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Dies Irae

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Posts posted by Dies Irae

  1. No. The problem is simple. you need to open your database, go to the 'ragnarok' schema and load ./sql-files/logs.sql there.


    Therefore, you'll have 'loginlog', 'picklog', 'zenylog', and others, together in your 'ragnarok' schema. (the loginlog will be adjacent (in the same schema) with login, char, etc)


    Thank you.

    The issue about loginlog has been solved.

    I followed this guide and as you can read at poing #4 it says to create a new database called "log" and load/execute the logs.sql there (the Wiki lacked about infos so I decided to follow this guide to get the missing infos).

    One problem solved.


    The only issues I can state are:

    this warning on map-server [SOLVED: not really an issue. After more investigations seems is just a disabled component due to unsupported version of packetver of client]

    this SQL error "Table 'ragnarok.loginlog' doesn't exist" [SOLVED: Winz reply above is the solution; logs.sql must be loaded/execute into ragnarok SQL database]

    this error on debugging (MySQL still running; if off the shell window simply don't pop ups).

    • Cannot create a char with _M/F and login cause of the errors on thread title (also: my client won't recognize msgstringtable.txt till I put a copy into my client's data folder; my grf is made with Gryff, no errors).

    I'm still getting the debugging error and the client is still unable to connect due to authentication and rejected from server errors in title.

    These errors depends on SVN/SQL/local DB and configurations or client?

  2. I tried already to spoke the problem checking other posts into this board and even if few similar ones have been listed the solution didn't worked ... so for now still nothing.


    Following rA Wiki instructions I started doing anything. I have just some doubt about what sources to use but ... I will list them below here.


    rA: latest ... just downloaded with TortoiseGIT.

    Client: 2011-09-06aRagexeRE (yes, src/common/mmo.h has been modified properly to 20110906; client comes from Shin's DIFF and has been modified with a full and updated WeeDiffGen donwloaded with TortoiseSVN).

    Datafolder: using Alexandria's Data Folder v3.0 (since the client is older than 2012).

    Host: localhost (modified all IPs into conf files to; kept ports as default).

    I have compiled with MS VS 2010 Express (rAthena-10).

    I'm using conf/import folder (char_conf.txt | inter_conf.txt | login_conf.txt | map_conf.txt. To note: inter_conf.txt is used to save the _M/F enabled).


    login-server, map-server and char-server seems loading and working properly.


    The only issues I can state are:

    this warning on map-server

    this SQL error "Table 'ragnarok.loginlog' doesn't exist"

    this error on debugging (MySQL still running; if off the shell window simply don't pop ups).

    • Cannot create a char with _M/F and login cause of the errors on thread title (also: my client won't recognize msgstringtable.txt till I put a copy into my client's data folder; my grf is made with Gryff, no errors).


    DATA.ini is filled properly. Follows my clientinfo.xml ...

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>
    	<desc>Ragnarok Client Information</desc>
    	<hideaccountlist />
    	<passwordencrypt />
    	<passwordencrypt2 />
    	<extendedslot />
    	<readfolder />
    		<registrationweb>REGISTRATION URL HERE</registrationweb>



    I'm using too outdated sources? I should use one of most recent clients/diffs?

    Any help to solve or lead me to a more comprehnsive guide is welcome. For more details, screens, code quotes don't exitate to ask.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. (after a long time away from rA ... back reading here)


    Very very nice work.

    The item shop is great; I really love the player locator function at "Who is online" menu.

    Wondering if addons like WoE reports, Vending database or MvP/PvP ranks will be avaible too ... that would make it great.

    The only "problem" I've encountered is some headgear not fitting correctly the characters head on ladders and who is online pages. Still a minor problem, sure can be fixed quickly (KeyWorld release works perfectly to other users).


    Keep on working, hopeful you will meet some good Dev to help you.

    For free or for sale this feature will be pretty nice to have into a server.

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