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Posts posted by Quicksilver

  1. Is it possible that when using the "Union" skill of the Star Gladiator, the src will do a check of an item if it has the ability to null the effect of removing the SC_SPIRIT status?

    Say I have an item that says "Always be on Soul Link status." Once you've equipped this item, There is no reason that your SC_SPIRIT status will end. I am having trouble with this because the Union skill cancels out this status once you've casted it.

    By the way: I am using this:

    sc_start4 SC_SPIRIT,600000,5,448,0,1;

    I know this is wrong also because the effect is for 10 minutes only. Anyway, my big problem is the cancelling out due to the "Union" skill.

    Please help.

  2. 29 diff options Sir Judas.

    Allow Chat Flood - 10

    Always Call SelectKoreaClientInfo()

    Chat @-Bug

    Custom Window Title

    Disable 1rag1 & 1sak1

    Disable Hallucination Wavy Screen

    Disable HShield

    Disable Nagle Algorithm

    Disable RagexeRE Filename Check

    Disable Swear Filter

    Enable DNS Support

    Enable Multiple GRFs

    Enable Official Custom Fonts

    Enable Title Bar Menu

    Enforce Official Login Background

    Ignore Missing File Errors

    Ignore Missing Pallete Errors

    Increase Headgear View ID - 30000

    Increase Zoom Out 50%

    Read Data Folder First

    Read msgstringtable.txt

    Read questid2display.txt

    Remove Gravity Ads

    Remove Gravity Logo

    Remove Serial Display

    Restore Login Window

    Skip License Screen

    Translate Client Into English

    Use Ragnarok Icon

  3. Assuming you are using lub files, reading from a data folder and of course you want them in english:

    1. SVN here > http://svn6.assembla...a_Project/lubs/

    2. I suggest you use the client available within this list. Choose the translated lub files for your client.

    3. Download it and extract to a folder.

    4. Open srcluafiles514lua files.

    5. Rename all files on this folder and all subfolders from *.lua to *.lub.

    6. Copy srcluafiles514 to your data folder so that when you open your data folder in your RO directory, you will see luafiles514.

  4. So it was a typo :) I was banging my head for a couple of hours there...

    I've applied the patch and corrected this error also but I am having issues with compiling like this also

    trunksrcmapstatus.c(7821): warning C4002: too many actual parameters for macro 'pc_isriding'

    The compiling succeeded but in game, I cannot remove carts. Any solution on this?

  5. I've been reading this topic from eathena.


    I was wondering if i can tweak this up to have the features below:

    • Can add cards on the array and that card has a certain point. Say for example a Fabre Card which I delegate 1 point.
    • Cards which have a great effect when equipped say Vesper Card has higher points say 5 for example.
    • These cards which have points delegated to them will be read by the function attached to the card by their OnEquip_Script & OnUnequip_Script.
    • OnEquip_Script: The function will add the points that it will calculate from the equipment that is being equipped say: When a player equips a weapon with 2 Fabre Cards in anywhere of the weapon's slots a dispbottom function will display "You have accumulated 2 points in your card limit points total." Equiping a headgear with Vesper Card after equipping the Double Vital weapon will show another dispbottom function stating the addition of 5 points to the total limit like this: "You have accumulated 7 points in your card limit points total." Since 2 Fabre Cards + 1 Vesper Card is equals to (2 x 1 point) + 5 points = 7 points total.
    • OnUnequip_Script: In contrast to the OnEquip_Script, the function will subtract your total card points when you unequipped an equipment with cards that have points assigned to them. Say, taking into consideration that you have equipped the latter items of 7 points in total, you removed the Double Vital weapon. The total points left is 5 for the Vesper Card that remained equipped. Same thing, a dispbottom function will display "You have accumulated 5 points in your card limit points total."
    • There will be of course a limit to the total points for example i take 15 as the ceiling number or max points of cards a character can carry and add another card say: Fallen Bishop Hibram Card for example with 10 points assigned to it. With 7 points in total and you equip a shoe with a Fallen Bishop Hibram Card attached to it, a dispbottom function will display something like "Equipping this item is not allowed since this will exceed the allowable card points limit" since 7+10 = 17 which is greater than the 15 point limit and will restrict the player to equip the item.



  6. Thank you for the replies. What I meant is that if you click the "School of Fish" npc, you will fish continuously.

    Picture out continuous fishing cast. Fish>get item, fish>get item without clicking it again. The purpose is to fish while afk'ing.

    Anyway, I'll try also to think of this. I'm just new here. Thanks!

  7. 1. on the first line:

    - script hourlypoints -1,{

    2. delete the spaces between them:


    3. then, place the your cursor between where the original gaps were supposed to be then press TAB key:

    - script hourlypoints -1,{

    Please try if this works.

  8. Hi.

    I've been playing around adding custom weapons and I can say that I have more than 10 in my item database right now. I am just having problems on the .act files not showing the correct one for the class which is holding the particular weapon.

    To simplify the problem, I will illustrate an example:

    Note that I tested this for the following clients:

    - 20111111

    - 20111102

    - 20120307

    - 20120328

    1. I have two sets of .act files for a single weapon namely:

    , and


    2. I have also placed them on their respective locations inside the data folder namely:

    for the first .act file at number 1 (1.1.)

    for the second .act file at number 1 (1.2)

    (Note that I have same file names of the .act files above although they are .spr also in these folders)

    3. Examining and summarizing the files, a regular spriter will have the conclusion that:

    3.1. The first . act file is for a Shura class and the second one is for a Champion class.

    3.2. I am using item ID 1849 for a claw class weapon.

    3.3. Both files are views for a single weapon although will show different .acts once it is equipped by a Shura or a Champion

    4. Scenario:

    4.1. When I equip the custom weapon with item ID 1849 for a Champion, the .act file that I placed originally on the
    was recognized correctly.

    4.2. This does not happen to the Shura class. The .act file for the Champion is still the one being read.

    Does it mean that the client does not read the directories for the third class weapon sprites or it's just me who used the wrong folder for a Shura? I think it will not be the latter since I know that I am using a correct one.

    Any suggestion will make my day.


  9. I am going to try this now. Will post asap what will happen. Thanks Judas.

    I have now connected to my server.

    Funny I used the contents on your post #6:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>




    <hideaccountlist /><extendedslot /><readfolder /><passwordencrypt /><passwordencrypt2 />


    <display>Sakray Client</display>

    <desc>Sakray Client</desc>





    <balloon>Sakray Client</balloon>






    ... and made a new clientinfo.xml. I just changed the langtype to 0 and placed it to my custom grf which is the first to be read at DATA.ini prior to the data.grf and rdata.grf. I erased the clientinfo.xml which is originally to be read at the data folder since I diffed the client with "Read Data Folder First".

    It seems the client went straight ahead to read the clientinfo.xml inside the first grf written in the DATA.ini instead of the one inside the data folder.

  10. Here is my clientinfo.xml. I am using read data folder first.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>






    <balloon>Chrome Renewal Server</balloon>

    <desc>Chrome Renewal Server</desc>













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