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Posts posted by rakaji


    yea i saw that guide but i think its a mix of the server and client side and cant figure out where i should start there because i think i have done some of the stuff he already did

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  2. I am stuck here where it says 


    After you have finished compiling rAthena, you can set it up for use. There will be four files that we will concentrate on. Any settings we change in these files should always be moved to the relevant import folder files. If your compiler hasn't already made a copy of the conf/import-tmpl folder and named it /trunk/conf/import do that now.

    Using the /conf/import/ folder (conf/import-tmpl/)

    In this folder, you can 'import' your settings into each of the respected files. All you need is each parameter. When you do this, your settings will never be overwritten when you need to update your SVN, as the import folder is built once. You can throw all of your settings in here and they will remain as they are, and will read AFTER the main settings, which means these settings will take priority.


    is it saying make a new folder and copy the import-tmpl into a trunk then conf then import folder? and then after that is says


    First, you will need to set an intercommunication password and user. This is one of the most important steps to securing your server.

    In order for the char-server to accept commands and packets from the login server, and for the map-server to accept commands and packets from the char-server they have to 'log-in' to each other, using the Server Communication passwords. You MUST set these to something other than defaults, but you can set them to random characters, as long as they are the same in the three places they appear in, which are: conf/char_athena.confconf/map_athena.conf and your login sql table. They are defaulted to s1/p1, and MUST be changed.

    Changes must be made to the import folder to ensure proper upgradability. A good habit to get into when working with SVN. Simply copy and paste the lines you wish to alter from the .conf file to the relevant .txt file in the import folder. Your trunk/conf/import/char_athena.txt and trunk/conf/import/map_athena.txt files should look as follows, with no changes made to conf/char_athena.conf orconf/map_athena.conf


    Am i supposed to use the newly created char and map or the originals I edited before with the wan and lan IPs



    is there a video guide on how to make a server anywhere that is updated?

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