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Posts posted by acidcooler

  1. ok, I check the script commands and I figured a work around for this.


    So I replaced that atcommand line for these:


    atcommand "@adjgroup 5";
    vip_time 1440*15,strcharinfo(0);
    atcommand "@reloadpcdb";


    Now it works fine.

    But anyway, my question still remains.... Why the atcommand on the npc script for the @vip doesn't work ??????

  2. atcommand "@vip +15d "+strcharinfo(0)+"";


    I'm trying to use this command on a NPC script, but it doesn't work!!!

    The linux console output gives me a Debug warning for this NPC when I use it.

    If a GM types this command manually, it works fine!


    Can anyone help me please?

  3. Hi There,


    Recently, I have updated and activated the Rathena VIP system.

    Now, I have build a new NPC to exchange CashPoints for VIP status.



    //===== Config =====
    set $precogmct,300; // Price (in CashPoints) for 15 days
    set $daysweek,15; //15 days for 2 weeks VIP


    function script vipct {
    mes "I can provide you "+$daysweek+" days of VIP subscription in exchange for "+$precogmct+" CashPoints";
    mes "What do you thing?";
    if(select("Yes, I want IT!!:No, not for now.") == 2) close;
    if(#CASHPOINTS < $precogmct){
      mes "You don't have enough CASHPOINTS!! Come back later.";

    if(getgroupid() == 0 || getgroupid() == 5){
      set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999);
       mes "Are you sure you want to exchange ^FF0000"+$precogmct+"^000000 CashPoints? If your 100% sure type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000.";
       input .@Finalize;
       if(.@Finalize!=.@RandomFinalize) {
        mes "You really should thing about it First!.";
      atcommand "@vip +"+$daysweek+"d "+strcharinfo(0);
      //set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS - $precogmct;
      mes "Thank you very Much! We have added "+$daysweek+" days of VIP subscription to your account!";

    mes "Your account level doesn't allow me to give you VIP status. Only normal and VIP account can have VIP status!";


    However, the atcommand line doesn't work.

    This is suposed to make a @vip +15d mycharname.


    Can anyone figure it our why doesn't work?




  4. OK, after a lot of tests I have realized the following:


    - With the original scripts loaded and Woe_controller from Euphy Disabled I had the following symptoms:

      - With WoE NOT started, all the castles had Monsters and Emperium on it.

      - As soon as I give "agitstart" and "agitstart2" all the castles kept the Emperiums ON but the monsters had disappeared.

      - By ending the Woe with "Agitend" and "Agitend2", the Emperiums have remained and the monsters had never spawned back.


      - From here on, as much as I started or stop the Woe manually or through Euphy controller, the castles remained always the same: Emperium always ON, monsters always OFF.


    So, I found in another topic someone mentioning about raising the value on /src/map/map.h in #define MAX_EVENTQUEUE 2. So I have raised to 5.

    Besides this, I tried to downgrade the file /npc/guild/agit_main.txt from version 2.0 to 1.9a

    and enabling again the Woe_controller from Euphy and disable the original controllers again (//== npc\guild\agit_controller.txt //== npc\guild2\agit_start_se.txt).


    After recompiling the server, it seems that everything started working as expected.

    Now I found that the Woe system seems to be different from my previous experiences around 8 years ago.


    With WOE turned OFF, all the non-taken castles, have Emperium and Monsters spawned all the time, allowing anyone trying to conquer the castle at any time, however the GvG is OFF.

    As soon as WoE starts, the castles that weren't set to be part of the WoE session, won't allow anyone to enter.

    The other ones that were set to be on the Woe session, got available to conquer.

    When a castle gets conquered (during or not WoE sessions), the emperium only show UP, when that castle is part of the current WoE session, and those conquered castles won’t have monsters anymore.


    So, I’m not quite sure if this is the current behavior of the nowadays WoE systems, but seems to work fine.


    As part of the problem resolution, I’m also not quite sure if it got solved due to the script downgrade (agit_main.txt from version 2.0 to 1.9a) or the changed value on the map.h.


    If anyone else had the same problem, please leave a post saying how you solved it and if by any chance, some part of my solution helped.

  5. Hi Everyone,


    Recently, I have started the WoE_controller (from Euphy) on my server, and I DO HAVE the original scripts disabled:

    //== npc\guild\agit_controller.txt
    //== npc\guild2\agit_start_se.txt


    Everything seems to work right, except the Spawning monsters on the old castles (Prontera, Payon, Aldebaran and Geffen).

    I mean, when the WOE starts, the "old" unconquered castles remain empty, only the Emperium get spawned.

    On the New castles in Arunafeltz and Schwarzwald the monsters appears correclty!

    Nothing was changed on the agit_main.txt neither on the agit_main_se.txt.


    Schedules times, Emperium spawns and flags are all behaving correctly.


    Can anyone help me with this one?


    Thanks in Advance!



  6. Mr peopleperson,


    I'm quite noob in all of this rathena server modifications, however, I have appreciated a lot your scripts.

    I took the Security Manager and I found out some bugs on it.


    The major one, while deleting the password account, is set #AccountPW$,0; and I changed it to set #AccountPW$,""; otherwise, the next logon will require a password which was changed to 0 instead of "NULL".

    I also changed the @security command idea for an NPC in prontera to manage the menu.

    Last but not least, in case of the player didn't create the security password, he will receive a private announce at logon.


    The only thing left for now is the password size check, so that it could always be between 4 and 16 characters as mentioned on the help.


    I will leave here my version for your check: Security_Manager.txt




  7. Hello everybody,


    I need some help regarding the visual aspect ratio on blind and poison effect for widescreens.

    Right now, when I zoom out, I got a black square in the middle of the screen (pink square for poison effect).

    I've searched alot on this problem, and it seems alot a people have the same issue, but I couldn't find any answer for this.


    I'm kind of noob here, and I'm doing a private Rathena server for me and my friends, but I would like to get the blind and poison effect on the hole widescreen.

    I've fund some way to clear the blind effect by changing the color on the fullb.tga and white02.bmp files. Is there a way to leave the same color (white) but extend it for bigger screen resolutions?


    I'm using the last trunk version for the server and the EXE from 2013-08-07. (Everything else works great!)


    Can anyone help me or point me to a direction so I can solve this?


    Thanks in advance.



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