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Posts posted by Attitude

  1. On 11/28/2017 at 9:45 AM, Haikenz said:
    // ------------------ Global Scripts Functions ------------------
    // Utilitarian functions used by many scripts.
    npc: npc/other/Global_Functions.txt
    npc: npc/other/common.txt // Your Script
    [Error]:  Loading NPC file: npc/custom/pesca.txt
    script error on npc/custom/pesca.txt line 126
        parse_callfunc: expected ')' to close argument list
       121 :                specialeffect 6;
       122 :                soundeffectall "fish_start01.wav",0;
       123 :                do{
       124 :                        // track item
       125 :                        if(getVariable(".charname"+.@npc$+"$") != ""){
    *  126 :                                if(attachrid(getcharid2'('3,getVariable(".charname"+.@npc$+"$")))){
       127 :                                        if(countitem(getVariable(".trackitem"+.@npc$))<1){
       128 :                                                Local_Fish_Val_Set(getVariable(".fish"+.@npc$+"$"),".fish_amt",1);
       129 :                                                if($@Fishing_Debug) debugmes "OnRodGone";
       130 :                                                donpcevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnRodGone";
       131 :                                                end;
    script error on npc/custom/pesca.txt line 309
        script:add_word: invalid word. A word consists of undercores and/or alphanumeric characters, and valid variable prefixes/postfixes.
       304 :        .@mstr$ = "Leave:";
       305 :        for(.@x=0;.@x<getarraysize(getVariable(.@arrvarname$));.@x++){
       306 :                .@temp$ = .@arrvarname$+"["+.@x+"]";
       307 :                .@optional$ = "";
       308 :                if(.@arrvarname$==".rod_list"){
    *  309 :                        .@index = arrfind_db('"'$@rod_data$",getVariable(.@temp$));
       310 :                        .@indicator_slow_bonus = atoi(arrget_db("$@rod_data$",.@index,1));
       311 :                        .@variation_reduce = atoi(arrget_db("$@rod_data$",.@index,2));
       312 :                        .@optional$ = " [-"+.@indicator_slow_bonus+"% Spd] [-"+.@variation_reduce+"% variation]";
       313 :                }else if(.@arrvarname$==".bait_list"){
       314 :                        .@index = arrfind_db("$@bait_data$",getVariable(.@temp$));
    script error on npc/custom/pesca.txt line 373
        parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function
       368 :        .@arrname1$ = getarg(0);
       369 :        .@arrname2$ = getarg(1);
       370 :
       371 :        if( getVariable(".status"+.@npc$) == 0 && @bindspot$ == "" ){
       372 :                mes "[ "+CStr(strnpcinfo(0),"RED")+" ]";
    *  373 :                .@rod = Fishing_Item_Check_Func('.'@arrname1$,"Select a rod");
       374 :                if(!.@rod || getVariable(".status"+.@npc$)!= 0){
       375 :                        mes "You don't have the selected item or someone is using this spot, please try again later.";
       376 :                        end;
       377 :                }
       378 :                mes "Selected "+Itemlink(.@rod);
    script error on npc/custom/pesca.txt line 427
        parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function
       422 : {
       423 :        //.@sleepduration = getarg(0);
       424 :        .@npc$ = strnpcinfo(3);
       425 :        delwaitingroom .@npc$;
       426 :        .@name$ = getVariable(".charname"+.@npc$+"$");
    *  427 :        .@aid = getcharid2('3',.@name$);
       428 :        .@charid = getcharid2(0,.@name$);
       429 :        if(isloggedin(.@aid,.@charid)){
       430 :                setd "@bindspot$","",getcharid2(0,getVariable(".charname"+.@npc$+"$"));
       431 :        }
       432 :        setVariable(".fish"+.@npc$+"$","");
    script error on npc/custom/pesca.txt line 449
        parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function
       447 : {
       448 :        sleep2 1000;
    *  449 :        if(!playerattached()) 'F'ishing_End_Func();     // add check to counter unexpected player not attach (server reload/disconnect/logout)
       450 :        showscript "It's a "+getVariable(".fish"+strnpcinfo(3)+"$")+"!",getcharid2(3,getVariable(".charname"+strnpcinfo(3)+"$"));
       451 :        sleep2 1000;
       452 :        if(!playerattached()) Fishing_End_Func();       // add check to counter unexpected player not attach (server reload/disconnect/logout)
       453 :        .@fish$ = getVariable(".fish"+strnpcinfo(3)+"$");
       454 :        .@fish_index = arrfind_db("$@fish_data$",.@fish$);
    script error on npc/custom/pesca.txt line 567
        parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function
       566 : {
    *  567 : 'F'ishing_Start_Func(".rod_list",".bait_list");
       568 : end;
       569 :
       570 : OnSuccess:
       571 :        emotion ET_BLABLA,getcharid(3,getVariable(".charname"+strnpcinfo(3)+"$"));
       572 :        showscript "I got it!",getcharid2(3,getVariable(".charname"+strnpcinfo(3)+"$"));
    [Info]: Done loading '15175' NPCs:
            -'3575' Warps
            -'257' Shops
            -'11343' Scripts
            -'3400' Spawn sets
            -'50035' Mobs Cached
            -'0' Mobs Not Cached
    [Debug]: script debug : 0 110000000 : table name [ custom_inventory ] installed!

    @Edit SOLVED!

    I was using the common version of your GIT because it is very old there.

    Can you teach me how to do ?
    I got the same problem. 

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