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Posts posted by Hoshi

  1. Well I`m just wondering are there any ways to remove the "level distance (I don't know what to call)" upon obtaining experience/drops from monster who's level are far or very distant from your current level? Example the character's level is 10 then the monster's level is 70, as much as I know, you won't be able to receive the full experience of the monster unless you are level is lower or higher by 10 only of the monsters level? (I don't know if it's ten but I know there's a gap). An answer would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! :)

  2. Hey I just want to ask is it necessary not to put atcommand "@reloadbattleconf";

    at this part? I haven't tested it yet thought since I`m currently away from home just want to clarify it as early as possible so I would be able to implement it fast when I get home xD

    if(gettime(4)==4  || gettime(4)==5  || gettime(4)==6 ) { // Friday, Saturday, Sunday
    setbattleflag("base_exp_rate", 6000 ); // Change 6,000 to the rates you want
    setbattleflag("job_exp_rate", 6000 ); // Change 6,000 to the rates you want
    <-------this part???----->
    atcommand "@reloadmobdb";	

    By the way nice scripts :)

  3. I wish to request at easy to set quest template with the use of shop functions,

    i think this type of script already exist but I can't seem to find it? so if someone could provide me with the script or link?

    I would appreciate it :P

    Just want to make it clearer, List of items will be displayed like the function of a shop, then after choosing an item, instead of looking for zeny(like a normally shop would do) but it another message will appear which contains a number or list of requirements. It would be better if it will be easy to understand, easy to add and delete requirements and Quest :D thanks

  4. I don't know if this script is already available, I was hoping if anyone has a script that let the Guild Leader invest to a certain NPC where the npc shows how much the Guild leader have already invested(only guild leader) then the member would be able to get supplies from that NPC, at the cost of decrease in the investment of the leader. Limitation can be set by the Guild Leader or possible 1 time per woe time/day only. Supplies that will be provide to the members will be depends on the type of supplies the Guild Leader chose? assuming there 3 kinds of supplies with different amount to invest. Hoping if anyone already have this kind of script hope you could share it to me? or probably help me create one? xD Though I think it is too difficult to make? but i`m just requesting if so, I`m okay if no one would be able to help me since this request is I think little bit too much? hehe thanks in advance

  5. You could create an extra group without any commands and then use:

    atcommand "@adjgroup <group id>";

    when talking to the npc and reset it after finishing your stuff.

    Okay thanks I`ll try it :)

  6. I would like to know if there's a way to disabled @commands at specific amount of time or while talking with an npc? if so.. can someone teach me? or at least provide some script to me? xD thanks in advance

  7. edit in item_db the script and change it to 25, then open items.conf at conf/battle/

    then change

    // Required level of bNoMagicDamage before Status Changes are blocked (Golden Thief Bug card).
    // For example, if left at 50. An item can give bNoMagicDamage,40;
    // which reduces magic damage by 40%, but does not blocks status changes.
    gtb_sc_immunity: 50

    from gtb_sc_immunity: 50 to 25

    though it will block buffs too

    • Upvote 1
  8. create new script in npc/custom/ then make it file name maflags

    then put this one in the text file

    <coordinates>,<x>,<y> <tab> mapflag <tab> nowarp
    <coordinates>,<x>,<y> <tab> mapflag <tab> nowarpto
    <coordinates>,<x>,<y> <tab> mapflag <tab> nosave

    just search it somewhere in google the mapflag commands

    then type @Loadnpc npc/custom/mapflag.txt

    don't forget to edit scripts_custom.conf

  9. In conf folder, there is an option where you can put the percentage drop of certain items though it will affect all mobs ^_^

    example 5% below items.. When a player killed a mob then dropped an item with 5% below chance whether it is a normal or mvp

    it will make an announcement..


  10. not necessarily, it's simple you can even make one on your own

    like this.

    mes "Consolation";
    getitem <item id>,<amount>;
    warp "prontera.gat",111,111;

    simple as this, though if you want validation for players who were recently warped from the dice event

    set conso_prize, 1; // adding this one in all L_Lose tags (There were 4 if you know what I mean)
    areawarp "quiz_01",183,81,191,59,"prontera",155,182;
    areawarp "quiz_01",195,81,203,59,"prontera",155,182;
    areawarp "quiz_01",207,81,215,59,"prontera",155,182;
    goto L_Start;

    then use this one instead the script earlier

    if (conso_price>=1)
    mes "Consolation";
    getitem <item id>,<amount>;
    set conso_price, 0;
    warp "prontera.gat",111,111;
    mes "Sorry you didn't participate in the event";
    warp "prontera.gat",111,111;

    *EDIT 1* - By the way what do you mean that gives battle points? Cash Points? Or Custom Points?

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