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Posts posted by Delusion

  1. Hi there guys,

    Could anyone give me a King of Emperium working script?
    Like when you own the emperium, you can't reattack it.
    Starts every 4 hours and all guild members get a prize of choice ( ID Can be changed in the script ).
    If anyone has it please share, I can't find it on the forums & I lost my file haha ( stupid! ) 

  2. Could someone make me a script to bindatcmd @afk?
    Like a player typs @afk and it logs him out the server but his character stays ingame.

    When someone pms him it says : This player is offline, pm him when he's back online!

    Thanks in advance 

  3. Hey guys!

    Whenever I click on a character ( Like : Accounts > Char name this error appears, I have global_acc_reg_num and the global_acc_reg_str in my SQL and all the CP_ files.


    Critical Error

    An error was encountered during the lifetime of the application.

    This could be due to a variety of problems, such as a bug in the application.

    However, normally it is caused by misconfiguration.

    Exception Details

    Error: Flux_Error

    Message: MySQL error (SQLSTATE: 42S02, ERROR: 1146): Table 'trincli0988.global_reg_value' doesn't exist

    File: /home/scythero/public_html/lib/Flux/Connection/Statement.php:27

    File Line Function/Method /home/scythero/public_html/modules/character/view.php 67 Flux_Connection_Statement::execute() /home/scythero/public_html/lib/Flux/Template.php 375 include() /home/scythero/public_html/lib/Flux/Dispatcher.php 170 Flux_Template::render() /home/scythero/public_html/index.php 177 Flux_Dispatcher::dispatch() Exception Trace As String

    #0 /home/scythero/public_html/modules/character/view.php(67): Flux_Connection_Statement->execute(Array)
    #1 /home/scythero/public_html/lib/Flux/Template.php(375): include('/home/scythero/...')
    #2 /home/scythero/public_html/lib/Flux/Dispatcher.php(170): Flux_Template->render()
    #3 /home/scythero/public_html/index.php(177): Flux_Dispatcher->dispatch(Array)
    #4 {main}


    Why is this error appearing?

    Anyone has a solution?

    Would be really thankful !



  4. Hello Delusion! I will try to explain to you how to do that, sorry for my bad english.


    First of all create a Dir that contain your spr files. Eg: data\sprite\Àΰ£Á·\¸öÅë\¿©\yourfiles.spr


    Into thor patcher select your grf that you want to update and select a locate that you will save your .thor file(output).


    When you create your dir with your files in order like i say above, select Directory option and browse up to your folder(that you created with your files) like that...



    Dont forget to select ASCII or Unicode, i use personally only use ASCII.


    Then click on generate, and your .thor will be ready.


    That is the first time i help someone there, if im wrong please correct me xD



    Does it have to contain all my sprite files the folder? or only these i'm going to patch.. 

    Thank you very much for responding tho.

  5. How can I make a headgear box? I have a custom box already.

    I just want it to give a random headgear ( that i add to the list ) once I open it.

    Like I open "rathena headgear box" i want it to give a random headgear I've put to the list or where ever.

  6. A npc that shows which mvps are killed ( and when they're back up if possible! ).

    Also a built in mvp ranking system that shows the top 10 mvp killers ( with the amount that they killed ).


    Does anyone have this script and want to share it with me?
    I'll be really happy!  /no1



    Lower skill cap for monks in skill_tree_db.txt

    Make sure you do acolytes as well since they learn 10 when you job change level will not go down.

    Thanks for responding so fast, will priest/high priest have it level 10 if I edit acolyte + monk?

    Hope to hear back from you again.

    Yes however they will have to add some of there own skill points into it


    Thank you very much mate.

    Fixed it :D.



    // ------------------------ Instances ---------------------------
    //npc: npc/instances/SealedShrine.txt
    npc: npc/instances/EndlessTower.txt
    npc: npc/instances/OrcsMemory.txt
    npc: npc/instances/NydhoggsNest.txt

    Disable it by commenting it out. SealedShrine is the instance that give Large Bapho Horns


    Yeah , i knew that but is there any Npc's that like it ? quests or things that gives player things like this & thx


    It's the sealed shrine quest, you have to disable it there at npc/instances/ or you have to open the SealedShrine.txt and disable the final NPC ( which rewards the players ).

    I would rather disabled Sealed Shrine instance ;)

  9. I'm not sure if that's going to work Exide, if the file originally was called prontera.rsw then the pprontera.rsw won't work.

    Because inside the RSW file the map is called prontera.rsw, or you'll have to get a rsw editor.


    What I would do is, make a backup of original prontera.gat/gnd/rsw

    And replace the one in grf with ur custom prontera!

    You can always patch the normal one in if you want that :D.

  10. i am working on test server. rathena.git latest client 2012-10-14

    No Errors yet.


    Problem 1 = But my character getting stuck @go15 Beginner Base Ground

    Problem 2 = My Background music not working.

    problem 3 = how to remove Character lock/password after login in client. any suggestion??


    For problem 1, do you have any npc with a sprite which isn't in your grf? so yeah remove it.

    You using guild rental system? it bugs the mapresnametable.. and alot of maps will get bugged.

    Maybe you don't have the map in your grf.


    For problem 2, you have the songs in ur bgm folder?

    Do you have mp3dec.asi in your server folder?

    Is the info in your mp3nametable.txt in grf correct?


    Problem 3 turn it off the pincode_enabled in char_athena.conf


    Hope this helps 

  11. Lower skill cap for monks in skill_tree_db.txt

    Make sure you do acolytes as well since they learn 10 when you job change level will not go down.

    Thanks for responding so fast, will priest/high priest have it level 10 if I edit acolyte + monk?

    Hope to hear back from you again.

  12. Hey guys!

    I have a question, how do I make my healing skill level 5 for champion / monk?

    I want it to be level 10 for priest/high priest..

    If anyone could explain it to me, I would appreciate it!   /no1


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