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Posts posted by Hisouten

  1. Sorry, I forgot to include core.h. I've added clientinfo.xml as well, just in case.

    @hazimjauhari90 Well, it's not disabled in core.h, but as I've tried both with and without the option of disabling it in the client with NEMO, doesn't seem to be the case. If it comes down to it, I'll try changing it anyway.

    @sikiro The server has been recompiled after every change.

    @Ugur Ozturk As soon as I get back home, I'll try looking into another client to see if I can bypass it too.

    Thanks to everyone for the help so far.

  2. Hello rAthena,

    I've been trying to configure a small server with the latest revision of rAthena.

    Server-side, everything is working fine, I'm using the latest kRO (updated as of today), latest data from the translations in Git, and I am able to at least connect to the server, but I cannot login with the character I just created.

    I am "Rejected by the Server (3)". Mapserv shows the following line:

    [Info]: clif_parse: Disconnecting session #3 with unknown packet version (p:0x7bf0,l:19).

    I am using the 2013-08-07 Ragexe.


    #define PACKETVER 20130807

    packet_db.txt (tested with "default" instead of 46 and vice-versa)

    //packet_db_ver: 46
    packet_db_ver: 46
    packet_keys_use: default
    packet_ver: 45
    packet_keys: 0x7E241DE0,0x5E805580,0x3D807D80 // [Shakto]
    //0x363,8 // CZ_JOIN_BATTLE_FIELD
    //0x436,4 // CZ_GANGSI_RANK
    // Merge Item
    0x096E,-1,mergeitem_req,2:4 // CZ_REQ_MERGE_ITEM
    0x096F,7,ZC_ACK_MERGE_ITEM,2:4:6:7 // ZC_ACK_MERGE_ITEM
    0x0974,2,mergeitem_cancel,0 // CZ_CANCEL_MERGE_ITEM





    Finally, I have tested my client both with and without the "Disable Packet Encryption" option in NEMO.


    Any ideas on what might be going wrong?

    Or, perhaps, a place where I can find recent Ragexes to try another, more recent executable? I'd have no problem recompiling if a Ragexe change is needed.


    Thanks in advance!

    • Upvote 1
  3. Greetings!


    Ever since I updated my client, I had different palettes from the original ones I've been using, and I really miss them.

    The palettes I have now overwrite some of Gravity's hairstyles with weird-looking ones that don't even accept hair dyes. Also, some colours are changed, and I liked the old ones better.

    The ones I miss so much are the ones one can find here in Ratemyserver's char simulator. The dyes are Amber's, Looney's and Kowai's dyes (as you can see below).

    Also, my server has the Rebellion class - it'd be great if these palettes worked for them, too!


    Here's the link to the simulator:



    And here's an example comparing a current clothes dye to a previous one...


    This is how I used to look like, dye 319:



    And this is how I look now, same dye 319:



    Any help is greatly appreciated. Bonus appreciation if Gravity's latest hairstyles are dyeable and if colours past 8 don't have the little 'mouth stain' or 'super black eyes' bug.

    Thank you very much in advance!




  4. Bump, anyone?


    These past weeks I have tried reinstalling and updating everything countless times to no avail. The closest I got to make it work was with CalciumKid's version of Flux, which brought me the following issue and doubt:


    Is it ready to run in a renewal environment or does it require any specific config to do so? It's distributed as a renewal flux, but whenever I manage to partially (because my original problems remain) install it, it still asks me for all the pre-re dbs (such as item_db, when I believe it should be checking my item_db_re db instead, which I have uploaded).


    Secondly, it has been last authored in 2012. Is it not missing important updates, fixes or features I'll be missing in the long run?


    Thanks again in advance, any help would be appreciated.

  5. @Fenix

    Sorry, I don't understand your question.



    I had found your topic and followed your guide before. This time, I found something different in step 8 (I had set privileges by going to my server's database then adding all privileges to the user 'root', this time I did it exactly as it is told, and added the database-specific privileges through the main privileges options). So I did it this other way this time around, but still no success. Yes, the user is 'root'@'%'.

    What's worse (or better, I wouldn't know), I, once again, tried deleting my whole 'cp' folder and re-downloading Flux from GitHub ( https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP ) then reconfiguring it for a clean install with your guide. Here's what happens when I visit:




    Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in C:\...\cp\lib\Flux\Config.php on line 113

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\Program Files (x86)\VertrigoServ\www\cp\lib\Flux\Config.php:113) in C:\...\cp\lib\Flux\Template.php on line 791




    Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in C:\...\cp\lib\Flux\Config.php on line 113

    Warning: Flux_Template::include(themes//errors/missing_view.php) [flux-template.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\...\www\cp\lib\Flux\Template.php on line 363

    Warning: Flux_Template::include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'themes//errors/missing_view.php' for inclusion (include_path='lib;.;C:\Program Files (x86)\VertrigoServ\Smarty') in C:\...\cp\lib\Flux\Template.php on line 363


    I'm starting to think Flux is a living being and it's toying with my feelings. Did I fall deeper into the pitch-black hole of non-Fluxing or is this actually an easier error to fix or something?



    This may be a matter of lack of sleep, extreme bad luck, perhaps a curse, or maybe simply divine punishment for previous lives I've led wrong, but the way I see it, most guides I find are useful and help most users just fine. 'Most' users because there's me, and I'm pretty skilled at overlooking minor yet critical details or summoning accursed fortune to ruin the simplest of tasks or events. :(

  6. Greetings!


    I've been playing around with Thor Patcher, and so far it's working great... I think. I've been able to patch my GRF just fine, but I'm having some trouble with adding cloned maps and custom BGM to my client.


    For custom maps, I've done the hard way already. I've extracted the maps I wanted to clone from the original data.grf, renamed all of them and their minimap bmp, re-added them to my server's GRF and I could access them in-game with no issues at all.

    However, searching around, I found about resnametable.txt, which is supposed to do exactly what I did, but the RIGHT way. Except I've added my map clones (following exact instructions from http://rathena.org/wiki/Resnametable ) and when I tried going to one of my cloned maps, I just got a 'missing file' error and the client crashed.

    Here's an example of my edits, using an imaginary example map:



    //Place your custom maps with a starting ID here.
    example	1250


    //------------------------- Extra Maps ---------------------------
    map: example



    I've added my maps both to db/map_index.txt and conf/maps_athena.conf. What about mapcache.exe? Is there something I'm missing?

    Next thing I tried to do was add custom BGMs to one of the extra maps I've been trying to clone. That's ok, no biggie, and here is...




    But my question is: how do I configure Thor to patch the BGM folder (that's outside my GRF)? I've tried changing the output when using ThorGenerator, but even if I select the /BGM option it still won't add the file to the BGM folder (maybe it creates something somewhere still inside the .grf, but that's not what I want). I've tried to create a patch with a 'bgm' folder containing my custom .mp3 and then setting the output to [root], but that didn't work either.


    Any help with any of these subjects is very much appreciated.

    I guess this is solved, so the topic may be closed.


    I think I just needed a night's rest. I deleted everything and started a new patch with the very same configs and everything worked as it should. I must've thought I did something I didn't or whatever.

  7. Thanks for the suggestion Fenix, but unfortunately it won't work.


    I cannot even follow the installation instructions for the addon, since it requires a properly installed FluxCP in step 3. In any case, I tried moving the content_management folder to my addons folder (just in case), but I keep getting the same error as before. I really don't get why the CP won't install when I first access it, it makes no sense.


    Any other ideas?

  8. ! Sorry for posting in the wrong section: I couldn't create new topics in the Web Support forum for unknown reasons.


    Greetings rAthena,


    I've been trying to install FluxCP, but I'm getting weird errors everywhere. I've downloaded the latest Flux from http://rathena.github.io/FluxCP/ , and then installed it in my www/ folder. Afterwards, I configured both config/application.php and config/servers.php (only minimal editsto set it running). They're like this:



    	'ServerAddress'				=> 'localhost',				// This value is the hostname:port under which Flux runs. (e.g., example.com or example.com:80)
    	'BaseURI'					=> 'cp',						// The base URI is the base web root on which your application lies.
    	'InstallerPassword'			=> 'whatever',		// Installer/updater password.
    	'RequireOwnership'			=> true,					// Require the executing user to be owner of the FLUX_ROOT/data/ directory tree? (Better for security)
    	'DebugMode'					=> true,					// Set to false to minimize technical details from being output by Flux. WARNING: DO NOT USE THIS OPTION ON A PUBLICALLY-ACCESSIBLE CP.


    			'Username'   => 'myusername',
    			'Password'   => 'mypassword',
    			'Database'   => 'myserverdatabase',

    Quite obviously, 'InstallerPassword', 'Username', 'Password' and 'Database' above contain dummy values. However, I'm pretty sure they are correct ('InstallerPassword' cannot even BE wrong, can it), since I've used CeresCP before (and it worked perfectly), the username specified has full privileges, all that stuff.


    On to the actual error, the problem is that it won't install. From reading tutorials or watching videos on how to install Flux, the next step would be to access localhost/cp/ through the browser, and then it'd install (and ask me for the 'InstallerPassword' and all. That is not happening. Instead, the CP shows up as if it had been installed, and everything displays correctly (or almost), but none of the links work at all, and instead, I get the following message:


    Missing View!

    Module: install, Action: index

    Request URI: /cp/?module=install

    File system location: C:/Program Files (x86)/VertrigoServ/www/cp/themes/install/index.php


    That's for the main page and won't change no matter which link I click. Then, I've read somewhere (sorry, I cannot remember what topic I was in) that I should delete data/schemas/charmapdb and data/schemas/logindb should this be my first installation. If I do that, the CP seems to work at first (yet still no install) - the home message changes to a heartwarming green message that reads:


    Flux Control Panel

    If you are seeing this page, it's likely that you've successfully installed Flux.

    Would you like to change this page? Well, here's how you can:

    1. Open "C:\Program Files (x86)\VertrigoServ\www\cp\themes\default\main\index.php" in your text editor.

    2. Edit the file from your editor and save your changes.


    However, a lot is broken. A few examples are the News, Downloads and Item Database links. Whenever clicked, they display the "Critical Error" screen, and their errors read, respectively:


    Message: MySQL error (SQLSTATE: 42S02, ERROR: 1146): Table 'myserverdatabase.cp_cmsnews' doesn't exist

    Message: MySQL error (SQLSTATE: 42S02, ERROR: 1146): Table 'myserverdatabase.cp_cmspages' doesn't exist

    Message: MySQL error (SQLSTATE: 42S02, ERROR: 1146): Table 'myserverdatabase.cp_itemshop' doesn't exist


    Now, from what little I understand, I'd say I'm missing those cp_* tables in my server database. I... think.


    So... what ARE those databases? Where do I find the .sql files I should import them from? Is this even the issue? Why won't Flux show its install page like it does in those fairy tale video tutorials?

    Any light on these problems, no matter how dim, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  9. Through phpMyAdmin, you could go to your ragnarok database, and in your 'chars' table, find the character you want to reset.

    Then, look for a column named 'fame' - it should contain the amount of points the character has earned in its specific ranking (it's the same for alchemists and blacksmiths). Edit that column only to '0' and the character should have its ranking reset.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Navigate to your server's conf/battle/drops.conf and look for the following lines:

    // The rate adjustment for card-granted item drops.
    item_rate_adddrop: 100
    item_drop_add_min: 1
    item_drop_add_max: 10000

    Then edit the first value to your liking (100 is 1x rate, 1000 would be ten times easier, 10 ten times harder et cetera).

  11. The hard(-coded) way: You could try altering their skills' formulae in your server's source, and then recompiling.


    If you don't want to mess with the source, or maybe just need an easier way to increase their overall damage (not only skills), you could edit job-specific items in your db/(pre-)re/item_db.txt and add something like Atk or AtkRate to suit your needs.

    Since they're Gunslingers and Ninja, I imagine that'd be possible and have no collateral damage, as firearms are exclusive to Gunslingers and Ninjas have exclusive daggers/fuumas.


    Changing item weight can also be done in that same file. It follows this structure:

    ID,AegisName,Name,Type,Buy,Sell,Weight,ATK,DEF,Range,Slots,Job,Class,Gender,Loc,wLV,eLV,Refineable,View,{ Script },{ OnEquip_Script },{ OnUnequip_Script }

    So you only need to find the items you want to lower the weight on, and edit the seventh value there to your liking. Balancing is another matter. :P

  12. Server-side, you need to properly set the item up in your db/item_db2.txt. Taking a look at an existing card:

    4001,Poring_Card,Poring Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,16,,,,,{ bonus bLuk,2; bonus bFlee2,1; },{},{}
    ID,AegisName,Name,Type,Buy,Sell,Weight,ATK,DEF,Range,Slots,Job,Class,Gender,Loc,wLV,eLV,Refineable,View,{ Script },{ OnEquip_Script },{ OnUnequip_Script }

    So you'd take an unused ID and edit values to your liking (Type will always be 6, which is card, and Loc defines where it'll be equipped). As you can see, a lot of values are null, since cards have no ATK or Job, but you can still change its weight, sell value, etc.

    { Script },{ OnEquip_Script },{ OnUnequip_Script }

    These are what actually determine what your card will do. Usually by looking at existing cards, these will prove easy to edit and play with.


    Client-side, you'll need to update your ItemInfo.lub (assuming you're using one of the newer clients) with a new entry for your new card, and I'd guess it follows the same rules as other items (not sure about this part):

    [<item id>] = {
       unidentifiedDisplayName = <item name to show when not magnified>,
       unidentifiedResourceName = <file name prefix used for all the images and drop sprite when not magnified>,
       unidentifiedDescriptionName = { <comma separated list of strings>,<to get multiple lines>,<in item description> },
       identifiedDisplayName = <item name to show when magnified>,
       identifiedResourceName = <file name prefix used for all the images and drop sprite when magnified>,
       identifiedDescriptionName = { <same format as unidentifiedDescriptionName but for magnified items> },
       slotCount = <number of slots>,
       ClassNum = <View ID - yes the same one that was there item_db>

    Finally, you add the custom card image to your data folder in data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/cardbmp.


    I'm not really sure how and if Shadow Equipment works, but it's about those extra slots in your character's equipment info (the other tab). As far as I know, the upper ones were used for costume headgears (headgears with no effects that replace your equipped items' sprites... just for the looks), and now there are slots for every piece of equipment.


    Hope these were useful somehow, and good luck!

  13. Thanks a lot for the support!


    I've downloaded everything from your post, and indeed, it all works. I've extracted the client, added the separate data and BGM folders, and launched the basic client as instructed, and I've managed to connect successfully, and everything is in English.

    I only have one small issue (sorry if it's answered somewhere already, I've tried Client Support but didn't find it): sometimes, when I load a map, be it logging in to the game or simply changing maps, my cursor goes useless. I can move it normally, but I can't click on anything - cannot walk, cannot attack, cannot click buttons or items. Alt+tabbing seems to return the clicking functions, but it keeps happening as I keep changing maps, so it's pretty bothersome. I've played in another server that had this same issue... is this something we cannot fix (version/client thing) or is there a way to correct this?

    By the way, I didn't change the iteminfo.lua nor anything in the data folder besides clientinfo.xml (I have no customs whatsoever).


    As for finally setting up my client:

    - Can I patch my own 2013-08-07a in NEMO again so I have my desired patches on, and working with your kRO client?

    - Is this data folder ready to be converted to my server's GRF?

    - Should I need to create a .zip/.rar only for my server's files (assuming the player already has a kRO client), is the data folder (and/or grfs), system folder, data.ini and the executable all I need to provide separately?


    I'm pretty much assuming these would all work, but I've grown afraid of messing with anything after this past week of suffering, so I've decided to ask first, before things blow up :(


    Again, thank you for the awesome help so far.

  14. You could try using...

    sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,duration,%;

    ...on the player you want the exp increased. I don't know of any way to permanently change a specific character's exp rate, but if you use something like the Battle Manual's effect, I'm pretty sure it would work. Adjust the duration and amount as needed.

  15. Talvez você tenha um nível de acesso superior ao configurado para não mostrar na lista, pois essa é uma configuração padrão do Ceres. Ou isso, ou você estava em horário de WoE, mas neste caso deveria ter aparecido uma mensagem.


    @off-topic: Sorry for the non-English post, but since I could read the issue, I tried helping anyway.

  16. If the Silk Robe was working with no problems at all (you could right-click on it and everything), then the missing file is probably the rune's.


    Maybe the item exists in your item_db, but not in your data folder/grf (it's located in data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/item). That is the folder for the item images we see in the inventory. The "¿ëÀÇ?¸Á?È«.bmp" missing file is probably the rune's icon. And should you want to add it manually, the image must have the transparency-pink background (Rgb:255,0,255 / Hex:#FF00FF) and be in .bmp format. Hope this helps!

  17. I'm not sure, but I would guess it has something to do with the animation frames, and how a higher ASPD shortens the opportunity of double-casting Cross Impact.

    At least the way I see it, it's also easier to chain a second CI the lower my ASPD is, so maybe it has something to do with ASPD-based skill cooldowns, and how a higher than 180 ASPD makes it impossible for the player to even try and time a second cast after the initial global cooldown period.


    I hope this helps to shed some light on the matter. Cheers!

  18. Greetings!


    I'm lost in client issues. I've gone here and there and everywhere and I'm starting to lose it. I'm not an absolute beginner at patching clients and all, but I'll admit the ones I've done so far that worked were by fate's kind hands. In any case, here's what I've done:


    I've downloaded the latest revision for rAthena. Configs are done (well, at least the basics), the source was properly edited and the server was compiled. It is running with no problems whatsoever. Mmo.h has been properly set up to allow client 20130807, with a MAX-PACKET-something of 46 (server reads 45). Db/packet_db.txt is also configured to allow my client. So that's good.


    With the Ragexe in hands, I've tried patching it with xDiff to no success, some patches didn't apply properly at the time, and the client didn't work.

    Then I tried NEMO. At first, I couldn't apply some of the patches as well, but then I read somewhere about the support/lua files/*, so I updated those with the newest I could find, and the client was successfully patched afterwards. Depending on the patches I select (or some other unknown reason), the client won't work, and I get an "missing .DLL file" error of some sort (it really says ".DLL", like the dll has no name). I also wanted to rename and hide my data.ini (tried changing the extension) but I've since abandoned the idea for a safer bet. In any case, I've managed to switch a few patches and I'm now using the executable without renaming or chaning its icon, and it works.


    Next, I tried finding an updated data and system folders. The ones I've currently tried are the data v4.0 and the latest revision from Translation Project. For the system (lua/lub) files, I've tried using the ones contained in these data releases, as well as those found in ossi0110's Full Client Release for my Ragexe.


    I have probably tried every single combination of these folders and files, and none of them work. The erros I get are diverse: sometimes it's missing .lub files, sometimes I just get blank error pop-ups, some other time the Setup.exe would reappear forever, and at times the client simply did not connect at all (no "wrong packet" or not even failed login attempts in the server prompts). The only time the client DID work, was when I patched it so it would read the data folder directly, but as soon as I logged in, several "missing files" errors would show up, and lastly, when I tried to test the Rebellion class (@job 4215), the client finally crashed.


    After so many tries and so little success, I'm at a loss, I don't know where things are going wrong, maybe everywhere. I'm just pretty sure there is no problem server-side, but this accursed client won't work no matter what I try. I would appreciate any insight, link for updated (working) files, anything that gets it working (just please, no "premade" clients, I really want to learn how to do it myself).


    Just in case, here are the links from where I've downloaded the files or tools I've mentioned, should anyone want to verify them.

    rAthena revision: https://github.com/rathena/rathena

    Current Ragexe: http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/

    The .xdiff used: http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/Diffs/

    NEMO: https://github.com/MStr3am/NEMO

    Data v4: http://rathena.org/board/topic/66962-basic-complete-renewal-data-english-folder/

    Translation Project data: https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation

    ossi0110's release: http://hercules.endlessro.net/



    I thank everyone in advance for the help.

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