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Posts posted by babyhon

  1. Thanks for your reply, I already tried that as what I have said it didn't work, somehow it isn't deducting points that's why I am wondering. it just announces the current point of the killer party twice instead of deducting points on killed party and announces their current points. it's like the onpcdieevent: is working as onpckillevent: too.

  2. Hello,

    Can someone help me to fix this script.

    this should give the party 2 points per kill and will lose 1 point if one of them die.

    How ever I have no idea what to use in OnPCDieEvent and when i use this same format it just adds two points on the killer party not deducting on the party which has killed member.

    	if (strcharinfo(3) == "guild_vs1") {
    		announce "The party: "+ strcharinfo(1) +" gained 2 points",bc_map;		
    	if( getcharid(1) == .Teamr ){
    		set .rpoints,.rpoints + 2;
    		announce "The party: "+ strcharinfo(1) +" now has ("+ .rpoints +") points",0;
    	if( getcharid(1) == .Teamb ){
    		set .bpoints,.bpoints + 2;
    		announce "The party: "+ strcharinfo(1) +" now has ("+ .bpoints +") points",0;
    		if( getcharid(1) == .Teamg ){
    		set .gpoints,.gpoints + 2;
    		announce "The party: "+ strcharinfo(1) +" now has ("+ .gpoints +") points",0;
    	if( getcharid(1) == .Teamy ){
    		set .ypoints,.ypoints + 2;
    		announce "The party: "+ strcharinfo(1) +" now has ("+ .ypoints +") points",0;
    OnPCDieEvent: <<<<<------------ dunno what to do here.
  3. Scenario:

    We heard that there are exploits in kafra bank therefore we removed it for future protection,


    Problem: two or more of our players used it and we already removed the NPC:



    We searched in ragnarok database but can't find where does the kafra bank npc save its data.


    Anyone has an idea which table should we check?


    Thank you.

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