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Posts posted by Neffletics

  1. Apologies for bringing up this topic once again. I would like to contribute my thoughts on the matter.

    I came across some comments that seemed quite ignorant, such as criticizing the pricing as absurd and placing the blame on the developer for not securing their app or protecting their copyright. However, it's important to recognize that the creator has the right to establish their own rules, and as responsible individuals, we should respect them. Acting ethically means understanding that just because we have the ability to do something doesn't mean we should.

    In the past, I had the opportunity to work with Chris when SolaceRO was still active. Although I could have decompiled the APK and made modifications, I chose to honor his work and compensate him fairly for his efforts by following the proper process and paying the fees. The amount requested was reasonable, and it could easily be recovered through donations, particularly considering how donation-oriented Philippine servers tend to be. Therefore, it shouldn't be viewed as a significant obstacle.

    Once again, the key point here is about ethics and respecting someone's work. If the developer explicitly states that redistribution is prohibited, it is our duty to adhere to that. By doing so, we demonstrate respect, even though I don't have high expectations for developers in the Philippines, given the unfortunate tendency for server instability, corruption, and abrupt closures.

    I also came across a comment accusing Chris of releasing an unreleased sprite of Haziel. During the early stages of AndRO, grf encryption was not available, so if you had AndRO around 2019 or so, it's possible that another player stole your sprite.

  2. Sounds risky. The lack of access to the source code poses a significant security risk (e.g. leaving backdoor access or sql queries that can be injected). 

    Perhaps rA could have a code review committee that will only publish scripts in the marketplace that have been reviewed and tested to be error-free and exploit-free.

    Great idea nevertheless.

  3. Hello, everyone!

    I'm Lynx of SolaceRO. I'm sharing our old database that's worth 1 month of research and application. I used to own SorinRO back in 2016. It's at episode 6 when it died.

    In our database, we have corrected the mob stats, drop, and spawns. Please keep in mind that this is not 100% accurate to the official server. 

    I have used the following references:

    1. Leaked Aegis files for RussiaRO and MalaysiaRO
    2. WoE and Juno Guidebook (based on PhilippineRO)
    3. Old emulators (Fusion, Vidar, Freya, jAthena, etc.)

    P.S. Use it at your own risk. Review the files before implementing.

    SorinRO EP5 Spawn & Mob_Db.zip

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  4. if(strcharinfo(2) != $koegid) end; // if the character is not from the guild
    goto GetReward;
    query_sql("SELECT last_ip FROM `login` WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@IP$);
    query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `login` WHERE last_ip = '"+.@IP$+"'", .@AID);
    if(getarraysize(.@AID) > 1) end; // If more than 1 account_id shares the same IP
    getitem 600,1;

    Just make them talk to an NPC with this function. This is the simplest way to do it. I hope it helps. ~

  5. Your server won't run if login table's missing.

    If it's really missing, please run this sql query.


      `account_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `userid` varchar(23) NOT NULL default '',
      `user_pass` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
      `sex` enum('M','F','S') NOT NULL default 'M',
      `email` varchar(39) NOT NULL default '',
      `group_id` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '0',
      `state` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
      `unban_time` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
      `expiration_time` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
      `logincount` mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
      `lastlogin` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
      `last_ip` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
      `birthdate` DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
      `character_slots` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
      `pincode` varchar(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      `pincode_change` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `vip_time` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
      `old_group` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  (`account_id`),
      KEY `name` (`userid`)
    INSERT INTO `login` (`account_id`, `userid`, `user_pass`, `sex`, `email`) VALUES ('1', 's1', 'p1', 'S','[email protected]');


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