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Posts posted by Bucheron

  1. Hi there,

    I wanna dig up à bit on this not-that-new thread, as I have some issue running multiple serveur with 1 login.


    My goal is to have 2 char/map connecting to 1 login, and 1 database (on the same machine). 


    The first set (calling it Stable) seems to run fine when launched alone.

    The second set (calling it PK) seems to run fine when launched alone too.

    Note: the logon server used in both case is the same.

    But here is the fail.

    With the main login running, the first Char I run runs fine, but the second one fail to connect (login report credentials may be wrong). Doesnt matter which ordre, Stable-> PK or PK->Stable, the second one always fail with same error.

    Servers are in their own folders, login is in Stable. Each conf files are modified properly, without mixing them, in each folder for their respective server. (Properly but i guess not correctly...)

    In the databse i have 2 'S' account with different IDs, one for each. I tried with using the same account, same result.


    I guess I am doing something dumbly wrong. I'm ready to get anyone's idea.

    Thanks for your time.


    EDIT - Short update, after creating a new player account (200000) and trying to connect, I have an Unregistered ID error. Seems like it's a server/database communication bias ? But when I'm changing the char/map account in the databse to unmatch them from conf files, Serveurs can't connect anymore. I am a bit lost here o.O


    EDIT2 - Seems to be a stupid error on the backend side. I changed the software of the AMP stack, and it works finally correctly. (Well, now I have another issue, but not related to this topic)

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