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Posts posted by Mrew2

  1. I have this script that every two hours spawns one chest on a random map. When the chest is spawned, it adds one to a variable. When the server restarts, this variable is checked and for every set above 0, it spawns a chest. For example, if the variable is set to 11 before the server goes down, 11 chests will be spawned on server start up on a random map. Well... I've left my server on for quite a while and when I ended up shutting it down and turning it back on, it seems the variable is too large and thus the console thinks it is an infinity loop and thus ignores the npc after spawning a certain amount of chests. Is there a way to circumvent this without having to destroy chests?

  2. On 12/5/2016 at 6:42 AM, Stolao said:

    Personally I resolved this by making an array where the index is the Guild ID so something like 

    Line 287 of  https://github.com/Stolao/Npc_Release/blob/master/PvP_Ladder/Pvp_Ladder.txt

    In the script you linked, there can only be one top guild. Can this work with multiple guilds? I can give a general outline of what I want to do with this script because I think I did a poor job of articulating earlier.

    There will be two NPCs at each Castle Map, Pront/Payon/Geffen/Alde/Rachel/Yuno. Basically, they are going to be exactly like the Cats from renewal and the F2 guild dungeons. I noticed, at least with the current script, is that they only unlocked the dungeons for everybody instead of one particular guild. If it had, I would have just ripped the script from there. I want the guild leader to donate 10 million zeny to the 1st NPC and then that NPC will allow everybody in that guild to have access to the guild dungeon for the new 48 hours. Everybody in that guild can now talk to the 2nd NPC, who will teleport anybody, in the guild who donated, into the guild dungeon. I would also like other guilds to also be able to enter the dungeon at the same time with their own separate 48 hour timers.

    I can make a script with most of this but I can't figure out how to make a temporary 48 hour timer without a quest being set and I'm not sure how to attach this said 48 hour timer to a guild, rather than one specific player. That is what I need help with. =X

  3. Trying to make a script where a guild can donate X amount of money to unlock access to the Guild Dungeon for two days. Then, after the two days, they have to re-donate again. I seem to be having an issue with how to set a temporary variable to a bunch of players without setting a quest and whether or not this works on offline characters or not.

  4. Which client are you using now? 0807 should be able to provide every latest things other than Oktoberfest costume?

    Sorry, I figured it out. I'm an idiot. I didn't have a manner.txt in my custom grf and added one but I named it "manner.txt" but, instead of it saving it as a txt, it set the name as that. So the file name, including extension, was "manner.txt.txt" and so, as a result, the game resorted to the data.grf's manner.txt. I fixed the name and now it works properly. Thanks for trying to help me, unfortunately it was something so small.

  5. Have you tried diffing with different dated client or using different diff patcher? .xdiff / NEMO generator?

    I would but I actually really like this client. It seems the most stable out of most of the newer clients. =X


    You can try to set langtype 17 in your clientinfo.xml.

    It didn't work, unfortunately.

  6. Hey, I'm just looking for a normal pvp warper that gives players a menu of maps they can warp to, with the player count for each map next to it. No other modifications are necessary but welcomed nonetheless.

    Thank you. ^^

  7. What would, in your opinion, be the best host to purchase for an aspiring RO server? A server that can maintain 100 ~ 500 connections, DDOS protection, low ping for most international players, dedicated, and great price. I've been a bit overwhelmed while searching for the right host and would like to know other people's experiences and perspective on this.

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