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Posts posted by NoWayy

  1. 14 hours ago, Lighta said:

    So 1st let's point our that since that cover more then source it would fit more in general support then source.https://rathena.org/board/forum/211-general-support/


    What your current server configuration ? what did you change /set. Have you correctly set your server as pre-re ? #define PRERE in src/config/renewal.h

    To remove maps : comment out the maps in question in conf/maps_athena.conf

    If you want to remove some items it's in db/pre-re/item_db.txt

    If you want to remove some instance it's in npc/scripts/athena.conf



    I was able to remove the maps and new items thank you very much.

    How do I remove the new mobs?

  2. Hello,

    I'm making a pre-renewal server, but my emulator is new (more already converted to pre-re)

    I bought quite a lot everywhere on how to remove Maps, Monsters, Instances etc ... that should not be without pre-renewal, but I will not find it.

    Has anyone asked me in detail how do I remove everything so I do not have Items / Instances / Monsters / Maps or any Renewal on my server?

    Note: I have already been in emulator / src / config in the folder renewal.h and I have already made a removal of all as formulas and etc. do renovation, that is, I lack only remove the map and mobs that I do not know where to do.

    Thanks in advance.

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