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Poring (1/15)



  1. Hey I don't know if you are still alive but do you think you still have your trivia event scripts around? I'm very interested in yours.


  2. Musical Effects View File This event is based on Musical Chairs in which you have to walk around while the music is playing and when it stops, you must rush into the nearest empty chair. The differences in this event are that the "chairs" are the Heaven's Drive skill and you must stand in those to advance to the next round. The timed music and the pattern of Heaven's Drive skills are random so a player must be paying attention. This event uses the pre-existing map of 06guild_01, but if that is in use, there are a total of eight "06guild_** maps to pick from which should give the same exact coordinates as the others. If you fail to move while the music is playing, you will be warped out but I chose to show what happens when there is nobody left playing, it shows that no players survived. The event lasts 10 minutes and whomever is left playing, gets their prize set in the script. The sound pack extracts to around 8 megs, if you don't to use them, you can just // the 5 soundeffectall commands and it will be visual only. If you wish to inquire about my services and/or scripts, contact me by MSN at [email protected] NOTE to mods: There was a glitch in the system that prevented the member from selecting this as a paid file (and the file is incomplete). We've fixed the issue and the member is going to upload a new version. ~Jman Submitter Erebus Submitted 05/10/12 Category Garbage Bin Content Author  
  3. File Name: Wack A Poring File Submitter: Erebus File Submitted: 09 May 2012 File Category: Games, Events, Quests Content Author: Warped Erebus This event is a take on Wack A Mole, only in this version, you have to kill Poring's. The event lasts 3 minutes and each 3 seconds, the Porings are reset and a new pattern of Poring's are spawned. Each kill gets you 1 Poring Coin which can be changed to whatever event token you wish to use instead. To enter you must talk to the "Wack A Poring" npc and join that way when the event is turned on. If you have a pet or homunculus active, it will deny you access and tell you to disable it. Right before you are warped in, the command @storeall is used on every player to prevent bow sniping and etc. Skills are also disabled to prevent AoE showers that would easilly steal all of the kills. Inside the event map, if somehow players bypass the mapflags preset, theres an array that checks every 3 seconds if players have re-enabled their pet/homunc and if so, they are warped out of the event map. This is shown at the 39 seconds mark. Included is a Gumball npc sprite, part of bRO - legit server. It may or may not be updated with your normal kRO installation and also a script to use your poring coins with. Usables like pots, font changes and etc purchasable with the poring coins. To view the video, If you wish to inquire about my services and/or scripts, contact me by MSN at [email protected] Click here to download this file
  4. File Name: Triva Event File Submitter: Erebus File Submitted: 01 Jan 2012 File Category: Scripts Description: This is a RO based Trivia event using PCRE command strings that I created back in 2010. The event lasts 5 rounds and by default, you get 1 item per win which you set manually. These Trivia questions are based on Ragnarok Online monsters and items. They use a type of riddle question in where you have to look between the lines and most often, take the riddle literally to get the correct answer. The npc tells you if it's going to be [ ITEM ] related or [ MONSTER ] related. There are a total of 143 monster based and 51 item based that it cycles through randomly. Each round can only last a total of 90 seconds with hints given each 30 seconds. *Riddle stated* *30 seconds* hint 1 *60 seconds* hint 2 *80 seconds* hint 1 + hint 2 repeated + a 10 second warning to players *90 seconds* round ends if it still hasn't been answered correctly In the video you will see that you can use capital letters and regular letters but the spelling must be 100% correct as well as the spacing of the words if the answer uses more than one. This is the nature of the PCRE. To view the video, click here. NOTE: When purchasing my products, you also get full support from me (for free!) if you need the script modified. If you have further questions you can Email or MSN me at: [email protected] Click here to download this file
  5. its a video on youtube, so there are no images http://www.youtube[DOT]com/watch?v=SkVzfddNjZM exchange the [DOT] for . if you couldnt see it before for some odd reason
  6. Perpetua - Sky map + scripted - Sky map - the size of Prontera - Gateway Travel System that propels players to each floating island - 4 click-type mini games that can be played at any time by anyone 1) You can get Grapes, set max per vine + resets regularly 2) You can get Emperium, set 1 per day + resets automatically 3) You can get Kalunium, set max per crystal + resets + 1/4 chance to get rough elunium instead 4) You can get Bradium, set max per crystal + resets + 1/4 chance to get rough oridecon instead - Mini game that is a puzzle of missing letters + click type. You have to tell the answer to a npc upon completion - Statue quest where you are told 5 stories and you must click the corresponding statues in order (or it fully resets) to win a unique prize 1) Prize is a chest that explodes with items around the player when opened. Guaranteed 8 usables, 5 etc items, 1 headgear, 1 footgear,1 garment, 1 accessory and 1 card (NON boss/mvp) - God stone system, talk to a god's statue, get their stone and get a bonus to something. Only 1 stone at a time, works in all maps - Death Pit, a hole in the floor that a player can walk into. Adds their name to an auto-kick on login array and must play with a different character. Death speaks to this character and random chance, how to win their soul back - Multiple quests to keep players busy with fun content This is my 1st legitimate map that I've ever made, so I'd love to comments and/or tips for improvement. Thanks for viewing
  7. Ive always read that @block/@charblock does a single character in a person's account, but the past 4 tests I've ran, it blocks the whole account id and kicks back an error (4). QueryBrowser shows a login state of 5 on the account. What I'm trying to do is when a player logs into that account and they've had their 1 char blocked, it denies access to that 1 char out of however many they actually have on that account. To be done by some command or sql query and then a way to reverse it. It seems there there's nothing to go on from the char table that would single out 1 player. I don't want it to be as simple as onpclogin + kick player. If possible, have a logo over the character on the selection screen showing that denied access. Or is that only for a sort of "trial account" on legit servers? Ive tested this on eAthena 145xx and an early rAthena build, eventhough documentation says it should be working long before those svn's.
  8. ive deleted my mapcache on each change of the gats using the standard mapcache but I'll try weemapcache when i get a chance to. Once i get the gats fixed i can fix all the little glitches like layered models bleeding through one another :/ Weemapcache worked, odd that me completely destroying all files and redoing it from scratch wouldnt update that 1 section of the map. Thanks again!
  9. nah, i opened up prontera and clean map'd it then and saved my copy as ive done in the past. I'll pm you a link to it so you can take a look at it. Hope you can figure it out, I'd hate to have to redo all the gats :/
  10. i can physically see the gats at the same height as all the other ones. I did that step earlier because I was having textures tear ingame. Posting a picture to help. The scribbled area are where the gats in-game seem to be but in brow, they dont even exist. Also showing water properties because it already is -20.
  11. Using BrowEdit 586 and after altering the center of this map im working on, reduced its non-walkable gats, they dont actually reflect it ingame. The odd part is that if I click past the affected area, I will walk through it and go around the legitimate non-walkable gats as I should, then when I click somewhere else, I hang and snap to my location like I had a surge of lag. All of my other gat alterations do and I'm wondering if anyone knew a particular reason or way I could fix this. I've made new mapcaches with altering a single or multiple gat tiles, pasted over old files in my data folder and neither have worked. There are no setcell alterations for the map either. Let me know if you would like a picture of what I'm talking about, but it can't really illustrate in-game.
  12. Thanks, I didn't know about the max distance limitation. It isnt documented in version 3.45.20110709 of the script commands that I'm using. I'll just have to break it up into smaller chunks. Thanks again
  13. I've read that unitwalk can move a player and a player's GID is just their account id (according to BrianL: http://www.eathena.w...209&hl=unitwalk). Problem is, it doesn't seem to work. Prontera isnt the actual map I'm using, but it is a custom so for codebox'ing sake if anyone wanted to test it prontera,158,173,0 script Gateway 111,1,1,{ mes "blah"; close2; unitwalk getcharid(3),155,213; end; } or prontera,158,173,0 script Gateway 111,1,1,{ end OnTouch: unitwalk getcharid(3),155,213; end; } Along with other variations. It just either allows my character to walk through it and keep going or if i click the npc with no OnTouch, it doesnt even move the character. Using Basic RAthena Client from calciumkid http://rathena.org/b...rathena-client/ (doesnt display revision so dont know exactly) Using Miruku Version 15122011 SideNote: I originally wanted to use pushpc for something but it goes way too fast for my liking and when making it go multiple times in a row scripted, it crashes into my 'return path' pushpc eventhough it has 5+ spaces of gap between the landing zone. It then flings the player back to opposite side and then im unable to move till i relog.
  14. Probably in the wrong section, but as it's dealing with a patcher, decided to post it here... I have an idea for an up coming package and was wondering if there is a way to deny a player from logging in, if their current patch count (or something else) doesn't equal the current one? I know of a way to sort of do it with Harmony (just alter the check hash and if they don't have the newly updated hash from a new client, it denies them), but is there an possible way without something like that? Even if it's a source mod or any other possibility, I'd like to hear it, thanks.
  15. I have an array that will most likely exceed 128 variables (account AID's / getcharid(3) ), so I decided to go with a setd based on what I've been told that it can hold far more and blah blah blah. Problem is that it doesn't seem to act like an array and the documentation for it, just doesn't describe it well enough for me. Here is what I have so far, 2 variations. Top is for adding them to array and bottom is for removing them from it. Neither work but I've substituted them back and forth for making them add to the array. There is nothing ever in the $Events array either. for(set .@i,0; .@i < GetArraySize(getd("$Events")); set .@i,.@i+1){ if(getd("$Events"+"["+.@i+"]")!=getcharid(3)){ setd("$Events"),getcharid(3); close2; dispbottom "You have been added to Event queue!"; end; } for(set .@i,0; .@i < GetArraySize(getd($Events)); set .@i,.@i+1){ if($Events[.@i]==getcharid(3)){ deletearray getd($Events[.@i]),1; close2; dispbottom "You have been removed from Event queue!"; end; Basically what happens is when I use the 1st one, it breaks out of the for() and continues on to give me my debug error message. Looking over various other setd/getd scripts, it shows the array in "" so I attempted that as well as the scope variable.. The 2nd one tends to give me an error with illegal scope and please report this. However, my test server is 14921 eAthena, I'm assuming that it's already been addressed (haven't set up a rAthena one yet to test that theory). Am I just using the commands wrong or? I would much rather use 1 long array instead of having to break it up into if getsizeofarray 1 =128, add AID to array 2 and so on, then cycle through all of those arrays.
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