariableofnpc(.AnnouncerFee, "Versus")){ set .AnnouncerFee, getvariableofnpc(.AnnouncerFee, "Versus"); }
    	switch(select(""+((#Announcer == 0)?"^FF0000DotA^000000":"DotA")+":"+((#Announcer == 1)?"^FF0000HoN^000000":"HoN")+":"+((#Announcer == 2)?"^FF0000Ms. Pudding^000000":"Ms. Pudding")+":"+((#Announcer == 3)?"^FF0000Flamboyant^000000":"Flamboyant")+":"+((#Announcer == 4)?"^FF0000English^000000":"English")+":"+((#Announcer == 5)?"^FF0000Balls of Steel^000000":"Balls of Steel")+":"+((#Announcer == 6)?"^FF0000BreakyCPK^000000":"BreakyCPK")+"")){
    		case 1: //DotA
    			if(#Announcer == 0){ goto L_Announce; }
    			soundeffect "0_KS1.wav", 0;
    			set #Announcer, 0;
    			announce "[Loki] DotA announcer has been configured to your account.",bc_self,0xFF0000;
    		case 2: //HoN
    			if(#Announcer == 1){ goto L_Announce; }
    			if((.AnnouncerFee) && (!#Hon)){
    			next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "Do you want to purchase HoN announcer for "+.AnnouncerFee+" Kill Point?";
    				case 1: close;
    				case 2: 
    				if(#CASHPOINTS < .AnnouncerFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Kill Point."; close; }
    				set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .AnnouncerFee;
    				set #Hon, 1;
    			soundeffect "1_KS1.wav", 0;
    			set #Announcer, 1;
    			announce "[Loki] HoN announcer has been configured to your account.",bc_self,0xFF0000;
    		case 3: //Ms. Pudding
    			if(#Announcer == 2){ goto L_Announce; }
    			if((.AnnouncerFee) && (!#MsPudding)){
    			next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "Do you want to purchase Ms. Pudding announcer for "+.AnnouncerFee+" Kill Point?";
    				case 1: close;
    				case 2: 
    				if(#CASHPOINTS < .AnnouncerFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Kill Point."; close; }
    				set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .AnnouncerFee;
    				set #MsPudding, 1;
    			soundeffect "2_KS1.wav", 0;
    			set #Announcer, 2;
    			announce "[Loki] Ms. Pudding announcer has been configured to your account.",bc_self,0xFF0000;
    		case 4: //Flamboyant
    			if(#Announcer == 3){ goto L_Announce; }
    			if((.AnnouncerFee) && (!#Flamboyant)){
    			next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "Do you want to purchase Flamboyant announcer for "+.AnnouncerFee+" Kill Point?";
    				case 1: close;
    				case 2: 
    				if(#CASHPOINTS < .AnnouncerFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Kill Point."; close; }
    				set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .AnnouncerFee;
    				set #Flamboyant, 1;
    			soundeffect "3_KS1.wav", 0;
    			set #Announcer, 3;
    			announce "[Loki] Flamboyant announcer has been configured to your account.",bc_self,0xFF0000;
    		case 5: //English
    			if(#Announcer == 4){ goto L_Announce; }
    			if((.AnnouncerFee) && (!#English)){
    			next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "Do you want to purchase English announcer for "+.AnnouncerFee+" Kill Point?";
    				case 1: close;
    				case 2: 
    				if(#CASHPOINTS < .AnnouncerFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Kill Point."; close; }
    				set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .AnnouncerFee;
    				set #English, 1;
    			soundeffect "4_KS1.wav", 0;
    			set #Announcer, 4;
    			announce "[Loki] English announcer has been configured to your account.",bc_self,0xFF0000;
    		case 6: //Balls of Steel
    			if(#Announcer == 5){ goto L_Announce; }
    			if((.AnnouncerFee) && (!#BallsofSteel)){
    			next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "Do you want to purchase Balls of Steel announcer for "+.AnnouncerFee+" Kill Point?";
    				case 1: close;
    				case 2: 
    				if(#CASHPOINTS < .AnnouncerFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Kill Point."; close; }
    				set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .AnnouncerFee;
    				set #BallsofSteel, 1;
    			soundeffect "5_KS1.wav", 0;
    			set #Announcer, 5;
    			announce "[Loki] Balls of Steel announcer has been configured to your account.",bc_self,0xFF0000;
    		case 7: //BreakyCPK
    			if(#Announcer == 6){ goto L_Announce; }
    			if((.AnnouncerFee) && (!#BreakyCPK)){
    			next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "Do you want to purchase BreakyCPK announcer for "+.AnnouncerFee+" Kill Point?";
    				case 1: close;
    				case 2: 
    				if(#CASHPOINTS < .AnnouncerFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Kill Point."; close; }
    				set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .AnnouncerFee;
    				set #BreakyCPK, 1;
    			soundeffect "6_KS1.wav", 0;
    			set #Announcer, 6;
    			announce "[Loki] BreakyCPK announcer has been configured to your account.",bc_self,0xFF0000;
    	default: close;
    set Kill, 0;
    set Death, 0;
    set KillingStreak, 0; 
    set MultiKill, 0;
    set KillingSpree, 0;
    set Dominating, 0;
    set MegaKill, 0;
    set Unstoppable, 0;
    set WickedSick, 0;
    set MonsterKill, 0;
    set Godlike, 0;
    set BeyondGodlike, 0;
    set DoubleKill, 0;
    set TripleKill, 0;
    set UltraKill, 0;
    set Rampage, 0;
    set Ownage, 0;
    set NemesisKill, 0;
    set FeedCount, 0;
    //Ghost's KDR Algorithm
    function	script	KDR_Calc	{
    if(!getarg(1)) { debugmes "Error in KDR function, getarg(1) invalid value"; return 0; } // [Lighta]
    if(getarg(0) >= getarg(1)){
    		set .@i, getarg(0)/getarg(1);
    		if((getarg(0)%getarg(1)) == 0){ return .@i+".00"; }
    		set .@j, (getarg(0)%getarg(1))*100/getarg(1);
    		return .@i+"."+.@j;
    	} else {
    		return getarg(0)+".00";
    if(getarg(0) < getarg(1)){
    		set .@i, (getarg(0)*10)/getarg(1);
    		set .@j, ((getarg(0)*10)%getarg(1))*10/getarg(1);
    	return "0."+.@i +.@j;
    	} else {
    		return "0.00";

    im using 3ceam....

  6. here...


    //===== TalonRO Script ======================================= 
    //= Bossnia Event.
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= DeePee
    //= Muad_Dib [Aegis script]
    //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
    //= 1.00
    //===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
    //= 1.00 First release (Aegis conversion). [DeePee]
    //--------------- Main NPC ---------------------------------//
    caspen,153,236,5	script	Bossnia Member::Bossnia	908,{
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Hey...";
    	mes "I have seen a lot of beautiful places";
    	mes "while traveling all around the world";
    	mes "in my adventures.";
    	mes "Haha!";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Wha-? I'm from...";
    	mes "'Bossnia Team'! No, no...";
    	mes "my name doesn't matter.";
    	mes "Sometimes, you gotta live and let live.";
    	mes "Small things like that,";
    	mes "they aren't worth worrying about.";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Hm, back to the topic...";
    	mes "During all my travels,";
    	mes "I have found a horrible place.";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "In majority, inside the dungeons and underground prisons";
    	mes "there is always a fearsome monster.";
    	mes "Isn't that right?";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "But, but... Ali...";
    	mes "There are a lot of monsters, all them so strong...";
    	mes "It was frightening.";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "If I lingered few seconds...";
    	mes "I could have died in there.";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Wha-?";
    	mes "Do you want to go there?";
    	mes "Oh, gosh, you didn't get me.";
    	mes "Inside......";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "!?!... you already know?";
    	mes "Even understanding it, do you still want to go there.";
    	mes "Aight, I will take you there.";
    	mes "But, once you're there, ";
    	mes "don't be mad at me.";
    	if (zeny < 50000000) {
    		mes "[Riss]";
    		mes "You don't have enough money...";
    		mes "Come back when you get at least 50,000,000 zeny."; 
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Are you going to face this challenge?";
    	mes "Right. Then choose your destination.";
    	set .@choice,@menu;
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Be careful, young boy.";
    	mes "Don't be mad at me.";
    if( #delay > gettimetick(1) ){
    	dispbottom "Delaying...";
    	set zeny,zeny-50000000;
    	warp "bossnia_0" + .@choice,202,204;
    	set #delay,#delay + ( 3600 * 5 );
    //--------------- Duplicates -------------------------------//
    //geffen,124,169,4	duplicate(Bossnia)	Bossnia Member#2	908
    //payon,165,150,4	duplicate(Bossnia)	Bossnia Member#3	908
    //morocc,142,100,4	duplicate(Bossnia)	Bossnia Member#4	908
    //lighthalzen,203,140,4	duplicate(Bossnia)	Bossnia Member#5	908
    //rachel,132,144,4	duplicate(Bossnia)	Bossnia Member#6	908
    //--------------- Mapflags ---------------------------------//
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nosave
    bossnia_01	mapflag	noexppenalty
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nosave
    bossnia_02	mapflag	noexppenalty
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nosave
    bossnia_03	mapflag	noexppenalty
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nosave
    bossnia_04	mapflag	noexppenalty
    //--------------- Mob Spawns -------------------------------//
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Garm	1252,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Gloom Under Night	1768,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dark Lord	1272,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Doppelganger	1046,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dracula	1389,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Drake	1112,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Detale	1719,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Maya	1147,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Mistress	1059,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Baphomet	1039,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Egnigem Cenia	1658,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Amon Ra	1511,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Atroce	1785,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Hell Apocalypse	1978,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Eddga	1115,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Osiris	1038,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Lord	1190,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Hero	1087,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Incantation Samurai	1492,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Moonlight Flower	1150,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lord of Death	1373,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Ktullanux	1779,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Kiel D-01	1734,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Thanatos	1708,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lady Tanee	1688,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Tao Gunka	1583,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Turtle General	1312,10,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Pharaoh	1157,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Stormy Knight	1251,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Fallen Bishop Hibram	1871,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Phreeoni	1159,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Golden Thief Bug	1086,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Evil Snake Lord	1418,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	RSX-0806	1623,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Assassin Cross Eremes	1647,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_01,137,118,1,1	boss_monster	Whitesmith Howard	1648,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_01,122,195,1,1	boss_monster	Beelzebub	1873,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_01,45,118,1,1	boss_monster	Beelzebub	1873,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_01,196,122,1,1	boss_monster	Valkyrie Randgris	1751,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_01,142,61,1,1	boss_monster	Ifrit	1832,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Garm	1252,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Gloom Under Night	1768,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dark Lord	1272,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Doppelganger	1046,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dracula	1389,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Drake	1112,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Detale	1719,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Maya	1147,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Mistress	1059,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Baphomet	1039,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Egnigem Cenia	1658,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Amon Ra	1511,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Atroce	1785,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Hell Apocalypse	1978,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Eddga	1115,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Osiris	1038,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Lord	1190,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Hero	1087,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Incantation Samurai	1492,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Moonlight Flower	1150,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lord of Death	1373,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Ktullanux	1779,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Kiel D-01	1734,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Thanatos	1708,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lady Tanee	1688,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Tao Gunka	1583,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Turtle General	1312,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Pharaoh	1157,2,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Stormy Knight	1251,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Fallen Bishop Hibram	1871,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Phreeoni	1159,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Golden Thief Bug	1086,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Evil Snake Lord	1418,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	RSX-0806	1623,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Assassin Cross Eremes	1647,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_02,137,118,1,1	boss_monster	Whitesmith Howard	1648,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_02,122,195,1,1	boss_monster	Beelzebub	1873,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_02,45,118,1,1	boss_monster	Beelzebub	1873,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_02,196,122,1,1	boss_monster	Valkyrie Randgris	1751,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_02,142,61,1,1	boss_monster	Ifrit	1832,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Garm	1252,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Gloom Under Night	1768,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dark Lord	1272,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Doppelganger	1046,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dracula	1389,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Drake	1112,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Detale	1719,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Maya	1147,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Mistress	1059,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Baphomet	1039,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Egnigem Cenia	1658,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Amon Ra	1511,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Atroce	1785,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Hell Apocalypse	1978,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Eddga	1115,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Osiris	1038,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Lord	1190,10,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Hero	1087,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Incantation Samurai	1492,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Moonlight Flower	1150,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lord of Death	1373,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Ktullanux	1779,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Kiel D-01	1734,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lady Tanee	1688,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Tao Gunka	1583,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Turtle General	1312,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Pharaoh	1157,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Stormy Knight	1251,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Fallen Bishop Hibram	1871,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Phreeoni	1159,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Golden Thief Bug	1086,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Evil Snake Lord	1418,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	RSX-0806	1623,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,196,122,1,1	boss_monster	Valkyrie Randgris	1751,3,0,0,0
    bossnia_03,142,61,1,1	boss_monster	Ifrit	1832,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Garm	1252,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Gloom Under Night	1768,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dark Lord	1272,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Doppelganger	1046,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dracula	1389,3,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Drake	1112,3,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Detale	1719,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Maya	1147,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Mistress	1059,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Baphomet	1039,2,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Egnigem Cenia	1658,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Amon Ra	1511,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Atroce	1785,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Hell Apocalypse	1978,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Eddga	1115,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Osiris	1038,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Lord	1190,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Hero	1087,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Incantation Samurai	1492,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Moonlight Flower	1150,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lord of Death	1373,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Ktullanux	1779,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Kiel D-01	1734,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lady Tanee	1688,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Tao Gunka	1583,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Turtle General	1312,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Pharaoh	1157,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Stormy Knight	1251,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Fallen Bishop Hibram	1871,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Phreeoni	1159,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Golden Thief Bug	1086,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Evil Snake Lord	1418,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	RSX-0806	1623,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,196,122,1,1	boss_monster	Valkyrie Randgris	1751,2,7200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,142,61,1,1	boss_monster	Ifrit	1832,1,7200000,0,0
    // mapflags
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_04	mapflag	noicewall
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nopenalty
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_04	mapflag	noexp
    bossnia_04	mapflag	noreturn
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_01	mapflag	noicewall
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nopenalty
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_01	mapflag	noexp
    bossnia_01	mapflag	noreturn
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_02	mapflag	noicewall
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nopenalty
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_02	mapflag	noexp
    bossnia_02	mapflag	noreturn
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_03	mapflag	noicewall
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nopenalty
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_03	mapflag	noexp
    bossnia_03	mapflag	noreturn
  7. here's the error




    im using emistry script bcoz when im using on you... nothings happens cant click ...


    i try to emistry but its errror too that is the error from emistry script..


    if( #delay > gettimetick(1) ){
        dispbottom "Delaying...";
        set zeny,zeny-50000000;
        warp "bossnia_0" + .@choice,202,204;
        set #delay,#delay + ( 3600 * 5 );
  8. 	if(.@delayTime > 0) {
    		mes "[Riss]";
    		mes "You can only go there every 5 hours.";
    		.@minutes = .@delayTime / 60;
    		.@seconds = .@delayTime - (.@minutes * 60);
    		mes "Please come back in " + sprintf("%02d:%02d", .@minutes, .@seconds) + " minutes." ;
    	if (zeny < 50000000) {
    		mes "[Riss]";
    		mes "You don't have enough money...";
    		mes "Come back when you get at least 50,000,000 zeny."; 
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Are you going to face this challenge?";
    	mes "Right. Then choose your destination.";
    	set .@choice,@menu;
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Be careful, young boy.";
    	mes "Don't be mad at me.";
    	set #BossniaDelay, gettimetick(2) + (5 * 60 *60);
    	set zeny,zeny-50000000;
    	warp "bossnia_0" + .@choice,202,204;


    how can i revised this into 5hrs ??

    btw thank you both of you..


    ow..... i tried.. but when i click the npc nothings happen.... what is the error ? :( please help

    There are two easy ways you can use. You can either use gettimetick to create an account variable with the delay time, or you could make a quest with a time limit of 5 hours and check if the time limit has exceeded (official way to do this, like Endless Tower, or Buwaya Cave).

    Anyway, here's the script with the gettimetick version since I'm at work and can't do very much without neglecting my work :P


    //===== Script ======================================= 
    //= Bossnia Event.
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= DeePee
    //= Muad_Dib [Aegis script]
    //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
    //= 1.00
    //===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
    //= 1.00 First release (Aegis conversion). [DeePee]
    //--------------- Main NPC ---------------------------------//
    caspen,153,236,5	script	Bossnia Member::Bossnia	908,{
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Hey...";
    	mes "I have seen a lot of beautiful places";
    	mes "while traveling all around the world";
    	mes "in my adventures.";
    	mes "Haha!";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Wha-? I'm from...";
    	mes "'Bossnia Team'! No, no...";
    	mes "my name doesn't matter.";
    	mes "Sometimes, you gotta live and let live.";
    	mes "Small things like that,";
    	mes "they aren't worth worrying about.";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Hm, back to the topic...";
    	mes "During all my travels,";
    	mes "I have found a horrible place.";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "In majority, inside the dungeons and underground prisons";
    	mes "there is always a fearsome monster.";
    	mes "Isn't that right?";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "But, but... Ali...";
    	mes "There are a lot of monsters, all them so strong...";
    	mes "It was frightening.";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "If I lingered few seconds...";
    	mes "I could have died in there.";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Wha-?";
    	mes "Do you want to go there?";
    	mes "Oh, gosh, you didn't get me.";
    	mes "Inside......";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "!?!... you already know?";
    	mes "Even understanding it, do you still want to go there.";
    	mes "Aight, I will take you there.";
    	mes "But, once you're there, ";
    	mes "don't be mad at me.";
    	.@delayTime = #BossniaDelay - gettimetick(2);
    	if(.@delayTime > 0) {
    		mes "[Riss]";
    		mes "You can only go there every 5 hours.";
    		.@minutes = .@delayTime / 60;
    		.@seconds = .@delayTime - (.@minutes * 60);
    		mes "Please come back in " + sprintf("%02d:%02d", .@minutes, .@seconds) + " minutes." ;
    	if (zeny < 50000000) {
    		mes "[Riss]";
    		mes "You don't have enough money...";
    		mes "Come back when you get at least 50,000,000 zeny."; 
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Are you going to face this challenge?";
    	mes "Right. Then choose your destination.";
    	set .@choice,@menu;
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Be careful, young boy.";
    	mes "Don't be mad at me.";
    	set #BossniaDelay, gettimetick(2) + (5 * 60 *60);
    	set zeny,zeny-50000000;
    	warp "bossnia_0" + .@choice,202,204;
    //--------------- Duplicates -------------------------------//
    //geffen,124,169,4	duplicate(Bossnia)	Bossnia Member#2	908
    //payon,165,150,4	duplicate(Bossnia)	Bossnia Member#3	908
    //morocc,142,100,4	duplicate(Bossnia)	Bossnia Member#4	908
    //lighthalzen,203,140,4	duplicate(Bossnia)	Bossnia Member#5	908
    //rachel,132,144,4	duplicate(Bossnia)	Bossnia Member#6	908
    //--------------- Mapflags ---------------------------------//
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nosave
    bossnia_01	mapflag	noexppenalty
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nosave
    bossnia_02	mapflag	noexppenalty
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nosave
    bossnia_03	mapflag	noexppenalty
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nosave
    bossnia_04	mapflag	noexppenalty
    //--------------- Mob Spawns -------------------------------//
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Garm	1252,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Gloom Under Night	1768,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dark Lord	1272,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Doppelganger	1046,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dracula	1389,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Drake	1112,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Detale	1719,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Maya	1147,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Mistress	1059,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Baphomet	1039,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Egnigem Cenia	1658,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Amon Ra	1511,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Atroce	1785,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Hell Apocalypse	1978,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Eddga	1115,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Osiris	1038,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Lord	1190,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Hero	1087,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Incantation Samurai	1492,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Moonlight Flower	1150,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lord of Death	1373,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Ktullanux	1779,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Kiel D-01	1734,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Thanatos	1708,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lady Tanee	1688,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Tao Gunka	1583,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Turtle General	1312,10,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Pharaoh	1157,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Stormy Knight	1251,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Fallen Bishop Hibram	1871,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Phreeoni	1159,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Golden Thief Bug	1086,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Evil Snake Lord	1418,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	RSX-0806	1623,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Assassin Cross Eremes	1647,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_01,137,118,1,1	boss_monster	Whitesmith Howard	1648,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_01,122,195,1,1	boss_monster	Beelzebub	1873,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_01,45,118,1,1	boss_monster	Beelzebub	1873,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_01,196,122,1,1	boss_monster	Valkyrie Randgris	1751,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_01,142,61,1,1	boss_monster	Ifrit	1832,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Garm	1252,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Gloom Under Night	1768,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dark Lord	1272,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Doppelganger	1046,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dracula	1389,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Drake	1112,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Detale	1719,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Maya	1147,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Mistress	1059,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Baphomet	1039,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Egnigem Cenia	1658,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Amon Ra	1511,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Atroce	1785,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Hell Apocalypse	1978,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Eddga	1115,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Osiris	1038,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Lord	1190,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Hero	1087,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Incantation Samurai	1492,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Moonlight Flower	1150,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lord of Death	1373,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Ktullanux	1779,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Kiel D-01	1734,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Thanatos	1708,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lady Tanee	1688,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Tao Gunka	1583,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Turtle General	1312,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Pharaoh	1157,2,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Stormy Knight	1251,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Fallen Bishop Hibram	1871,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Phreeoni	1159,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Golden Thief Bug	1086,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Evil Snake Lord	1418,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	RSX-0806	1623,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Assassin Cross Eremes	1647,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_02,137,118,1,1	boss_monster	Whitesmith Howard	1648,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_02,122,195,1,1	boss_monster	Beelzebub	1873,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_02,45,118,1,1	boss_monster	Beelzebub	1873,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_02,196,122,1,1	boss_monster	Valkyrie Randgris	1751,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_02,142,61,1,1	boss_monster	Ifrit	1832,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Garm	1252,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Gloom Under Night	1768,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dark Lord	1272,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Doppelganger	1046,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dracula	1389,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Drake	1112,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Detale	1719,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Maya	1147,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Mistress	1059,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Baphomet	1039,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Egnigem Cenia	1658,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Amon Ra	1511,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Atroce	1785,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Hell Apocalypse	1978,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Eddga	1115,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Osiris	1038,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Lord	1190,10,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Hero	1087,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Incantation Samurai	1492,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Moonlight Flower	1150,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lord of Death	1373,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Ktullanux	1779,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Kiel D-01	1734,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lady Tanee	1688,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Tao Gunka	1583,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Turtle General	1312,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Pharaoh	1157,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Stormy Knight	1251,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Fallen Bishop Hibram	1871,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Phreeoni	1159,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Golden Thief Bug	1086,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Evil Snake Lord	1418,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	RSX-0806	1623,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,196,122,1,1	boss_monster	Valkyrie Randgris	1751,3,0,0,0
    bossnia_03,142,61,1,1	boss_monster	Ifrit	1832,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Garm	1252,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Gloom Under Night	1768,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dark Lord	1272,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Doppelganger	1046,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dracula	1389,3,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Drake	1112,3,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Detale	1719,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Maya	1147,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Mistress	1059,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Baphomet	1039,2,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Egnigem Cenia	1658,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Amon Ra	1511,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Atroce	1785,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Hell Apocalypse	1978,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Eddga	1115,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Osiris	1038,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Lord	1190,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Hero	1087,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Incantation Samurai	1492,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Moonlight Flower	1150,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lord of Death	1373,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Ktullanux	1779,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Kiel D-01	1734,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lady Tanee	1688,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Tao Gunka	1583,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Turtle General	1312,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Pharaoh	1157,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Stormy Knight	1251,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Fallen Bishop Hibram	1871,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Phreeoni	1159,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Golden Thief Bug	1086,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Evil Snake Lord	1418,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	RSX-0806	1623,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,196,122,1,1	boss_monster	Valkyrie Randgris	1751,2,7200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,142,61,1,1	boss_monster	Ifrit	1832,1,7200000,0,0
    // mapflags
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_04	mapflag	noicewall
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nopenalty
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_04	mapflag	noexp
    bossnia_04	mapflag	noreturn
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_01	mapflag	noicewall
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nopenalty
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_01	mapflag	noexp
    bossnia_01	mapflag	noreturn
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_02	mapflag	noicewall
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nopenalty
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_02	mapflag	noexp
    bossnia_02	mapflag	noreturn
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_03	mapflag	noicewall
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nopenalty
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_03	mapflag	noexp
    bossnia_03	mapflag	noreturn

    nothings happen.. my npc is doesnt worked...


    set zeny,zeny-50000000;
    warp "bossnia_0" + .@choice,202,204;
    tryv change to
    if( #delay > gettimetick(1) ){
        dispbottom "Delaying...";
        set zeny,zeny-50000000;
        warp "bossnia_0" + .@choice,202,204;
        set #delay,#delay + ( 3600 * 5 );

    my npc is gone when i do this... :( please help thank you

  9. i hope anyone can help me to revised my script bossnia having Cooldown per acounts every 5hours ?

    here is the script


    //===== Script ======================================= 
    //= Bossnia Event.
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= DeePee
    //= Muad_Dib [Aegis script]
    //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
    //= 1.00
    //===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
    //= 1.00 First release (Aegis conversion). [DeePee]
    //--------------- Main NPC ---------------------------------//
    caspen,153,236,5	script	Bossnia Member::Bossnia	908,{
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Hey...";
    	mes "I have seen a lot of beautiful places";
    	mes "while traveling all around the world";
    	mes "in my adventures.";
    	mes "Haha!";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Wha-? I'm from...";
    	mes "'Bossnia Team'! No, no...";
    	mes "my name doesn't matter.";
    	mes "Sometimes, you gotta live and let live.";
    	mes "Small things like that,";
    	mes "they aren't worth worrying about.";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Hm, back to the topic...";
    	mes "During all my travels,";
    	mes "I have found a horrible place.";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "In majority, inside the dungeons and underground prisons";
    	mes "there is always a fearsome monster.";
    	mes "Isn't that right?";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "But, but... Ali...";
    	mes "There are a lot of monsters, all them so strong...";
    	mes "It was frightening.";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "If I lingered few seconds...";
    	mes "I could have died in there.";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Wha-?";
    	mes "Do you want to go there?";
    	mes "Oh, gosh, you didn't get me.";
    	mes "Inside......";
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "!?!... you already know?";
    	mes "Even understanding it, do you still want to go there.";
    	mes "Aight, I will take you there.";
    	mes "But, once you're there, ";
    	mes "don't be mad at me.";
    	if (zeny < 50000000) {
    		mes "[Riss]";
    		mes "You don't have enough money...";
    		mes "Come back when you get at least 50,000,000 zeny."; 
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Are you going to face this challenge?";
    	mes "Right. Then choose your destination.";
    	set .@choice,@menu;
    	mes "[Riss]";
    	mes "Be careful, young boy.";
    	mes "Don't be mad at me.";
    	set zeny,zeny-50000000;
    	warp "bossnia_0" + .@choice,202,204;
    //--------------- Duplicates -------------------------------//
    //geffen,124,169,4	duplicate(Bossnia)	Bossnia Member#2	908
    //payon,165,150,4	duplicate(Bossnia)	Bossnia Member#3	908
    //morocc,142,100,4	duplicate(Bossnia)	Bossnia Member#4	908
    //lighthalzen,203,140,4	duplicate(Bossnia)	Bossnia Member#5	908
    //rachel,132,144,4	duplicate(Bossnia)	Bossnia Member#6	908
    //--------------- Mapflags ---------------------------------//
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nosave
    bossnia_01	mapflag	noexppenalty
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nosave
    bossnia_02	mapflag	noexppenalty
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nosave
    bossnia_03	mapflag	noexppenalty
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nosave
    bossnia_04	mapflag	noexppenalty
    //--------------- Mob Spawns -------------------------------//
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Garm	1252,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Gloom Under Night	1768,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dark Lord	1272,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Doppelganger	1046,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dracula	1389,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Drake	1112,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Detale	1719,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Maya	1147,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Mistress	1059,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Baphomet	1039,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Egnigem Cenia	1658,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Amon Ra	1511,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Atroce	1785,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Hell Apocalypse	1978,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Eddga	1115,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Osiris	1038,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Lord	1190,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Hero	1087,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Incantation Samurai	1492,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Moonlight Flower	1150,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lord of Death	1373,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Ktullanux	1779,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Kiel D-01	1734,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Thanatos	1708,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lady Tanee	1688,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Tao Gunka	1583,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Turtle General	1312,10,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Pharaoh	1157,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Stormy Knight	1251,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Fallen Bishop Hibram	1871,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Phreeoni	1159,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Golden Thief Bug	1086,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Evil Snake Lord	1418,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	RSX-0806	1623,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Assassin Cross Eremes	1647,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_01,137,118,1,1	boss_monster	Whitesmith Howard	1648,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_01,122,195,1,1	boss_monster	Beelzebub	1873,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_01,45,118,1,1	boss_monster	Beelzebub	1873,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_01,196,122,1,1	boss_monster	Valkyrie Randgris	1751,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_01,142,61,1,1	boss_monster	Ifrit	1832,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Garm	1252,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Gloom Under Night	1768,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dark Lord	1272,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Doppelganger	1046,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dracula	1389,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Drake	1112,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Detale	1719,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Maya	1147,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Mistress	1059,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Baphomet	1039,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Egnigem Cenia	1658,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Amon Ra	1511,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Atroce	1785,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Hell Apocalypse	1978,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Eddga	1115,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Osiris	1038,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Lord	1190,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_02,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Hero	1087,1,43200000,0,0
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    bossnia_02,137,118,1,1	boss_monster	Whitesmith Howard	1648,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_02,122,195,1,1	boss_monster	Beelzebub	1873,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_02,45,118,1,1	boss_monster	Beelzebub	1873,1,0,0,0
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    bossnia_02,142,61,1,1	boss_monster	Ifrit	1832,1,0,0,0
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    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Hero	1087,1,43200000,0,0
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    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Moonlight Flower	1150,1,43200000,0,0
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    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Tao Gunka	1583,1,43200000,0,0
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    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Phreeoni	1159,1,43200000,0,0
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    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Evil Snake Lord	1418,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	RSX-0806	1623,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_03,196,122,1,1	boss_monster	Valkyrie Randgris	1751,3,0,0,0
    bossnia_03,142,61,1,1	boss_monster	Ifrit	1832,1,0,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Garm	1252,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Gloom Under Night	1768,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dark Lord	1272,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Doppelganger	1046,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Dracula	1389,3,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Drake	1112,3,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Detale	1719,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Maya	1147,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Mistress	1059,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Baphomet	1039,2,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Egnigem Cenia	1658,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Amon Ra	1511,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Atroce	1785,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Hell Apocalypse	1978,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Eddga	1115,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Osiris	1038,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Lord	1190,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Orc Hero	1087,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Incantation Samurai	1492,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Moonlight Flower	1150,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lord of Death	1373,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Ktullanux	1779,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Kiel D-01	1734,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Lady Tanee	1688,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Tao Gunka	1583,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Turtle General	1312,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Pharaoh	1157,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Stormy Knight	1251,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Fallen Bishop Hibram	1871,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Phreeoni	1159,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Golden Thief Bug	1086,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	Evil Snake Lord	1418,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,0,0,0,0	boss_monster	RSX-0806	1623,1,43200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,196,122,1,1	boss_monster	Valkyrie Randgris	1751,2,7200000,0,0
    bossnia_04,142,61,1,1	boss_monster	Ifrit	1832,1,7200000,0,0
    // mapflags
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_04	mapflag	noicewall
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nopenalty
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_04	mapflag	noexp
    bossnia_04	mapflag	noreturn
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_01	mapflag	noicewall
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nopenalty
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_01	mapflag	noexp
    bossnia_01	mapflag	noreturn
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_02	mapflag	noicewall
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nopenalty
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_02	mapflag	noexp
    bossnia_02	mapflag	noreturn
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_03	mapflag	noicewall
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nopenalty
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_03	mapflag	noexp
    bossnia_03	mapflag	noreturn


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