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Posts posted by HitsuzenRO

  1. It works pretty well!!! thank you :D!

    Just something weird: it works pretty fine for almost any MVP, but when i kill Atroce at ra_fild02, after i click the npc to view the info, map server crashes without any error message o.o anyone has any idea why could this be happening???


    I'm using eAthena last revision. I found that after killing MVP's that spawn in more than 1 place (example: "Dark Lord" at gld_dun04 and gl_chyard, "Atroce" at ra_fild02, 03, 04, etc) the map server crashes but without any message error :S hope this can help to find a fix for this :D

    I just Killed Valkyrie Randgris and the same happened... but... i think it's because of the respawn time o.o this 3 monsters have respawn time > than 2 hrs... any idea?

  2. Actually is there a way to open the file guildflag90_1.gr2 to edit the flag colors? Has it been done before? i coudn't find any info about it =/

    (sadly i thought the flag was in a .spr file just to recolor de bmp files T_T)

    i hope someone could guide me, thanks ^^

    Greetins :D!

  3. Thx!!! Really nice script!!! (but... i think i'm going to use functions or smth... just trying to read it is kindda scary xD)


    dunno what's the problem :P just translate it and it's done~ ! (most of us translate the scripts to spanish to use them in our latin servers~)

  4. Hi hi~!

    Well... the main idea is to Increase/Decrease the bonus value of DEF/MDEF... why you say? well..

    i'm actually working on a Race System (using Kamishi's Paletting Services, they are really awesome!!!! /lv ), when you change your race (physicall appareance, using setlook) i'm adding some increments/decrements to some values like stats, maxhp, maxsp, etc. (to do this i've used the sc_start SC_INC<stat/hp/sp> wich changes bonus values for each stat)...

    the problem comes when i try to increase/decrease the DEF/MDEF, i have already tried using:

    [X] sc_start SC_INCDEFRATE,<time>,<value>; <---- not sure what it does but the def value doesn't increases

    [X] sc_start SC_DEF_RATE,<time>,<value>; <--- doesn't increase the DEF Value at Alt+Q Window, i've read it increases the resistense to status changes... same for SC_MDEF_RATE, does not change MDEF value at Alt+Q window...

    [X] bonus bDef2,<value>; <---- Actually it works outside items, but it changes again when you equip/unequip anything, same goes for other def bonus..

    [X] autobonus "{ bonus nDef2,-100;}",1000,<time>; <---- Does not work. I've read autobonus only triggers when user performs/receive an attack...same for other autobonus2,3,4

    Possble Solutions:

    1) I thought maybe there could be a way to equip an "invisible" item and the item contains the script for all the increments/decrements using bonus system.... but... sounds kinda crazy right? ^^U

    2) Maybe there's a way for the NPC to "recall" a item script ???

    3) Add something like "SC_INCREASE_DEF" to status.c and status.h but... to be honest i have no idea how to do it and i think it could be the last option xD

    Any idea how can i solve this problem? maybe i made a mistake? any possible solution/idea will be really really appreciated :D Thx for taking your time reading this topic and i hope this can help someone else to solve this kind of situations (if we find a way to solve it xD)

    Greetings :D!

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