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  1. already done.. it works! Thank you for your time .. godbless )
  2. Ok.. wait ill try to follow your instructions. ill update you guys if its successful anyway thanks Oopps.. i guess i need another help.. which one? i mean there's a lot of link's
  3. Anyone can help me with these korean language that i do not know? how to fix this? Thank you..
  4. ok.. thank you so much for your help Emistry and Enthr
  5. bcoz its not working For example at niflheim.. even though i remove all the specific monsters from my script NPC. and started to command: @loadnpc [NPC Name] after that it will be successfully loaded. But the monster's are still keep respawning.. i dont know what to do anymore T_T please help.. thank you,,, but is it possible to have a NPC like that?
  6. Please help me with this script.. i want to kill all monster on my custom map.. i dont know if my script is correct.. <tab>script<tab>Killer<tab>-1{ ontimer100: oninit: killmonster "map_name","All"; end; } i want to kill them everytime they respawn.. autokill activate every 1 sec
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