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Posts posted by Scamper

  1. Thanks for the reply. That would only change the CD of the skill.

    I was able to fix the issue though

    I had to add the skill to Pre-RE since im running the server in Pre-RE.

    if (sc->data[SC_SECRAMENT]) {
    	if (!(flag & 2))
    		time -= time * sc->data[SC_SECRAMENT]->val2 / 100;


  2. Hi Guys,

    I tried to change the Bonus from Sacrament from fixed to variable cast time. 

    I changed

    if (sc->data[SC_SECRAMENT])
    	fixcast_r = max(fixcast_r, sc->data[SC_SECRAMENT]->val2);


    if (sc->data[SC_SECRAMENT])
    	//fixcast_r = max(fixcast_r, sc->data[SC_SECRAMENT]->val2);

    after that i tried

    reduce_cast_rate += sc->data[SC_SECRAMENT]->val2;

    both did not work for me sadly 😞

    I just recently started working on skills and so far everything worked fine but Sacrament just won't do anything ._.

    Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong?

  3. Since I have zero experience with scripting/coding I rely on Guides like this one.

    So far everything works fine except Catnip Meteor. If I use it the Map Server crashes.... 

    Disabled the skill for now since I'm not able to fix it.

    Still having a blast with Dorams on PRE-RE 

    Big Thanks for the Guide ?

  4. Thanks for your fast answer!

    For Example the Full Combo gives 3 Dex. I Have that Card Combo 4 times so i want it go give 12 Dex. But it only Applies once


    10 hours ago, Naruto said:

    And im not even sure if you can combo 2 of the same

    Sadly that doesn't work. At least not the Way I tried it :x


    I Played once on a Server where Combo Bonuses stacked so I thought it would be possible to change it.....




  5. Hey Guys,

    is it possible to stack the same card combo effect? I edited my item DB so that all gears have 4 slots.

    When I now put on 4 times the Hunter Card set the Combo effect only applies once but the Single card effect applies 4x.

    Is it possible to make the combo stack aswell?


    thx in Advance Guys

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