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Posts posted by elements

  1. comodo,196,112,6 script School of Fish 723,{
    if (isequipped(2764)) && (isequipped(2775)){
    specialeffect2 EF_BUBBLE;
    set .@fcast,15;
    if (isequipped(2550)) { //Fisher's_Muffler
    set .@fcast,.@fcast - 3;
    if (isequipped(2443)) { //Fish_Shoes
    set .@fcast,.@fcast - 2;
    if (isequipped(5380)) { //Fish_Shoes
    set .@fcast,.@fcast - 5;
    progressbar "ffffff",.@fcast;
    if (rand(1,20) == 2) {
    getitem 6096,5; //Big Fish
    specialeffect EF_BUBBLE;
    mapannounce "comodo","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught a 5 Tuna!!!",bc_map,"0xff77ff";
    set .@rhea_ran,rand(1,70);
    if (.@rhea_ran < 20) {
    getitem 6096,1; //Fresh Fish
    else if (.@rhea_ran == 20) {
    getitem 6096,1; //Spawn
    else if (.@rhea_ran == 21) {
    getitem 7405,1; //Jellopy
    else if (.@rhea_ran == 22) {
    getitem 6096,2; //Sharp_Scale
    else if (.@rhea_ran == 23) {
    getitem 6096,2; //Gill
    else if (.@rhea_ran == 24) {
    getitem 7405,1; //Marlin
    else if (.@rhea_ran == 25) {
    getitem 6096,1; //Sticky_Webfoot
    else if (.@rhea_ran == 26) {
    getitem 6096,1; //Nipper
    else if (.@rhea_ran == 27) {
    getitem 7405,1; //Garlet
    else if (.@rhea_ran == 28) {
    getitem 6096,1; //Sticky_Mucus
    else if ((.@rhea_ran > 28) && (.@rhea_ran < 40)) {
    getitem 7405,1; //Rotten Fish
    else {
    mes "Nothing was caught.";
    if (rand(1,200) == 3) {
    getitem 6096,20; //Gift_Box
    mapannounce "comodo","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught a 20 Tuna Fish!!",bc_map,"0x0000ff";
    if (rand(1,500) == 3) {
    getitem 6096,30; //Old_Blue_Box
    mapannounce "comodo","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught an 30 Tuna Fish!",bc_map,"0x00ffff";
    if (rand(1,3000) == 3) {
    getitem 6096,50; //Old_Violet_Box
    mapannounce "comodo","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught an 50 Tuna Fish!!",bc_map,"0x44ff44";
    else {
    mes "Fish are swimming in the water.";
    comodo.gat,189,108,4 duplicate(School of Fish) School of Fish#1 1158
    comodo.gat,183,111,4 duplicate(School of Fish) Tilapya#20 2082
    comodo.gat,218,108,4 duplicate(School of Fish) School of Fish#21 1069
    comodo.gat,228,108,3 duplicate(School of Fish) School of Fish#22 1158
    comodo.gat,214,112,4 duplicate(School of Fish) School of Fish#23 723
    comodo.gat,189,122,4 duplicate(School of Fish) Mr Crab#23 1073
    comodo.gat,192,106,4 duplicate(School of Fish) Octopus#23 1144


    try this One


    comodo,205,112,4 shop Bulantiro 1543,2764:50000000,2775:50000000,2550:100000000,2443:200000000 

    More Fun~


    if (rand(1,3000) == 3) {

    getitem 7179,1; //Old_Violet_Box

    mapannounce "comodo","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught an Proof Of Donation!!",bc_map,"0x44ff44";

  2. //===== eAthena Script =======================================
    //= Scavenger Hunt NPC
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= Iceandrews and MagnusG87
    //= Contact: caiaphas(at)hotmail.com
    //= eAthena ID: Iceandrews
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= This NPC initiates a server wide Scavenger Hunt.
    //= The NPC generates a list of 10 items that are to be
    prontera,150,162,5 script ScavengerHunt 856,{
    //Main Menu Choices.
    mes "[scavenger Hunt]";
    mes "Welcome to the Scavenger Hunt!";
    menu "View Current Scavenger Hunt Items",ViewItems,
    "Hand in Current Scavenger Hunt Items",CheckForItems,
    "Initiate New Scavenger Hunt",GMCheck;
    // Diplays the list of items and their item ID number
    // that is valid for the current hunt.
    mes "[scavenger Hunt]";
    mes "This is the current list of items.";
    mes "";
    for(set .@i,0; .@i < 10; set .@i,.@i+1)
    mes .@i+1 + ". " + getitemname($@scavengerList[.@i]) + " - Item ID:" + $@scavengerList[.@i];
    menu "Leave",QuitHunt;
    // Check to make sure you have all the required items
    // in your inventory.  If you do, you get the rewards.
    // If not, the NPC interactions ends.
    for(set .@i,0; .@i < 10; set .@i,.@i+1)
    if(countitem($@scavengerList[.@i]) == 0)
    goto DoesNotHaveItems;
    goto HasRequiredItems;
    // Player has the required items.  
    // The player can turn in the items for a reward.
    // They can also not turn anything in and just leave.
    mes "[scavenger Hunt]";
    mes "Congratulations! You've collected all the items in this Scavenger Hunt. Would you like to turn them in for the reward?";
    menu "Yes",HandInItems,
    // Takes the items from the players inventory.
    // Player receives an experience reward.
    for(set .@i,0; .@i < 10; set .@i,.@i+1)
    delitem $@scavengerList[.@i],1;
    getitem 6153,1;
    // Instead of experience, this reward is for a
    // specified number of base and job levels.
    // Change the numbers accordingly for your server.
    //atcommand "@blvl 5";
    //atcommand "@jlvl 5";
    callfunc "setScavengerList";
    announce "Attention! A new scavenger hunt has begun!  Come and get the new item list!",bc_all;
    mes "[scavenger Hunt]";
    mes "You've gained base and job experience.";
    menu "Leave",QuitHunt;
    // Check to make sure player is a GM.
    // If they player is a GM, generate a new item list.
    // If they are not, provide a message and leave the NPC.
    if (getgmlevel())
    callfunc "setScavengerList";
    mes "[scavenger Hunt]";
    mes "A new list of item has been generated. Thanks!";
    menu "View Current Scavenger Hunt Items",viewItems,
    mes "[scavenger Hunt]";
    mes "Sorry, you don't have the rights to start a new Scavenger Hunt.";
    menu "Leave",QuitHunt;
    // Player does not have the required items.
    mes "[scavenger Hunt]";
    mes "Sorry, but it looks like you are missing some items. Come back when you've collected everything.";
    menu "Leave",QuitHunt;
    // Player chooses not to hand in the items.
    mes "[scavenger Hunt]";
    mes "Aww, but you're missing out on a great reward!";
    menu "Leave",QuitHunt;
    // Ends NPC interaction.
    mes "[scavenger Hunt]";
    mes "Good luck finding everything!";
    // NPC Intialization
    callfunc "setScavengerList";
    function script setScavengerList {
    //initializes list of scavenger items
    for( set .@i,0; .@i < 10 ; set .@i,.@i+1 )
    set .@valid, 0;
    //continue generating random numbers until a valid item is found
    while(.@valid == 0)
    // This is the range of item IDs that can be produced
    // for any given scavenger hunt.  This can be changed.
    set .@j, rand(701, 1060);
    // This takes the random number above and does 2 things.
    // First it check to see if the item exists at all.
    // If getiteminfo() returns -1, then an item with that
    // number is not in the item database.  If that item does
    // exist, then it returns the maximum drop rate for that
    // item from the entier mosnter set.  For example, if the
    // item is a 'Apple', and both Porings (5%) and Luncatis (1%)
    // drop this item, the function will return 5.  This verifies
    // that the item ID gernerated is dropped by a monster.
    // If the returned number is 10000, this means it is
    // sold by an NPC.  So this generates a list of random
    // items that are either dropped by a mosnter or sold
    // by and NPC.
    if(getiteminfo(.@j,3) > 0)
    set $@scavengerList[.@i], .@j;
    set .@valid , 1;

    dont reload script or loadnpc

    restart server is better to effect that script

    i simple edit that script and add to my server

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