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Posts posted by lordmiami

  1. guys i have file ragnarok clientinfo.xml , i put this file from data.grf RO in my country RO , but the contain is this file clientinfo.xml is not english . help me for translation clientinfo.xml because i'll make this file to opencore

    thanks be4 , and sorry for my bad english



  2. anyone ,
    can you help me?
    maybe this a old script but i want to try this script
    " each time you killed a monster , your equip gain experience , and then if you reached 100% the equip can be refine or lv up ( 0 => +1 )"

    can you make this script for me?
    i would very grateful to make this script

  3. Please help me , how i can to change system refine ?  system refine by leveling / hunt , how to i give exp to equip (except accecorys)  everytime kill monster?


    example :  my char kill monster poring , my char get expereinece for baselevel , joblvl and all equip exception accecorys , and then my equip will refine because take exeperience . the exp for equip is diferent : for headgear only upper (no middle and lower ) ,  and for weapon ( lv 1 , lv 2 , lv 3 , lv 4) its diferent exp , shoes , muffler , guard .


    how i can refine my equip every kill monster and get exp for equip ?


    sorry for bad english :D



    guys i have the script for my question but this script error , anyone please help me to change the script until correct ?


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