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Posts posted by seventhief

  1. Hi, I want to make a guild package npc. Here's a code. I just want to have an expert to look at my code.

    What I wanted support is how can I have an security so that it will not be abuse.

    Making another guild. Creating another account. REPEATEDLY

    Sorry for my english.


    The code is not yet done.

    The code here is just a edited version of guild pack giver of ShogS.

    Code based layout credited to ShogS.

    // Script Name: Guild Package NPC Giver
    // Developer: Seventhief
    // Description: Nulled
    // Version: 0.1
    prontera,145,171,1 script Guild Pack Giver 757,{
    if(##Gpack == 0) goto L_AG;
    mes "-- Guild Package Giver --";
    mes "Looks like you're on guild";
    mes "- Sudden disconnection of guildsmen";
    mes "  will not be given a consideration";
    mes "- I am only obligated to give packages";
    mes "  to guild with 10 members or more"
    mes "- This only a one time";
    switch(select("Yes:No")) {
     case 1:
      query_sql("SELECT `guild_id` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `char_id` = "+getcharid(0)+" AND `account_id` = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@gIDgiver);
      set .@nofoM, query_sql("SELECT `account_id`, `position` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id` = "+.@gIDgiver+" AND `online` = 1", .@aIDgiver, .@posgiver);
      if ( .@nofoM >= 9 ) { // Guild members incl. Master must be 10 or more
    for(set .@i,0; .@i < .@nofoM; .@i++) {
     if ( .@posgiver[.@i] == 0 ) {
      // Give Item for Guild Master
      getitem 512,20,.@aIDgiver[.@i];
     if ( .@posgiver[.@i] != 0 ) {
      // Give Item for Guild Members
      getitem 512,1,.@aIDgiver[.@i];
    } // End For
    set ##Gpack, 0;
    warpguild "prontera",157,157,.@gIDgiver;
     case 2:
      mes "Nevermind";
    }end; // End Switch
    mes "Given";
    } // End Main

  2. this help me alot. Thanks. Hmmm. Wanted to share this one:

    make a batch file along with the luac.exe and write

    luac.exe -o %~n1.lub %~n1.lua

    save it as compile.bat

    and drag n drop the lua file into the compile.bat

    sorry for my english.

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