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Diconfrost VaNz

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  1. Diconfrost VaNz's post in helpPremium System was marked as the answer   
    Now i've finished my premium system
    here's the new npc script.
    prontera,155,181,5    script    Clahador    757,{ function getPremiumTime; mes "[^FF0000Clahador^000000]"; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+", I'm ^FF0000Clahador the butcher^000000."; mes "I will be of help if you need something."; next; mes "[^FF0000Clahador^000000]"; mes "Oh! you need help?"; mes "What kind of help do you need?"; next; menu "Newbie here",P_New,"I'm a ViP!",P_VIP,"Nevermind",P_NVM; P_New: mes "[^FF0000Clahador^000000]"; mes "Did you already claim your free items in the ^FF0000Freebies NPC^000000???"; menu "Yes!",F_Yes,"No!",F_No; F_No: mes "[^FF0000Clahador^000000]"; mes "You should get 'em!."; mes "It will help you on the start."; mes "I will send you to the freebie giver."; next; warp "prontera",155,183; close; F_Yes: mes "[^FF0000Clahador^000000]"; mes "Haha, i hope you like those items."; next; mes "By the way, you can earn zennies through quests like going to daily quest, request board, and many more!"; mes "Did you know that you can have many zennies you want if you gonna hunt more rare items?"; mes "Try it!"; close; P_VIP: mes "[^FF0000Clahador^000000]"; mes "Oh you avail our ViP Ticket!"; mes "Thank you!"; next; mes "[^FF0000Clahador^000000]"; mes "Your ^0055FFPremium Time^000000 Left : "+getPremiumTime( #Premium ); mes "You should maximize it"; mes "Grind your skills and hunt now!"; close; P_NVM: mes "[^FF0000Clahador^000000]"; mes "Thank you!"; mes "Come Again!"; close; function    getPremiumTime    { set .@Time,getarg(0);     set .@SecondLeft,( .@Time % 60 );     set .@MinuteLeft,( .@Time / 60 % 60 );     set .@HourLeft,( .@Time / ( 60 * 60 ) % 24 );     set .@DayLeft,( .@Time / ( 24 * 60 * 60 ) );          set .@TimeLeft$,(( .@DayLeft )?.@DayLeft+" Day ":"" ) +                     (( .@HourLeft )?.@HourLeft+" Hrs ":"" ) +                     (( .@MinuteLeft )?.@MinuteLeft+" Min ":"" ) +                     (( .@SecondLeft )?.@SecondLeft+" Sec":"" );                      return "^FF0000"+.@TimeLeft$+"^000000"; } OnPCLoginEvent:     sc_end SC_EXPBOOST;     sc_end SC_JEXPBOOST;     sc_end SC_ITEMBOOST; if( #Premium > gettimetick(1) ){ sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,(( #Premium - gettimetick(1) ) * 1000 ),300; sc_start SC_JEXPBOOST,(( #Premium - gettimetick(1) ) * 1000 ),200; sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,(( #Premium - gettimetick(1) ) * 1000 ),200; dispbottom "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+", your Premium Time Left : "+getPremiumTime( #Premium ); } end; }    
    and the item script provided by clydelion
    { set #Premium,#Premium + ( 33 * 24 * 3600 ); },{},{}    
    Thank you guys <3
  2. Diconfrost VaNz's post in Pods to poring coin exchanger only was marked as the answer   
    try this and change the values and modify some codes on it
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