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Posts posted by unnamed

  1. Hi Guys! 

    I'm having a problem with Rathena's Emuladro, my drop_rate is not doing what I promised...

    I'll give you an example of how I would like it to be and how it is in a whole...

    a basic example.

    Drop by Poring: Rate 1x = 100 in drop.conf

    apple 1=10% (Original)

    apple 2 = 1.5% (Original)

    How it should be:

    Rate 2x = 200 in drop.conf

    pple 1= 20%

    apple 2= 3%

    Rate 3x = 300 in drop.conf

    apple 1=30%

    apple 2 = 4.5%

    How are you doing:

    Rate 2x= 200 in drop.conf

    apple 1= 40% ???

    apple 2= 6% ???

    Rate 3x = 300 in drop.conf

    apple 1=90%

    apple 2 = 13.5%

    PS: My Renewal Rate drop is disabled:

    //#define RENEWAL_DROP

    My vip_drop_increase is at 0

    Really the Rate System of my server is

    item_rate_heal: 200
    item_rate_heal_boss: 200
    item_rate_heal_mvp: 200
    item_drop_heal_min: 1
    item_drop_heal_max: 10000
  2. Hello guys, so I have a doubt and I wanted to know if anyone has any idea how I can perform this code ..

    I need that, when the player kills the monster with 1 hit (hitkill only) he receives 35% more drop from that dead monster...

    Thus, at higher levels, the player will have a higher drop % of these weak monsters...

    If anyone can help me, I'd be grateful!

  3. Hello everyone, I have a problem with the rAthena Renewal emulator.
    My emulator is updated, and I'm having a big problem to add a fixed percentage to the drop rate of normal, mini boss and mvp cards...


    I currently configure my drops.conf with the following information:

    // rAthena Battle Configuration File
    // Originally Translated by Peter Kieser <pfak@telus.net>
    // Made in to plainer English by Ancyker
    // Note 1: Value is a config switch (on/off, yes/no or 1/0)
    // Note 2: Value is in percents (100 means 100%)
    // If an item is dropped, does it go straight into the user's inventory? (Note 1)
    item_auto_get: no
    // How long does it take for an item to disappear from the floor after it is dropped? (in milliseconds)
    flooritem_lifetime: 60000
    // Grace time during which only the person who did the most damage to a monster can get the item? (in milliseconds)
    item_first_get_time: 3000
    // Grace time during which only the first and second person who did the most damage to a monster can get the item? (in milliseconds)
    // (Takes effect after item_first_get_time elapses)
    item_second_get_time: 1000
    // Grace time during which only the first, second and third person who did the most damage to a monster can get the item? (in milliseconds)
    // (Takes effect after the item_second_get_time elapses)
    item_third_get_time: 1000
    // Grace time to apply to MvP reward items when the Most Valuable Player can't get the prize item and it drops on the ground? (in milliseconds)
    mvp_item_first_get_time: 10000
    // Grace time for the first and second MvP so they can get the item? (in milliseconds)
    // (Takes effect after mvp_item_first_get_time elapses)
    mvp_item_second_get_time: 10000
    // Grace time for the first, second and third MvP so they can get the item? (in milliseconds)
    // (Takes effect after mvp_item_second_get_time elapses)
    mvp_item_third_get_time: 2000
    // Item drop rates (Note 2)
    // The rate the common items are dropped (Items that are in the ETC tab, besides card)
    item_rate_common: 400
    item_rate_common_boss: 300
    item_rate_common_mvp: 200
    item_drop_common_min: 1
    item_drop_common_max: 10000
    // The rate healing items are dropped (items that restore HP or SP)
    item_rate_heal: 400
    item_rate_heal_boss: 300
    item_rate_heal_mvp: 200
    item_drop_heal_min: 1
    item_drop_heal_max: 10000
    // The rate at which usable items (in the item tab) other then healing items are dropped.
    item_rate_use: 400
    item_rate_use_boss: 400
    item_rate_use_mvp: 400
    item_drop_use_min: 1
    item_drop_use_max: 10000
    // The rate at which equipment is dropped.
    item_rate_equip: 400
    item_rate_equip_boss: 300
    item_rate_equip_mvp: 200
    item_drop_equip_min: 1
    item_drop_equip_max: 10000
    // The rate at which cards are dropped
    item_rate_card: 100
    item_rate_card_boss: 50
    item_rate_card_mvp: 20
    item_drop_card_min: 1
    item_drop_card_max: 10000
    // The rate adjustment for the MVP items that the MVP gets directly in their inventory
    // Mode: 0 - official order, 1 - random order, 2 - all items
    item_rate_mvp: 400
    item_drop_mvp_min: 1
    item_drop_mvp_max: 10000
    item_drop_mvp_mode: 0
    // The rate adjustment for card-granted item drops.
    item_rate_adddrop: 400
    item_drop_add_min: 1
    item_drop_add_max: 10000
    // Rate adjustment for Treasure Box drops (these override all other modifiers)
    item_rate_treasure: 400
    item_drop_treasure_min: 1
    item_drop_treasure_max: 10000
    // Use logarithmic drops? (Note 1)
    // Logarithmic drops scale drop rates in a non-linear fashion using the equation 
    // Droprate(x,y) = x * (5 - log(x)) ^ (ln(y) / ln(5))
    // Where x is the original drop rate and y is the drop_rate modifier (the previously mentioned item_rate* variables)
    // Use the following table for an idea of how the rate will affect drop rates when logarithmic drops are used:
    // Y: Original Drop Rate
    // X: Rate drop modifier (eg: item_rate_equip)
    //  X\Y | 0.01 0.02  0.05  0.10  0.20  0.50  1.00  2.00  5.00 10.00 20.00
    // -----+---------------------------------------------------------------
    //   50 | 0.01 0.01  0.03  0.06  0.11  0.30  0.62  1.30  3.49  7.42 15.92
    //  100 | 0.01 0.02  0.05  0.10  0.20  0.50  1.00  2.00  5.00 10.00 20.00
    //  200 | 0.02 0.04  0.09  0.18  0.35  0.84  1.61  3.07  7.16 13.48 25.13
    //  500 | 0.05 0.09  0.22  0.40  0.74  1.65  3.00  5.40 11.51 20.00 33.98
    // 1000 | 0.10 0.18  0.40  0.73  1.30  2.76  4.82  8.28 16.47 26.96 42.69
    // 2000 | 0.20 0.36  0.76  1.32  2.28  4.62  7.73 12.70 23.58 36.33 53.64
    // 5000 | 0.50 0.86  1.73  2.91  4.81  9.11 14.45 22.34 37.90 53.91 72.53
    //10000 | 1.00 1.67  3.25  5.28  8.44 15.24 23.19 34.26 54.57 72.67 91.13
    //20000 | 2.00 3.26  6.09  9.59 14.83 25.49 37.21 52.55 77.70 97.95  100%
    //50000 | 5.00 7.87 13.98 21.12 31.23 50.31 69.56 92.48  100%  100%  100%
    item_logarithmic_drops: no
    // Can the monster's drop rate become 0? (Note 1)
    // Default: no (as in official servers).
    drop_rate0item: no
    // Increase item drop rate +0.01%? (Note 1)
    // On official servers it is possible to get 0.00% drop chance so all items are increased by 0.01%.
    // NOTE: This is viewed as a bug to rAthena.
    // Default: no
    drop_rateincrease: no
    // Makes your LUK value affect drop rates on an absolute basis.
    // Setting to 100 means each luk adds 0.01% chance to find items
    // (regardless of item's base drop rate).
    drops_by_luk: 0
    // Makes your LUK value affect drop rates on a relative basis.
    // Setting to 100 means each luk adds 1% chance to find items
    // (So at 100 luk, everything will have double chance of dropping).
    drops_by_luk2: 0
    // The rate of monsters dropping ores by the skill Ore Discovery (Default is 100)
    finding_ore_rate: 100
    // Whether or not Marine Spheres and Floras summoned by Alchemist drop items?
    // This setting has three available values:
    // 0: Nothing drops.
    // 1: Only marine spheres drop items.
    // 2: All alchemist summons drop items.
    alchemist_summon_reward: 1
    // Make broadcast ** Player1 won Pupa's Pupa Card (chance 0.01%) ***
    // This can be set to any value between 0~10000.
    // Note: It also announces STEAL skill usage with rare items
    // 0 = don't show announces at all
    // 1 = show announces for 0.01% drop chance items
    // 333 = show announces for 3.33% or lower drop chance items
    // 10000 = show announces for all items
    rare_drop_announce: 0
    // Does autoloot take into account player bonuses and penalties? (Note 1)
    // If RENEWAL_DROP, Bubble Gum, or any other modifiers are active autoloot
    // will take them into account.
    autoloot_adjust: 0
    // Does autoloot work when a monster is killed by mercenary only?
    mercenary_autoloot: no
    // Is getting items from a mercenary disabled when their master's idle?
    // Set to no, or the amount of seconds (NOT milliseconds) that need to pass before considering
    // a character idle.
    // Characters in a chat/vending are always considered idle.
    // A character's idle status is reset upon item use/skill use/attack (auto attack counts too)/movement.
    // Their master will only receive items if 'mercenary_autoloot' is activated,
    // otherwise they will be dropped on the ground as usual.
    // NOTE: This option uses a special timer to track idle time, separated from the normal idle timer.
    mer_idle_no_share: no
    // How the server should measure the mercenary master's idle time? (Note 3)
    // (This will only work if 'mer_idle_no_share' is enabled).
    // 0x001 - Walk Request
    // 0x002 - UseSkillToID Request (Targetted skill use attempt)
    // 0x004 - UseSkillToPos Request (AoE skill use attempt)
    // 0x008 - UseItem Request (Including equip/unequip)
    // 0x010 - Attack Request
    // 0x020 - Chat Request (Whisper, Party, Guild, Battlegrounds, etc)
    // 0x040 - Sit/Standup Request
    // 0x080 - Emotion Request
    // 0x100 - DropItem Request
    // 0x200 - @/#Command Request
    // Please note that at least 1 option has to be enabled.
    // Be mindful that the more options used, the easier it becomes to cheat this features.
    // Default: walk (0x1) + useskilltoid (0x2) + useskilltopos (0x4) + useitem (0x8) + attack (0x10) = 0x1F
    // NOTE: This allows you to configure different settings for mercenary, separated from normal idle timer and 'idletime_option'.
    // It will only apply to mercenary-only kills and it will not affect normal autoloot and party share options.
    idletime_mer_option: 0x1F
    // If drop rate was below this amount and bonus is applied to it, the bonus can't make it exceed this amount.
    drop_rate_cap: 9000
    drop_rate_cap_vip: 9000
    // Displays a colored pillar effect for items dropped by monsters that contain random options.
    rndopt_drop_pillar: on
    // ======================= General System Configuration ======================= \\
    // Announcement system when dropping MvP Card and Mini-Boss Card
    // Logging system for the drop of these cards
    // Check yes to enable the entire system or no to disable the entire system
    // Default: yes
    announcement_and_log_system: yes
    // ============================ Setup for MvP Card ============================== \\
    // MvP Cards Logging and Announcement System
    // Check yes to enable and no to disable
    // Default: yes
    mvp_card_announce_system: yes
    // Activate or deactivate only the ad
    // Default: yes
    mvp_card_announce: yes
    // Enable or disable logging only
    // Note: To enable logging, you must insert the table into the database
    // Default: yes
    dropped_mvp_card_log: yes
    // Put the color of the ad you want
    // Default: 0xFFBB00 (0x + hex color)
    set_drop_announce_color: 0x3DBBFF
    // ========================= Setup for Mini-Boss Card =========================== \\
    // Mini-Boss Cards announcement and log system
    // Check yes to enable and no to disable
    // Default: yes
    mini_boss_card_announce_system: yes
    // Activate or deactivate only the ad
    // Default: yes
    mini_boss_card_announce: yes
    // Enable or disable logging only
    // Note: To enable logging, you must insert the table into the database
    // Default: yes
    dropped_mini_boss_card_log: yes
    // Put the color of the ad you want
    // Default: 0xFFBB00 (0x + hex color)
    set_drop_card_announce_color: 0xF6FF00

    and my renewal.hpp 

    // Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
    // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder
    //quick option to disable all renewal option, used by ./configure
    //#define PRERE
    #ifndef PRERE
     * rAthena configuration file (http://rathena.org)
     * For detailed guidance on these check http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/config/
     * @INFO: This file holds general-purpose renewal settings, for class-specific ones check /src/config/classes folder
    /// Game renewal server mode
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// Leave this line to enable renewal specific support such as renewal formulas
    #define RENEWAL
    /// Renewal cast time
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// Leave this line to enable renewal casting time algorithms and enable fixed cast bonuses.
    /// See also default_fixed_castrate in conf/battle/skill.conf for default fixed cast time (default is 20%).
    /// Cast time is altered be 2 portion, Variable Cast Time (VCT) and Fixed Cast Time (FCT).
    /// By default FCT is 20% of VCT (some skills aren't)
    /// - VCT is decreased by DEX * 2 + INT.
    /// - FCT is NOT reduced by stats, reduced by equips or buffs.
    /// Example:
    ///  On a skill whos cast time is 10s, only 8s may be reduced. the other 2s are part of a FCT
    #define RENEWAL_CAST
    /// Renewal drop rate algorithms
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// Leave this line to enable renewal item drop rate algorithms
    /// While enabled a special modified based on the difference between the player and monster level is applied
    /// Based on the http://irowiki.org/wiki/Drop_System#Level_Factor table
    //#define RENEWAL_DROP
    /// Renewal exp rate algorithms
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// Leave this line to enable renewal item exp rate algorithms
    /// While enabled a special modified based on the difference between the player and monster level is applied
    #define RENEWAL_EXP
    /// Renewal level modifier on damage
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    // Leave this line to enable renewal base level modifier on skill damage (selected skills only)
    #define RENEWAL_LVDMG
    /// Renewal ASPD [malufett]
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// Leave this line to enable renewal ASPD
    /// - shield penalty is applied
    /// - AGI has a greater factor in ASPD increase
    /// - there is a change in how skills/items give ASPD
    /// - some skill/item ASPD bonuses won't stack
    #define RENEWAL_ASPD
    /// Renewal stat calculations
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// Leave this line to enable renewal calculation for increasing status/parameter points
    #define RENEWAL_STAT
    #endif /* CONFIG_RENEWAL_HPP */


    and it turns out that: the renewal_drop disabled, it really works, no penalty...
    However, the drops of the cards are still different.
    One card is 0.20% and another card is 0.10% another card is 0.70%.... I wanted ALL commons to be the SAME percentage.

    I showed two photos with 4 different types of cards, one is 0.01%, another 0.10% and has 0.20%... I don't understand that!



  4.  Hello friends, how are you? I'm facing a somewhat complicated problem.


    I created a server recently, and a job when I use it. it works, but if another player turns the class, the emulator crashes.

    practically only I can use this class ! LOL

    and the worst thing is that even though I gave #job, or using the npc, the players saw the job and the emulator crashes. so i need to restart it

  5. I'm actually using windows 10, and I haven't installed any antivirus. only have windows defender. he never accused of any virus or quarantine.


    and about changing the EXE I always open it directly in the root folder. I opened all the ragnarok I have, iRO, bRO, kRO... and 3 more private ones... only mine, sometimes it opens and sometimes it doesn't...

  6. So, the problem is that, it opens normally, after 2 hours, it doesn't open anymore.


    it's really something that I don't know what else it could be... I restart, it's normal, I restart again, it doesn't open anymore.


    the strange thing is that if I remove my GRF and leave only the original GRF, it opens. however, how does it work sometimes and other times it doesn't? Is there any way I can find out what's causing the conflict? because when it opens, it opens normally!

  7. Hello, good morning everyone.


    I'm having an INCREDIBLE problem.


    my Client just stops opening. Without more or less it stops opening, no error appears, no failure appears, I try to change everything, resolution, everything, and nothing makes it open...

    when I open it, it doesn't run the exe, nothing appears on ctrl+alt+del, nothing...

    even trying through autopatcher or anything. already formatted, and it doesn't work, and simply, out of nowhere, it works again!

    Like, it's incredible that literally, I'm here writing, and I'm going to try to open it, it opens, and like, I close and open it, just fine, it rolls smoothly. I turn off the computer, when I turn it on, out of nowhere it stops opening...
    There goes a few hours doing everything to fix it.. and when I leave, I turn off the computer, turn it back on again


    yesterday it stopped opening, and when I went to ctrl+alt+del, I went to see if there was anything open, there wasn't, I closed the window, I went to open it just to test and it opened... I'm going crazy!

    If anyone knows of something that could be causing my client to stop opening...

    PS: on my friend's computer, where we are both testing the server, this also happens, sometimes for his too!

  8. Hi guys, all right ❤️

    So, I noticed that, on some servers, it is possible to notice the drastic speed in which, you teleport using fly wing while farming, that, when you @go in cities, the image goes VERY fast, my server is with the speed default, those 2 seconds approximately.

      However, as I saw that many servers use this map delay method, I would like to know how I can get it?

    To make it clearer. Let's say I take a butterfly wing, and go to moc_fild06, every time I use the wing, in less than 1s I already teleport...
    Same thing with @go, if I give @go 0 a few times, it's almost instantaneous the speed at which the character appears on the screen... Could anyone tell me if this is a src command, or some other command?

    PS: I saw a server that has this 0 delay for changing maps on all maps.

  9. So, the Command worked just fine, however, it was the same, there was no change,

    	    set .@menu$,.@menu$+":~Back";
    		set .@select, select(@menu$);
    	if(.@select == getarraysize(.@select)){
    	    if(compare(.@menu$,"fild"))goto Fields;
    	    else if(compare(.@menu$,"dun"))goto Dungeons;
    	    else goto MainMenu;

    If anyone knows how to solve this code, I'm breaking my head already.

  10. So, referring to the first Menu, L_menu was perfect

    But what didn't work was still the Function Pick back


    this command, addon didn't work, stopped the emulator, I'm trying to see something that might work

    function Pick {
    	set .@warp_block,@warp_block;
    	set @warp_block,0;
    	if((@f && .OnlyFirstFld) || (@d && .OnlyFirstDun)){
    		set .@select,1;
    			while(.@warp_block & (1<<.@select)){
    				.@select += 1;
    	    set .@menu$,.@menu$+"~Back";
    		set .@select, select(@menu$);
    	if(.@select == getarraysize(.@select){
    	    if(compare(.@menu$,"fild"))goto Fields;
    	    else if(compare(.@menu$,"dun"))goto Dungeons;
    	    else goto MainMenu;
    	if (getarg(0) == "") {
    		set .@i, .@select;
    		set .@map$, getarg(.@i);
    	} else {
    		set .@i, .@select-getarg(1,0);
    		set .@map$, getarg(0)+((.@i<10)?"0":"")+.@i;
    	if (.@warp_block & (1<<.@select)) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"This map is not enabled in "+((checkre(0))?"":"Pre-")+"Renewal.";
    	set .@x, @c[.@i*2];
    	set .@y, @c[.@i*2+1];
    	deletearray @c[0],getarraysize(@c);
    	@f = false; @d = false;

    this is the command that you passed, it must be with some failure, because it only asked to add a ')' and I added it, but the emulator crashed.


    	    set .@menu$,.@menu$+"~Back";
    		set .@select, select(@menu$);
    	if(.@select == getarraysize(.@select)){
    	    if(compare(.@menu$,"fild"))goto Fields;
    	    else if(compare(.@menu$,"dun"))goto Dungeons;
    	    else goto MainMenu;

    So, at first, it only remains to find out how to make it return, being in this part:



  11. Hello everyone, I would like to have the option in the tabs of my npc of: "Back", so if anyone who is looking for the map and ends up clicking wrong, can go back to the previous menu. but I've done everything, and it turns out that I couldn't solve it

    I have a main menu, which has " Cities, Fields, Caves "
    This one does not need to have a back button, as it is the main menu.

    The next menu is, let's say: Fields > Prontera Field, Payon Field... etc, Back (As a last option)
    Here, I believe it is easier, because I use this code:

    menu	"^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Amatsu.",F1, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Ayothaya",F2, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Bifrost", F3,
        	"^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Brasilis",F4, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Comodo",F5, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Dewata",F6,
        	"^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Eclage",F7, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Einbroch",F8, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de El Dicastes",F9,
        	"^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Geffen",F10, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Kunlun",F11, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Hugel",F12,
    		"^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Lasagna",F13, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Lighthalzen",F14, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Luoyang",F15, 
    		"^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Lutie",F16, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Malaya",F17, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Manuk",F18, 
    		"^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Mjolnir",F19, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Moscovia",F20, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Niflheim",F21, 
    		"^3CB371[»]^000000 Floresta de Payon",F22, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Prontera",F23, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Rachel",F24, 
    		"^3CB371[»]^000000 Deserto de Sograt",F25, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Splendide",F26, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Umbala",F27, 
    		"^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Veins",F28, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Juno",F29;
    F1: setarray @c[2],190,197;
    	Disp("^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Amatsu",1,1); Pick("ama_fild");
    F2: setarray @c[2],173,134,212,150;
    	Disp("^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Ayothaya",1,2); Pick("ayo_fild");


    Here, I believe that the Menu, manages to have a ''Back'' button Easily...

    But here comes the hard part!


    F1: setarray @c[2],190,197;
    	Disp("^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Amatsu",1,1); Pick("ama_fild");

    Here, in the "Pick" segment, it makes him create a new menu with the selection ama_fild01,ama_fild02 and here, in this part I would also like him to go back to the "Fields" menu... I will post the Functions of this system and if there is any way to Add "Back" in the Fields menu and in the End menu


    function Go {
    	set lastwarp$, getarg(0);
    	set lastwarpx, getarg(1,0);
    	set lastwarpy, getarg(2,0);
    	warp getarg(0),getarg(1,0),getarg(2,0);
    function Disp {
    	if (getargcount() < 3)
    		set @menu$, getarg(0);
    	else {
    		set @menu$,"";
    		for (set .@i,getarg(1); .@i<=getarg(2); set .@i,.@i+1)
    			set @menu$, @menu$+getarg(0)+" "+.@i+":";
    function Pick {
    	set .@warp_block,@warp_block;
    	set @warp_block,0;
    	if((@f && .OnlyFirstFld) || (@d && .OnlyFirstDun)){
    		set .@select,1;
    			while(.@warp_block & (1<<.@select)){
    				.@select += 1;
    		set .@select, select(@menu$);
    	if (getarg(0) == "") {
    		set .@i, .@select;
    		set .@map$, getarg(.@i);
    	} else {
    		set .@i, .@select-getarg(1,0);
    		set .@map$, getarg(0)+((.@i<10)?"0":"")+.@i;
    	if (.@warp_block & (1<<.@select)) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Este mapa não está habilitado no modo "+((checkre(0))?"":"Pre-")+"Renewal.";
    	set .@x, @c[.@i*2];
    	set .@y, @c[.@i*2+1];
    	deletearray @c[0],getarraysize(@c);
    	@f = false; @d = false;
    function Restrict {
    	if ((getarg(0) == "RE" && !checkre(0)) || (getarg(0) == "Pre-RE" && checkre(0))) {
    		if (getarg(1,0)) {
    			set @warp_block,0;
    			for (set .@i,1; .@i<getargcount(); set .@i,.@i+1)
    				set @warp_block, @warp_block | (1<<getarg(.@i));
    		} else {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"Este mapa não está habilitado no modo "+((checkre(0))?"":"Pre-")+"Renewal.";
    function Ret {




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