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  1. bearnope246's post in Dressroom Open Crash... was marked as the answer   
    [solved] My client read data folder first, so it reading the old dress room lua file.... i didn't notice.
  2. bearnope246's post in Asura skill sp delay gone.... was marked as the answer   
    yes please, Where to edit it back to Re? 

    I figured it out.
    Search for
    SC_EXTREMITYFIST2] in Script.c, Status.c,map.c,script_constants.h,skill.c,pc.c....
    and comment:
    //#ifdef RENEWAL //#endif
  3. bearnope246's post in Edit mvp padder script! was marked as the answer   
    Wow, the forum didn't notice me about your reply, i will try today, and report back ^^ thanks
    update: [solved]
    Thanks emistry and kurofly.
     I found out that the problems actually lies in the
    OnMvpDead: in the first place, i change the mob amount but forgot to changed this part, so every time i kill a mob, it count as 1 round.
    Now i can duplicate this script and use it as stage game aswell.
  4. bearnope246's post in Job master Script Help. was marked as the answer   
    Thank you for replying, actualy i found a way to fix this temporaly.
    I make the gunslinger and other extended job reborn not to change back to novice, but only reset the level. The novice job is not necessary anyway.
    But it's still unsolved, not the way i wanted
  5. bearnope246's post in How to bring back the old academy? was marked as the answer   
    Thank you, next time please be clearer
    it took me another 15 minute around google and the search engine because people dont use "academy", they use "training ground". 
    //npc: npc/re/jobs/novice/academy.txt npc: npc/re/jobs/novice/novice.txt
  6. bearnope246's post in Custom item CLient-side problems was marked as the answer   
    1.Some item work with data folder, some not, so always use .grf
    2.If view id is over 2000, check client diff.
    3.some item have to be put in 3 txt file. idnum2itemresnametable ......

  7. bearnope246's post in Change color in script? was marked as the answer   
    Thanks guys ^^ solved
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