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Posts posted by Satoh

  1. Are you trying to use a sprite that's already supported by the client?

    That is, does the sprite already belong to an accessible job ID, and if you manually set your character's job ID to that number, does the sprite show up?


    Or are you asking how you can make the client load sprites that are not already tied to a unique job ID?

  2. I need a mob, spawned by the monster command by an NPC, to be able to relay PCRE to the NPC that spawned it, even if the player is too far away from the NPC to be heard.


    The end goal is to be able to spawn a monster that can be controlled with unit commands, according to PCRE inputs.


    I tried extending the range of PCRE to 255, but that led to... problems with other PCRE scripts.


    My initial thought was using a floating script with PCRE, but that doesn't work.

    I found many posts that reference an eathena.ws link to a mod for an OnPCChatEvent... but that page is dead and I can't find an internet cache of it.


    So, I'm asking for a modification, or some help to create one, that would achieve my stated goals.



  3. prontera,150,175,6	script	UnitCT	55,{
    	monster ("this",150,160,"testo",1002,1);
    	.@GID = $@mobid[0];
    	unitwalk .@GID,150,150;
    	sleep2 10000;
    	unitkill .@GID;


    Thank you for your response.

    I tried that code just now, and it does not change the issue I'm having. I still cannot control anything other than player characters.



    EDIT: Server bricked during revision upgrade. Moot point now.

  4. Ok, so I tried this out, thinking it might be the answer to what I was trying to do.

    prontera,150,175,6	script	UnitCT	55,{
    .@GID = monster ("this",150,160,"testo",1002,1);
    unitwalk .@GID,150,150;
    sleep 10000;
    unitkill .@GID;

    What works:

    • The NPC UnitCT gets loaded.
    • When clicked a poring named 'testo' gets created.
    • .@GID gets set to the ID of the new poring.

    What doesn't:

    • The poring mob wanders aimlessly instead of going to the assigned coordinates
    • The poring does not die after 10 seconds.

    If I modify the script to use  .@GID = getnpcid(0); It still does not act upon the NPC or the poring.

    If I modify the script to use  .@GID = getcharid(3); the invoking PC walks about 10 steps, waits a few seconds, and dies.


    I understand why the character only waits a few seconds instead of exactly ten. The sleep counter starts as soon as the player begins walking, and it takes less than ten seconds to reach the destination, the remainder then expends and the player dies.


    What I don't understand is why these commands don't work on Mobs or NPCs when even the rAthena wiki implies they should.


    Can anyone tell me what's up?

  5. So I glanced at this thread, which helped with some of my issues, but my custom weapon isn't displaying the weapon trail or playing the correct sound when swung.


    My item ID is 13500, and is listed thus:

    Weapon_IDs = { 
        --normal IDs here...
        WEAPONTYPE_Wizardy_Staff = 97,
        WEAPONTYPE_Blackrose = 98
    WeaponNameTable = {
        [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_NONE] = "",
        -- ....
        [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Blackrose] = "_13500"
    Expansion_Weapon_IDs = {
        [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Main_Gauche] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD,
        [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Blackrose] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_TWOHANDSWORD
    WeaponHitWaveNameTable = {
        [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_NONE] = "_hit_mace.wav",
        [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Blackrose] = "_hit_sword.wav"

    (Commented lines represent the rest of the entries)


    The sprites are in this folder as such:






    The weapon itself appears as it should, but as I said before, but the 'woosh' animation that accompanies a swing, doesn't show up, and the sound effect is a generic club sound. (This is a sword, so that's incorrect)


    I'm using 2012_04_10a RE.


    Am I forgetting something?

  6. I realize this question is a few months old, but you can make [ensemble] skills that Dancer and Bard  have into solo skills by modifying the skill_db.


    Depending on whether your setup is designed for Renewal or Classic, it will be in the server/db/RE or server/db/Pre-RE folder.


    Search for 'Dancer and Bard' and you will see a list of skills with '0x40' in them. That makes them require their opposite class, bard or dancer, depending on which skill.


    Changing it to 0x20 will make it into a Bard or Dancer solo skill, which can then be used my any Bard or Dancer, without having a partner. (I did this just today in fact)


    I hope it helps, even though it's late.

  7. "the event code of all NPCs with given label will be invoked"


    The problem with that is that the NPC I'd like to command would not have a special event label.

    I want to have my script run itself, through another NPC, rather than having my script call an event another NPC was already coded to do.


    The reason for that is that I plan to have the event run on any NPC, regardless of what it does.

    I guess you could call it a global controller script?


    What I want to do is sort of like the inverse of a callfunc...

    The more I think about it the more it seems like I'd need to modify the NPC source to route functions from one to another that way...


    Example: Script A wants NPC B to walk 4 steps south. Script A has code to do this, NPC B does not. Script A would execute its own code, but have it act on NPC B instead of itself.


    EDIT: Ok, I've scoured the documents and command lists as hard as I possibly can, I've tried a number of things, none of them work. I'm calling this impossible, pending source mods.

  8. I'm hoping I won't need a source mod for this.


    I'm looking for a way to send commands to another NPC from a utility script.

    I know I could add event labels to the NPC and use cmdothernpc, but I'm trying to create something of a generic function to command any NPC to do this one function.


    The function I want to use is npcwalkto, which has no deferred form like movenpc does, but I may think of others as well.


    Is there a way to send full functions to another script in that way? (As opposed to telling another script to execute its own events)

  9. I started noticing lately that when mobs or pets walk along cardinal directions (N,S,E,W) their sprite flickers between two directions.

    For example when they walk directly south, toward the camera, they flicker between left and right facing.


    I suspect this is because the server is sending their view angle 11.25 degrees off from what it should be. (Or rather, the function that determines whether to send 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7 is calculating the angle incorrectly)


    However, I can't locate where in the source this gets sent.


    general searches for 'angle' 'direction' 'facing' and so forth have not yielded helpful results.


    Does anyone know where I should look?




    On a different note, still related to view data, does anyone know how I might get NPCs to send their walking animation to the client, when they have them? (I realized I would have to store server side information about which NPCs have extra animations, but as there are a few that have them, I would like to use them)

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